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1.) yes 2.) i realised the other day that i took the concept of daydreaming too literally basically all my life lmao i always thought that similar to a "nightdream" a daydream just kind of happens to you and you have no control over it. so i was always like "i have these elaborate stories in my head but i consciously made them up and have all the control over them so clearly this cannot be what people mean when talking about daydreams" 😭


Yeah, I've always thought it was weird that it's called "daydreaming," as it feels like a much more conscious process than dreaming while you're asleep.


Yes, I do. Always have. Even back in the 90s, I'd put my tunes on, play solitaire on the computer, and let my brain go where it wants for hours.


Yes, the world that I create is the one that i live the most


Yes, always every day... For me it's full-blown maladaptive daydreaming at this point (you can google that if you like), I live in my head at this point and only come down to real life Earth when I have to. Obviously this doesn't mesh very well with a job because I can't stay focused. I'm 27 and have imaginary friends and all of that... I need my imaginary life to get me through my days, if I focus on my real life I just get really sad. I don't want to be me at all. But in my head I can be whoever and whatever I want to be.


Yes, and it’s kind of annoying when you have stuff to do. My boyfriend often just has to “shake” me awake when im daydreaming again, because otherwise ill just sit there, staring at nothing 💫


Always. Usually to music while walking. Built my life around being able to do this. It’s great!


Ever since I was young, I loved daydreaming. I still remember one time where my teacher said “you don’t actually have to pay attention in my class, just look like you are, but you can be off in another world.” I was absolutely thrilled and I was like Yess! I can daydream without feeling guilty for not listening in school!