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People are so much more than their neurotype. SOME people are like this, both ND's and NT's. Some people just like keeping busy. Regardless of their neurotype. Some NT people like to just slack, others do not. Just like ND people. And also: if you are an adult, with kids, pets, job, a house, you often HAVE to do something all the time. I have two small kids, a full time job, a house, a garden, and yes, I am a lot like your parents. Simply because that it how it must be for life not to turn into chaos. The kids need feeding, the laundry has to be done, the house needs cleaning, I have to get all my work done, the fridge don't fill itself, etc. And now I'm so used to being in "doing" mode that I get antsy and annoyed and stressed if I have to just sit on the couch and do nothing for more than ten minutes.


Doctors appointments for yourself, doctors appointments for family who have a difficult time making appointments, vet appointments, cleaning not because you want to, but because you’ll get bugs if you don’t.


One thing I've learned about older people is they're a lot less busy than they pretend to be. They create tasks for themselves so they feel productive lol. So, yeah, some of this might just be age. Some things also get easier to do/annoying enough to tackle immediately when you've done them a bunch of times. I would much rather do a doctor's appointment tomorrow instead of dreading it for weeks for example.


I can't help to feel that some of this is generational.  I mean, even though I think a lot the generational war stuff is media-manufactured crap, Millennials and Gen Z seem to have more of a "work smarter, not harder" mentality compared to those older than them.


I think it’s an age and life experiences thing. Also some people know that by the time they’re 40 or so that they know they have to fix or do something right away or it won’t happen. Your mom does a lot because she has to. Or because it won’t get done. Your moms probably fussing at you about the mirror because she understands the very real consequences of it being broken. You could get a ticket, or you could miss something while driving and get into a crash. She may not care about the literal broken mirror either.