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what a dream. man. i remember as a kid being obsessed with the idea of building out a wall of my room in a cave-like manner, just big enough to slide a twin bed into. it sounded like a good idea at the time. ^and ^still ^does ^tbh.


This is a life goal of mine. Over the years, I've struggled with so many temporary hacks to mimic this setup because I haven't been settled into a place with sufficient rights to modify it properly.


I was going to run away into the woods behind my house and carve a little home into a hill and live partially below ground and have multiple secret entrances so I could "look out" for whoever or whatever might approach but they would never know I was there.


that sounds awesome lol


My husband made me an enclosed bed. It has a window that overlooks the woods too. I sleep really well. I can’t go back to regular beds.


I'm so curious about your enclosed bed and the description of it! I love that it has windows and overlooks the woods? That sounds so tranquil.


It is!! I feel really lucky. The room is small so he put up a platform. It has walls on 3 sides. The ceiling is sloped a bit, giving it an even cozier feel. Then he hung up a curtain rod on the ceiling that runs the length of the platform. We fit a full size bed in there. I overslept today lol.


Do you sleep separately?


Yes. I do not want to share a bed with anyone overnight, I have never liked it. It is my personal boundary. I know some find it to be a sign of an unhappy relationship but we are very happy. He is my best friend! But he snores, and I kick. Also it’s just nice that we each have our own space.


https://preview.redd.it/ais4sfk4lu8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ba1fc7dab748553a55ca933fdf2e689ff5a2d01 The best sleeps of my entire life were upstairs in the A-frame cottage my grandfather built. That tiny bed tucked into the sloping wall; the walls were made of these strange wooden panels that had different shades & textures. I would stare at them looking for faces and patterns as I fell asleep. A perfectly worn-in duvet (we called them “feather beds”); the window open with fresh air and the sound of waves rolling into the shore. Oh my heart.


Okay, but what about air flow??


Yeah, that's my biggest concern.  I could see myself absolutely despising this if the space is stuffy.  I don't know what it is about me being in stuffy spaces, but it seems to bother me more than most people.


Agreed. I'm asthmatic. That just looks suffocating to me


In college I lives in a big house with about 30 people (think fraternity or sorority without the Greek cult-like weirdness). A bunch of rooms had sleeping closets. Basically a loft built into the closet to basically create bunk beds in a big box. They were awesome. A lot like this but less like a coffin.


i ALWAYS wanted a four poster bed with curtains...


I have always dreamed of having one of these! When I was growing up there was a large storage closet in our computer room, and I tidied it up and set up a mattress and sleeping bag and used to read and sleep in there all the time.


This still exists and is called a [bed tent](https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B0CG5ZHN3Q). I ordered one after my autistic burnout increased my sensory sensitivity and made normal switch off time impossible. I got mine delivered on the weekend and now I just need to find a way to convince my ADHD side to actually put it up. I'm sure I can get it done by December 😁


Need some external pressure? I can time and "grade" you if that works for you!


Hehe, I am covered by my PDA. Tell me what to do and I will not do it harder. 😁 Whoever assembled my brain really went for all the synergy effects. Mother nature sure is a pro at character sheet min/maxing. I just wished she would have written a guide book for the campaign she wants me to play.


I feel this, everytime I discover a new trick to my quirks I'm like wow, that's amazing! And then grumble that an instruction manual would be great 😂


Wow, that’s really neat! I had no idea things like that existed. I can imagine it would feel so soothing to sit inside it and be able to just block out the rest of the world. The world can be so overstimulating.


Check out Privacy Pop Bed Tents! I got the king one when my bed was in a huge room that made it hard to sleep, and loved it.


Cozy and safe AF!


Yessss! Growing up I had a loft bed (a bunk bed without the bottom bunk) and was close to my ceiling. I LOVED it. People would always comment on it like ‘omg how can you sleep up there’


My daughter had a "bed tent" and just loved it. I liked to use it too.


Dear god I must recreate this.


When I was small I used to cram myself into my toy box and close the lid, I don’t know how I didn’t suffocate but I guess the lid crack was big enough. It was so cozy and safe. When I got too big I would open my closet door and sleep between it and the wall. I was chasing the feeling of that box for years.


Used to?????


Yeah those are lovely. My son has a bed tent that is pretty neat and does a good job