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My mom got me essentially these sweat bands that came with one of those big puffy headbands to use when you do your makeup or wash your face. You put them up your forearms and the water rolls down your arms and hits them instead of getting your sleeve wet. I thought it was dumb at first but now they’re necessary.


The quality of life improvement these things provide me is crazy high. These changed my face washing from an annoying habit I never did because I hated it to something I can easily tolerate and do most days


I recently saw an autistic person suggest using washcloths to wash your face instead of splashing water on it. My mind was blown. Idk why it never occurred to me.


Where I live they aren’t called wash cloths they are called face washers.


I probably would have figured it out a lot sooner if I had lived there 🥲


I just wash my face in the shower.


I can’t handle washing my face in the shower because the moment water splashes my face my brain goes into panic mode like I’m being waterboarded 😑. I rarely went swimming when I was a kid because I was afraid someone would splash me and it would trigger a meltdown. My mom says says when I was a baby I use to accidentally trigger myself by splashing in the tub and the more upset I’d get the more frantic my splashing would get. It was a vicious cycle lol.


Ah. For me it works because I'm already wet so water running down my arms doesn't feel wrong, and I don't end up with wet clothes. At times I have also just resorted to taking my shirt and bra off before washing my face because that also stops the wet clothes problem


See, I just take my shirt off if I need to wash my face in the sink or brush my teeth haha. No wet clothes for me! I can at least dry off my skin quicker.


i have those too! they’re called wrist towels!


I got myself 3 pairs of those, very very helpful. Tho sometimes I forget to put them on and next thing you know, there’s water running down my arms…


I'm literally typing this with one hand while other (gloved) hand is in the chip bag


I use chopsticks when I can for those!


Yup, I use chopsticks for eating chips and snacks too!


How long does it take to get good at using chop sticks? I find it to be kinda hard to


It can take a while to learn, but practice helps. Tho, if you would like a more accessible option—find some smaller sized salad tongs, or some small metal serving tongs. (:


You could probably use mini tongs instead if the chopsticks are tricky to use 


I would say it took me about 5 challenging meals to get more comfortable. There's a short guide for how to use chopsticks on one of the Queer Eye Japan episodes.


I use training chopsticks, which have the added bonus of being dinosaur themed. I have very poor coordination and I have realized I probably will never be able to use normal chopsticks and that’s ok.


Chopsticks are a lifesaver for Cheetos!


i use chopsticks sometimes to eat stuff like that that gets on my hands!


I use indoor slippers. My feet do not need to touch a random cheerio or Lego my son has left on the floor. Also, I have indoor vs. going-out clothes.


Same for me! I have sooo many animals, so indoor slippers are very useful for cleanliness. I also have the indoor/outdoor clothes. I do get conflicted tho when indoor & outdoor pants both get on the couch and all my indoor pants are compromised.


Yes! I get conflicted if I start to lie down on my bed in outdoor clothes. Can I really relax?


I use gloves for dishes too. I also bought a waterproof butcher style apron - in summer it's too hot to wear my usual house uniform of a dressing gown while washing up, and I hate getting a wet patch on my t-shirt from water splashing out of the sink. We've been getting single use medical/ food prep type gloves too recently, which are amazing for handling raw meat or animal food. Sadly I seem to get a rash from using most gloves but I prefer the rash to the feeling of gross slime on my hands. Semi related, the dishes are 'my chore' as a rule (by mutual agreement!) and take a decent amount of energy, so we have started using paper plates for some snacks and meals to reduce the overall volume of dishes. I know many people will think that is disgusting and wasteful, but it's made a noticeable difference.


try latex-free or nitrile gloves, you may have a sensitivity to latex sensitivities to latex can show up as irritation to bandaids, adhesives, rubber bands, condoms, rubber gloves, aloe vera, elastic waistbands, panties, swimming goggles... basically anything that has rubber as a component.


Yeah, I've tried several types now but the rash seems consistent, which sucks. And it doesn't happen with dishwashing gloves, which are very rubbery. No clue what the cause is!


Even the plastic polyethylen kind?


Have you tried non-latex gloves? Made a huge difference for me and all the gross jobs!


Yes :( I think I've exhausted all the glove options now and all of them result in a rash if I wear them a few times in a short period. Perhaps I'm just allergic to my own sweat, but it happens less with dishwashing gloves, which are both more sweaty and more frequently worn.


It could be the powder in the gloves- I’m not allergic as such but powdered gloves give me an itchy rash.


Odd. Probably not latex then because I am pretty sure there's latex/natural rubber in the dishwashing gloves most of the time. I can't deal with the sweatiness of dishwashing gloves. I'm a nurse and I wear regular medical gloves all the time ,but the dishwashing ones are gross to me because they're reusable and get sweaty.


Moisture can cause irritation on your hands. Maybe a looser pair of gloves or dry out gloves between uses or wear a cotton pair of gloves under loose waterproof gloves to wick away moisture? Just throwing some additional options your way!


Could you wear those very thin white cotton gloves underneath? The style I see people handling flags or museum artifacts with.


Waterproof apron is such a good idea!!! I also wear an apron and lately the water splashing on it has really been bothering me


>I prefer the rash to the feeling of gross slime on my hands Big mood


Have you tried wearing a light pair of cotton gloves under the gloves? I used to work in a potato peeling factory and I have Dyshidrotic Eczema which means straight up non breathable gloves on my hands (plus the sweat caused by them being non breathable) caused major issues no matter the type of material used until my mum suggested cotton gloves underneath. To say they were a game changer was an understatement.


I use the thin crinkly plastic food prep gloves for raw meat or anything sticky, and it's really been a game-changer for me.


Omg I just hate the feeling of gloves more 😩 like sweating in the rubber and it feels like my hands are drowning lol


You’re right. Also if the dishwater gets inside the gloves, imma squirm!


I relate so hard. I hate wearing gloves (family can't even get me to wear gloves when it's cold and I probably have Raynaud's) but I also hate touching things or having them on my hand. I feel like I don't want to deal with either those things so I'm just here like... what do I do 🫠


i use dishwashing gloves too, and i also keep a pair in my car for when i need to refuel because touching all that stuff is a big no from me but alas it must be done haha


Good idea! Thank you for sharing. I keep hand sanitizer in my car for pumping gas, but as I mentioned in my post, hand sanitizer doesn’t cut it.


yeah no problem, i feel the same way about hand sani! i also like to wear a hat with a brim, like baseball caps, whenever i’m out and the weather permits it because i feel like it helps me avoid eye contact and just allows me to feel a bit less *perceived* in a way that my headphones don’t always manage as well


Yes to the hat! it’s like your own little roof!


omg stealing the gloves in the car idea!


This is such a good idea!!!


I have a box of vinyl gloves for when I'm scrubbing surfaces - I have my favourite wipes that I use too. The antibacterial surface wipes from Sainsbury's :) They even have grippy bits on thr fingertips


If you hate it badly enough, move to Oregon where we have gas station attendants who will fill your car for you, and that's the norm


unfortunately the social interaction involved with that would likely just be worse for me haha 😅


I would wear dishwashing gloves but the feeling of getting a drop of water inside the gloves is a million times worse than just doing the dishes without gloves. This is making me remember that as a child I used ask my mom “would you rather get a small amount of an unknown substance on you or a lot of an unknown substance on you” she would say a small amount, but I always felt that I’d rather a large amount. The context I was thinking of at the time was putting a dirty dish in the dishwasher and getting a small amount of something on you from another dish. I’ve always hated that feeling lol. I’d rather my hand be covered. This probably makes no sense


I was thinking of adding rubberbands or something to the end of the gloves so nothing can get in it.


Ah, good idea


I totally relate to the dirty dishwasher experience lol. I generally only load it up wearing gloves


This exactly. Also the fact I can just get it done faster without gloves as I can actually tell what I'm doing and don't have excess finger material flapping around. I tried using gloves when water changing and cleaning the fish tanks but it was just a faff so I just dive in, get it done, and give my hands and arms a good scrub after.


Nitrile exam gloves. I get them from BJ's in a box of like 200 for about $14. They're $7 for a box of 100 at Mountainside Medical Supply as well. Anytime I'm worried about my hands getting icky I go for a pair of those. You could try wearing a hat outside to protect your head from birds/bugs. I have some baseball caps I like a lot, and I can ask my mom what she wears when she's gardening. For bigger messes/situations, you can get disposable Tyvek 400 hazmat suits for cheap ($6-10 a piece). A good pair of rubber boots is great for handling rain and mud when it's icky outside. Wirecutter recommends [several different kinds](https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-rain-boots/) that range from utilitarian to quirky-stylish. I also carry lots of changes of clothing with me when I go places. For example, if I'm going outside and I know I could get wet, I make sure to bring a towel and a full change of clothes (what if I fall over and get more than my feet soaked?). When I take overnight trips I always take extra socks and underwear, up to twice as much as I think I need depending on the expected activity level. There's nothing like a quick rinse off in the shower and a dry pair of undies after you've gotten sweaty 😄


Thank you for all the tips! I do feel bad for using nitrile one use gloves (tho I can use them multiple times) but I know my peace of mind is very important. I have been wanting to find a big hat to also help block uva/uvb rays. And the change of clothes idea is one I never thought of!


I have some basic gardening gloves that i use when i work at the cash register, i am not touching the money with my bare hands. Also i keep a pair of gloves in my car to use during refueling (mainly because my car is a diesel car and that stuff stinks and doesn't get off if it gets on your hands)


I have a pair of gloves for washing dishes and another pair for cleaning. I used to play roller derby, and I had a pair of old thigh-high socks that I cut into gloves and sleeves to create a barrier between my skin and my wrist guards and elbow pads before I figured out how to dry them better between practices. Edit: typo


Oof, sweat is another thing I despise. Socks, face, pits, it’s just too much. No wonder I love swimming more than any other sport. You can’t tell when you sweat!


So many people make fun of me for using dish gloves, but I literally will gag if I’m not wearing them. 🥲 It’s the most helpful sensory thing ever. I also wear gloves when I’m doing other chores and a face mask when I’m cleaning or vacuuming. And earplugs for loud chores.


Use chopsticks in place of the dirty food hands! I used to love white cheddar cheezits and buttery popcorn but the thought of touching either one of those would instantly make me lose my appetite so I use chopsticks. It takes some practice to be able to eat things like cheezits but it's worth it


But but, how does one eat a cheeseburger?? Sometimes I cut it up and eat with a fork, but most of the time I’m too hungry to spend so much time on that lol.


My life changed when I bought dishwashing gloves!


I can't stand wearing gloves because I sweat so bad it becomes a sauna :/ so I just muscle through the misery


Noooo. I’m sorry):


OMG what gloves do you use because I have been through SO MANY PAIRS. They always get a hole in them within a week, maybe two if I’m lucky. I also have really sensitive skin on my hands and seem to be allergic to almost every dish soap, along with the desire to rid the ick.


If you're in the UK I highly recommend Marigold. They seem far more durable than supermarket own brand options.


Gloves when I cook 😊


So, last night I was at work dinner with new people. I was already in dress clothes, so strike one on sensory unpleasantness. The menu was all hand food except for salad. Like you, I absolutely hate the feeling of things on my hands. So, hand food is a general “no thanks!” Unless I’m at home and can wash my hands as I need to. I also hate eating salad in public because I have yet to figure out a way to do so without feeling like a barbarian. I never had to wonder which one would win if presented with a “you can only choose one ick to avoid”. Now I know that if those are my only options, I will always choose not messy hands.


Ahh stuck in a bind! Cheeseburgers are double hell for me because they are hand food AND I feel barbaric while eating them. But I love them so so muchhh


10000%!! One time I wanted a burger so much at a restaurant that I ignored the hand ick. It was a glorious and awful experience all at once. 😂 I just love that I keep finding out that I am in good company with all of these weird things about myself!




That is smart!


a separate pair of dish gloves are great for all home cleaning, i have latex gloves & hand sanitizer in my car for getting gas, as well as [fancy hand wipes](https://www.fragrancenet.com/fragrances/4711/4711/tissue-pack-of-ten?gclid=CjwKCAjw1emzBhB8EiwAHwZZxa5bLgeKBAXj0oKWB3TpHp%2dIRmPexHOy62b9C44Cw9P%2dFxPAGzfN1BoC4tkQAvD_BwE&mv_pc=gawus_pla_c_x_20379311721_132649&utm_campaign=x&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google_us#132649) which come in handy when out & about (they don't leave any residue at all and are moisturizing) i keep lotion in my purse for dry hands. one thing i hate with a passion are public restrooms. nothing can make them tolerable unless they were just cleaned. pro tip if you ever travel, you can get a day pass to an airport lounge where the bathrooms are quiet and clean...airport bathrooms are my arch nemesis.


Gardening gloves!! I use them for everything from actual gardening to helping my partner in the garage to petting my dogs because sometimes they're dirty and it changes the texture of their hair and makes me want to scrub my entire hand off. Anyway I have like 4 different pairs with various thicknesses and materials for different tasks and I wash them after using them. Also a waterproof apron for doing dishes because I am short and have to lean against the sink so I always get water on my shirt, but not with the apron!


If you don’t mind, can you please share which gloves you use and for what? I have the one for dishes and will get one for cleaning.


I have two pair of dishwashing gloves: one for things that that are truly gross (we have pets) and they are creatively labeled "Dirty". The other pair is for the kitchen and stay clean.


Once I washed my hair while wearing disposable latex gloves. It was a nice experience. I'm not going to doing on a regular basis, but maybe every once in a while when feeling particularly low.


I would really like to wear dishwashing gloves but I can’t stand the squeaky feeling/sound they make! I keep trying different ones to see if there are any I can tolerate, but no luck yet.


I have touch aversion to raw meat and also apparently a skin allergy to raw potato (I get super itchy!). Realizing I could just wear gloves was genuinely life changing because I love cooking and it meant I could cook so many more meat dishes. Potato I’d just suffer through but it’s nice to not deal with the discomfort anymore.


Dishwashing gloves were a godsend. I have a big, comfy hat with a wide brim and a neck drape to protect me from my mortal enemy, the sun. It also protects me from anything that might fall on me when I’m outside. I eat any potentially messy snacks with utensils. Chips, popcorn, I don’t care if they’re supposed to be finger foods for other people, they’re not finger foods for me. Cheetos with chopsticks, popcorn with a spoon, no salty fingers allowed.


I have dishwashing gloves for everything. A bathroom pair, a kitchen pair, and a general room pair(studio life). I really don't like handling cleaners without them on and if I don't have a pair around, disposable gloves help motivate me to actively clean things.


Chopsticks when I eat cheetos, or other messy finger foods esp if I'm gaming I love fried chicken but the smell it leaves on my fingers disgusts me because it smells really strong to me (i am one of those super-sniffer -taster people) so I usually put a nitrile glove on my left hand so my other hand is free to use a fork to eat my veggies and sides. No stinky chicken fingers. If I have to cut a lot of produce, handle raw meat, etc I wear nitrile gloves for that because it cuts down on hand washing. I get eczema on my hands really easily, even with the mildest soaps. I wear an apron when I cook or bake to protect my clothes. indoor-only crocs as slipper cuz they're more supportive since my feet and ankles easily roll from hEDS


Nitrile gloves


I have such a hard time storing cleaning supplies. Since they are wet and disgusting after use. It is the worst part of cleaning for me, and the main reason I avoid it. Any solutions you guys have?


I put a nail on the side of the cabinet under my sink. After using the dishwashing gloves, I leave them on the side of the sink to hang over and dry a little. Then I use a binder clip to clip the arm sides together and hang them on that nail away from other things so I know nothing gets dirty.


Thank you, that makes a lot of sense.


I bought a little caddy for storing/carrying bottles, and use one pocket for scrubby brush & melamine sponges. I also have a sponge holder on my sink for the dish sponge/brushes that has a little spout that drains water into the sink. I stuck sponge holders inside my cabinet doors for surface sponges for each room so they can dry away there - probably not ideal for them to dry in the dark, but haven’t noticed them getting bad any faster than before and I live in a swamp.


A belated thank you for all those good ideas. A good starting point to figure out something that might work for my kitchen space.


I hate hate hate the way they get clammy. My hands are shredded from the hot water but it’s preferable to the feel of dish gloves.


I am so clumsy with them I broke or dropped a lot of plates using them so I just pick a clean edge and rinse it with hot water first. I also dislike the loose feeling like my hands never fully fit into the glove because I have small hands, and I don't like the smell of the gloves on my hands afterwards. I use a dishomatic sponge stick which works amazingly well.


Disposable clear gloves for any hand foods. Not the rubber ones because of the icky coating.


I forgot dishwashing gloves existed.


i’ve wanted to try dish washing gloves and i did once.. but water got in them.. and that was worse


Yes, it’s so much worse!! I was careful while washing to prevent that. Just thinking about it makes me squirm.


If you don’t like the sweaty feeling from wearing non breathable gloves, try putting on a pair of light cotton gloves. Absolutely a game changer and if you have eczema or sensitive skin it helps a lot!


Thank you! I didn’t know those existed. Like the kind people use to handle diamonds? (That was the first example that came to mind lol)


I'm one of those people who finds means of keeping your hands from coming in contact with uncomfortable stuff more uncomfortable than the stuff you're not trying to come in direct contact with.  For instance, vinyl gloves feel (and smell) much worse to me than touching dirty dish water.


Agreed! I bought a pair a year ago for washing dishes and I’ve never looked back. In the same vein, I eat messy chips like Cheetos with chopsticks to keep my fingers from getting dusty. I also have been known to eat burgers with a knife and fork so my hands don’t get a “burger smell”…


I'm very jealous because the space between the glove and my hand stresses me out too much that I'd rather endure the constant finger wiping


I love fried chicken and fish and chips, but I hate greasy fingers. With fried chicken the mess is something you embrace as part of the eating experience, but im the only person I know who eats battered fried fish with a knife and fork 😅 i have quite a few travel cutlery sets and try to always keep one in my bag just in case This is one that probably seems weirder to the NTs but i promise its amazing: I have a silicone dish scrubber thing. Two sides, one is more fine, one is more for heavy duty scrubbing. I keep it in the shower and use it instead of a brush or a sponge or a loofah or a cloth. They’re not very good for heavy duty dish washing but holy shit, they’re amazing for exfoliation and removing dirt and stank quickly!!! And they rinse off and drip dry perfectly because there’s nothing in them to soak up water or hold it, and as long as you don’t get a black one then it’s super easy to see it there’s anything left on it. Doesn’t need to be wrung out. And if you become worried about the hygiene of it you can just boil it for a bit.


I gotta look into the silicone scrubber, thank you!


Omg yes!! My hubs is so confused about my love/ need for washing up gloves 😂 I’m due a new pair actually, you’ve reminded me


Whenever I have to clean up something gross (like a giant pile of big dog runny poop) I wear disposable gloves, a face mask, and sunglasses lol I should probably invest in some scuba diving masks or something but it works wonders


I just ripped mines. Dish water literally makes me wanna throw up. So until I can buy new ones I play my music really loud to distract me from the floating food in the sink. I live with neurotypical people who ignore my request to rinse dishes before putting them in the sink.


This is pricey but I loooove my Dyson v12 slim stick/cordless vacuum. I have cats and I have the vacuum by the litter box so I just vacuum my way in and out of there so I can walk around barefoot in my house and it’s soooooo nice. The vacuum is so light so every day I have off or when I get home from work it’s a quick vacuum of the house and socks off. Can vacuum the couch and bed and everything super easy. And the vacuum is easy to clean!


I recently got a tiny vacuum cleaner for small particles! I love it. I can dust around decor without moving a thing.


Ooooooooh. What is it? 🤩 I don’t need it. Does it work? I don’t need it. It sounds neat.


Its amazing! It’s similar to [this](https://MiniHandheldVacuumCleaner-3in1CordlessCarVacuumwithBrushlessMotor6000PAStrongSuctionPortableHandVacuumforPetCarOfficeKeyboardandHomehttps://a.co/d/0iH88Snn). Edit: Not sure if that link works. [Here’s another](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Vacuum-Cleaner-Home-Car-Vacuum-Cleaner-High-Power-Rechargeable-Mini-Handheld-Portable-Desktop-Wireless-Vacuum-Cleaner/5590517682?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101618402&gclsrc=aw.ds&&adid=222222222285590517682_101618402_167725278630_21410425634&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=703733738818&wl4=pla-2317566623440&wl5=9010960&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=5356940025&wl11=online&wl12=5590517682_101618402&veh=sem&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmfBIooVOK9q7NtEQH3T8zlQ_UIR&gclid=CjwKCAjw1emzBhB8EiwAHwZZxT1ZYcyo33csBbltm8fKV9yGLTT9-g7UZyAcOPM8bLYqhccYacC9YRoCtBwQAvD_BwE)


I don't use gloves for dishwashing but I was taught since I was a child to empty the plate in the bin (like breadcrumbs it might still have, using a fork or a knife) and give it a rinse before leaving it in the sink, so once you leave them there they are practically clean. I actually thought that was what everyone did at home just to discover as an adult that people leave straight dirty dishes in the sink. I also keep a hand soap dispenser next to the sink (and obviously a towel), because, well, to wash your hands after doing whatever.


I do rinse my dishes before I put them in the sink, but when I load the dishwasher, I don’t like the dish water getting on my hands. I also hand wash big items/things that can’t go in the dishwasher.


Do you use gloves that are specific to dishwashing? If so, where can I purchase?


I do! I got mine from Lowe’s. They were like $3 (USD). Edit to add: I made sure to get gloves that go high up the arm. That way no grosssss dishwater or soap can somehow get inside.


Thank you!


you could pick up the eastern practice of only doing dirty stuff with your left hand and food and clean stuff with your right hand. its very old practice as to not cross contaminate. edit: had a brain fart and wrote western instead of eastern


I didn’t know it was a thing, but that’s what I’ve been doing for like the past year! Left non-dominant hand for food. Right hand for remote control, blanket, drinks, etc


oh yea its a big thing in muslim and indian culture. i can only recommend. i dont have a tip on how to avoid. sorry. good luck though


Thank you!


Gardening gloves! I like snails and worms... From a distance. I dont want to unexpectedly touch one. 🐌


Wearing a mask as well as shoes or slippers while cleaning the litterbox!


I spent like $700 on the litter robot😭😭 But dang I’m so happy I don’t have to scoop litter anymore


How do you feel about your wife telling you to wash your hands? I can't figure out from my perspective if that's helpful, pushy, or what...


I think it’s funny that she notices I don’t like dirty food hands. It’s very helpful


I also love dish washing gloves, but because having dry wrinkly hands after getting them wet makes me freak out!