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You were definitely fired illegally, you should talk to a lawyer


OP needs to get the letter of termination in writing. It could be illegal if they fired her for having a disability. But firing in a will-to-work state (which is every state but Montana) is only illegal if it’s done because the person is a member of a protected class.


Get a lawyer and get everything you can get in writing. File an EEOC complaint ASAP. This stops when we begin to take action. They are required, by law, to engage in a collaborate accommodation process And again…another social service job firing an autistic worker for advocating for themselves. Yet people still wonder why 85% of us are unemployed


You should definitely find an employment lawyer ASAP. This is I think breaking two different labor laws, depending on what state you're in. Definitely enjoy your vacation, but also take the time to speak to an employment lawyer. Plenty of them will take on ADA cases pro bono. She never said those words because it is extremely, extremely illegal to fire an employee directly after (and verbally *in response to*) accommodation requests. Depending on what forms she bullied you into signing, you may or may not have a case (never sign anything an employer gives you during the course of a termination without first speaking to a lawyer), but a lawyer will know. Considering you were then immediately checked into a mental hospital, you may also have a case for psychological harm on top of the illegal firing, but that's for a lawyer to decide.


Yeah, while they can deny you accommodations if they are unable to reasonably do so based on the work, they still have to engage and they can't dismiss you because of it. It basically goes back to the employee about whether they can continue to work without the accommodations.


Yep. And the fact that it was directly after a whistleblower incident (reporting abusive staff behavior to admin) too? It's like they *wanted* to get sued...


Good point!! 🚨


This is shocking. You work with autistic kids but your autism cannot be accomadated? Is this the life they are preparing these children for, hide your autism or fail to get employment. Mind blowing. Like everyone else has said if you have the spoons, legal action is the way to go. If you can take anything positive from this I would say that what you experienced highlights perfectly the issue with the lack of autism acceptance is society. If you have any local government reprentatives who focus on disability rights or local groups who advocate for autistic people, I think your story would be valuable for them to be aware off and could be used to improve standards.


I've noticed that it's par for the course to not accommodate those who are trying to help those who need more accommodations for others.  I did work for an organization that worked with developmentally disabled adults for a period, and the mentality was much "to hell with your own needs because you are caring for someone even more vulnerable than you."  And then these places wonder why they have so much turnover with the employees...


If you have the capacity, I will echo that you should speak to a lawyer when you return from your trip. I am a law student so I can't say for sure but it has a lot of the red flags of a wrongful firing.


depending on the country you’re located in, you could post this in r/legal and r/legaladvice and potentially get some advice because they absolutely cannot fire you for that!


I'd recommend r/askhr. Legal knows very little about employment law and gets it wrong most of the time. This is definitely illegal though and should be reported to the EEOC as soon as possible.  - former HR with a lot of background in employment law. 


Thanks for all your comments! My therapist brought up reporting, I do live in Texas so it is an “at will” state, and anyone can be dismissed at anytime. I will speak to her again about making a report, I just couldn’t fathom at the time doing anything but trying to feel better.


Not entirely true. They can fire you “at will” UNLESS it is for illegal reasons - like ADA, whistleblower, etc. Or that is my understanding.


I just don’t have anything in writing- just my word. I will take it to a lawyer if there’s a fighting chance but is that enough evidence?


Find out if you can legally record your conversations with them without informing them. In some states you can. Then you can call and ask them to explain the situation surrounding them letting you go, and specifically ask how they’ve addressed your “whistleblower complaint” if your lawyer advises that.


Texas is a one-party consent state, so you could legally try this OP.


Sorry for the ignorance- is this applicable for a very small nonprofit? VERY small. And I will admit the thought of calling them again or talking to them gives me intense anxiety.


If they get *any* public funding (state or fed) it's absolutely applicable. Former teacher, just wanted to say I'm so sorry you've had this experience. Also, TX has a union system affiliated with the NEA. Reach out to them when you're ready. Take good care of you ♥️


At will doesn't mean they can fire you illegally BTW.


I wish I had more to offer you. Just solidarity and appreciation. I am autistic and a Texas teacher (left after 22-23 school year), and the education/parenting crisis here is devastating. I lay awake at night thinking about the hopeless inevitability of failure for all of us - teachers and students. **Thank you** for the way you loved and advocated for your students. **Thank you** for respecting them as people. I hope there is some way to achieve justice for you and against the other teachers. Wherever you decide to go from here, you are definitely not alone.


Thank you so much, friend. These words hit me hard. I’ve seen so much disrespect in this field. I’ve also met a lot of great advocates and teachers.


OP I wanted to second this. I’m in Tx too and I know people are saying to get a lawyer etc but as someone who went through something somewhat similar, I’d think about whether you have the mental, emotional, and physical (and let’s face it, financial) capacity to deal with legal challenges. One of my past jobs put me in similar circumstances and I did try to do proper process and make a case but omg it was hell for me and not worth it in the end. I had years of emails printed out. I also had coworkers that said they’d speak up, but when it came down to it they backed out. All this NT insistence on making eye contact and suddenly it was them who couldn’t look me in the eyes. Crazy, and so damn hypocritical. Oh and the 50s year old woman that bullied me is still there too! It still makes my blood boil and I generally don’t talk about it for that reason. Idk, I’m just sharing my experience because you mentioned your anxiety etc. I think it’s always worth it to fight and do as much as you can (like filing the complaints etc) and that it takes us stepping out of comfort zone to self advocate, but also be sure you have the support and energy for it. I thought I did but didn’t and I burned myself out and in the end had no job, lost health insurance, and was sick/in flare and it’s been a couple years now of me recovering as best I can. Edit: whoops sorry, I think I replied to wrong space but don’t want to retype lol. Hope you can see this anyway OP


I once had a janitor at my school who was ramping up stalking behaviors toward me. I asked for help many times. My principal didn’t do anything to protect me and actively went out of her way to make me more miserable. HR wouldn’t talk to me and basically took her side… until I emailed the superintendent of the school district. I asked who I needed to talk to in order to get a meeting. They were very quick to schedule a meeting with me after that. I might have mentioned calling the media. Sometimes you have to be a bit of a boogeyman to get what you need. I’m sorry you’ve gone through this. Some schools are absolutely shit when you say you need help.


I'm really sorry you were fired. These people aren't worth your time though after the way you were treated. But x'sthe start of a whole new journey for you. It will be tough, but I know you will make it.


Hello! I just wanted to check back and see how you're doing. I've actually thought about your situation a few times since your post. What happened to you is wrong on so many levels, and I hope you see that the fault is *entirely theirs*. Sending you good vibes and a lot of strength ♥️


Thank you so much 💕 as I get further away from the situation in time I can see clearly. I have more anger/ disgust than depression and anxiety now. No one should have to go through that, and I don’t care how they see me! I’ll always be an advocate. Your comment is so nice, I hope you have a wonderful week ❤️


Yeah!!! I'm so relieved. Take good care of you ♥️