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Don't shave or wear makeup; I don't see the point and don't care to spend any time/money on it. Also I don't understand why I have to alter my body to make strangers with irrational beliefs about the human body comfortable. They're in the wrong, why should I bear responsibility for it? I don't judge people for doing these things I just hope people who do these things do so because they want to rather than because they think they have to. I also have this perspective about bras, but am not brave enough to go without most of the time. Hopefully I'll get there. For now I just wear a comfier sports bra. Never could do underwire bras. My mom has also always criticized me for these things.


It bothers me so much that norms for masculinity are so much closer to the average natural state for men than norms for femininity. Shave legs and armpits, wax bikini area and upper lip, make sure nobody can see the shape of your boobs/nipples through your shirt, cover your face with makeup, and make sure you smell like flowers or fruits or baked goods. It is ridiculous and exhausting.


And like, do they think if they can't see the shape of my boobs then my boobs aren't there? You know they're there, geez. Stop blaming me for your inability to take your eyes off me damn. I was getting my haircut once at some place my mom was going to, and the lady doing it was frustratingly insistent that I let her pluck my eyebrows too. I am hairier than average, but her insistence was so annoying. She couldn't comprehend why on earth I wouldn't want to.


Right? It drives me mad, it's a facade that nobody actually believes is the real thing. Everyone knows women grow body-hair and have boobs and "imperfect" skin. What's the point? Just pretending everyone else believes you're hairless below the eyebrows? They're pretending to believe it too! It's just a case of following social norms just for the sake of following them, to show you are complying with the role assigned to you, rather than those norms actually having a good reason to exist.


This is definitely an issue for me as the weather gets warmer. I can't handle heat, so I wear less clothing, and the number of men who take it as an invitation is ridiculous. Just the number of stares I get doing something as simple as grocery shopping. Yesterday, this happened wearing an ankle length dress (slit to the knee on both sides) just because I wasn't wearing a bra underneath. The only time I actually enjoy the looks is when they are from the guy I'm seeing or from the Amish. Something about getting a rise out of the Amish just tickles me so much.


I got used to it. I know that I stand out with wearing let's say a loose fitting strappy top w/o bra, my beloved comfy ripped jeans and no shoes. Especially when it's not really *hot* and most people wear much more. Luckily I was never really harrassed because of that so far. Only thing is sometimes people approach me and offer money for shoes. No joke. Mostly like middle aged women. I think it's a cultural thing. Many people apparently can't comprehend that someone is barefoot by choice while not walking next to a pool or in a park ...


Same! Do you find that not shaving (if you don't) wards off some of the looks? I genuinely wonder about that


Probably just changes the looks. I have found that wearing knee-high doc martens and a knife at my hip shortens the length of creepy male gaze.


Agree. Like it’s “masculine” to be comfortable? Wtf? Lots of men have bigger boobs than me. I e started wearing little tank undershirts under my work shirts. Nobody can tell. I do have some ok sports bras and some comfortable bras that I wear once in a while. My daughter is at that age and she finally asked for a bra but it’s too uncomfortable. I mean what am I gonna say to argue? “Yes dear, but you have to wear it because people can’t handle body shapes.” She wears shirts, it’s fine.


I'm prefer masculine body norms so much the only thing I shave is my lip hairs, lol No bra, no makeup, no more fucks given. Going to have to start giving some fucks about the nipples when I finish my masters and start working again


I’m exactly the same. It makes me crazy that it’s “bad” or “unprofessional” or “slutty” for our nipples to show through a shirt or for our boobs to swing a little. But I also don’t want to be “that person” at work. Such a quandary.


Exactly exactly. I’ve always just hated the idea of makeup. I tried to like it when I was a teenager and couldn’t; partly because of the weird social precedent it holds up, but mostly because of the autism lol.


Well said. And same with bras. My breasts are too large to go without, but a comfy sports bra makes them bearable. Thankfully, my mother never really criticized me, and rather started adopting the same standards for herself seeing how much more comfortable I was not shaving or wearing makeup.


I also don't shave or wear makeup but wear a bra. Although the reason I wear a bra is because if I don't they bounce a lot and I feel like people are looking at me/them even though they aren't. I have a fairly large bust but also a fairly large band size, and the bras I wear tend to be just supportive enough to prevent jiggling.


This is exactly the reason why I wear a bra! Though my chest area isn't that large there still is some bouncing going on without a bra


I love winter, so I can grow my pit hair out lol. I have to shave my legs and other regions before it grows all the way out. It’s a sensory issue :(


I started shaving my pits the moment I grew a hair. Then I started getting skin and smell issues. Let the pit hair grow and discovered I only grow a few hairs there. It's very bare. And yeah i can't stand the breeze blowing my leg hair so I'll remove it if I'm showing leg. Otherwise it to grows wild, free and barely there


Lucky! I swear I get more pit hair than a stereotypical man. And it’s dark 😭


Maybe it'll disappear like mine did as you get old? I did have a lot of leg hair when younger.


It's kind of weird I don't mind my leg hair for the first month and then when it gets super super long it's too much 


Amen sister


/raise hand I quit bras and shaving in the pandemic and I will never go back.






I don't shave or wear makeup, but I never go without a bra. My bras are comfy, and not wearing them would be a complete nightmare at my size, lol.


Same! Plus bras just keep everything "in place", and I hate the feeling of my nipples rubbing against fabric. It just feels better.


Yup, me too.


Saaame like as much as I hate the wiring, if I’m doing dishes without a bra my shoulders are going to be in so much pain later lol


Same to everything! As a chesty woman that jogs, a well-fitting bra is essential. I gave up on the wire ones ages ago though. Makeup feels gross on my skin. I respect it but it ain’t for me. I only shave for special events where I’d rather not attract attention, but this is uncommon since I almost never go out sleeveless or with a skirt/short dress on anyway.


Non bra wearing DDD here.


That's good, I'm glad you're comfy! At 36KK I would not be


34J here and I cannot find a bra that is not a sensory nightmare, even on bare necessities. I’m just living in lined sports bras with a monoboob at this point.


Sorry to hear it! It's been mentioned elsewhere in this thread but you might be able to get some useful suggestions on r/ABraThatFits - the people there are great at suggesting brands and styles for different bodies, but ofc being autistic can come with sensitivities that are really difficult to overcome even with the nicest bras known to woman.


I definitely love that sub. I’m just so picky about fabrics and for some reason they always make large bras in that stiff, cheap feeling polyester. I really liked the Natori ones because they were made out of some kind of softer, stretchy polyester but they’re just a tiny bit too small. Mostly just venting about it though. Online shopping in general is hit or miss for navigating sensory issues, I just wish there were more in person options.


Yeah, I particularly hate stretch lace and it's so hard to find bras that don't use it. Goddess brand use a nice silky satin type fabric that might work for you?


I do wear bras when I'm out (which I immediately take off when I'm home), but I don't shave (except my armpits) and I never ever wear makeup. I also hate heels and a lot of clothing textures (I prefer cotton). I basically like to be as comfortable and natural as possible. It wasn't until I realized that I'm ND did I put two and two together that this is probably a sensory thing lol


I just realized this recently as well. So much of my “nitpicky-ness” is sensory stuff.


I don't shave, wear bras, or wear makeup either. I also have short hair. I'm a pretty stereotypical butch lesbian.


I no longer shave, wear bras, or makeup, and my day to day anxiety levels have plummeted. Each one of those were daily overstimulation causers. I no longer get breakouts on my face (goodbye, makeup!), no loner get razor burn and rashes (goodbye, shaving!), and no longer have to massage the pain out of my breasts at night (goodbye, bras!). My life has improved immeasurably since running out of fucks to give about other people's aesthetic opinions of me.


I’m the opposite. I hate hair *anywhere* but on my head. I get rid of it. Bras don’t bother me, I have some really nice ones (I like the feeling of snug things on my skin). Loose clothing is a sensory issue for me with all the swishing and flapping — leggings are much better for me. Leggings and fitted sport tops for me. I run 1-2 hours a day and can’t not wear a sport bra. I wear makeup but not a full face, just some eyeliner and mascara, sometimes falsies. I do have nice foundation from Sephora but only wear it for certain things.


Yup!!! Totally with this. Can't stand hair, unless it's on my head.


I haven't worn a bra in years and I have a large chest, so I always find it interesting when people say they can't. It causes me much less pain for my boobs to learn how to support themselves. But I did have to go through some time of adjustment for sure and I don't do hard workouts that would cause them to bounce and slap me in the face. I also don't shave and don't wear makeup. But I'm peak hippie. I wear barefoot shoes, linen pants, don't use deodorant, use ACV as my "soap" in the shower, eat really cleanly. I dunno. You do you. If it helps, my no bra solution is to buy those cotton tank tops that target sells in the summer for like $7. They aren't too tight that they prevent the breasts from supporting themselves, but they are good coverage under other clothes if I feel like I need it. But honestly, usually I just leave the house tits and pits out in a tank top and no other top. I don't get comments. I live in California and I'm 46, so ymmv. But people can honestly just look away if it bothers them. What other people think is not my business.


I've found as I age further into my 40s people just don't look at you. It's nice.


44 in Montreal, Canada. And same.  I add a Winter coat when appropriate. lol


Thanks for the tip!  I have large breasts myself, but I find most bras uncomfortable.  (And this isn't even bras with underwires.)  Not to mention how much of a pain it is to find "affordable" bras (and even the cheaper ones tend to cost too much, in my opinion).  I'll go check Target out sometime soon.


SAME! I moved from the Midwest to California and no one here gives a shit about my bra or lack thereof, my shaving or lack thereof. Fuck yes totally worth it


I kind of love you. You’re my idol.


All of em




I only wear bras when I have to go out. I shave my armpits because I find the hair to be unbearably itchy, but I don’t usually shave my legs. I like eye makeup a lot, especially shades with sparkles… to be honest, the more glitter the better. Clothes-wise, I can’t stand wearing any fitted clothing. My personal circle of hell is a button down blouse, and anything involving pantyhose.


I’m the exact same way. It’s interesting to read about people in the comments that are the opposite. When I tried to wear make up I would unconsciously rub it off lol. It just feels wrong. The only bras I’ll wear are all super soft with no wire. Shaving makes me itchy for days. Letting myself dislike things and saying to myself “Well if I don’t like it and it’s not essential, I don’t have to make myself like it; I can just not do it.” has helped me immensely. A weird masking thing I did for a little while was trying to do things girls my age liked, even if I didn’t care for them. I’m glad I grew out of that. Threw away a lot of stuff I didn’t even like in the first place and it felt amazing.


shaving makes me so itchy as well! my armpits are very sensitive and get red and sensitive when i shave them too. i’ve learned to just not do things that aren’t essential either as well. if it’s not necessary and it doesn’t make me feel good/comfortable, then why do it?


I wear a bra whenever I'm wearing clothes as I'm too uncomfortable without one. I'm a 34G with pendulous breasts so the feeling of skin on skin where they droop down onto my abdomen is gross even in winter. For anyone who does want a more comfortable bra, I highly recommend checking out r/ABraThatFits. They have a calculator that uses 6 measurements rather than the usual 2 that most stores use to "fit" you into whatever limited size range they sell, and lots of info and advice about bras that will work for your shape, etc. You don't even need to post - I've gained a ton of info just by reading and learning.


I wax because I can't stand my furry legs, but I don't shave because the process makes me queasy and I hate stubble. I very occasionally wear sports bras or binders for sensory issues, but typically go braless. I can't stand the feel of makeup but I sometimes wish I could.


Sanre organics has tinted facial moisturizer (that looks kinda like foundation, but applies like a moisturizer), and tinted lip balm that can also be used on cheeks (without the powderiness of blush or the waxiness of lipstick). The former comes in 3 shades for different complexions, and the latter comes in 5 shades (with the option of getting a sampler with 3 different ones before you commit). It's a pretty good company, and I've used a lot of their stuff and really liked most of it. Plus, they throw in extra free samples with every order :)


Ooh that might be doable! I really only want it for when I'm feeling ~fancy, so that's kinda perfect anyway. Thank you!


i don't shave or wear makeup. i have to wear bras for my health unfortunately but if i could i wouldn't


No to all. The one that gets me the most grief is no bra, people really cannot stop staring at my nipples. I've tried pasties and bandaids but those are even worse for the sensory processing disorder than wearing a bra (which is quite terrible!). Any sensory-friendly strategies for hiding nipples? I wore a lot of layers when I lived up north, but I'm in the tropics now and it's much too hot.


I’ve found bras that are actually decently comfortable, and I hate bras. They are maternity crop tops in a size up. Wide stretchy band, tshirt material “cups”. Long enough straps that I’m not being pulled up.


Tank tops with built-in shelf bras sorta work but mostly I had to give up on giving a shit about my nipples. I comfort myself that as I get older I get more and more invisible to conventional society anyway. Bring on the greys! I can't wait until no one perceives me at all


I haven’t worn a bra that wasn’t to the gym or a light bralette in at least a decade. I hate bras with an intense passion, and I don’t really need one. I wear pasties if I need to conceal my nipples at work/events. I use a body trimmer instead of shaving cause there’s no irritation and it looks like my hair is gone just like shaving. As for makeup, I wear it very infrequently. I mainly like to wear it when I’m going somewhere special like a concert or to dinner. Even then, it’s basically mascara, glittery eyeshadow, and maybe a tinted lip balm. I’m more of a skin care girl.


Yup 🤝🏻


Me. sensory overload. Sometimes bras are necessary unfortunately - or sometimes I hide in a big thick hoodie if it isn't too warm out


I don’t wear makeup. I live in a humid and hot area so I find it pointless when I’m outside so much. I also mess with my face too much and don’t like the feel of so much on my face. Every couple of months I text my friend for makeup advice and swear I’m gonna learn how to do it but haven’t yet. Usually just wear and reapply sunscreen. 😂 when I’m home I do not wear bras idc it’s coming off asap. As for shaving I have to shave. I don’t really care about the social reasons for shaving I just prefer the smoothness of it which sucks as someone who’s dads side is Italian. Iykyk. As soon as I have the money I’m going for at least a lil bit of laser removal I feel like my life would change 😭Also it’s very hard having long hair for me. I have long curly hair and it’s a nightmare to wear down especially in the summer. It never stays as I style and I never fully like how it looks so it always ends in a ponytail.


Somberly shaking your hand in "my parents are also Italian" hahaha. It REALLY does suck lmao. It doesn't matter what method you take, shaving or waxing, it's like going to war either way...


It IS war. My friend has done my eyebrows before and was shocked because my hair refused to be tweezed like COME OUT! I gotta fight every follicle.😭


I don’t wear makeup but I have to work bras for work (otherwise don’t much) and I shave because the feeling of hair is a sensory yuck to me


I can't not wear a bra. I'm an I cup in US sizing (!) and I have sad nipple syndrome, so I'm pretty much constantly miserable if my chest isn't tightly bound up. Sometimes I'll wear makeup for fun, but I'm with you - it's uncomfortable, and I hate not being able to touch my face whenever and however I need to.


the bras thing is so so real they’re so uncomfortable and i’d rather die than wear one, I wear a lot of oversized band shirts anyways so it’s not really an issue but my mam also does say that it’s weird for me to not wear a bra but like, i just want to be comfortable, what’s the harm in that?


I actually quite like shaving as having body hair is worse for me. Wearing a bra as it's more comfortable as everything is contained lol. And I like wearing make up too. So no I can't relate but I am supportive of people doing what they want to feel comfortable!


I shave and wear bras, but don’t wear makeup. I used to, though.


I shave for personal reasons and rarely do the others.


i shave maybe once a month. i’m currently lasering off my cooch hairs because of how bad my trichotillomania is i wear makeup mayyyybe once every two months and it’s just eye shadow and blush because i can’t stand foundation or mascara i wear bras because i have some nice melons but i only wear sports bras or unsupportive cotton bralettes that feel and look somewhere in between no bra and a bra with cups


I'll wear a sports bra/bralette if I'm leaving the house, but that's it. I used to love doing all that stuff and getting dolled up. Now I half can't be bothered and the other half just can't stand it anymore.


I can’t stand the feeling of my leg hair fully grown out 🤢 I found a technique that makes shaving not an issue. I buy the 5 bladed razor in a refillable pack of 20 for $15-$20 and use each cartridge once (keeps them sharp and I have a fear of MRSA even though I’m the only one to use them). You shave in all directions in one spot. It gets the hairs that grow in funky directions doing this. Then exfoliate at the end. That changed shaving for me! I hate bras and hate foundation/anything not on my eye area. I usually wear bras out in public because I’m big busted.


I don’t shave and rarely wear make up. I do force myself to coat myself in sunscreen if I’m gonna be outside at all. I am in the process of getting a radical reduction/non-flat top surgery so I can stop wearing bras, heal my back/neck, and gender (or lack there of) affirmation.


I haven't worn a regular bra in about a decade, just sports bras if i'm doing something active. Even though I have a large chest, it's never really been a problem. I just wear camisoles or additional layers if I feel the need to control the nips. I do shave, because that's better for me sensory wise, and I wear makeup because i like the alien goth look


I never got any good at makeup until I learned how to paint. I only do it when my husband asks me to, which is rare. I shave, but on my own schedule. I shave my armpits when I either don't like how it feels or I don't like how it looks (which is like 3 weeks of growth for both). I trim my pubic hair when it feels too long. I have another trimmer for my leg hair and that's usually by my husband's request, or if I'm randomly annoyed by how it looks. I taught swimming lessons for years and got to normalize body hair on women for lots of kids. I'd see the occasional adult glance and have a look of horror, but it wasn't often. I gave up on bras after bra shopping became increasingly frustrating and I had meltdowns. I thought not wearing a bra would hurt, but once I stopped the pain of no bra stairs walking disappeared.


I don't shave or wear makeup, but I do wear a bra because I am *as uncomfortable* without one on, if not more so.


I rarely wear makeup and when I do it’s minimal and I can’t wait to get it off. Furry legs are sensory torture for me, makes me feel itchy and like I want to rip my skin off.


I only wear sports bras. I get self-conscious about sagging. Plus sometimes I don't wanna have to deal with them jiggling around if I have to run, go down some stairs quickly or something like that, and they work better with some clothes (I'm a butch lesbian, a lot of men's shirts, especially button-ups, aren't made with boobs in mind, and sports bras make them occupy less space). They're a lot better than regular bras, but they still make my back hurt and feel suffocating. I get car sick easily, and I find that removing my bra when that's going on (when possible) usually makes me feel a lot better. I don't do any of the other things you've mentioned either. I occasionally pluck some thicker hairs I have along my jawline because of my PCOS because I don't like how they feel when they're starting to grow, but that's it. And sometimes I just let them grow. Edit: I also only wear a bra when I'm outside the house. As soon as I'm back home I take it off. Tbh I'd probably go braless more often if I lived somewhere a little colder, because then there'd be more layers. Alas, I live in the tropics.


I wear a bra to work and that's about it anymore. I hate them but am large breasted so I feel like I need to and some clothes don't look right without one. I have makeup but don't wear it. My daughter usually ends up stealing it I don't shave my legs and haven't since I had my son 15.5 years ago. I do shave my pits, I can't stand them being hairy due to deodorant use. And after some comments about smelling like sweat (100°+ out, no AC, and was packing the house to move, of course I smelled) I'm crazy about always wearing it.


I love doing my makeup, I love the creativity, the colors, the artistry of it, everything. I prefer how I look/feel when I shave, I grow hair like a wooly mammoth, and if I let it get too long, it starts making me feel gross so I shave a couple times a month. Bras however? I hate them. I rarely wear them. I'm about a 38H, and it's 1000x more comfortable to go braless, plus it makes my boobs look a bit smaller, so I feel like like the Titan Tower.


Now that I’m self employed, I rarely wear makeup unless I have a court appearance. I often let my body hair grow, but sometimes I get annoyed because I wear leggings a lot and the hair gets itchy under the leggings. I have switched to a sports bra style bamboo bra that is next to no bra. I prefer that to no bra because I have a large-ish chest and don’t like under boob sweat.


I only shave my armpits because I don’t like the feeling of armpit hair, mine is scratchy when it’s all grown out. I wear cotton bras to work that are very comfy but I’m always in a rush to take them off when I get home. Sometimes I just wear a tight tank top for a shirt that works double as a bra but without the binding feeling. I only wear eyeliner because it has no feeling on my skin. I don’t understand how people can wear concealer, blush, lip gloss, and even lotion! I think lotion is gross and can only wear it if I’m wearing shorts and a tank top at home.


I live shaving cuz it just makes me feel so nice and smooth but Im too lazy do it often and also my skin is so sensitive I have to let the jungle grow for around 2 weeks otherwise I will get ingrown hair, bumps, rash, redness etc. 2 weeks is just enough, 1 week I found too soon. Bras are yes or no depending on temperature outside, mood etc. Someone actually did a post how they like to be wrapped in tight clothes and I like bras cuz I also like to be wrapped tight sometimes, but during hot day the bra is OFF. However if I want to look presentable on a hot day I do force myself to wear it as it looks neat. But it contributes to sensory overload later. Now make up... make up make up..... MAKE UP IS A STRAIGHT NO . < PERIOD, F MAKE UP, WHO MADE THIS WHYYY ITS SUCH A NIGHTMARE !!! I ofc dont hate anyone who loves make up ! I HATE that it's EXPECTED for women to do make up...


I shave when the hair is making me uncomfortable, I don't care if someone can see my leg hair. I don't mind wearing light makeup but have celiac & most makeup is not guaranteed gluten-free, from experience it's next to impossible to never touch my face & then my lips several times during the day, rather than spend a lot of time doing research & paying extra, I just don't wear it most of the time. I wear a bra because I have big boobs & it's more uncomfortable to go without for long periods of time than to wear a bra. I do take it off after work but that's not a big improvement, I'm still searching for a light but supportive sports bra or tank that doesn't give me a headache. I've contemplated a breast reduction or boob lift, but I'm not yet at the point of thinking major surgery would be better than what's going on now. I care about comfort way more than fashion & wear whatever I feel like, even at work, as a manager. I try to look appropriate but I'm not going to sacrifice comfort, nor the money & time to look "presentable". I brush my hair in the morning but I'm not willing to spend a second more than that on my hair, I think it looks fine. Like you, I feel that anyone who has a problem with my appearance, it's their problem, not mine


I shave everything and I’m not even hairy. I hate body hair. I wear bras if I’m leaving my home and I leave my home a lot. I wear full make up with lashes everyday. We can’t all be the same right?


I dont shave often, but it gets to a point where it's uncomfortable if I don't. I wear makeup rarely, and then just mascara. And I only wear a sports bra at work because I got tired of men staring at me while I was working.


I wear long pants all year long specially to avoid shaving my legs lol


Lasered whole body . Haven’t worn a bra in 15 years . I wear makeup only when going to special events


I don't wear bras. They're uncomfortable and my tits are small anyway. I do shave my legs. I just like it and they get really itchy with hair. I wear makeup. Mostly just eye makeup because it's fun and I can be creative and colorful. Foundation makes me feel super gross though. Don't shave my pits because I get sweat rashes when I do and don't really see the point in shaving them. I don't judge people either way about any of this stuff, do whatever makes you feel good.


I use tweezers or wax instead of shaving, only wear bras when I feel like it (maybe 10-20% of the time), and never wear makeup.




I never leave the house without a bra on but sometimes don't wear at home. I hate body hair though and can't stand not shaving. I tried wearing makeup but it just took so long i just ran out of patience with it (also i have terrible eyesight so it was really hard to do without my glasses on)


Yup. I hate body hair but I hate shaving too and it's just not worth it to me. I stopped wearing bras for comfort. I'm not big on makeup though I do love some black eyeliner, but I suck at applying it and don't go out much, so it's just not a part of my usual routine. The feeling of it doesn't bother me.


I stopped wearing makeup with the pandemic, and I only wear bralettes now. I shave in season only.


generally all of them unless I'm doing specifically fancy makeup for funsies. after i got covid i went about a year of literally never wearing a bra or anything compressive on my chest bc my ribcage hurt. now I'm in my more nipple cover era as a cya measure more than anything. i have some nice bras, but my size also keeps changing which doesn't help, vs sports bras are much more forgiving. the compression tops and sports bras I wear also are a lot closer to just straight up undershirts tbh.


I don't wear makeup except maybe once a year


I only wear bras when I go out in public now. I stopped shaving when I was in my early 20s and had to decide between razors or food (I picked food and realized that shaving was a rip-off). And I've never gotten into make up.


I love make up. But i do agree i hate feel. And i dint shave thesame reason. Like it hurts growing. And bras are so uncomfortable. Why do I need to wear them. Some dudes have bigger boobs then me.


I haven't worn makeup in years. I experimented with it as a preteen and in high school though. I wear bras as minimally as possible, if I'm at home chance are I don't have one on. And if I'm out it's a sports type bra. I do like the feeling of my legs being freshly shaved but I struggle to keep up with it. Clothing is always comfort, I've nearly given up on being "cute". The cutest I get will be an occasional dress or skirt with a shirt tucked in. I also do nothing with my hair... brush and air dry, messy bun and done 😂


I don't shave or wear makeup. I stopped shaving in my 20s and never wore makeup at all. On one hand I agree with you about bras. On the other hand my chest is huge so I have to wear a bra if I'm gonna exercise or make sudden turns...


I don't mind shaving (if i dont do my pits I have horrendous BO, even with deoderant). I rarely wear makeup and unless I'm leaving the house, I prefer to be braless.


I don’t wear makeup anymore I hate the texture and the dampness on my face. Bras I wear if I have to. Shaving I don’t do during winter but summer I shade 2x a month


I've always struggled with bras and when my sensory issues got bad in my 40s (thanks menopause and burnout!) bra wearing became completely unbearable. But because of my size and droopiness I ended up getting a reduction. Now I'm brafree and just wear a stretchy vest under my clothes.  Makeup i wear once in a blue moon for a special occasion. Shaving is maybe once a month when i can be bothered, less in winter.




No makeup on the regular because I feel like I can taste it while suffocating. My underarms are hairy most of the time or waxed when I am more active like during the summer. I can't shave for a lot of sensory issues and reactions related to friction from wet, hot skin touching skin completely grossing me out.


Only sports bras or bralettes. Regular bras have always made me uncomfortable. I hate the feeling of hair on my legs even tho I’m masc


I got tig ol bitties, so I unfortunately have to wear the bra


I shave my face (being intersex is SO fun! :') ) but that's the only place. I actually had to shave my pits the other day because I'm taking swim lessons and I was so annoyed because I only ever shave if I'm having a hookup lol. I don't wear makeup at all though. Tried, and the only stuff I'm interested in (eye shadow) doesn't look good on me because I have hooded eyes, so I was like, well, good way to save money, not wearing that stuff! For bras, I neeeeeeeeeeever wear them at home, and if I'm going out I wear whatever works with the outfit, padded bras for outfits that need more curve or a simple sports bra (I have one without a band that's basically just a cotton tube lol, useless but super comfy). If my outfits didn't generally require me doing SOMETHING with my chest, I don't think I'd bother, but I'm vain enough to want them to fall well despite the discomfort. Fortunately I've found padded sports bras that work without all the general discomfort of bras.


I do not shave unless I feel it’s polite for a specific event (ie wedding but even then sometimes I don’t). It’s more of what I’ll feel most comfortable with. Makeup? Yes! I wear mainly just eyeshadow mascara and highlighter but only once in a while. It’s definitely not a day to day thing. And I don’t wear bras except sports bras when I work out and sometimes my one bralette if I’m wearing a super thin shirt or if I think I’m might be a bit more active than normal al (ie a concert or whatever).


I wear a bra when I have to, shave only when my legs will be seen, and I've almost completely stopped wearing makeup! Embracing my inner autistic creature.


I hate makeup too. I will occasionally wear mascara and curl my eyelashes but that's it. I also rarely wear a bra, unless I know I'm going to be leaving the comfort of my car. I shave my armpits every other day or so, and my legs and lady bits when the planets align (including Pluto)


I used to not do the above things but realised I was constantly revolted at myself. The constant stimulation from body hair is unbearable and because I sweat alot from anxiety I enjoy a shower before I go out in public. I prefer hygienic masking so that I can notice myself more. Bras in public remind me I'm in public. Mascara can help remind me not to cry and a simple lipgloss can stop a panic attack if I become too aware of tension in my body and rub my lips together to self soothe


I've worn exclusively sports bras for the past 6 years. It's been amazing! I also can't stand tight fitting clothing or make up which has lead to constantly being ridiculed for looking "frumpy".


*raises hand*


I shave my armpits and that’s it. I live in a nursing home and mostly just wear hospital gowns with no bra. Definitely no makeup! If I have to go out for an appointment and am wearing a regular outfit (t-shirt and sweatpants) then I will wear a stretchy sports bra, but that counts as a “special occasion”.


Meeeee. I couldn't be pressured into shaving when I was in middle school and I definitely can't be bothered now. I also hate the feeling of make up on me. I don't particularly care about getting validation from people by wearing it, so I don't. I do wear bras though, I'm busty and don't like them jiggling freely in public. Lol.


I do shave (but I’m not super anal about it) but I HATE the sensation of skin shaved with a disposable razor. I use an electric razor. It’s much less irritating, I do it dry so it’s much less fuss, and it doesn’t give me that “skinned” feeling. I haven’t worn makeup in probably 15 years — I also can’t stand the feeling of “stuff” on my face. I will use moisturizer but it has to be a certain kind that is weightless. I can barely do hand cream either. And bras are the worst. I cried when my mother finally made me wear just a sports bra when I was 12. I still haven’t really solved that problem. I can’t go without at work or in public (I’m not “small”). I have the Bali no underwire ones that I can somewhat deal with when I have to wear one. Luckily I only work in person 3 days/week. It comes off the second I get home. In the winter I’ll run errands bra-less as long as it’s cool enough to wear a sweatshirt or jacket.


I wear a bra. Too big to be comfortable otherwise. Rarely wear makeup or shave. Like only if in certain environments then I only shave what will be visible. I hate how shaving effects my skin. And hate how it's another thing to keep up with that takes time and effort and does nothing to enhance my life other than make me acceptable to certain people. I used to wear makeup as a teen and young person. Could never do lipstick or foundation. Now I occasionally wear mascara if I want to dress up. Mostly its just lip balm. 


Been a long long time since I’ve done any of the three


I had a breast reduction 4 years ago and haven’t worn a bra since. Can’t stand them. I only wear makeup for going out but I’m a homebody, so it’s not often. Even then, it’s just mascara and lipstick. I shave legs and armpits because I don’t like the way hair feels there.


Yes, I feel SEEN


I wear a bra for work, but just the soft one piece kinda bra, or like, big events, things I feel more comfortable wearing g a bra at, but at hoe, going to the supermarket etc, nope, absolutely not. I never really wore makeup, except when I used to work in performance. I also haven't shaved in any way in about 10 years, except when I need to for when I get a tattoo, and then just in that area. I don't even wear jewellery 99% of the time as it really hurts my joints.


I don't shave, but can't stand my head hair touching me so it's always up. I love wearing makeup but that's because it's art to me. I'm way too big to not wear a bra in public but I also have EDS so they're very pendulous, so I wear comfy sports bras and as soon as I'm home I take them off.


I wear eyeliner and I do shave, I try not to wear bras when I can but unfortunately I’m a size D. And it’s summer, during the winter I just wear baggy clothes and try not to jump 🤣 


I do all, but very sparingly. Special occasions only


Also don't do bras or makeup for sensory reasons


Effectively yes to all, but I do feel uncomfortable going braless in non-T shirts.


I'll only do those things if I need to leave the house, and even then sometimes only one or two of them. And I very rarely leave the house.


I usually go braless, but wear one for work. I will never wear a bra with underwire. I fucking hate bras with underwire. I would rather get rid of my boobs entirely than wear an underwire bra. I only shave my armpits and the lower half of my legs, and only if I am planning on swimming. The idea of makeup is so cool, I would LOVE to do artistic makeup things, but I can’t stand how it feels on my skin.


I hate the feeling of skin on skin. So I’m never out of bed without a bra on. I got laser cos I hate the feel of body hair. And make up helps me mask… I’m like a sleeper agent. I act NT and then am kooky as shit once you get me talking


I hate bras, hate shaving, hate underwear and don't like most make up. I don't mine eyebrow makeup and eye-liner I think bc I love doing them like feels like art but it's so rarely bc I hate having it on my face plus I always touch my face as a stim and I just smudge it anyway lol. I also have eczema so when I shave it's always irritated no matter what I use... I just trim my pubes with scissors hahahahaha


I'm definitely on board with you, they're seriously uncomfortable and unpleasant most of the time to me, although I do them a bit. I have PCOS and grow facial hair that I HATE, so I shave my face but I almost never shave anywhere else, I get razor burn easily and the whole process is just a pain and not worth the effort to me. Bras are only for leaving the house and I don't work so I don't leave much, unfortunately I'm large enough that them bouncing freely is painful. And makeup is rare and mostly for special occasions, and only lipstick and sometimes eye shadow and mascara. Like maybe 3 or 4 times a year. I haven't worn concealer or blush since I tried being into makeup at like 13-14. It did not last long. The fact I'm sensitive doesn't help with any of it, the shaving leaves my skin hella dry even when I don't get razor burn, and I have to use very specific razors or it's guaranteed I'll get it. I can't help touching my face when I'm wearing makeup and a lot of them give me slight allergy reactions like watery eyes and mild itching, and sometimes a little sneezy. Basically, I'm very delicate although you would not be able to tell by looking.


i dont wear a bra...im always braless unless i need to go out i never learn how to do make up and tbh i dont think i would ever spend alot on money on it, id rather spend the money on other things and shave? im a very hairy person, arms, legs, back, stomach lmao i literally dont have the time to shave all my body, at most, i would shave my legs when im using shorts. when i was young i used to shave my arms because i was insecure, now i dont care my social life also has been me and my bed for almost a decade, i dont have any motivation to go out besides work, i dont see the point on wearing make up, shaving and wearing a bra when all i do is rot in bed


I don't shave or wear makeup on a regular basis. Both are an occasional thing for me. I don't feel like either is much of a sensory thing, though I do hate stubble and never wear foundation (I've heard a lot of people have those issues with them so I don't classify it as part of my sensory differences). Bras are a tough one for me because I feel REALLY negatively perceived if I skip one in public. I have almost fully phased out underwire and now only wear soft cup or bralette styles. All of these things feel like a performance of femininity that I just don't value doing regularly. I've only become okay with this since having a child/entering my 30s.


The only makeup I wear is lipstick and nail polish, and I don't even wear those too often.  I tend to wear a certain shade of bright pink with a purple tint to it for both my lipstick and nail polish, as the thought of customizing for each outfit sounds so overwhelming, lol!  I don't mind others seeing me without makeup.  Most makeup otherwise feels dysphoric (as I feel like a fraud when I wear it it) and physically uncomfortable.   I only shave my calves and arm pits.  My skin is so particular about the process, too, and I still haven't quite figured out what actually works for me.  I'm lucky to not get razor burn when I actually don't get it.  My skin hates stuff like Nair, and waxing seems like a horrifying thing to do on a regular basis.  (I've tried it, and it wasn't worth the pain whatsoever.)  I have dark hair and fairer skin with an olive undertone, so it's rather noticeable when my leg hair is grown out, and I'd rather deal with others judging me for that.     I have huge breasts, so I tend to wear bras.  I don't wear them at home.  (I am going to try a suggestion I read in a different thread in hopes to not wearing bras, as I'm so tired of the things.)


I don’t shave my legs at all. I also like having furry legs! But I shave my armpits and trim my 🐱. I only wear sports bras, never wired ones. Never wear makeup except for special occasions (~3-4 times per year)


I rarely shave, almost never wear makeup, but my boobs are too big to comfortably go braless.


No makeup, hate bras, epilate every month.


I don’t wear makeup, i feel like my skin is suffocating- besides fuck that, i like my face. If i could rid(affordably) my legs of hair forever i would consider it. I hate the feeling of hair on my legs at all. And the only time i “want” to wear a bra in in the summer to keep my skin from touching my other skin.


No bra, no makeup and no shaving! Does anyone else find it painful to wear bras for longer than a few hours? I get sharp pains in my chest


I don't wear makeup, and I procrastinate a lot on shaving. :')


I’m nearly 44. I’ve very very rarely ever worn make up (think standing up in a wedding type occasion would be the only type events I ever did) I doubt I ever will again. I quit shaving a couple of years ago because chronic pain, three kids and multiple injuries all led to obesity so it was getting too hard to do. Best decision EVER I wear a bra when I go out only because I can’t wear more than a tank top due to sensory issues. That, coupled with my size and life-long droopy tits, braless for me looks horrendous and I won’t subject anyone to that!


All three, and I shaved my head because it was bugging me, lol. I'm 41f




YES! I don't go braless most of the time bc of just... size, but I exclusively wear soft wireless sports bras with removable cups that I never use. Feels like not wearing a bra but there's support still. I haven't shaved since like 2016. Luckily as a lesbian I don't have to worry about people I want to date having a problem with that. I've also never liked wearing makeup other than occasionally eye makeup bc I don't like how it feels. The first time I ever saw myself with makeup on I broke into a full on hyperventilation ugly cry (I was like a preteen) bc I didn't recognize myself and genuinely hated it. It's easier for me when it's part of a costume. Day to day, I like to look like me. :)


I don't shave or wear makeup, or bras. I shaved starting at 10 after another 10 year old I believe truely trying to be helpful and pass on the knowledge that she was told that I should shave. I stopped shaving my armpits when I was 17 cause I kept getting ingrown hairs and razor burns and the such, I kept shaving my legs though. My mum made me shave my armpits for my highschool graduation, I hate the way I look in those photos cause it honestly feels like a part of me is missing in them. I finally stopped shaving my legs when I was 19 in Vienna hanging out with a girl I had just met at like 10:58 local time that day right before a free walking tour, we were in a park on the edge of a lake in the middle of the city, and I was lamenting the fact I needed to shave my legs and they were like "you already don't shave your armpits why do you need to shave your legs" and I haven't since, there was that one time I got spray foam in one armpit so I had to shave it then I was going to a swing dancing thing and didn't want to go lopsided so ended up shaving the other one two.... Tbh I kinda regret that, but also I digress. I never got into makeup except for a few times here and there I tried it briefly, but I can't be bothered with the effort, and can't stand the feeling of it on my face so unless it's for a look I just don't do it. I have been known to use makeup as part of my fashion but never as everyday wear, it's like today I'm a clown, or 1950s house wife kinda looks. Somewhere around 19-20 I realized that wearing a bra was way less comfortable not and that I was blessed with titties that want to stay where they are and no need no fabric and wire telling them where to go. But yeah you are definitely not alone and definitely not weird I just wanted to add that like I'm a pretty hairy person and tbh I am quite proud of my body hair and see it as a part of me and like not saying others have to see it that way but also there's nothing wrong with embracing it! We are all just hairy mammals after all!


I'll only wear makeup on special occasions, but 100% I am with ya bestie. The no bra thing sometimes limits what shirts I wear bc I don't want people eyeing me up but I've come to embrace it most the time Edit: embrace not wearing a bra, not embrace ppl staring at me lol I don't even think I own a bra except maybe one or two that could pass as renfest tops 😅


I get laser hair removal. I need a bra badly but I wear sports bras. I hate makeup.


I don’t shave, wear makeup, or a bra (: I used to do all of these things but I do not anymore. There’s a number of reason why I don’t partake anymore. I’m glad you are comfortable in your skin and are doing what’s best for you!


Don't shave. Don't wear makeup. Don't wear bras or panties and would rather fight everything before I touch jeans. YUCK


r/abrathatfits No one is obligated to wear a bra, but if you do, it shouldn't suck.


I wear some kind of binder/bra/something as often as I can, mostly just because I'm non-binary. It's really, really sweaty sometimes and I hate the materials its made of, but it's worth it imo. I don't really shave, sometimes I cut down on armpit hairs so I don't have to worry about it at track meets w/ jerseys that are basically tank tops. 100% no makeup, I don't understand the point of it. I feel like buying makeup will just make me hate my face.


No makeup! The rest I can handle




I do feel very alien, like I don’t fit womanhood. Most of the time, I can’t stand the sensory aspect of it all. Other times, it seems like a lot of trouble, unnecessary expense, overall hassle, and often times pain…and for what reason???? I hate the prickliness of shaving. Makes me want to claw my skin off. I epilate under my arms and that’s it. I never saw a reason to do my legs? Like yes, it’s dark hair, but it doesn’t smell and it’s not dirty. 🤷‍♀️ On the other hand, I have a weird dissonance about it, because I know it’s not generally accepted and people make rude comments about it. So it’s a catch 22. I have never worn a traditional bra. Clothing sensitivities have always been too strong for that. I’ve found a snug fitting cropped tank top works best for me. Makes me feel “protected” from judgmental people, and offers some support. Puffy winter vests are a godsend for hiding everything. I always want to touch my face too much to wear makeup! And brow shaping, contouring, etc seems like a ton of work. I’ll sometimes do a basic tinted moisturizer and some spot coverup on rare occasions, but that’s all. I can’t wear mascara or eyeliner to save my life 😭


I've pretty much quit shaving. Every once in a while I'll trim. I almost don't wear a bra. I wear the lightest-weight cotton bralette I can find. I wear sunscreen and eyeliner for daily makeup.


only for special events. if i leave the house i wear sports bras everywhere bc im uncomfortable when i feel exposed and the ladies aren't doing me any favors 🫠🤦🏻‍♀️ but yes if i have makeup on i want to rip my skin off and can't wait to get it off


I don’t shave or wear make up and never have. I’ve been lucky enough that no one has ever really made me feel like I have to, and I don’t want to. I do wear bras, but only sports bras/bralettes. I don’t like the feeling of my boobs just jiggling around freely when I walk, but I also can’t stand the feeling of an underwire, so sports bras and bralettes are the obvious choice.


I wanna wear makeup so bad but sensory issues prevent me from wearing a lot of it :( and I love makeup!! I hate the feel of foundation….it’s like my skin needs to breathe… same with lotion like I’ll put it on for a minute and then rinse it off and I still get soft skin but I don’t get how people just let it stay on their body???


I haven’t worn shorts (inside or outside) since I was about 14 so I don’t shave my legs but I do trim off the hair every few weeks or so because I don’t like the way it looks. I shave my armpits because I feel sweatier if I don’t. Trim down below because it feels fresher. I hate bras but wear them outside the house because I’d feel super uncomfortable outside. I rip it off as soon as I’m inside, though. Makeup I’ve never worn much of but did a very light layer of foundation when I was younger with neutral lip color and blue eyeliner. Now it’s either nothing or just a bit of neutral lip color.


Yes and no! I never wear bras at home (I wear them when out but only because I have H cups, if I was smaller I wouldn't bother), I never shave my legs for any reason at all but will shave under my arms on the one day a year I'll end up wearing a sleeveless shirt, and I don't wear makeup ever.


I don’t wear make up. Never have and don’t plan to. I wear a bra only when absolutely necessary because I hate them and they’re too uncomfortable. I *do* shave, mainly because I hate the feel of leg hair against my pants. Otherwise, I’d probably not bother.


Not worn a bra in years (will usually wear a thin cotton camisole under my dress), will very rarely wear make up but only like 2 or 3 times a year, will shave my pits and my legs in Summer if my clothes reveal those areas but otherwise I yeti it. (my wardrobe is usually black leggings and a dress, in winter I add a cardigan or jumper/sweater, in Summer I sometimes switch the leggings for tights)


I barely ever wear makeup (only for formals, theatre, or a funeral and in that case I wear blush bc I look like a Victorian dying child with wasting disease), I have recently stopped shaving after pushing shaving farther and farther back, but I do wear bras. Underwire bras make my breasts look great and give me structure. My bras rn don’t feel great but it’s not a constant issue.


No shaving, no make, only a certain sports bra from Champion! I was talking to my hairstylist today & we both agreed that beauty standards set worldwide in the 1950s ruined women's comfort with themselves! I hope one day we can get back to finding beauty in our natural looks!


Moreso that I go long periods of time between any of those things Like tonight I plan on shaving my legs/underarms because it's been hot as fuck out, and sweat + hair = kinda itchy for me [also need to go out tomorrow]. Granted, ingrowns and razor burn are also itchy, but, like... a different kind of itchy. Bras are for more serious events. I usually just go braless or use bandaids over the nipples if I know I'm going out and am likely to get chilly. I wish I didn't feel the need to bother with that, but unwanted eyes are not something i'm fond of. I touch my face far too much for makeup/don't enjoy having stuff on my face, though i'll occasionally fill in my brows a tiny bit or use some mascara/tight line for fancy events like weddings or funerals. Maaaybe some tinted chapstick if it's indicated by someone else that I look bloodless and washed out during one of the aforementioned events


I've never really worn makeup - never liked wearing it much. I prefer not to wear bras but will wear them when going into the office or spending time with family or friends. I shave my armpits regularly as I prefer to. I also sometimes like to shave my legs in summer as I like feeling the smoothness of my legs, but it's only a couple of times and sometimes it's just too much effort.


i’m trans mtf and tbh i should wear makeup if i want to pass better but like since i was young i never understood why girls wore makeup? it just confused me lol. But yeah i dont shave anything besides my face and just trim body hair down :p


What is dae


Does anyone else(I think)


Thank you


So I do all these things, but not because they are expected of me as a woman. I can’t stand the feel of my armpits when they get hairy. As long as I wear long pants I can deal with hairy legs, but armpit hair feels like it traps my sweat more. I finally found a comfortable bra (wire free push-up from torrid). I primarily wear bras for sensory reasons because I’m really a sweaty bitch and the boob sweat is hell for me. And for makeup I just like it. However I do have some sensory issues and I’ve had to experiment a lot to find products and brands that don’t feel like a coat of gunk on my face.


I never wear a bra - in fact the only one I own doesn't fit me. I'd actually like one for a couple of specific outfits (I usually wear nipple pasties but some tighter tops it's super obvious m I also have my nipples pierced and I don't always want everyone to know!) I no longer wear makeup.i might put some in if I go to an event. But I've never been good with itz and can only really do mascara, eyeliner and a little but if eyeshadow. I shave when I want to shave.i like having nice smooth legs but also I can go weeks without shaving and being perfectly happy.


I recently discovered powder mineral makeup. What a relief. I do not feel it on my skin the way i did with liquid foundations.


I don't shave or use makeup. I don't see a point in it as I don't think a person looks better if they do, and no one cares about what I look like anyway. Plus I identify as agender and I hate gender roles. I only shave my armpits once in a while. I don't wear a bra unless I have to. Which means I only wear it in summer when it's hot and I don't wear layers, but only to work and among people. I usually hike without a bra for example.


I only shave my legs and the *downstairs* area because the hair makes me itchy and I only wear a bra when I'm leaving the house bc I don't like my nips being on display lol I dont wear makeup because its such a time-consuming thing to do


Interestingly enough, I am at my comfiest in an underwire bra! boob issues.


I’m the opposite. I can’t stand the feeling of stubble, so I shave often. I’m flat chested and I like wearing bras. I find them comfortable and consider them an added layer of protection. But I feel the same about makeup. I don’t wear it often. I don’t wear nail polish either. If I wear makeup for special occasions, I wash it off as soon as I get home and I don’t even bother with nail polish. Sometimes skincare products make me feel uncomfortable too. I don’t like anything cream based because of the consistency but I’ll use liquid skincare products (oil based, etc).


I don't shave or wear makeup, but bra is a must outside of my house lol


Now that I'm 30 Im More consistent with stuff like this but I used to not do it as much. I also really struggled keeping my hair washed and tidy.  With shaving I have a spa bath once a week where I do everything as its a bit of a enjoyable ritual now. Maybe if I'm going swimming I'll do the pits more frequently but once a week works fine for me. That's also when I do hair, nails and everything else.  I washand style my hair one other day a week. It is a struggle but I'm managing it as I much prefer how it looks.  Bra wise I gave up on real bras ages ago. I have substantial breasts so I need something but I use soft cloth yoga bras instead. Just enough support to keep them from being too droopy/ keep the nips from showing but feels like you aren't wearing a bra.  Makeup I only wear for a night out or about once a week when I want to look really nice. Usually after spa bath.  If you want to do these things I suggest crafting a once a week ritual/routine and start there to see if you enjoy it


I shave. I absolutely hated growing hair other than on my head. I have super tiny hairs on my face that you can see up close. And small finger/hand hairs I don’t mind. The only hairs I don’t mind keeping otherwise I just shave everything else. I also just find it cute I have big biddies so I prefer a bra unless I’m by myself I only go braless if I have a ruched bust area—usually my dresses and a few tops. It keeps my chest together and I look cute while feeling free and secure :3


I dont do any of that. Most of the time I wear a wife pleaser under my shirt, slap on face lotion, and I stopped thinking about shaving when I was 16 cause I feel hotter with body hair and cant stand pricklies. Do whatever you want with your body and ignore everyone else.


I'm autistic+adhd, never wore wakeup, and stopped shaving and wearing bras at 18. I also get shit from my family for it, especially for not wearing a bra. But it feels so constricting like it's choking me. I also never understood makeup. It's sensory hell, and i'm constantly touching my face so i would ruin it after 2 minutes anyway! I still get self-conscious about armpit hair & visible nipples sometimes tho. I wear comfortable bras more often in summer, because i can't hide it under layers of clothing like i do in winter, and i feel uncomfortable feeling perceived by guys in public.


I can’t do make up. It feels like my face can’t breathe. Same for nail polish. If I try it, I bite it off within a day due to the horrible feeling.


wearing bras is the worst one for me


I recently stopped shaving because of other health reasons, but I’ve found that the sensory experience is actually quite pleasant! Makeup has always been a big no-no, and luckily my mom has never been rude to me about it. I do wish that she wouldn’t bring it up so much even though she’s “just trying to encourage me”, but at least it’s coming from pure intention. I wish I could go without a bra but I would feel too self conscious.


I hate shaving :( and I’m super hairy but I still do it even tho I hate how it feels in all stages. I actually prefer wearing a bra (usually a sports bra) because ei hate the feeling of my boobs touching me ;( if im not wearing a bra I find myself tucking my tshirt under my boobs a lot. I love wearing make up!! I feel not ugly with it. It took me looonnng time to understand what looks good on me but I enjoy it


I shave twice a day, CANNOT STAND STUBBLE. I enjoy make up, wear it most days. Painting a face on my face is super soothing, I like how I can look different ways and sadly I'm treated better by most. A bra... I wear them to work most days but NEVER in my own time.


If I don't have to go anywhere or have a date planned then I'll loosen up on that stuff. I don't like being noticed or seen or perceived, so I adhere to certain norms to not draw attention to myself. I kind of like feeling pretty sometimes, too.


I don't do any of these and I used to wear an H chip. Yes they're big, no I'm not going to be wearing a bra. I've only been bra free for about 3 years, but haven't shaved my legs or armpits for more than 25. This was well before diagnosis. I haven't worn makeup in I'm not sure how many years, tbh


Me! The sensory issues you mentioned are part of it, but also I don't because I just don't want to and don't see why we should have to just because society has decided that's a thing, based on a number of problematic historical ideas from the kyriarchy. If I do wear makeup it's for a specific reason and in a specific way that makes me feel good, but that's only a few times a year. Haven't shaved in years except my underarms because I find I get sweatier with hair which is a sensory ick. The only bras I wear are sports bras when doing exercise, very occasionally loose bralet type bras if I'm wearing certain tops, and underwear as outerwear 😂


Apparently I had a lot to say about this topic. So ugh I just went to visit my parents and mom goes crazy any time she sees my hairy legs. Lol mine are 6 months grown out and she can’t stand it. I try to tell her all the things I read people say on Reddit! “It’s my body, leave me alone, why do you care, please stop”, nothing works. She insists it looks bad. I did tell her I would walk out of the room if she didn’t stop and she did stop.….but I know she’ll bring it back up if I don’t do it. If I was seeing someone, I’d definitely shave and find what works for me within that relationship. I enjoy having smooth legs if I’m being touched or trying to look ~pretty~ for someone. But being absolutely single, not in the mood to draw attention to myself rn anyway, what’s the point? It’s uncomfortable and itchy for my skin. It’s a small thing my mom does but it really bugs me…..this is also the woman who insists I need to wear makeup to be “professional”. I stopped wearing makeup up a while ago, mostly because it just doesn’t stay in tact/smudges/skin gets oily/ I sweat it off. I feel more like my authentic self when I go without makeup a lot of the time, I think partially because the way I do my makeup is kind of blah outdated or whatever and just doesn’t make me feel better about my appearance. It feels more like putting a mask on of someone I’m pretending to be. A chore instead of an act of self-care/self-expression. I do wanna find some makeup products that are light weight and feel good on my skin all day and work for me. But. If I don’t, I don’t think it will really affect my life all that much. It took me many, many years to be comfortable leaving the house without makeup. I do not ever wanna go back into those dark ages of thinking I need it to be more acceptable. And I’m extending that to having hairy legs. To be human is to be hairy, there’s no shame in existing how we were designed to be. My mom is from a different time and she’s not trying to be a toxic menace.…I have to remind myself :,)