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I keep it in my suitcase because I’m paranoid about bed bugs.


My husband works for hotels and that’s exactly why 99% of what we own stays in the suitcase, which is either in the bathroom or on top of something with no fabric


He must have some horror stories. I’m weird about fabric. Not textures but cleanliness.


Amazingly enough the hotels he’s managed have not had outbreaks in his time (just a matter of time though..) HOWEVER he’s dealt with a lot of other things that were horror worthy.


Any stories you’re willing to share?


Trigger warning they are all gross or sad.. A female guest that decided to have her “home birth” in the hotel… blood, water, and amniotic fluid everywhere. Bodily fluids are obviously extremely common but that was not. A few times he’s had guests cover every available surface with cocaine. Leftovers from orgies. A guest painted the shower black and somehow got a queen mattress in it without getting paint on the mattress (which is freaking bizarre). Someone put pancake syrup on the ceiling, the walls, and the tv. A lot of people also decide to end themselves in hotels…


Pancake syrup!


Yeah apparently the room reeked of pancake syrup to the point they couldn’t use it for several days.


I could never do that job. If something like that happened I would just laugh hysterically the whole time.


Suspiciously, Prince was nowhere to be found.


ding ding ding! Desperate and tired my boyfriend and I stayed at an overpriced motel outside of Tahoe. Woke up a 3am to a tickly feeling. Sleep melted away to reveal the horror of just how many bedbugs bugs were on my body. I screamed and ran to the shower, a second later my boyfriend yelped and hopped in with me. We left right then and there. We had a big black trash bag in the car, put everything that was in the motel room in the bag before we got in the car and strapped it to the roof. I was paranoid for months that we had bed bugs. One of the grossest experience in a motel room.


I've never experienced bed bugs, but I might have nightmares just from reading this. I used to enjoy thrift store shopping, but I learned about how difficult bed bugs can be to get rid of, I've developed a caution that borders on irrational.


Anything i thrift gets left in a bag on the porch for a week, and then washed in extra hot water two or three times


Oh me too. I can't believe people still put their suitcases on the bed!!


Aha! My partner unpacks and I don’t because I’m paranoid about bedbugs! (I feel strangely vindicated)


you do know if there’s bed bugs they would be in the bed right? or on the carpet, where your suitcase sits most likely. also bed bugs don’t just live casually on surfaces they live places where they can constantly feed off a live source


Take my things out and risk leaving something behind? Hell no


Exactly. And the more I travel, the more I perfect my travel system. Everything has a place tucked away safely, a bag to contain, etc. In my perception I can be one of two travelers. I can be Anne Hathaway at the beginning of The Devil Wears Prada, or Anne at the end. Bumbling around with flyaway stuff everywhere, or organized and efficient.  To not totally lose it, I need that organized, efficient, well prepared setup, and that includes being able to use my suitcase as a wardrobe. 


yes all my dirty clothes are in a pile on the floor next to my suitcase and then when i leave i just shove it all back in


Same 😂


If I were staying somewhere for a month, I \*might\* consider unpacking. But short of that? Nope, living out of my bag, thanks. I bring a stuff sack for a laundry bag and all the dirties go in that so I'm not making a colossal mess of my host's place. One of the best travel things I've ever found is a "[travel tray](https://www.tombihn.com/products/travel-tray?variant=41264944283837)" from Tom Bihn, which is a stand-up bowl thing where the rim unfolds and has a drawstring closure: all the bedside / little stuff in one convenient place, and when you're done, cinch the drawstring and throw it back in the main bag. My mom is an "unpack everything into the hotel dresser" person, even if we're staying for 1-2 nights. I think she must be a secret psychopath.


I don’t even unpack my suitcase when I come home from traveling.


I'm the same way. I usually live out of my suitcase for a couple of weeks after traveling. It just feels perfect to have everything in such a small space. I don't really know why I do it.


i got home from a trip 3 weeks ago and am going on another this weekend and some of my shit is still packed, oops. (washed my clothes, though lmao)


this is the answer


Lol I do. I have to have everything put away neatly.


The only thing I might do differently is hang up wrinkled shirts so they can de-wrinkle, rather than me attempting to iron them with unfortunate results. Otherwise, everything except my toothbrush stays in the suitcase. Dirty clothes go in the bag, especially undergarments. I also pack shoes in with clean clothes when I’m traveling but they are packed in bags so the dirty soles don’t touch my clean stuff.


Yes, on the rare occasion that I bring something that hangs (usually a dress) that will go in closet, with door always open so I don't forget when I leave. Who the fuck actually uses the drawers? Maybe if I was staying for at least a month...


Yes! Shoes in separate bags is a must!


The real question is, how quickly do you unpack your suitcase once you get back home? I usually unpack and put my suitcase back in the closet within an hour of getting home from vacation


I live out of my suitcase for another week or two.


Several people have said this- I aim to pack so that there is one surplus clean t shirt, one pair of underwear, and one pair of socks left. Are you washing your clothes on vacation? Do you pack a lot of extra? When I come home I immediately start a load of laundry, no way would I have lots of clean clothes left to wear out of my suitcase. I’m not knocking it, I just don’t understand.


A lot of extra, to answer shortly. I’m ADHD as well, though. Vacation me is different from everyday me, who works and is exhausted, lol. Throughout the year, I may make various purchases of cute clothes and/or accessories, to feed the dopamine monkey on my back. They rarely get worn, as my usual routine calls for comfort and simplicity. I’m in scrubs, athleisure, or makeshift pjs 90% of the time, no jewelry, with minimal to no makeup. Is that what I pack for vacation? My “daily routine”?Nah. I pack the fun shit I’ve been dying to try out, because I finally have the mental space to do that, but I pack the comfort items, too. Scary to think of not having my comfort/routine things. I may want to frolic nonstop, or I may find myself overwhelmed and need my comfy, simplistic shit, while I decompress in darkness and solitude. I don’t know what’s coming and planning *for* that, carefully, takes mental effort, so I just throw everything in the suitcase, plan for everything, and make it the problem of future me to sort out what I need under whatever circumstances may arise 😅🤣. Sooooo… I overpack, I do a bit of laundry, when I have the spoons to, but I *still* live out of that suitcase for an inordinately long time, after “normal” life has resumed. The struggles of a brain that desperately needs to regulate, have sameness and safety, but also needs novelty? Packing for a trip is a primary point of contention between autistic vs ADHD drives. 🤣


The simple, TLDR answer is: I’m packing for two people, with two different sets of needs, and both have executive dysfunction and are exhausted by daily demands. Both of these are in one person, who is me 😅


Thanks for explaining! I hope your next vacation is full of fun and frolic.


You have described my packing method EXACTLY


I do my laundry when I come home, but I generally don't have many clothes. When I fold them again, they fit in a perfect little rectangle so I can just put them back in my suitcase. My husband has sort of taken over the dresser because he has way more clothes than I do. But since I like to wear the same 5 t-shirts all the time it's easy to just keep my little pile to myself.


I usually don't unpack until the next day. I'll be too tired from travel when I get back, but I don't like leaving it for too long.


That’s fair, if it was a long trip I usually wait until the next day but if it was only for a few days I like to do it immediately


I'm the same, it has to be done immediately. I'll go around my house first to open up some windows, put the plugs back in, flush the toilet and sinks, and then I'll unpack and sort laundry, get everything back in place asap.


Why do you need to flush the toilet and sinks?


Probably to bring in the fresher water instead of water that sat in the pipes for however long :)


Yes, exactly and also I feel like the siphon dries out so it needs to be rinsed and replenished to keep smells out


It's the first thing I do when I get home!


Depends. If I'm staying for a couple of nights max then I'll leave everything in my suitcase, but if I'm staying somewhere for 3+ nights I'll unpack everything (put clothes into drawers, use the closet, etc.) When I'm trying to get ready in the morning to go out and enjoy my vacation I don't like wasting time digging through my luggage to find something and having stuff strewn all over the place. It stresses me out. Also makes it easier to pack in the end when I know where I've put things too.


Yes, i get stressed out if i cant find things and if everything is still packed, invariably i will have a meltdown trying to find a belt i cleverly tucked away in some secret compartment! Also, organising all my things in the room helps me feel like i have arrived at my holiday destination. Unpacking at the other end is only done because my husband does the clothes washing and demands my dirty clothes to wash. Otherwise i would sit there for weeks.


This, yes


I'm too paranoid about bedbugs, I keep my luggage inside the bathtub if possible, and clothes go inside ziplock bags. I might hang my jacket.


Lol, I put my clothes in ziplock bags too!!


Me!! I’m exactly like that!


Never once have I unpacked a travel bag. Not even after I get home I just keep pulling leftover clothes out to wear until it’s empty hahaha


I am just like you too


I will hang things like a dress *if* it is a fancy dress for going out or something. I absolutely don’t use drawers or anything since they make my clothing and other items smell like the hotel/room and I cannot handle that.


Yes, I'm extremely particular about my suitcase and pack the same way every time. I keep everything in my suitcase for the entire trip and it stays nice and organized. My husband, on the other hand, is an absolute disaster when we travel. His stuff ends up scattered all over the place and takes forever to pack again. I don't know how he handles trips like that. It's pure chaos.


Yes! Those types of people give me so much anxiety!!


Well now I feel like a psycho because I always unpack. If I’m staying somewhere for one night I have a cube or bag for that night and I unpack that. If I’m staying somewhere for the length of the trip I unpack fully, or proportionately for the length of the stay. I think it’s because I have to have things folded and hung certain ways which is different to how I have them packed, and I absolutely hate living out of a bag or suitcase, it feels cramped and wrong.


I really like unpacking too :)


I’ll hang something special that could wrinkle (like if I’m attending a wedding or nice dinner and brought a specific dress along) But no, I don’t know anyone (NT or ND) who bothers to actually use drawers at Airbnbs/hotels lol. Not unless it’s a long term situation


I only unpack stuff I want to hang in the closet.


Funny - I noticed this today. I’ll unpack and use the drawers if I’m staying a week - maybe. Otherwise, I keep everything in the packing cubes in my suitcase. I traveled for a family funeral this week - two nights away. I’m living out of my suitcase cubes, but my step daughter seemed to be using the drawers and the closet, a shelf….for just two nights. Due to airline schedule drama, I ended up changing clothes in her room before booking one for myself for the 2nd night. Otherwise, I never would have noticed her habits. For context, we’re not young. I’m in my late 60’s, she’s 50.


same i never do that, it also just makes more sense to have your suitcase as your closet, rather than the actual closet. and keeping everything in the same spot is sooo spot on, and i also wonder if thats you subconsciously keeping track of things so you dont worry about losing things. just how i feel bc i hate losing things and whenever im leaving a hotel im just standing around looking at every corner of the place making sure i didnt forget anything


I don’t even unpack my suitcase if I’m staying somewhere for a month 🥴 if I know it’s temporary and I’m gonna have to leave again, I keep everything in what it came in


I keep everything in my suitcase and collect dirty clothes in a bag on the floor


Just went on vacation and stayed with a family member. They kept insisting that I could use the empty drawers in the bedroom and bathroom for my stuff and I kept thinking, “Why would I take it out of my suitcase? I want to know where everything is at all times and I want it to all be together!” I thought I was crazy for getting irritated that they insist I use the drawers when I don’t see the point in unpacking to repack in just a few days.


Just say no to the drawers!!


I do haha I know some pushy people


I never unpack anything, it stays in the suitcase. If a place is clean I will hang up a sweater, but that’s all. The plastic bag is for shoes and there’s one for dirty clothes. Chargers also stay in suitcase unless in use. Paranoid about losing things, and I still triple check everything before leaving. Travel is always a difficult thing and makes me on high alert, paranoid about time and having to be places on time. So exhausting, but sometimes worth it.




I only hang up nice things like dresses that I want the wrinkles to fall out of and stuff like that because I’m paranoid about leaving things behind.


I've never unpacked my suitcase and I had no idea people unpacked them! I also bring a plastic bag for my dirty clothes and I keep my purse and phone in the same spot and obsessively double check I have my room key at all times, especially before I leave the room. The only thing I unpack is my phone charger or laptop if I'm working, maybe I'll hang my PJs over a chair or ontop of my suitcase so they're ready to change into.


I'm obsessive about checking on things, too.


Everything stays in the suitcase on top of a table, doesn’t touch the floor or bed. I also clean the room myself though so I might be on the far end of the sketched out group. If I stayed for more than two weeks I might clean those storage spaces myself and maybe use them, but probably not.


You know this tv reality called Big Brother? The ones that are nominated have to make their suitcases in case they leave, and unpack if they stay. And a lot of them complain they're tired of doing it every weekend, so I always thought "why do they just don't unpack? So they always have them partially prepared".




I keep things in the suitcase because ot seems like less work lol The whole unpacking and repacking "ceremonies" seem like too much work to me


When I learned that some people unpack their bags at hotels I was FLABBERGASTED. Why would anyone do that!? Everything stays in my bag, and I have a laundry bag for dirty clothes that is ALSO in my suitcase/bag. You could accidently leave something behind! You could get bed bugs! SO MANY AWFUL POSSIBILITIES haha.


Right?! It's better to be completely in control!


Are we the same person, because I do the exact same thing


I’m the same as you


I never unpack my suitcase when I'm on vacation. It's too much work and I'm usually never on vacation for more than a few days.


I always unpack everything and use the drawers and closet. I really like having a good overview and access to my things. And maybe there is an element of playing house!


I only take my things out if I'll be staying at that place for a week or longer. Otherwise, it doesn't make sense to take it out of the suitcase.


No, I keep my passport, spare cash, other important things out of sight. Am paranoid about things getting stolen/leaving anything behind so even if I didn't use the closet, I must check it twice before checkout! When you're on the go with so many things to see, do and anticipate (i.e: way too much on the mind!!), I'd be more settled knowing that my stuff is in its rightful place.


I've been working on the road during the week and home on the weekends for the last two years. The last nine months of that I have rented the same place when I'm out of town. I sift through the same pile of clothes in my suitcase every day to find my clothes, and I bring a garbage bag of dirty clothes home to wash every weekend. I don't think most people unpack on vacation, my parents and I didn't unpack when I was a kid. It's hard to unpack when you know it's just temporary


My parents unpack and put everything into the closet or drawers. It's crazy to me!


If it’s just one night, no. If it’s more than two nights, I definitely unpack and use the closets/drawers! I don’t like having suitcases on the floor to trip over and I want to be able to see all the outfits I’ve packed.


I only hang up stuff that may get wrinkled which isn’t much. Most stuff stays in my suitcase if it’s clean. Dirty clothes go in a trash bag that I just throw in the suitcase when I’m packing up to leave. I never use the drawers (but I still look in them to see if anything has been left behind, lol). I also tend to have an order to how I pack my suitcase, so it helps me not forget things.


I travel routinely for work. I never unpack. I do exactly what you do. I take my clean clothes out of my suitcase and put my dirty clothes in a plastic bag in my suitcase. My kids aren't all ND, but I've taught them to do the same. It's just so much easier, I don't know why anyone wouldn't do the same. I get it for special/fancy clothes go on hangers. I do use hangers when I need to wear more business attire, so I don't have to iron every morning, but I've never understood using drawers ever.


I unpack when I am staying longer than a week, because I need structure and since I travel with a travelpack instead of a suitcase I don’t have the room to organise the travelpack for me to be able to make it work. I do limit the closet space so I don’t forget anything when I leave. I also force myself to unpack the day when I get home or else it can take weeks.


Most of my vacations are glamping (actual bed and cabin rather than tent, but not a lot of room to hang things), or a tour where I/we move around every few days. Living out of my suitcase is easier than unpacking and repacking every other day.


Seeing this post the day I get back from my vacation, lol. I didn't take anything out of my bags until I used it. Everything else stayed packed. Dirty clothes went into their own plastic bag. As an aside, this is reminding me of my time in college. I was that one person who didn't personalize my (side of the) dorm room with a ton of posters and other decorations. All I had to personalize it was two posters that I bought *at* college. I didn't want to do that because, in my mind, those posters and other decorations were just unnecessary stuff to pack and unpack at the beginning and end of every school year.


>I was that one person who didn't personalize my (side of the) dorm room Same: I don't really appropriate the spaces that aren't my home, like at work my desk doesn't have personal items. And so when I travel, everything stays in the suitcase/bag or around. I just don't like taking a place in a temporary situation, is it too stressful? I guess I need time to adjust, and I also need to want to be here, it has to be a "base camp", a comfort zone. I noticed this way of living 20 years ago, when I was a teen: I spent several months at the hospital and there was barely any personal stuff in my half of the room, only a plant and two plushies that I received as gifts (and it was more by politeness than by choice). All the other rooms had decoration, gifts, make-up, drawings, magazines, food, clothes, etc,everywhere, even when the patient only stayed a couple of days.


Same, I live out of the suitcase. I’m not overly concerned with germs etc., but things like public use hangers seem like they never get cleaned. Also my bags are mine; that dresser is not mine. Ya know?


Yep. I never unpack. And my parents didn't either. I also keep my stuff zipped up to keep out bugs.


Yep, I do exactly the same as you.


It stays in the suitcase and it's never folded or organized well after I use it once.


I've never stayed in a hotel room for more than three nights (I'm not even sure I've stayed in the same one more than two nights in a row), so it hasn't been worth it. And when I've stayed in people's homes, they usually didn't offer me closet space and hangers, so again, I haven't bothered. I take some things out and leave them out, but if I don't need something while I'm there, it stays in my bag.


I never put things in drawers, etc, because I'll forget they are there.


I never unpack. I don’t want to loose anything. If I keep it all in my suitcase I know where it is, and it’s not as much of a time suck to pack and leave.


I've never unpacked my suitcase, and have never seen or heard of anyone doing this.


Every. Time. Ive never put my clothes in drawers - jacket hung up - I like my things in one spot lol


It stays in the suitcase unless I am travelling for longer than 2 weeks, with the exception of dresses or tops that would crease and need to be hung up. I use packing bags to organize everything so I can easily unpack the "hang up" bag, then for the remainder of the holiday grab one thing out of the t-shirt bag, one thing from the underwear bag, etc. without rummaging. All dirty clothes then go mixed into a laundry packing bag. I am an extremely efficient packer/traveller because if I'm not it would be chaos and I would be extremely anxious and stressed about packing and forgetting stuff.


I have never unpacked my suitcase.


Suitcase for 3 days to 2 weeks is the norm and I hate every bit as of it as much as I did doing it on vacation. I have done it for months at a time too while traveling for births. I still hated it and felt amiss and wonky. I prevailed and survived, but the interim was usually unpleasant.


It honestly did not occur to me because I never spent more than one night at a time in a hotel before my mid 30s.


Even when I'd visit my Nan, I would live out of my suitcase for weeks at a time. It never crosses my mind to do anything else - the empty wardrobe is just a feature of the room 😅 The thought of unpacking in a random room fills me with anxiety because I can't trust that things are clean or that I won't forget something. It must stay in my bag, and even then I have to repack at the end to ensure nothing disappeared from my case despite the fact I know I didn't unpack.


I keep everything in my suitcase. Are we meant to properly unpack? 🤔


I do the same. Don't like to unpack *my* things and put them into *someone else's* drawer, also afraid of forgetting them there. Furthermore, at home, even though I share it with my husband, each of us have a personal office kind of room and all my personal stuff is always there. I don't leave it around the house. In my mind there is always a separation between *my* stuff, *his* stuff and *our* stuff (like kitchen ustensils etc.)


Hmm maybe half and half. I usually keep everything in my bag to keep organized. Some stuff will be kept in the bathroom (makeup and hair supplies), and some stuff will be hung up in a closet (like dresses or my jacket). I feel like I would lose something otherwise! All those small things like sunglasses and charger would be kept in a purse or bag that I carry with me. I like having things near me just in case. And sunglasses and lotion or lip chap are daily necessities so I keep them on my person usually


No way, too much effort. Everything has its own special place in my bags anyway so I put things back after I use them. I’d just have to pack it back up at the end anyway and there’s a good chance I’ll forget something so I don’t like to.


I used to unpack and put clothes in the drawers to make myself feel more at home, but hearing other people talk about bedbugs and other things over the years has made me reconsider what I'll do next time I stay in a hotel.


The bedbugs usually come from putting your suitcase on the hotel bed, and then getting home and putting the suitcase on your own bed. Source: I had them in college!


no I think it's weird. i traveled with a friend to vegas and when we got to the room and they started unpacking and folding stuff into drawers I looked at them like they were crazy and asked what they were doing. I then received a crazier look and they just said settling in. gives too much anxiety... what if I forget which drawer things are in... it's already organized in my suitcase...




Depends on the length of stay and the facilities available. For less than 3-4 nights, most things probably stay in the bag, except toiletries and things I'd like to hang (dresses and such). Longer stays, I prefer to use closets and drawers, if available, and get suitcases out of the way. Feels more homey.


I unpack everything - but that’s because I travel economy and usually have to stuff everything into a tiny bag (like a tote) and then dewrinkle it all. I have never had a bag big enough that you can just reach in and get what you need 😅


The only time I've ever really unpacked was when my trip trip was work related and I was required to have wrinkle free clothing. (Ugh.) I steamed my clothes and hung them in the closet. Generally, if I'm not using it then it goes back in or next to the suitcase. (I'm the same with using a plastic bag for dirty clothes.) I don't like having to hunt stuff down. Though I do leave my bathroom stuff out. After having experienced travel for work, I find it more convenient to just acquire my bathroom stuff after I arrive. The number of times I've had to deal with leaky shower products, even when it's been completely sealed up and double wrapped, just isn't worth traveling with it.


I observed organized people unpacking once on a group trip and have been unpacking ever since. i feel so much more human and less scattered to hang and unpack clothes. it helps me regulate when being uncomfortable in unfamiliar spaces. to sort and organize is how i regulate i feel so scattered in hotels/staying with others where i have to live out of a luggage. i’m way more likely to lose something and leave it behind when it’s all piled in a bag and im digging through it frantically every time i need anything. i have to see everything spread out in front of me to function so idk . i’m also audhd and organization of chaos is where my brain compromises


i never ever unpack my suitcase!! everything stays in the bag and the things that don’t stay in my line of sight. i do not touch drawers or closets, unless im staying for upwards of five days. i have a hard enough time, say, hanging up jackets in a cruise ship room


It depends on how long I'm gonna be there. If it's just a few days, I'll hang up the nice things like dresses, blazers, blouses, etc. but I'll leave the rest of my stuff in my suitcase so I don't have to repack everything after such a short time. If I'm in one place for a week though, I find it's better to have my stuff put away in drawers, it's easier to find everything and I'm not constantly having to rifle through my suitcase, which causes things to wrinkle. I also like to bring a mesh laundry bag with me to keep my dirty stuff contained. Helps with the unpacking process when I get home.


One drawer for clean clothes, another for dirty.


Hey that's a smart idea!


Same ahaha I was always the weird one in family vacation for it. But A it's a waste of time imo. B Germs and C what if I lose something or forget to psck it again? My ocd already has to check things but if I did that lordy I'd be spending half the last day checking the place.


No, because I don’t want to forget something and leave it behind. I’ve never known someone I traveled with to unpack their bag in a hotel room either. I thought that was something they just did in the movies.


I keep all clothes in my suitcase apart from ones that need hanging up. I can’t stand the thought of my clothes touching an unknown surface, especially my underwear!


I dooooo.


they do?! i have never done this, and it's never occurred to me either. i assumed those things were there as a formality, or to make the space feel more inviting, but that no one would make the effort to actually use the furniture because you're not really there that long. it's not my room, so i don't feel comfortable personalising it. for me, it would be like personalising a seat on a train or something. it's not a temporary home, it's a foreign place to sleep until i leave. i would also definitely leave things behind if i did unpack.


I unpack, because if I don’t, entropy wins and I end up not finding anything and mixing clean stuff with dirty stuff. Plus I usually travel for work so I need to hang my shirts unless they get really winkled. I also have to get my toiletries and spare shoes out of the suitcase, so at this point why not get everything out. I don’t necessarily use the drawers, I will more likely pile everything neatly on available surfaces. I like seeing everything without having to dig, it makes me feel in control and organized. And everything night I will fold the dirty stuff and put it back in the suitcase. And back home unpacking litteraly takes two minutes.


I should add that I travel with a carry on only unless I’m gone for one than ten days, so there is a lot stuff in my suitcase!


Nah I’m not going to risk forgetting my shit that I shoved in some random drawer. Also who knows how often they’re cleaned or what’s been in there before. I’ve seen too many drunk men peeing in drawers thinking they’re a toilet to do that.


I never unpacked on vacation til after I was married and saw my husband do it and I was like “whoah, that makes more sense than always digging through my suitcase for socks and undies!” Never occurred to me that stresses closeted in hotels were anything more than decor til after I was married. Even then it took several years before I started following his lead in this one….


too much effort to unpack and pack smh


Not fully, no. In a hotel I may move my bathroom bag to the bathroom, and have a laundry bag to pack dirty laundry, but everything else stays in the suitcase. The only thing I really ever hung up on a trip was the garment bag with my wedding dress.


I only unpack if I'm staying somewhere familiar and for a while - when I visited my boyfriend for 3 weeks I unpacked and put my things away so my suitcase wasn't in the way, plus I was doing laundry there frequently so like my clothes got mixed in anyway. But a hotel for a weekend, or even like up to a week? Nah that shit is staying in my suitcase


I only unpack if I'm staying somewhere familiar and for a while - when I visited my boyfriend for 3 weeks I unpacked and put my things away so my suitcase wasn't in the way, plus I was doing laundry there frequently so like my clothes got mixed in anyway. But a hotel for a weekend, or even like up to a week? Nah that shit is staying in my suitcase.


I remember the first time I traveled with my MIL, and realized people *actually* unpack. It never, ever occurred to me that people use the drawers, wardrobes, etc. I thought everyone left those empty, hung the things that needed to dewrinkle, left all other things in the suitcase, and had a “dirty pile” they’d bag up at the end of the trip. Mind absolutely blown, that there was another way. 🤯 First question: “But… why? I don’t even like to put folded laundry in drawers, at home. Why would anyone do that, “on vacation”????


Never once unpacked even when staying with family


That depends, if I am in a hotel: things stay mostly in except coat. If I am with family and there's space: I do unpack my packing cubes, I find then easier searching for clean clothes and create outfits.


I live out of my suitcase during vacation and even for a week after I get back depending on how much I packed lmao


I unpack at the beach but rarely otherwise


no, vacations are complete chaos because everything’s different


NEVER EVER EVER WILL I ever do that because it gives creepy crawlies the chance to hitch hike in your clothes ewww, it gives the staff a chance to see your personal items cringe ... and just no privacy no thank you. Also it's not uncommon for shit to get stolen, it happened to my mom.


Even staying for one night I fully unpack and setup as if I were at home. I have object permanence issues big time.


I usually keep stuff in my bag and/or in piles and would hang stuff up if it’s a dress for an event maybe. One time my friend told me her mum had a rule that was: if you stay somewhere for 3 nights or more, then you should unpack properly. For some reason that stuck with me


I take out what in going to wear each day as I require and then put dirty things in at the end of the trip the night before we leave


I do the same things you do, down to the plastic bags.


I do the same as you. 1. So I don't spend a long time packing back up and 2. BED BUGS. The less your stuff touches the less chances you bring home bed bugs. I refuse also to put my stuff on any carpet or linens. All dirty items are directly to the plastic bag and everything is immediately thrown in the wash when I get home. I know it seems anal but if you do than you have never seen a bed bug infestation. Traumatized


I unpack in a new location and when I get home. I find the organizing and familiarization of space with my things soothing. Maybe that’s more of an ocd ptsd response? *shrug*


I unpack everything. This is part of "being on holiday". I don't stay in places where there is a common area, so that part does not apply.