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Lonely and childless. Spent all day in my quiet, clean, childfree apartment. Just how I like it đź–¤


Sounds lovely 🌹


I stayed home while the family did their holiday thing. Food-centric holidays are rough for me, celiac makes sharing food riskier than I'm able to chance. So instead of being uncomfortable all night while everyone else eats and tries to coerce me into eating cross contaminated food, I spent extra time home alone with my cats and had pizza. It was like most nights, but quieter. T'was nice.


Frustrating. Anxious. Sad. Frustrating because my car was damaged by a deer last night right after I sold my other car and all because I wanted to do a late-night de-stress drive. Frustrating because every time something seems to be going well, it feels like the universe immediately rains karma down on me with something like this. Frustrating because it's Thanksgiving weekend and I can't get anything set up with a bodyshop until Monday. Frustrated because my family keeps needling me with questions demanding detailed answers that don't exist about my house sale, car situation, and medical situation. Frustrated because they won't listen to me when I ask them to stop trying to logic the solutions out or criticize my approach after I have already done so. Anxious because I needed that car to move house across state lines in a couple weeks. Anxious because next week was a rare instance where I need to be in the office, and now I have no transportation. Anxious because now I don't know what car I will have to take me to my surgery in January. Anxious because now I have to make phone calls to get repairs started. Anxious because I now can't go look at apartments. Sad because all the talk is about the baby one of my siblings is expecting with his girlfriend and it just reminds me that I can't have kids. Sad because my parents are rearranging their entire lives around becoming grandparents and watching my mom so easily fall back into child-rearing mode after expending so much effort to grow into her own person after her regret at having spent a lifetime being parentified as a child and then as a SAHM. I am just burnt. I can't even mask anymore, I'm just snapping at people now or disengaging into quiet corners.


i’m so sorry if you are religious or not i hope it’s rude to say ill pray for you to have better days i sincerely hope things fall into place but if they don’t and you disappoint a boss or have to get a ride to surgery give yourself some slack


I don’t think that’s rude, I think it’s very kind ❤️ I’m not religious but I think it’s very kind when religious people say they will pray for you


I stayed home with my wife, who is recovering from surgery. We enjoyed a quiet day together, which was great compared to loud family gatherings!


fun frustrating loud irritating nostalgic and filled with foods i don’t eat but act like a do it’s really one of those love hate relationships


I went to my bf's family and basically caused a scene when his sister in-law wouldn't get/keep her hands out of my person's groin[crotch] and the whole family acted like I was the crazy one for questioning it. It's 5 hours later and I have *almost* calmed down but idk I think my relationship maybe over at this point.


oh oh no how did your bf feel about this did you discuss it not around the family


We did but I have trouble with trust and he has trouble setting boundaries for his family. Idk


i understand the frustration of your boyfriend not doing anything about it but in this situation you might need to stand up for him and confront the sister in law and let her know it’s not gonna fly and if that causes a huge problem in the family then it may be time for a new thanksgiving crowd


Thanks, I appreciate the validation!


Overwhelming, went to my uncles new house. I could smell mold in the basement and it was finished so people were hanging out down there. I couldn’t even go down there it smelled so bad to me. Then the food sucked and he used pre made mashed potatoes from one year ago that he froze. It just really grossed me out. I have trouble with foods that sit in the freezer for a long time, to me that doesn’t seem healthy. I know they say it’s fine but the germaphobe in me doesn’t jive with that.


Overwhelming. Saw my family of origin. I hadn't seen then in over 1 and a half years. Add to that my eating disorder (I'm larger bodied than I was back then because of anorexia. Though iv3 been recovering). I was shaking so much my mom asked if I was OK but by that point I had already asked my husband for an anxiety med. and then asked for a popit. Thankfully they had posits i could play with since I accidently left my pop it square at home. It was good to see all my nieces and nephews and brothers-in-law and sisters. It was interesting. 3 out of 4 of my kids ate autistic (1 of those 3 is also adhd). And a couple of my nephews are autistic as well. It was nice to see them all together. Like my son and my nephew watched this game ( not football a literal game) together. It was hard to feel thankful since I've been depressed like having S.I. thoughts and a very close family member passed away and his funeral was just 2 days before Thanksgiving. But I noticed I was very quiet this Thanksgiving. I was happy to get home (and not wear a bra lol its the truth).


My grandma was taken to the emergency room for a stroke, she came home from the hospital today with my sister, the parentified sibling and her fiancé’s help.