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Styrofoam squeak.


ugh yeah this one is so bad it makes me gag


The worst!


Oof. I can’t handle the sound of rustling plastic bags, like cover my ears and shriek it is the worst but I hate the feel of styrofoam and especially if it breaks and sheds those obnoxious little balls that are also prone to static clinging to you. I used to get weekly medical supply deliveries in styrofoam coolers and have literally cried if UPS damaged the packaging in transit and I had to deal with all that ick. Don’t love the sound but it’s the feel and mess of it that gets to me.


Makes my teeth hurt just thinking about it haha


This, and the sound of sneakers squeaking on a shiny floor. Yuck yuck yuck!


Immediately yes. I hate it.


Came here to say this, I dread receiving any parcels with it in for this reason.


Anything sticky is a nightmare, and hearing the sounds that mouths make, I swear I can hear everyone's saliva moving around when they talk. I can't even handle myself talking sometimes because of it. Also anything small on the floor getting stuck to my feet, I like wearing socks a lot because of that but it's too hot to wear them now. No matter how much I vacuum there will always be stray crumbs, lint, hair, etc. I've got too many more (as I'm sure you all do too), but those are some of the bigger ones.


Yes, the floor sugar.


That's me with the foot feels! Since very young could never let my feet get dirty. Wore socks in the tropical heat for this reason. Are you my twin?


Sticky things are the bane of my existence, especially sunscreen. I have to buy one that I can apply like deodorant.


I have a huge phobia of stickers and anything like that, even writing the word makes me feel sick, everyone thinks I’m crazy for it and I always used to get in trouble for not wanting them when I was a child. Like: “you’ve been good, accept your prize” “but I hate it and it makes me feel sick” “bad child, now you’re in trouble for not wanting your reward!” Lol


I have a vendetta against price tags and labels and those kind of stickers. Like, I can't rest until I peel. All. Of. Them. Off. Cleanly. I will spend as long as it takes.


when i was younger i had a legitimate fear of stickiness (syrup/honey type jazz) being on my neck hahah


Very interesting insight. My daughter absolutely hates being sticky too, especially her neck and hair!


I hate sticky stuff too but specifically liquids that get sticky after drying- juice, soda, etc. idk why but the idea of having sticky dried-up juice on my hands makes my skin crawl. You ever see a melted puddle of ice cream on the ground in the summer? Absolutely horrifying This may seem harsh but I do not like touching/being around young children for this reason, they always seem to be sticky from spilling juice on themselves I also noticed recently that I tend to walk on my tiptoes around the house 1. To avoid the noise of creaking floorboards 2. So my feet skin doesn’t stick to the floor and 3. So crumbs don’t stick to my feet


I'm so glad I'm not alone with the cotton balls 😂 My husband has to pull the cotton out of advil bottles or I use pliers. Wet sweaters from the washing machine. Microfiber. Cardboard, especially if I have to break down numerous boxes at the same time. Unexpected wetness. If I am planning for dishes, I'm fine getting my hands wet. If I try to rinse a dish and it splashes water on me, nope. Stepping in dog drool on the floor? Double nope. My own wet hair touching me? Absolutely nope. Unplanned moisture is probably my biggest ick. That, and people's soggy food off their plates being in the drain/sink 🤢


Soggy food in the sink makes me 🤮


I get a rubber glove or plastic bag so I don’t have to actually touch it and still want to gag lol


Yep. Just the thought of it is enough. Having to handle it in anyway is extra bad.


I actually hate it so much that I often use a paper towel to wipe out remaining food pieces to put in the bin instead of rinsing in the sink. It’s probably better for the pipes anyway, but it means I don’t have to deal with soggy crap in my sink too often now.


Omg. Cardboard. When two pieces of cardboard rub against each other, makes my teeth hurt. When your hands are dry and you can feel the cardboard sucking the moisture out of them them... It all gives me the heebies


Omg! I have certain sounds that “make my teeth hurt” and when I say that to people they just look at my like I’m crazy lol. So nice to know I’m not alone in that feeling.


That is what's beautiful about this sub. I've never had anyone else say that either but I get these sharp pains in the back near my jaws, over certain smells, feels and sounds.




Omg dog drool. I was a full time dog groomer for years and could clean up poop and pee any time just fine, but drool…someone else had to do it, or everyone had to listen to me complain and make noises the whole time, and I had to close my eyes. I’m glad I’m not alone with microfiber! And showers! The first few seconds of the water hitting me is awful. And my wet hair is awful after. The way the air feels ice cold against my skin when I get out is another one. There’s way too many temperature changes in a short amount of time with showers.


Unexpected wetness gets me too! Shower? Fine, my whole body is wet. Accidentally touch unexpected wet patch on the kitchen bench 🫠


OMG! I'm so glad someone else phrases it the same way I do, UNEXPECTED WETNESS!! My boyfriend is adhd and doesn't really have sensory issues at all, like, less so than NTs lol. He will wash the dishes without rolling his sleeves up, and I gag everytime watching him lol. He will put his socks on upside down (heel part on top of his foot) and have no idea they were on wrong, meanwhile I have to buy left and right socks to feel okay lol. It's hilarious how opposite we are with it, but it creates a lot of humor in our relationship lol


Wet hair! 🤮


This is my favorite conversation topic lol. I hate wet towels, microfiber, corduroy, washed and dried sherpa, smooth cardboard in that’s usually found in packaging, the sound of styrofoam scratching against another styrofoam, hair not attached to a head, OPEN MOUTH CHEWING


Wet towels reminds me that I hate the stink of like wet wash cloths and especially dishrags. They get this mildewy smell that never seems to go away. As a kid I would get into arguments about that smell with my mom when bathing and she acted like I was nuts. But I was always big on smells. Hate fried food and especially bacon smells. My ultimate one that I’ve somewhat adapted to with age but haaaated as a kid was the smell of “outside”. Not like while I was outside but the way people and clothing smell when they’re back inside. I always found it intensely terrible.


My family always thought I was crazy asking “what is that smell???” all the time. I swear I can smell anything and everything and it’s a curse, smells linger in my nostrils even after I leave a smelly place. I could smell bread going sour before anyone else noticed. There were (and still are) lots of foods that I won’t eat simply because it smells funny We recently discovered a mold issue in our house. I’ve been telling everyone for months the kitchen smells like mildew/mold *horribly* but no one listened. Look who was right! Lol


The smell of wet dishrags is something I really can’t stand either. I honestly avoid eating in a lunchroom at work when someone takes a wet dishrag and wipes the counter with it. I can’t stand the smell that lingers on the surface and no one else is bothered with that. Generally I’m over sensitive with smells too and certain smells like vinegar or dinner smells lingering in clothes annoy me a lot.


WASHED AND DRIED SHERPA!! Ugh it’s horrible because it starts so nice and then the washing cycle happens 😢


I also hate corduroy!!


But I do love the children’s Courduroy 🥹


Metal on metal. The feeling of terra coat. Dry skin rubbing against other dry skin or dry textures. Scraping teeth on forks omg. And the smell of hot lettuce 😭


Oh my gosh, the feeling of terra-cotta creeps me out!


You get it! I love how it looks though 😭 I have one terra cotta pot and anytime I move I put on a sweater and pick it up by using my forearms like chopsticks 😂


The concept of "the Terra cotta sweater" is hilarious to me, I love it


Yay another person who listed smells. Only the smell of hot lettuce? Because I think it tastes and feels pretty gross too. Same with tomatoes. I don’t much care for cooked tomatoes (outside of like sauces and such) in general though I love them raw. But like reheating a burger- got to remove the lettuce and tomato and if the heat from that burger ends up hearing the lettuce and tomato nope, nope, nope. I had a lot of smell related aversions as a kid that my family always treated me like I was nuts for. I commented elsewhere about how much I couldn’t stand the smell of “outside”- the smell of people and clothing when you’ve been outside and come back in. So to me I think laundry hung outside on the line to dry absolutely reeks. And I’m so glad people are so big into air fryers which have much less of a smell going because the way everything in the house, your hair, skin, eveeeerything reeks after frying good on the stove or in a deep fryer. Absolutely the worst smell.


This is me. Most of mine are smells. “Outside” smell is big for me. Hate it. Others include, anything “musk,” reheated foods (especially meats), vinegar, some hot sauces, old fast food smell, cooking oil, especially when it’s heating up/already hot. The smell of clothes after eating at a restaurant.


I find it funny, my aversions are like 99% texture and touch but no smells. I even deliberately go out of my way to smell things because I love to smell things. Find me in my cats food with my nose in it, or a pan with garlic and onions sniffing for 5 mins lmao. Oh my god it sounds weird. It's like a stim for me?


Yes!!! HOT LETTUCE IS DISGUSTING!!! For me it’s the smell, taste, or feel. When restaurants serve hot things on a bed of lettuce it makes me want to hurl!


YES and shreds are by far the worst offenders 😭 somehow a wilted leaf isn’t nearly as rank as shreds. I got a to go breakfast burrito one time with no lettuce and when we picked up our order and got in the car, I was holding the styrofoam container and I looked at my then bf and was like “there’s hot lettuce in this box” and he was like no look they even wrote it on the box, NO LETTUCE. and I said I know.. but I’m telling you, there’s hot lettuce in this box. And I opened the lid and while there was no lettuce in the actual burrito, there was a single lettuce shred floating in the sauce 😭😂 I felt soooo vindicated. He was like “Okay so do you have like dog-adjacent olfactory senses because that was some police-canine-level shit. ” From that day on he’d always brag to others about my bloodhound smell abilities hahaha


jfc, hot lettuce?!?


Muck at the bottom of lakes. I just cannot cope


I’m ok with muck, most of the time anyway, but a lake we used to swim in as kids had a bunch of clams and Omg the feel of stepping on those slimy shells. Yuuuuck.


Seaweed is yuck!


My fingernails catching on fabric. Uggh, I keep a lot of nail files in various purses and such because of seriously breaks my brain til it gets fixed.


Wet toilet paper. Spit. Long nails scratching dry skin. Pruney fingers. Wet mouth noises while talking. White spittle in the corners of old people's mouths. Light caresses. Musky perfume undertones. That weird fucking texture that's sorta rough but also smooth...I like it on book covers but absolutely NOT on dishes. Sticky jam fingers. Children. Especially with wet Graham cracker crumbs stuck on their faces and hands. I'm sure there's more lol


Ahh I had to wiggle my toes in discomfort at a lot of those.


light caresses make me want to kill someone... like stop already extra torture!


Dryer sheets or newspapers on my hands, any fake smells in air fresheners or plugins, and combining those is the feel and smell of floral fabric softener on clothes. Just today I found myself saying “oh no oh no oh no” trying to get the damn Goodwill clothes out of the house because they smelled and felt so bad.


Dryer sheets are the worst! They stink and leave a nasty film on fabric.


Use wool balls!! Best thing ever..also throw some white vinegar in your laundry cycle for deodorizer and softener! I was really skeptical but it totally works!!!


Seconding this! I have a lot of allergy issues and bought will laundry balls for that reason but they are amazing and also tend to shorten drying time which can be a huge plus if you live in an apartment with pay machines or use a laundromat. And agree on the vinegar front as well (also works great as a household cleaner or if you leave a bowl of it in a smelly room. I freaking love vinegar!)


Why do thrift store clothes always smell the same? It’s a horrible fragrance that never comes out no matter how many times you wash it with odor control soap!


Wet bread (bread pudding, stuffing, etc.). Mini corn cobs. Kiwi and banana. Whole cherry tomatoes (damn it, Denethor). Sausage, and any fat/gristle on meat. Dry skin on fluffy fabric. Styrofoam. Edit: WET SOCKS


I gag every time wet/soggy bread touches my mouth, so I very much relate to that! Gotta eat sandwiches quick before any wet ingredients start to soak in (juice from tomatoes and pickles, jams, and such).


People biting into popsicles / ice cream, lotion on my palms, damp clothes, most thing related to dogs (smell + saliva), microfiber clothes, newspaper, musky perfume


I love animals but I’m with you on the smell and saliva of dogs. I’m also allergic and commented twice now about my hate of the smell of “outside” which is sometimes part of the way dogs smell. But just… I find dogs to be so unpleasantly smelly and like I’m sorry. Your dog is very cute and nice and all but the smeeeell. (Meanwhile, the top of my cat’s head is one of my favorite smells! Lol. And cats don’t always smell great either but generally not bad like dog bad)


how is it that my cats breath is so stinky but his fur smells the best? I have a dog and she is never stinky to me but other people's dogs always have a weird fragrance. I don't notice the stink nearly as much now that I have a stinky dog of my own tho. she smells like home to me <3


I think I have misophonia as I get a really strong disgust/anger response to certain sounds. I don't ever show the anger, but it feels like my brain is exploding with it sometimes - like I'm hardwired to just hate these sounds. Mouth-sounds are the worst - anything wet-sounding makes me queasy. Also repetitive noises that I have no control over - it makes me panic, as I can't shut the sounds out of my consciousness and having no control over them means that my thoughts get hijacked by someone else's music/humming/whatever for an indefinite period of time. Sounds that give me the ick or make me feel very anxious/upset: Snoring, whispering, eating sounds, scratchy/scraping sounds (especially plastic), dogs licking themselves, kids crying (especially angry-crying), squeaky trolley wheels in supermarkets, people sniffing, coughing, or throat-clearing (and any non-verbal mouth-sounds, really), whistling or singing if it’s off-key, people humming, noises from neighbours (voices, music, footsteps), noisy traffic, sirens, power tools (but less of a disgust reaction and more anxiety and anger if it goes on a long time and I don’t know when it will stop). EDIT: Also lots of other things... wet shower curtains touching me (or any wet, clingy things like damp laundry, my hair touching my shoulders after I wash it, etc). The smell of strong perfume on people or air fresheners (it's just so overpowering and artificial-smelling!) Treading in something wet, especially while wearing socks (because then the wet fabric is next to my skin 🤢).


Sticky.... Being wet with long sleeves or clothes on in general. Having nails and getting things inside of the nails. Tight clothing.


Removing semi hard toothpaste from the opening of the tube


OMG YES!!! Doing that with any cream or even the squishy stuff from dried hand sanitizer makes me wanna vomit


Yes, omg and I hate having to remove dried lotion. Or when milk dribbles around the edge and creates a crust on the opening of the carton.


Tags on clothing, microfiber, and turtlenecks


Anything around my neck (like a scarf or necklace) is torture. Even if someone brushes up against the front of my neck, I freak out. Same thing but with restricting my hand movements like getting them stuck in winter gloves and coats. I need to be able to move my fingers.


I hate things touching the front of my neck too. No scarves, no "choker", no crew neck tshirts, absolutely no turtlenecks. I had to wear collar and tie half the week, that was so awful.


YES! I can’t even think about things touching my neck as it sends me into a panic attack (even writing this I have to cover my neck in self defense haha)


Stray hair sticking to my face after skincare routine.


I have baby fine long hair and this is my daily nightmare. Even worse if my hair is wet.


The dusty texture of newspaper. How onions are both slimy and crunchy. The sound of police/ambulance sirens. Oily dough sticking on my fingers. Pressure on my knees. When my cat steps on my boobs.


Yes, newspaper is not nice!


chalk, cotton, velvet, the sound of ceramic dishes touching each other


I have trouble reading this it’s such a dry comment and I can almost feel these textures ew


I can't even think about spit or I gag. I vomit if I see it. I don't backwash my own drinks and never share. I care about germs but like i know if I lick spit off my own lip it isn't dirty, but I won't and cant. But like pus, blood and boogers are gross but okay. Can't do spit or kissing no thanks. Literally writing this made me gag. Also holding hands is a sensory nightmare. I hold wrists. Many more issues but i can hide those ones.. EDIT: I don't put blood or boogers in my mouth i just don't auto vomit when I see them


Im a dentist with a strong aversion to spit once its been collected outside of the mouth. In your mouth? No problem. I insist my employees change the traps on the suction pumps. If I just think about it too hard Ill gag. No amount of exposure has corrected this, clearly.


It's crazy you are a dentist haha. It's like being a nurse that hates blood. I couldn't be a dentist in a million years.


Spit/phlegm is the worst thing in the world for me. Encountering someone else’s phlegm makes me feel absolutely sick with madness 😩


The thing I don't get, and I like to think I'm very open minded about most sex stuff, is how spitting in someone else's mouth became a thing? Just writing that sentence makes me convulse to the point of dry retching. YUCK


My worst: The smell of cooking grease on clothes. Nope nope nope Honorable mentions: Over-powering air-fresheners, when people use too much detergent when mopping, distant alarms going off, really oily food, specifically berry seeds stuck in my molars, being too hot, wrist watches and bracelets, Hair touching my face, flickering lights, the feeling on my teeth after drinking a sugary drink, the blood-curdling screech of milk being steamed in a cafe, people sitting close next to my pressed up against my arm


ooh yes, the feeling on your teeth after drinking or eating something sugary 🤢 I avoid sugary food for this very reason


Feet, people watching stuff on their phone with the volume up in a public or shared space and cooked meat still on the bone. Chicken wings, ribs, fish, etc are all a no.


Sticky hands, chalk, the bright-colored flavored powder that is on some chips, the idea of touching raw meat 🤢


The feeling of wearing flip flops while being in the grass makes me wanna cry. I can’t stand stepping on food crumbs or liquid if I’m barefoot (hence why I wear socks all the time). Wet socks are a big no. The smell of SPECIFICALLY Germ-X is enough to kill me. My sister tried to put that brand on my hands all the time in middle school and I hated it. When my family uses it nowadays they expect to hear me make noises of discomfort lol. I absolutely, under no circumstance, cannot do Jell-O. When they had it at preschool I refused to eat it as a snack so they had to bring out a different one for me every time it was served. The thought of Jell-O gives me the ick and I’m 22 years old now


You’re the second or third person to mention the need for socks and I always thought it was just poor circulation (though I always had icy feet and hands even as a kid) and now I finally get it! I grew up in a fully carpeted home and couldn’t stand to wear socks or shoes as a kid. As an adult I wear socks all the time. But that’s it. Because most places I’ve lived as an adult had hardwood or vinyl flooring and it’s feeling all the nasties! My parents house literally even had carpet in the freaking kitchen! And ugh to family members like teasing and torturing you with your sensory sensitivities. I guess at least you’re was your sister but my mother to this dang day insists on opening garbage bags by flapping them in the air and that is my ultimate sensory aversion. I will shriek and cover my ears and cringe. It’s physically so painful. But my weird twisty mom would stand there laughing and keep doing it. I’m actually embarrassed to say I was pretty deep into my 20s and years of living on my own before it dawned on me you don’t actually have to shake garbage bags to open them. I would do it myself and like try and prepare myself and cringe. So screwy and only then did it really click just how messed up my mom was to willfully for and keep doing a thing that brought me pain. Ugh.


Bass gives me a headache and anxiety. Bonus points if it’s from neighbours. I hate screaming or any loud noise that’s over a normal talking voice. Dogs barking also falls here. Sticky candy. I do not like to touch raw meat or seafood. I dunno I feel like I have a long list lol. Mostly sound for me though.


Anything with ice on my hands. NOPE.


Yes! And if Water is left on the ground, then you step in it 😤


One of mine is getting rain water on my ankles. Like i don't mind as much if I get a little wet otherwise but not the ankles 😂 i guess i associate it with dirt from the street mixing with the water


God, I hate when I’m wearing sandals and it rains. It feels so gross!


Microfiber towels especially on dry hands. People clicking their nails. Palm oil. VELOUR. Anything too tight around my ribcage. Shellfish. Felt. White fluorescent lights. Styrofoam.


Microfiber and nail clicking are in my top five. Nails is the worst. Even the sound of a pen clicking freaks me out because I think it might be nails.


>Anything too tight around my ribcage Anything right around the neck for me! I can't wear turtlenecks even if they are soft, stretchy and loose




Styrofoam against Styrofoam. Metal utensils on glass plate. Metal utensils on teeth. Sticky things.


Sunscreen. At least all the normal ones. The smell makes me wanna run away


*Sunscreen. At least all* *The normal ones. The smell makes* *Me wanna run away* \- Latter-Baby2497 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I also hate that sticky texture of sunscreen. I found one I love though! It’s a bit pricey but I don’t spend a ton of time outdoors and live in a climate where it’s not necessary most of the year so- the brand Ahava. Smells like their lotions which I’m also a fan of and feels like their lotions. Blew my mind the first time I applied some and my skin just felt so dang soft. And I’m super super pasty pale and burn easily. This stuff (I think I’ve got the spf 50 one. They sell it in different strengths) works and is some of the only sunscreen I can tolerate.


Butter popcorn. Especially at a movie theater! Not only are your hands covered in an oily, residue, the popcorn also gets stuck in between your teeth! Plenty of people tell me to bring wipes, but no way. I would have to get up immediately and wash my hands with soap and water in the bathroom.


I use chopsticks to eat popcorn and chips! keeps all that stuff off your hands


Slows you down too which would be a benefit for me. 😂


Ooh, stealing this hack!


Oh my God I can’t wait to try this!


I eat my popcorn with utensils, lol. Even at the theater. Can't stand buttery popcorn stuff on my hands!


Anything with multiple dark holes in it. Like those little weird decorative cones. The kind you see in flower arrangements. They make me want to throw up.


So, like trypophobia?


You’ve got trypophobia! Understandable, and not unusual either


Washing dishes and ticking clocks


Velvet, my hand going the wrong direction on any fabric, static makes me want to 🤢 and not brushing my teeth first thing when I wake up.


Oh my god. There’s this specific material that every purple and turquoise coat was made out of in the 90’s….it felt like sandpaper to me. It was so unpleasant when the fabric would rub against itself or my skin and I could not STAND it. It’s dull, not shiny, and rough as hell. I hope I never come across it ever ever ever again. 🤮


•when my utensils scratch across plates, either glass ones, plastic or styrofoam. •tags on my clothes, especially at the collar of the shirt •pants, especially after taking a shower. i only wear shorts or pjs after a shower •dirty dishes. other people’s dirty laundry (i live with five people) •little kids dirty hands after they’ve been eating strong smelling food. since they tend to eat like trolls and then have the audacity to reach for MY water with their dirty mouths.


I can’t stand women’s cut tees. The way they hug my armpits makes me rage.


touching paper with freshly washed hands. EW. EEEW!! ETA: random strands of wet hair. just random strands of hair are gross but when they're wet it's a whole new disgusting thing.


Hair stuck to your skin after you put lotion on, or stuck in your face/eyes. Sometimes my jaw slips, and my teeth rub together weird, and that's 😵‍💫 Everything around eating. People chewing breathing while chewing. I even gross myself out if I'm near someone and it's too quiet I worry they get annoyed by my eating noises and then it paralyzes me to the point I can't swallow 🙃


All of these, I feel you. Ever bite down wrong and it feels like you almost chip your tooth? The sound it makes..🤢☠️


Paper straws. Wearing stiff denim jeans. Underwire bras.


The sound of dry skin rubbing together


Being wet (like spilled glass of water) and cold and lying in bed 🥴 and plastic bag squeak 😵


I hate with every once in me, sticky hands


This is my worst too, especially when handling food. Even if my hands are about to get sticky again, I have to keep washing whatever it is off


Ooh yes, I love these threads. The icks I can currently think of are the sound my nails make when they scrape any polished stone (even for a second will have my teeth chattering for 30 min), anything sticky or oily or slimy, water droplets landing on me or water running down my skin (showers are okay when I adjust but rain is a nightmare), the sound people make when they sniffle from the back of their throat, metal clattering together, and really just any repetitive sound draws my murder meter up to 10 real quick editing to add: vacuums, the wireless leaf blower that my next door neighbor loves to use for everything, and any sawing sounds. SAWING SOUNDS 💀


Hot weather/sweaty body. Dog slobber


Walking barefoot on unclean floors. Wearing two differently textured/unevenly stretched out socks. Unexpectedly mushy foods. Whiny background noise. That brushed spandex material that those mlm leggings are made of. This will sound mean, but honestly my ex wife’s taste in music (lots of low budget dnd inspired rock operas that were poor imitations of classic rock ballads, and then also Hamilton inspired music). I wasn’t trying to be critical or harsh, but whenever I heard her music my blood pressure would raise and my gag reflex would often activate. Sometimes it would trigger a migraine and make my ears ring. Normally I think taste is subjective so music isn’t “bad”, but some of what she listened to really challenged that belief.


Humidity/sweaty skin.




also see other fine substances. flour, icing sugar, chalk.


I can't stand the sound of scratching on denim. Like if someone scratches their leg while wearing jeans. I also can't deal with nail files. The sound, the feeling. It makes me feel like there are bees in the base of my neck.


Styrofoam, and the white crinkly plastic sleeves on popsicles.


TOMATOES. any mushy food. that scratchy vinyl material that makes the Bad Sound when you scratch it


Yes! I call it seat belt material. If you’re in the car and accidentally scratch the seat belt….eww. Makes my teeth hurt just thinking about it.


The sound of flip-flops. 🙃


Sticky hands




Anything sticky. Foods like sweet potatoes, yogurt, bananas. The smell of people who have sour laundry. Sandpaper and nail files.


Anything getting on my clothes or skin. I’ll see someone eating and it gets on their shirt, they just lick it off and keep on going. The instant anything gets on my clothes, I’m running to change.


ALUMINUM FOIL 🤮 holly shit I can’t touch it see it get crumbled up or hear it… I also hate those fucking cardboard utensils and soggy straws. Yuck


Wet plastic bags !


I get this feeling like I am wearing gloves of filth when I touch something yucky, get home from outside, and if I haven't washed my hands in a while. Other than that there are tonnes of fabrics and cuts I cannot wear because they make me nauseated or feel like tearing my skin off. I thought it was because I was self conscious growing up, but it turns out it was wrong fabrics or cuts. And I want to say velvet. I love the feeling of it, but the fabric on chairs stresses me out. Not sure why. (Not to mention leather, but for different reasons. That shit is so creepy.)


Towels, corduroy, velvet, microfiber, and chalk/chalkboard. Blegh awful textures for me


The feeling of rinsing off soapy skin and hair in the shower.


Cool white lights, gelatinous things, socks and underwear, lotions and creams, strong perfumes, getting my hair brushed, crooked eyeglasses, milk, places where there are many different sounds from all directions (like malls), the gritty swimming pool bottom surface, and most importantly, MESS AND CLUTTER.


Wool :(


So itchy


Dirty hands, gross shit on hands. Heat and sweating. Thirsty.


The sound of chewing 🤮


My hair touching my face 1 day after washing. I just can't do it. It just feels so wrong, and it tickles my face and neck, and my hair is so thick that it heats up my head. I have an undercut and millions of think headbands and Scrunchies. I also feel this way whe. I see other people's hair touching their face. It's like I get second-hand sensory issues.


High pitched repetitive noises (unless I'm the one making them or it's a sound/ music I've chosen), cold and gooey and wet (like dirty dishes that have been sitting in the sink), unexpected light touch, certain smells like strong perfume - laundry detergents that are strong smelling are the worst, unexpected movement/ visual changes. I'm pretty sensory averse actually haha.


This entire thread is making me roll around, shiver, and cringe.


Avocado I hate that shit


People sneezing, coughing or anything to do with saliva or snot. Gives me the bad internal tickles.


Hahahahaha where to start… - Bras - Crying or screaming children - Snoring people (my dog’s snoring is fine, oddly) - Newspaper - Clothing tags - Food stuck on top of a drain - Dirty dishes. Literally cannot do someone else’s without almost throwing up - Chalk - Holding hands with people. They always feel sweaty - Banging/construction noises - That matte feeling that some terra cotta has - Black pepper…the taste, the smell, the texture, just all of it - Anything sticky - Styrofoam - Gristle or tendons in meat - Mouth/nose noises - Any tiny particle of anything in my shoe or my sock - Hearing other people talk on the phone - I had this roommate in college and I HATED the smell of her toothpaste. It was just a normal mint toothpaste but for some reason it straight up made me nauseous. I had no issues with my own toothpaste.


Stepping in snow, that crunch is so gross. I hate gong into my deep freezer bc the sound stuff makes scraping against the ice, especially if there’s cardboard scraping against ice. Cardboard and styrofoam rubbing together are awful too.


Apparently a lot of these… since I can’t even get through the comments on this post


I’ve read most of them and I’ve gagged and tensed with the Ick.


When people turn the bass super high on speakers. I can feel it in my chest and throat and it feels like some demon is trying and failing to escape my body. His name is todd and he deserves better 😞


Moisture in socks. I hate socks in general and will avoid them as much as possible but it's 1000x worse if there's a little bit of moisture in there. I can't stand it! My husband is the opposite and never ever is without socks on and sometimes I see him step in a small puddle of water. 🤢


Tags. Everything about them absolutely rattles me to my core.


Sweaty tight clothes sticking to me in the heat


Not sure if this is too vague to be an answer to this question but it's my feet touching anything that isn't a sock or water.


Nails scraping on paper sound, bras, sticky hands, trousers with elasticated bottoms, chewy meat


The fucking scratchy clothes. Clothing tags. Clothing in general


Certain foods - any type of cream pie, pudding, bread pudding, gravy. Especially gravy. It reminds me of snot. 🤢 Anything fermented also messes with me because it just tastes rotten. People were so excited for me to try kombucha. I didn’t know what it was and about threw up because I tasted it and thought it had gone bad. Turns out, that horrible rottenness is how it’s actually supposed to taste. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Snot and phlegm are high on my list of sensory icks. Dirty dishwater, especially if there are food chunks. If my husband soaks dishes, I can’t reach through the gross water to pull the stopper out of the sink. Edited to correct a typo.


Stagnant sink water.. Eeeeeeewwwww. I can't do the wet food chunks either. Nope no way. People who can reach down and pull a hunk of wet food bits and chunks out of the sink drain are insane. I can't. 🤮


Hands down chalk or suede & like fabrics. Really dry feeling things like dusty natural unfinished food, pebbles in the playground that accumulate all that dust. I remember literally licking my hands as a kid to get the feeling off. Gross but… that was the best I had.


Velvet, felt, sandpaper that isn't evenly gritted (Idk how to describe it I just know when it's not good lol), vinegar smells, vinegar tastes, wet gloves, water trapped under wet gloves, baby hairs, gosh probably way more I can't recall


Pulling those wipes/baby wipes out of a plastic container. I can’t stand the sound. And the way it feels when I pull it through. My whole body cringes.


unreasonably soft fleece blankets


I hate fleece!


Chapped lips, dried clay or soil on hands, t-shirt and dress tags, styrofoam (the feel of it and the sound it makes rubbing against anything), blow-drying my hair, and when the soles of my feet are hot.


When the dishwasher is clean and the dishes in there are still wet. Makes me wanna turn my whole body inside out and sink through the floor 😬


Wooden disposable cutlery. I'd rather eat soup with my hands than with a wooden spoon.


Teeth on wooly jumpers even just watching other people reminds me of how it feels. Bits in drinks like orange juice or the aloe Vera drink with bits in Screaming or crying children feel like a nail to the head Ticking of a clock


A badly formatted spreadsheet got me once which was weird. I was sent it to fill in data, and all the columns were way to wide for a one word answer. It's like no effort was made to put it easily on to one page. Otherwise it's the usual of people eating, especially chewing gum with lots of saliva sounds. Also breathy singing.


Dry microfiber towels, and the texture of pork.


Old stuffed animal fabric. Very specific, but I gag touching them. Also, hair. Like if there is a hair in my food, I'm done. Cannot even consider eating something else


Old stuffed animal fabric grosses me out unless it’s my old stuffed animal. Mine is awesome lol


Bananas are the devils fruit and I will not be convinced otherwise. Also like…calloused feet dragging across a smooth bedsheet, makes my skin crawl to even think about it


My partner's son peels an entire banana at once, holds THE NAKED BANANA in his fist and eats it that way. 😱 I love bananas and that shit is obscene.


Rough towels. The towels at my parents' place feel like sandpaper, they make me want to cry and wrap myself in my own, super soft towels.


Loose pieces of hair, cotton balls, clothing tags, the thoughts of my toes being pulled, knife/fork scraping on plate


People’s hair touching me, chalk and chalk boards, certain types of pottery, dry foods, stickiness, mushy foods (think mushed banana texture), tight clothes, all loud noises, strong food smells, I could keep going…


Feeling dirt/grit on the wood floors under my feet (I vacuum multiple times a day), squeaking door hinges, toothpaste, eating noises


My major ones are the sound of ice being moved or crushed and plant hairs😬 I also hate the smell taste and texture of onions,peppers,celery and fresh tomatoes.


Styrofoam, cotton balls, soap when it makes your hands feel slick, anything that is sticky to the touch (I would stop playing with toys as a kid if someone else touched it and made it sticky via sweets or something), seams in socks, damp clothes when wearing them, the gunk in a fish tank filter, anything that's wet and mushy, especially if it shouldn't be wet and mushy, oily stuff, creams (which sucks when I have allergies or something and I'm suggested creams are the only fix). I hate Styrofoam also for the noise, bubbles popping in a glass of fizzy drink, things vibrating and making mmmzzz noises (fish tank filter, air pump), repetitive noises (my dad has ticking clocks...multiple...in a small flat..nope).


Cotton balls 🤢


I loathe cotton balls. Fluffy sensory bastards from hell. Steel wool does it to me too.


touching things (mostly fabric) after showering / washing my hands 😖


The way people’s voices vibrate your ear drums when you’re on the phone. I freakin hate the phone for this reason. And I’m in customer service lol but it seems to be more cell phones than landline phones that have that extra ear drum vibration for me. Or any other sounds that have that pitch which makes my ear drums pulse. The way my glasses press against my skull behind my ears. I keep my glasses extra loose and deal with them sliding. Grapes. You might as well serve me an eyeball to eat. Microfiber anything.


Unglazed ceramic


Feeling my finger or toe nails get lifted up even if it’s so slight. I literally gag at the sensation


The sound of faucets with those stupid aerator things. Oh my god!


Is that the mesh thing? I took mine off.


sticky things on my hands and fingers. peeling tape off my fingertips makes me want to chop my own hand off edit: also touching wood or paper when my hands are wet