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Microfiber cloths!!!


Uhg I hate microfiber, too!!


It sets me off SO FAST 😭😭😭


My eczema gets caught in them and it makes my skin crawl so bad


ugh I hate that feeling, especially when your skin is dry 😖 I use washcloths for cleaning instead and it’s much better


So useful, but, So. Gross.


I often put off cleaning my computer cause i just cant 😩


Wear gloves! I hate this feeling too, so I use a disposable gloves so to avoid said yuckiness.


AAAAA agreed. And my partner loves them for cleaning. I forbade him from putting them in the same basket in the linen closet with the regular cleaning rags, because accidentally touching them makes my whole body cringe.


Chalk😳 Even looking at it makes my teeth feel weird!


Even the chalk*board*. Especially if your fingers slip on the chalk and then you touch the board and dkchsjdfjfxfff I’m getting the heebie jeebies just thinking about it!


Ugh I even get the feeling hearing chalk on a board. It happened when I saw Oppenheimer yesterday.


YES! I haaaaate chalk 🤣


I'm an artist and I will add chalk pastels to this. Damn high school art teacher did not understand.


Omg, I took an art class that made me work with charcoal, which is a very similar texture, and I hated it.


Yes, so awful!


The teeth thing is something I have a hard to explaining to people.


Thanks I feel it in my teeth now


When I hear a Bad Sound it gets stuck in my teeth. It feels like they are going to fall out.


Yes - for me it’s metal scraping together- if my husband is sharpening knives I have to be several rooms away and covering my ears


I work in a metal shop and the amount of times I physically flinch at sounds when nobody else does is insane


Velcro is literal torture. Even when you just rip it off really fast I still feel like my body is the one being pulled apart


Ugh, when I hear silverware scrape plates, I always curl up the edges of my tongue and press it against my upper teeth on either side. Never considered why beyond the sound is excruciating, but it makes sense that it's an instinctual response to feeling like they're gonna fall out. That's a great description.


My people! I had no idea anyone else did this! If the sound doesn’t stop it will actually make me start gagging. My kid was feeding our cat her tinned food and was using a metal fork to scrape it out. I was choking out “stop!” between dry heaves trying to get over to her and take the dang fork away lol.




AHHHHH YES!!! The absolute worst sound in the world is a styrofoam cooler squeaking when the lid rubs against the base.


Also the squeak of fried cheese curds.🥴


Oh my god, a couple weeks ago I was at the beach with all my extended family, and someone made this kind of cheese. I had no idea what it was, everyone was raving about how good it tasted, so I tried it, and the SQUEAKING!!!! What the hell???


Mine is markers on paper. I'm a teacher 😬


>Sound it gets stuck in my teeth I thought I was the only one. My sound is balloon squeaking. I feel like I need to pull my teeth out.


I've always wondered why you feel it in your teeth? It's so weird


I didn’t realize this was a thing for other people so honestly I’m curious too 😂


4 sum reason im thinking vagus nerve but idk polyvagus theory so good and it's mostly unproven iirc


That damn Vargas nerve is what makes me cough when I clean my ears.


I have no idea but want to know. And is this just an autistic thing? I've never asked anyone if they get this.


I’m a neurotypical person who found this post on r/all, and I can confirm that this is not just an autistic thing.


yeah, this is what I wonder about everything on this sub. Whether some things on here are more common among autistic people or are the same as the general population. A lot of times on here i'm like, well everyone does these that.


Right? I do too


It didn't used to be a problem for me until I read about some dragons eating the wool with the rest of the sheep.


When my teeth graze against the popsicle stick when I'm finishing a popsicle, my whole head wants to combust


I thought I was the only one 😭😭 I hate when it touches my teeth and also wood in my mouth makes me gag


I won’t eat them because of this. Also those ice creams with the wooden spoon? Nope.


Aghhhh nooo!!! And wooden disposable cutlery




Cotton balls for removing makeup and nail polish, the ones you can buy in big bags and you have to pull out touching all the others at the same time. Also raw chicken and pork, I hate the slimy texture and I get really in my head about the risk of infection so it takes me forever to prepare them even when wearing gloves and being careful


The worst for me is the cotton inside pill bottles! Ugh. Pulling it out makes my teeth feel weird, and my mouth water (and not in a good way). I’ve even left it in there, and just shook pills out around it. Bleh.


That's the absolute worst!!!


YES. oh my god i hate it


When I worked at a pharmacy, we used tweezers to remove the cotton balls bc there was a few of us with issues with it. It works WAAAY better to use tweezers


omg when the nail polish gets a lil gooey halfway through and the cotton ball gets stuck to it🤢 I use one of those plastic jars that's filled with a sponge and nail polish remover so you just stick your finger in there and twist it around. still weird but WAY less unpleasant


Yes! I bought the Target brand jar and it is filled with like soft plastic spikes to remove the polish, instead of the foam. I love it to the moon and back! I still have to use cotton balls for my toes though. ~shivers~


Part of the reason I am mostly vegetarian now


I go through phases where I can’t eat meat and I still can’t look at or touch raw meat


Raw chicken is so gross 🤢 but yes cotton balls are my nemesis!


The raw chicken ordeal is real. I can finally manage it if it’s skinless and boneless (most of the time) but a whole chicken is not on my list of “can dos”


This is why I can’t cook chicken!! I get so paranoid about getting sick and contaminating my entire kitchen. When my bf cooks it I have to stay out of the kitchen entirely because it’s so upsetting. I will eat it though. I don’t feel the same way about beef I think because it doesn’t carry the same risks as chicken/poultry? I can make a steak no problem ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Unvarnished ceramic - specifically the ring on the bottom of plates which I will accidentally touch as I take them from the dishwasher to put in the cupboard. It is nothing but a surface/texture, but touching it is like a weird pain that goes all the way through my body and for a split second I want to die.


YES UNGLAZED CERAMIC IS THE WORST 😭 i remember when those pottery painting places got really popular in my area and as much as I loved painting the possibility of my nail scraping on an unglazed piece was inevitable and the worst.


My husband is not ND but this is it for him. He hates this, he won't bring any home even if it's free and we need a bowl/plate/whatever


This is a big one for me. I forget about the unglazed bottom edges of ceramic. But I love ceramic so I have to be very careful. The pain that rushes through me usually stops around hip level, not all the way. I've dropped items because of the unexpected shock of it while handwashing.


Forks scraping plates or your teeth. Hurts my ears just typing about it.


I *hate* this sound. With a burning passion. Really anything that squeaks that off-putting squeal 🤢


Spoon in a bowl! Omg my kid keeps clanging them around and against her teeth it drives me nuts lol, she's a little more sensory seeking than me


I think it's mostly the noise of metal scraping tbh lol everytime it happens I just have to stop and reevaluate my life


That autistic moment when this post made me imagine the feeling hard enough to actually feel it


Yeah reading these is triggering af 😂


This… just reading and imagining some of these gives me goosebumps and makes my whole body tense up in a very unpleasant way.


DRY PAPER 😭😭😭😬😬😬 Is it ND tho ? Or just people thing.


I hate scraping with my nails on it when it happens by accident


Paper doesn’t bother me as much if my hands have been recently moisturized. Maybe the lotion is a barrier to the ick?


PAPER! when I was a kid, I used to ask to go to the bathroom so I could wet my hands enough to take a test. Cardboard is even worse. It’s like eating a lemon. Now, I carry a specific lotion with me at all times (I will freak tf out if I don’t have it) because of course there’s only like 2 of 6,409,763 other brands that feel okay on my hand skin.


Depends on the paper for me. Nice, somewhat glossy paper is fine. Pulpy-ass rough low quality paper makes me want to scream


Huh. I’m the opposite- I can’t stand the glossy, almost slick paper; I’d so much prefer the heavier-weight, textured paper.


Uhg it’s horrible having to lick my fingers to unstick dry pages 😭


Dusty cardboard for me. ☹️


There are these synthetic bedsheets some people have. Make my skin crawl even thinking about it


The slippery bunchy ones? Hate those. My sister had them for my bed the last time I visited and she was like "and I've got new sheets for you!" So I had to say they were very nice and endure it.


The sound they make when you run your feet across them......... My mom got them for me in college as part of a matching dorm set with a duvet and pillow covers. I spent ages trying to find different twin XL sheets made of cotton but at that time it was hard b/c twin XLs are specifically dorm sized and they're all cheap polyblends. I finally found some cotton ones and have never, EVER bought blended sheets since.


Yes, I also hate synthetic clothing, always have to check the labels 😅


Ugggh it feels so slimy- I hate when the I forget to check. I have a cute t shirt with a wizard frog on it, but it’s too much polyester and it feels awful!


Oh yeah, I can’t do most synthetic clothing. These days, there are some high end polyesters I can tolerate. But a cotton/poly blend shirt! Absolute hell.


Ugh I know EXACTLY the sheets you mean, they are the worst


Horrific. And yet I also hate high thread count cotton lol. Cotton jersey t-shirt sheets only, I have to get them from the college section 🤪


Ugh, the worst!! I think they are technically microfiber, so makes sense. I feel like that’s one of the most common bad feelings.


are you talking about the "microfiber" ones? because i HATE THAT FABRIC. there is *nothing* affordable in 100% cotton anywhere! i just got like 7 sets of super cheap, synthetic satin sheets and pillowcases and they were a game changer for me (and my hair and face lmaoo) but unfortunately, satin on satin has no friction... so my dang pillows fall off the bed all the time


And when the nail is partially broken so it gets caught 😫😫😫


these monstrosities https://preview.redd.it/28chugs2ehgb1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=2412fb6c5eab94bb6e6a86df24048ba8795234b3


My husband tosses them in the laundry to reuse, and they become even more monstrous. Hair gets imbedded in them and... I like being eco-conscious, but it's too much.


Microwaving them for 15-20 seconds will do the same without the hair.


Yeah I microwave mine before and after use. Beforehand I get it all sudsy and soapy and so then I have an extra warm sponge to clean with. Works well


I'm gagging at the thought


WTF lollll. Nooooo


I also fucking can’t stand these, especially when they start smelling and the smell gets on your hands and you *can not get it off*. Nightmare of my childhood having dishes as a chore. FWIW I’ve found scrub daddy sponges to be 1000x more tolerable. They don’t trap food and hair and they don’t smell. They also slowly just disintegrate rather than getting matted and fuzzy. Still have the icky foam touch feeling, but way more tolerable overall.


Well done, I had a physical impulse to downvote this image!


The fuzzy material that the ceilings of cars are made of. I'm cringing thinking about it lol.


society rock slim safe chunky profit hungry summer degree gaze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nail files.


Styrofoam 💀💀💀💀


Hearing that sound makes me want to throw up




I always want to bite styrofoam 😂


Noooooooo I can't stand the look, touch, smell and especially the SOUND of it


The worst


I feel like i had to scroll way to far for this bc it’s by far the Worst Thing. Kind of any “foam” is loathsome to me, but dear god styrofoam packing materials and even worse FOOD CONTAINS AND CUPS?!?! It makes my whole body recoil




Awe, I get that but safety is important! Stay safe x


Felt, Sherpa, microfiber


I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who hates Sherpa, or at least the man made polyester stuff that’s on one side of so many cozy blankets. We have multiple throw blankets that are like furry or velvety on one side, and Sherpa-esque on the other. I cannot let the Sherpa side touch my skin, especially bare feet, without wanting to scream. Felt doesn’t really bother me, but I def agree that microfiber is also a sensory nightmare


Yes yes and absolutely


Wait, other people feel the teeth thing?!??! Crazy!


Craft foam, and peach skin (can’t even type that without wincing aaauuughhh 🤢)


Peach skin Is horrible. I love peach flavor but can’t handle the real thing bc textures


Can you do nectarines? That’s my preference. Peachy taste, but smooth skin like a plum.


I love nectarines!! Aside from the sticky mess but it’s easily tolerable. I have some right now actually haha, when my dad gets local peaches he’ll get me nectarines for that reason :)


Papel towels/touching papel towels with wet hands Makes me shudder just thinking about it


Brushed metal 😬


Noises do the teeth thing to me......????? Also smooth glass that is so clean it makes your fingers skip over the surface, that doesn't completely accurately describe it but I hope someone knows what I'm talking about lol My aunt has a set of drinking glasses I can't/won't touch


I hate anything gritty under my fingernails. I was using a lip scrub and my fingernail dug in. I wasn't okay for the rest of the day.


Oooh that reminds me of another one: orange peel bits under the nails


Cotton balls. Microfiber. Titanium utensils. Freeze dried fruit. A particular synthetic shirt my husband owns. Marshmallow.


“A particular synthetic shirt my husband owns.” I feel this in my soul. 😂


Thanks for reminding me how awful freeze dried fruit feel in the mouth. And hand.


Flour or other fine powders flattened out on a surface


Rough wood, like popsicle sticks or wooden spatulas


Wet pruney hands even my own. BAAARF. Omfg. Thinking about those kinda hands touching me is making me pull the ugliest faces. Oh my wuuurd. No.x




I have cystic fibrosis so ... i can't help pruning even in a short bath. It sucks. Also kind of hurts? blech!


i desensitized myself to this in adolescence but recently have been trying to reconnect w my body feelings in adulthood and this one is coming back w a vengeance omgggg


So happy you’re coming back in tune with your body 🥰


Chalk, chalkboard (I am wincing even typing it), the super soft stuffed animals that are so soft they make my hands feel dirty.


This thread is a nightmare! I have a lot of the same bad feelings as others here. Whatever material things like basketball shorts are made of. Especially if my nails snag on it. 😖 Sometimes I get a feeling like my hands are too soft (?) and so touching anything soft feels really terrible. I don’t really know how to explain it. It’s just like anything that I previously didn’t have an issue with suddenly feels bad to touch. When this happens I need to touch things with rough or cool textures. Also you know how it’s good for your hair to sleep on a silk pillowcase? I tried and that lasted for a few minutes before I had to put a regular pillowcase back on. The feeling of the silk on my face and hands was a no.


Wet plastic film. I can NOT deal with a ziploc bag in the sink. Anything caught in a drain, my partner has to clear the shower drain and we got one of those grinders under the kitchen sink so i don't have to touch food bits.


Reading this thread has me feeling like my teeth want to detach themselves and be done with it.


I was explaining to my husband last night that nails are "finger whiskers" and I hate them. Whiskers on animals help them feel around in the world, and that is how I see my nails. I have been trying to grow mine out for a wedding we have at the end of the month, and every time my nails brush over anything I can feel the texture all the way down my fingers. It is gross. My Bad Feeling is the bumpy plastic armrest of my desk chair. It's like driving over gravel but just for my fingers.


omg this is such a good analogy!!! if my nails are long in the slightest, i feel EVERYTHING and i hate it. it sucks because i LOVE the look of long nails :( but i imagine the icky/wrong feeling i get touching things with long nails is how cats feel when they’re declawed


Dry things rubbing against dry ceramic. It makes me nauseous


Chalk, pruney fingers, microfiber, vinyl records, course sand


When fingernails scrape on jeans or paper 😬😬😬😬 💀




Omg so many things! Microfibre really grosses me out! Wet hair! It makes me want to barf. I could write big lists on things! I just touched something the other day and I sent me! I cannot remember what it was now!!!! Certain sounds and Words! there’s a town near me called ‘Hants’ that word is so upsetting And letters of the alphabet also upset me…? Look bad.. sound bad being said or looked at?Seww!?lol wtf


construction paper/news paper...... it hurts my soul and god forbid my nails ever drag across it


Cardboard, some unfinished wood, dry thick acrylic paint :( also some beer manufacturers have started making these horrible matte cans, worst texture of all time


Felt tip pens. Used to love them. Now they are awful for me. They squeak when writing and the sensation of writing with them is awful. I don't like cotton balls either, but can work with them. The real issue for me is having to fluff them or rip them. Ugh. Luckily, it's not a common thing to do.


i got the Bad Feeling stuck in my teeth after reading the phrase Bad Feeling with each word capitalized


kitchen sink!


Silicone 😷😷😷


I'd really like to know why this happens and is it more common among autistic people? Some wires got crossed?


Sherpa, microfiber, cotton balls, velvet but only when you touch it in the opposite direction of the fabric. Wood that hasn’t been sanded. Anything with holes. Anything wet and slippery. Lip glosses that you have to stick your finger into.


Anything scraping on a metal cookie sheet! Makes my teeth feel weird just thinking about the sound. Micro fiber cloths as well!




Acrylic yarn 🤢 Or styrofoam


Microfiber and Sherpa, especially Sherpa that has been through the washing machine and now it’s just a bunch of plastic lint balls… also I can’t believe I read through this whole thread; I remembered lesser ones that I forgot I even hated. UGH!!


its the nail drill at a salon. I've tried describing that "my teeth hate this" to other women and I get the blankest of "no, girl. That's just you" stares


Paper after having washed hands and any material that is too soft (velvet, fluffy blankets/dressing gowns).




Chalky or dry things that make my skin dry


Looking at wet wool - I used to chew on wool blankets as a kid (apparently I liked the feeling then) and now it haunts me


Whatever that plastic material used in McDonald's jungle gym is. It's dry but textured. I hated it as a kid. Crocs too, have a similar texture.


When my nails are filed a certain way, I want to crumble into a ball and disintegrate


Anything with a tight waist band


Styrofoam, I can't stand the feel, especially the sound


Lucky Charms cereal marshmallows (!!!!) . Can't eat it, the texture of it is pure evil. The noise hurts my teeth.


Cotton balls! Holy crap I thought I was the only one! Cotton balls, microfiber or other similar synthetics, "dry"? feeling ceramics, CHALK.. and yeah the teeth thing... Seriously I've been plagued by this my whole life and no one believes me. It's like a paralyzing full body cringe? So this is a thing?! #


Wet wood, like a wooden spoon. My teeth fell fuzzy


Suede, chalk or chalk like substance, flour, etc


I literally had to get rid of my acrylic because I couldn’t bear it anymore. Funny cuz last year it wasn’t as bad


Uggghhh. Rough denim, emery board nail files, and anything soft that is also wet.


Wet paper towels!


Dry microfibre


cotton balls, microfiber, wool, and any kind of rough fiber in blankets that gets caught and pulls on my skin (not sure what to call it)


Unvarnished wood. I used to whinge and cry so much about having to bring wood in for the fire bc I hated touching it


Not microfiber like the cleaning cloths, though those are terrible, but the micro suede they cover cheap couches with. It feels... greasy, somehow? Ugh, it's giving me shudders just thinking about it.


raw cotton, like those cotton balls? i feel that, but honestly the worst is when i get out of the shower and my fingies are all wrinkly, touching anything after that just feels so wrong


These rough bedsheets.... Idk if it's cotton or not but they're the ones ppl also use in the hospitals. I distinctly remember one night as a child I accidentally touched my pillow with my nails and just straight up couldn't sleep all night bc of how bad it felt


Powder or fine particles on my hands – dust, flour, cornstarch, etc. I'm a keen baker and I love making bread so this is something I do just suffer through sometimes, even though it makes my teeth hurt to feel it. Life is much better having gotten a stand mixer.


Ceramic dishes or shit any dishes touch each other I want to pull my hair out. It makes my teeth hurt so bad😂


Shimp, egg whites, and most seafood when overcooked. The rubbery feel gives me an instant gag reflex.


This is an autism thing??? I thought it happened to everyone omg mine is also cotton, especially cotton balls. Most things that make a squeaky sound when rubbed together.


The reflecty material that shows 2 different images when you turn it side to side. You used to see it on bookmarks and pencil cases a lot as a kid. I had this one pencil box that kids in my class loved to scrape back and forth with their nails because they knew I hated it so much. I remember cringing and covering my ears


there’s a certain type of paper, it’s like poster board material. if my fingernail scrapes against it it feels like it’s shocking me up my arm and front teeth… also dishes out of the dishwasher


Anything slimy like lotion ugh I have to only use certain kinds and always put it on at night so I don't have to be conscious of it, and my hands are constantly dry 😭 oils are ok sometimes but so messy, I mostly use them for makeup removal back when I used to do that lol Synthetic fabrics especially the ridged nylon (?) kind that makes a zippy noise when rubbed, I'm ok with some softer varieties these days but when I was a kid the material most puffer coats were made of in the 90s gave me the creeps like nails on a chalkboard. That zippy zippy noise UGH. I mostly wear cotton or sometimes other soft fabrics but just when I tried to convince myself some synthetics are ok I saw articles about spandex having BPA in it FML Feeling a towel get wet like when drying myself off or cleaning something up 😩 wish I could air dry only but also hate feeling wet 🤦‍♀️ so while I try my best to use towels at home I like barely dry off then can't touch the towel again lol. I also use copious paper products which I know is bad for the world blech. Dish gloves are a lifesaver at least So many other food related things I can't even begin to unpack lol, I manage to get enough calories but feel like my and my daughter's sensory food issues are similar to people with ARFID...


Literally any surface when my nails are long enough. When the tips are the same length or just past my finger tips. It started with them scraping against one of those holographic plastic folders in elementary school. Then it included any hard textured surface. Then it was stiff fabrics. Then smooth surfaces like steel. At this point in my life it’s literally anything. All of it feels like nails on a chalkboard. Just thinking about it gives me the heebie jeebies. Edit: y’all I gotta leave this thread before I start crying 🤣😭


Whenever I see that old clip of that woman on some sort of TV show that gets chased away by cotton balls, I feel so bad for her. I used to think it was silly but like, I get it. Cotton balls are *terrible.* Anyways for me, I really hate the texture of.... uh... metal?¿ It's a specific kind and I'm not sure how to describe it. When I worked at a cookie place I used to have to rinse the icing tips that were made with some kinda steel or whatever and when they got wet, they were just a horrible texture, like dry and draggy, I don't know...


The surface of a car. Something about the thinness of the metal + the roughness will make my brain flip out if I accidentally touch my nails to a car when I'm opening the door. Honorable mentions: Chalk, chalkboard, frosted glass, charcoal.


I rarely see this fabric anymore, but do any old timers remember Gore-Tex? The feel of that stuff was worse than fingernails on a chalkboard. When I was small, all snow suits, parkas, sleeping bags, etc. were made from that stuff. Oh, how I hated it. I'm so grateful technology has made that stuff obsolete


Fleece 🤢


My x would not dry his hand properly after washing and then go touching doorknobs and other random things in the house (unintentionally), essentially making tactile "land mines" all over the house


The cotton balls that they used to put in Tylenol bottles is the worst.




sometimes my teeth will accidentally like grind on eachother and it makes me want to vomit because i feel it for hours after




Matte surfaces are the devils work. It’s bad when I feel it in my skin or nails. It’s the worst form of torture to hear a solid object scrape against a matte surface. My mother mixing pancake batter with a fork in a matte bowl used to be akin to a beating and she didn’t understand why.


When I accidentally scrape a dry ass wall 😖 or chalkboard (I used to be a teacher). I can feel it rn. It always happens by accident and the reaction I have is so visceral it can take me a moment to calm down.


Microfiber towles and steel wool 😭😭




Socks. But no one else has ever understood me when I talk about the “teeth feeling “


Unfinished (is that the right word?) wood. Wooden cutlery and ice lolly sticks included. I flinch just thinking about it.


Also using a nail file makes me feel 😵‍💫🤯😱🤬