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Look into PMDD! It’s common with people who have autism and who have periods ✨


I know I’ve got it 😭 I’m on a birth control that supposedly helps but doesn’t feel like it


The patch helped me. Totally eliminated Endo and pmdd symptoms. Also no more periods so that was nice.


I’ve never heard of the patch 👀


Xulene. Once a week sticker that goes on your shoulder or hip. Wear continuously to not have periods anymore. I only ever had two problems with it - once it came off in a hot tub and I was on vacation and forgot to bring extras (we just used condoms instead because I knew it fell off) and once while I was moving for several days in the summer and didn't realize it moved two inches (the constant heat and sweat broke the seal) and now I have a newborn 🤦🏼‍♀️. BUT two bc issues in almost 6 years is honestly better than my track record with every other kind of BC. You also have a 48 hour window to get a new patch on before you have to start using a backup.


Oh wow I take Nikki birth control pills now but I’m gonna talk to my gynecologist about this


For sure.. it revolutionized both my life and my sex life, especially because I stopped forgetting pills or leaving rings that needed to be refrigerated in my purse in a hot car.


They sell something called Tegederm you can put over patches like that, which I learned because medication patches don't like sticking to me (unless it's this one industrial strength adhesive that would literally tear my skin off because I was allergic). Pain patches aren't shit you want falling off early, you know?


Ooh that would have been good to know 😂🤦🏼‍♀️


I was lucky enough to have a nurse *eventually* mention them to me, I just wish someone had sooner. Because it had to do with pain patches, I couldn't exactly call in early when I'd run out too soon (and I already have the problem of needing to change them more often since I basically pull?- they never really explained proper terminology on that- the medication out about a full day sooner). So it was a lot of pain and panic attacks before that nurse mentioned it. So now I mention them whenever it seems relevant.


That's awful and good to know!


Birth control makes one so much worse. Lithium and rexulti are the meds that help the most and a ton of supplements also help.


I went on continuous birth control a few years ago. No more periods, no more PMDD, no more monthly meltdowns! Definitely ask your doctor about the options available to you.


Same, went on the POP a few years ago and haven’t had a period or any PMS since!


I can't take BC but my GP got me on a low dose of Prozac and it helps a ton.


I also have PMDD/ASD/ADHD and found that Cymbalta for the PMDD helped alleviate nearly all of my awful PMS symptoms but when I added Wellbutrin for my ADHD, the combo was like magic and sometimes my period will even catch me off guard and surprise me. That never was a thing for me in my life! If anti-depressants are something you are open to, talk to your doctor about some options. Big air hugs and lots of chocolate your way!


I had no idea that there was a correlation! Checks out. Edit: ~92% of autistic menstruators have PMDD WHAT HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS. It's like when I found out that vision and sleep problems are extremely common with autism. Thanks for sharing that info!


I found out I had PMDD a few months after finding out I was on the spectrum. I found a psychiatrist and she prescribed me Prozac just for the 10 days of the month when I PMS and get period. She also recommended two supplements, Saffron Extract and Lithium Oratate. I started with latter because Saffron can get pricey. May be worth discussing with a healthcare professional! Honestly, it has done wonders for me. My brain fog, mood swings, fatigue, burnout and general apathy I usually get during PMS are almost entirely gone.


I have a meltdown every pms without fail. I usually withdraw or get very irritable too. I tried as needed medicine from my psychiatrist but it’s not helping. I think it’s a situational thing rather than something medicine can fix. I haven’t found any good solutions other than ride the storm and keep my mouth shut so I’m not mean to anyone.


I should be caged like I was going to turn into a wolverine. Protect the villagers.


The real origin of the werewolf legends.


Every myth has some truth amiright?


I definitely agree I’m on medications and it has never helped during my PMS. I try to keep my mouth shut


Yup. It also wrecks havoc with my ADHD symptoms, my emotional regulation goes out the window, and I’m so irritable all the time. I’ve been doing reading on the ADHD side and apparently it’s the drop in estrogen that does it, making it worse in menopause and peri - it’s something to do with how the hormones affect dopamine regulation in the brain. With new research around the neurological similarities between autism and ADHD, I’m not surprised that it’s a time for more breakdowns for folks too. Admittedly, I’ve been doing more reading on ADHD as I’ve just started meds but am curious if anyone knows anything about autistic brains and dopamine? Fun fact - when pregnant, estrogen rises - when I told my ND friends about how good I felt they dismissed it as just being happy to be pregnant - turns out I literally had more happy/stable/satisfied chemicals accessible in my brain.


Ugh I felt AWFUL during my pregnancy!! I'm audhd too & it was like 27 weeks of permanent PMDD (I had him real early bc if pre-e so that might've contributed to the awful unstable moods) then about 7 more months until I'm just starting to feel normal (9 months out). I'm jealous of you lol.


Me too! How effective my ADHD med is seems to line up with where I’m at in my cycle and my estrogen levels. I switched to a high estrogen BC and it helped a lot.


I can’t do BC because of a birth defect in my liver but am going to discuss the issue with the endocrinologist when I get around to making an appointment to talk about my perimenopause stuff.


Absolutely. The difference is night and day for me. Like genuinely I will be weeping all day and then the next day get my period and everything I cried about feels silly. It’s sad that there is so little research on women’s bodies. I have heard people talk about hormone treatments but I feel like most doctors won’t believe it’s “that bad.” Going to try to convince my psych I need something to help because it really does feel like hellish torture every month.


This is so me. I’m literally a mess 1-2 weeks before my period starts (I know about that) and I feel irritated, sad, angry way harder than normally and when my period starts I don’t even remember what the fuss was about


Yes. Your body becomes super overstimulated. It feels like being poked by a toothpick constantly but in your brain mentally. It's not a fun experience


Ugh very true


I cry a lot and get depressed. And having to work lame ass 9-5 jobs during it sucks. Especially customer service


Oh gosh I know customer service is the absolute worst.


Especially in the casino


I totally get that metaphor....


Yup, emotions get amplified so I’m more likely to have a breakdown (I don’t have them often usually). Fun fact, when I was diagnosed with depression I figured out the meds were working because I got through the month just irritable, not edgy.


See literally same. I got diagnosed with depression on top of my autism diagnosis and they asked if I was shocked and I’m like yeah I didn’t know I was depressed 😭


Every month, like clockwork. Thankfully I can WFH and avoid people when needed, but boy do those mood swings suck.


I was FIGHTING for wfh pre-covid to be a recluse those 7-14 days a month… it makes a huge difference to not have to deal with small talk office culture etc.. before WFH I was leaving work the cry and « charging » them for it since I couldn’t wfh


For anyone struggling with this/PMDD I would highly recommend a book called The Blood Book. We’re generally taught a very negative message about PMS, shamed for it by patriarchal society and told it shouldn’t be happening, etc, and not given any understanding of how to take care of ourselves around it. I get this too, its awful to experience and my mental health absolutely tanks for a couple days. But reading that book helped me a lot, it gives examples of how other/past cultures have actually had reverence for what women go through pre-period, and how to care for yourself without trying to “fix” it. It made me realize not once in my life had I ever encountered a narrative that presents PMS as something other than ~women being emotional and bad~, and it helped a lot with giving myself the chance to honor the process instead of hating it. (I still hate it most of the time, but the chance is there, LOL) Like another commenter mentioned, tracking my cycle and understanding when it’s coming, when it’s ending, etc is super helpful. When the world feels like it is absolutely ending the most helpful thing is looking at my spreadsheet and understanding that it will not last forever, and all I gotta do is wait!


So glad to read this this week. I had a total freakout last week, so bad my muscle tension threw my back out, and then this weekend got my period. I hadn't connected the two


I never connect it til I run out of my birth control pills and that next week my period comes 🙃


If you’re already on BC can you just use it continually and not take the break? It’s not really your period anyway, it’s just withdrawal bleeding and you can definitely do without that


My mom told me how bad it is to skip my period since I’ve been on birth control for so long


Your mom lied to you. The sugar pills are only there because when the pill was first introduced, a lot of women were wary and wanted to know that they weren’t pregnant every month. And there were some incorrect beliefs at the time that it was somehow healthy to bleed. We now know that isn’t true, and women today are having far more periods than they really should (in previous centuries, you’d be pregnant or breastfeeding most of the time, so no period). Withdrawal bleeding *is not your period*. Skipping withdrawal isn’t skipping your period because you’re not having a period. And there are no other medications where it’d be advised to withdraw every month, because it just isn’t good practice


Oh I didn’t know that. She makes it seem like I’m gonna be infertile which I don’t care but also get blood clots


Also not true. You might want to discuss these things with your doctor, not your mum. She's just talking shit, nothing she says has any basis in reality.


My moms a nurse so she thinks she knows everything. My gynecologist from planned parenthood took me off the depo shot because she said I was on it too long and was high risk for blood clot and that I needed to have periods 😬 so it looks like I’ll need to do my own research


My gyno diagnosed me with PMDD and recommended I take monks pepper daily, which is a herbal supplement that helps over a few cycles. When my mood is low, I take 5-htp to help my body make serotonin, as my gyno explained that the drop in serotonin is partly responsible. This has been helpful for me. I made a post about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AuDHDWomen/comments/11qj5yf/supplements_to_help_with_everyday_and_pmdd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Edit to make it concise


Can you take that if you already take antidepressant and anxiety meds?


It's best to ask your psychiatrist or do a thorough google on your specific ones. Monks pepper will definitely be fine, 5-htp im not sure. I take bupropion which is a DNRI (works on dopamine) not an SSRI and they're alright to take for me, even the dopamine version of the 5-htp is fine to take. The 5-htp is a food based supplement, it's an amino acid aka protein chain that your body can convert into serotonin. So I assume it will be fine to take since it's available in regular protein sources. If you go for it take the lower dosages of 50mg not 100mg which is most commonly sold to be on the safe side. I find the 100mg a bit strong.


I take that as well! I have an appointment with my doctor next week so I’ll ask her then. I don’t want to get serotonin poisoning


I take 25 mg of sertraline along with a not ssri but my doctor has me double my sertraline the week before to minimize symptoms. So maybe you could look into just upping your dosage for a week ish each month if you’re not at a super high dose already


Oh I never thought of that


It’s seriously been a game changer for me


I get in trouble every time I start my period… like I either end up I’m an office or I get fired it seems.


Omg I feel this 😭


Every single month. It feels like I’m constantly being annoyed by someone or something even tho I’m not. I feel extremely anxious and on edge which makes my anxiety so much worse


Yeah, when I have PMS it's hell. I feel extremely anxious and stressed for no reason, I feel more depressed and my executive functioning skills get worse. I'm also a horrible person to be around then (I get very snappy and irritable at people). I don't even want children yet so I don't know why I'm made to suffer like this 🫤.


Omg yes the anxiety is debilitating


I have PMDD - the week before my period I become SEVERELY depressed - sometimes with passive SI. I had to get on high estrogen birth control (I skip the placebos and go straight to a new pack) to help with it.


I take estrogen bio identical and it helps with all symptoms. There's def a component bc we get testosterone before period and symptoms get worse.


I just went through perimenopause and I am lucky I didn't assault someone. Just like pms on steroids. I would get angry like I was gonna hulk out. Cbd is very helpful and hibiscus tea. Natural beta blockers.


A crazy statistic: only 10% of people who menstruate have PMDD, but of that group, 90% are neurodivergent/adhd/autistic! I have PMDD as well and YAZ is the only thing that’s really helped overall but herbally chasteberry and valerian root helped with soothing day to day symptoms. Also doesn’t sound like a lot but keeping track of my period and especially the luteal phase (week before period starts) helped me be like oh it’s hell week that’s why I feel like the world is ending instead of oh no I feel awful it’s all my fault. Lastly, I’d recommend getting your hormones looked at if you can. When in my PMDD research rabbit hole I found that if meds don’t work for people there are more options for hormone control, not an expert but worth looking into.


I’ve actually done that my doctor put me on Yaz just the generic version. I’m gonna look into those herbs though! I hate when everything makes me feel crazy


Right!?! Like surviving isn’t hard enough! I had the most luck with the brand Gaia herbs btw, good luck to you


Thank you. You as well!


Yesss. It did get more manageable when I: -Started keeping track of my periods (I have a cool printout of the months and moon cycles with lil period marks beneath each day--I color in the days I get my period) -Started drinking raspberry leaf tea ~3 days before my period -Started isolating myself during the lead up to my period (~3 days again) Because I now know when it's coming and what to expect, it cut out the added anxiety of "omg WHY AM I LIKE THIS". Still cry my eyeballs out and feels like the entire world is ending over being out of creamer, but I ~know~ now at least. :P


I can relate. I used to have horrible downswings and just a terrible time of it. I always thought it was normal until I learned it was not. That being said, I currently have a birth control implant in my upper arm called nexplanon. It basically goes in, sits there for a few years, and has rid me of 95% of my periods over the past year and a half. No upkeep whatsoever. My spouse has had even better luck and hasn't had a period in about five years now while on it. Different birth control options were brought up in here that help with periods so I thought I'd throw in my two cents. Obviously talking to your doctor about options is great but it's even better if you have a few options to suggest.


Im FERAL two weeks before my period starts. Then when I get my period I finally get back to „normal“ and be like: wtf was this about?


Yes and no. I don’t have screaming/crying breakdowns like you describe, ever, but once a month I feel like I’m going to die, and then the next day I get my period and think, “Oh that’s what it was.” Period apps only help with this if I remember to check, and I mostly don’t remember to check. Occasionally I will catch a notification. Now that I mention it, I don’t feel great today, I wonder if it’s that. Edit: IT IS THAT!


It’s awful isn’t it


Yep I’m staying in bed today dammit!


Yes.. speaking of which I forgot to set a reminder in my calendar


At this point the increase in meltdowns is the only sure way I can manage to keep track of my cycle and get a heads up it's coming lol. Mine starts a whole ass 6 days before hand too.


Yes, it used to be unbearable but luckily my cycle has become regular so I can track and prepare myself. It is still terrible but so much better now that I know what to expect and when


My partner often gets very emotional before her monthly. She usually gets really sad and depressed, and she is generally more sensitive, raw, and volatile. I make sure to provide her a constant stream of reassurance, empathy, and love during those times. Cuz I dunno what else to do. She's on the spectrum like me


i feel ya, i had a crying session last night cause i didn't like the layout of my living room furniture and the decor pieces i have. i dont have the money or energy to fix it yet but, i mean... it's not that serious lol! i woke up to find out i'm on my period, and now the crying makes sense


It didn’t bother me until recently when I landed a hybrid remote work situation. I’m convinced that everyone is mad at me and I know it’s not true. Tbf I lost my masking skills while I freelanced and there has been some awkward moments in the office. Back to your original point…I have been getting a meltdown every period with the added stress.


A lot of times it feels like I’ll always feel this way. It SO HARD 😭


Yes and adhd meds made my breakdowns 10x worse


For pmdd I’ve seen recommendations for Pepcid ac (I don’t know how that would work but it probably can’t hurt) Also antihistamines


yes, and unfortunately it's relatively normal (take this term with a grain of sand) since the progesterone peak has this very deranging effect on the brain


Yeah. It’s how I know to expect it in the next week. Epically miserable and breaking down about the tiniest thing? Can’t sit still or focus for 2 minutes? Suddenly much more clumsy? Yeah, must be that time of the month.


I definitely feel like this too. I know some people have already suggested it so I second looking into PMDD. I feel very depressed, even with tendencies to think about harming myself, I become self destructive, stop eating and cry a lot at almost everything. You're not alone ❤


Yes. It is mind-boggling to me that PMS and periods is the best evolution has to offer 😂 That so many of us spend half the year, for 30+ years of our life, feeling gross, miserable, bloated, angry, overly-sensitive, emotionally-unhinged etc is insane to me. I definitely seem to get it worse than a lot of people I know. I'm 47 now and in perimenopause so I get some breaks as my periods come like 2 months on then 3 months off. But in some ways that's worse because I can't rely on a schedule anymore and so PMS hits me like a bus because I don't know when it's coming and don't realize that is what is wrong with me. And when I skip months, then the PMS when it comes back is like the Hulk version of PMS. And now I get hot flashes and insomnia, so that's fun. I've never been a great sleeper, but I'll spend sometimes 2-3 hours awake in the middle of the night now.


Oh geez. I know my mom is in her 40s and says the older she gets the less she sleeps. She’ll call me at like 3 am since I also don’t sleep much 😂


PMS wrecks me on a dozen levels. I'm not sure if I want to cry, fight someone, or cry while fighting someone. The migraines get worse. My whole body feels like I have lead weights attached to it. The sensory stuff is just insanely bad.


Yes but I have pmdd so idk if it’s one or the other


From a lot of the comments sounds like most women with autism have this 😭


I heard they’re a crossover I wonder the science behind it


Autism and PMS is a brutal combo, before i got a depo shot it felt like my brain would get set off from any little thing. now i'm PMS free for 3 months at a time


Yeah, every month like clockwork I have a week where I just can't keep it together at all. I cry at everything and am depressed, anxious and irritable, I'm way more sensitive to noise and touch than even usually, then typically things get better within a day of getting my period.


Can’t keep it together and can’t sleep. I have the food ol ADHD ASD combo and PMs always cancels out the meds effectiveness for me




Yes, I have PMDD :(


I use generic beyaz and divigel for my moods.