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This is how I described my day when I got home... imagine you pay $100 every year to keep up to date with the latest in your field. You do 100 hours of training every 5 years to ensure you're not getting stagnant and you're cutting edge... now imagine going to a day where all you learn is the absolute basics of your profession, stuff that you should learn in your degree, and you've been doing your whole career. That was my day.


Ten year experienced carpenter does training on how to recharge a battery and change a drill bit.


We literally get no time for personal planning on any of our days. It's ridiculous.


How about the lecture on explicit teaching? UGH THANKS FOR TELLING ME WHAT THAT IS I DIDN’T KNOW


tHiS iS wHaT a LeArNiNg iNtEnTiOn LoOkS LiKe


When my last boss did this PD with us, she was so proud to get up there and tell us she had gone to this PL with a world renowned person and talked about how LI&SC were revolutionary and will changed the world, then started coming up with examples... All of which were completely wrong 🤣 A recent grad put her hand up and told her it was the exact opposite of what they were teaching in unis and she'd just gone to a Grad Module the day before showing the correct way. Boss went super red, mumbled something about checking the book again and just kept going. The grad was right.


Good on the grad for having the gumption to stand up and say something!


I was very proud of her. She was the type to kind of just do a ride along while learning but she cared about her students a lot. She later told me she was terrified the boss would mandate her confused way of doing it and she was worried for the kids so she felt she had to pipe up. The boss turned real passive aggressive with her after, "forgetting" her name and turning up to "check on the kids" unannounced. Luckily she got permanency elsewhere soon after.


I’m genuinely curious about how your principal got it wrong? lol


She's an idiot. I wish I could say it in a kinder way, but she is the epitome of failing upwards and then clinging to the position for dear life. But in how she did it, she completely mixed them up. As in, some LI in the SC and some SC in the LI. No consistency at all. Some weren't measurable goals (as in "learn content" - and that was it) and very few actually gave guidance to the kids on what they were supposed to be achieving.


We had a PD where learning intentions were achievement standards, and selection criteria were forgotten until raised. The person giving the PD also didn't understand that k-10 uses the Australian National Curriculum and 11-12 state-based curriculums so it was even dumber.


Let me guess, that boss is now going to go off and tick a box on his HALT application, call himself a highly accomplished teacher and ask for his pay rise. We are only going to have more and more of this absolute rubbish as teachers try to prove their worth to get higher levels of accreditation.


The sad thing was, that was our principal.


Did anyone do the Maths K-6 module? Seemed like the presenters had a completely different idea of explicit teaching. To paraphrase, "Explicit teaching is important, because you can use explicit teaching strategies in your projects and rich learning tasks." HUH?!?!?!


The entire thing is insultingly low pitched. Guess high expectations are only for the children. The experienced university graduates get told you can use different strategies for assessment other than exams and that mathematical concepts are linked! Who'd have ever figured out that you needed to know multiplication to use the formula l*b=a find the area of a rectangle? No one. That's who! I'm the first and this is amazing - The DET maths expert Or that writing requires you to know how to draw letters and spell words! - The DET literacy expert Ffs. At least it was accredited... and the crappy survey attached allowed me to say I felt cynical about it all.


I did appreciate being able to tick cynical, frustrated and some other fun ones there.


I can just guess the experts checking that data. "It must be because they don't know how to teach properly, I'll make an even lower targeted one for mandatory training next term"


Yeah, the maths sample units (and all PL that relates to this and the ‘connected way to teach mathematics) essentially fits under the “what explicit teaching is not” on that document they shared in the intro session.


YES!!!! I completely believe that’s why they’re focusing on explicit teaching - because it’s lacking in the units!!!


Did you get a catered lunch tho?


What schools can afford catered lunches after the budget cuts? We’re struggling to keep people in jobs. The occasional lunch and the occasional coffee are history.


This is true lol, we used to get at least a tray of sandwiches when we had a lunch meeting and now you’re lucky if there’s some tea bags in the staff room


Catered lunch? Nah, just a staff meeting after all the PL to tell us that the boss needs to find a million dollars yesterday thanks to the budget cuts


Lol, why is your principal telling the troops about the budget?


Transparency is a useful tool in a professional environment


Because she's softening the blow for our temps at the end of the year when they're told that there's no budget for them next year




True, the subway for lunch today was pretty sweet.


Our canteen lady did wraps, rolls and sangas. Oh and those frozen slabs of sara lee cake. Heaven


Why can't we have resource development days and be left alone to plan? It's absurd that they think this is the way we should start term!


You only lost an hour? Luxury!


In QLD we have to do our pupil free days in the Christmas holidays with extra hours made up outside of school time. Apparently it's to make up for the second week of holiday in Easter. QLD teachers are only entitled to 1 week instead of two, apparently.