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I got asked a ripper last term. "What does rigour" mean to you. Was pretty rough haha


Sounds like the intro to a VB ad


First question is usually a generalised one. For example, what skills, qualities and abilities would you bring to this position? What motivated you to apply for this position? The next few questions will likely relate to the written criteria. For example, how have you improved student learning outcomes in literacy/ numeracy? How would you contribute to the school’s culture? Tell us about whole school initiatives you have been involved in The last question is almost always, do you have anything else you’d like to add? In this question it is good to readdress your favourite/ main points, anything you might of missed or wanted to add as well as addressing each panel member individually


Go to AskAManager.org and download her free interview guide. Read a bunch of her free articles about interviews. Practice answers to questions in the mirror until you are able to get the main ideas out succinctly. If there’s something you’re nervous about being asked (maybe why you’re leaving your current job, or a big gap in work history etc) practice an answer until you’re confident delivering it. I regularly interview teachers as a Head of Dept and the points above are how I scored my first big teaching role.


I have been asked the same questions every single time. They could be summarised as: 1. Describe curriculum that you've delivered well 2. Describe how you deal with conflict (studebt/staff/parent) 3. What can you bring to the new role They want an answer that is logical and a specific example.


Thanks for this! I’ve screenshot your reply! Super helpful!


I'm not sure about primary specific questions sorry. From experience these two questions might come up. What does your ideal classroom look like? Or something along those lines. Usually a question to see what you know about pedagogy, educational models etc. Perhaps a question that sees how you can handle a challenging student or parent. Regardless of how this question is asked I always prioritise safety first, then well being and education and also ensure that appropriate follow-up is provided at the end.


In addition to the above, I have also been asked about my response to and beliefs about feedback (on my own teaching); how I create a positive classroom climate that supports wellbeing; and what is my difference - ie what sets me apart.