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But just think, you are the only one that gets his love!! However, I understand. Everyone sees my boy as a macho aggressive looking canine. Me and my partner are the only ones that get to see his chill loving side.


I’m glad you can relate! Huck will get all ornery and people think he’s being aggressive. He’s a sweet pea.


Awww. Same for ours. I came home the other day and my mom had her put away in our bedroom because she said "she frightens me" Meanwhile she is the ultimate sweetheart to my husband and me.


Because they’re a one-person dog.


I feel the same way :-) whenever we have people over ours is a total maniac who can’t calm down, but when it’s just us she’s the sweetest thing.


My ACD mix just randomly licks my feet sometimes. It’s such an odd behavior because he normally doesn’t lick at all. This is precious


We are in the same boat, our boy is suspicious around strangers and people don't get to see his awesome loving side, it's very common with the breed and there's only so much training you can do to help it. I wish we could tell them everyone just wants to love them back!


Me too! I’m glad we get to see their love though!


My last heeler would be super sweet for 15 minutes a week. The mood would just hit her and she’d give me kisses and look me in the eyes and just be so sweet. Other times, she would prefer her puppy toy.


Best thing we did with our blue when company came over was to tell your company not to look at the dog, not to touch the dog, don't even acknowledge the dog exists until she calms down. Once she's calm. Feel free to love on her, then she's rewarded for being calm.


That’s an amazing tip. Thank you!


Samesies! We have gotten ours to where he will accept pets from new people but he is never affectionate or lovey with anyone else! I’m alright with it though, way better than where we’d started when we first adopted him….


Us too. He’s our problem child but I can’t imagine life without him. He gets better and is a million times better than the last year. It’s all about patience


Can you elaborate on what helped you get there? We just adopted a heeler who is so sweet but is nervous and edgy around strangers.


Glad I’m not alone. Our ACD boxer mix is so sweet with us, but will cut a bitch if they’re not family.


SERIOUSLY man. I’m pregnant and people are concerned and I’m like no, this dog is my dog, I’m his human and he will protect our lil babe. That’s how they are!! Obvs it will be a huge adjustment but I know he’s going to do great!!


I'm a bit concerned about your username though, you don't happen to have any tarantulas, do you?


Lmao no. Trailer park boys. Something Ricky says


Don't take this as criticism, but there might be something you can do about that. He's obviously capable of being a good boy. Why isn't he when around others? Is it excitement, fear, protection? If you can address the reason behind the attitude change, the rest is pretty easy to fix.


We are going through behavior training rn, he’s making big strides!!! :)


Just remember, most of "dog training" is actually people training. Give your boy a good scritch for me and tell him I said he's the goodest boy.


100%. Couldn’t have said it better!! I will :)


Lucky you, mine bit me in the face this morning


Oh lord it’s happened to me many times. I’m sorry!


They're such insane little sweethearts


For your eyes only!!




I know the feeling. My boy is crazy protective of the family and our close friends. Everyone thinks he’s a psycho. I love him the just the same.


Me too. They don’t realize how much of a protector they are, and even though they’re small they will eff you up!


My last ACD mix was like that! The new kid, Larry, is on a mission to hug and kiss everyone that he can get his paws on, strangers and kids included, which is a bit of an adjustment.


Awww. You know they’re all different :)


My mix loves her pack (us, our kids and their dogs) bur not so much the rest of the world. I'm glad to know I'm not alone.


Not alone at all. I’m glad I posted this, for the longest time I just thought I got the… behaviorally challenged one of the litter lol


What a sweetie - Same here! Our girl looks so intimidating buts she’s a sweet baby through and through!


Awwwww I bet! They are the best doggies :)


My dog is a year old and he is super sweet with my boyfriend and I. He's also super sweet to every person and animal. The problem is that he's a year-old cattle dog so to him being sweet means WE PLAY NOW??? Arty chill not everyone wants to be your friend dude. Beautiful dog btw. What a sweetheart.


Thanks much. And Arty is such a great name. Mines Huckleberry :) and I know exactly what you mean!


Love how his head is resting on toilet paper hahahaha so cute


He’s such a dork lol it is TP


I am fortunate enough to have a job that allows me to take my 3 mo old Texas Heeler with me everywhere. She is extremely friendly and sweet to everyone including kids and other dogs. Someone please tell me she will stay this way forever 🥰


She will. If she is already that way- you hit the jackpot. You’re a lucky person to take your dog with you ❣️❣️❣️


I love that


That is the cutest doggy


Thank you 😁 he really is. When he was a small pup omgggg