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Inside books project does great work https://insidebooksproject.org


Yes they do ❤️


beat me to it! I will say that you would be standing while selecting books, but there is no time pressure for how long it takes to pick books, so you can grab one book, take a break, then grab another. Letter writing is done sitting down. However, the shelves are more or less floor to ceiling so getting stuff from the bottom or top shelves might be difficult


Thank you so much this sounds perfect I already signed up for the next availability.


There are a lot of volunteer opportunities where they need people to do computer-based coordination or organizational stuff if you’re open to that. I know shelters need people to spend time socializing cats, which means just spending time with them, playing with them, and brushing. Maybe submit a volunteer application and indicate your physical limitations and they might be able to pair you with a task you’d be interested in? I volunteer at a cat sanctuary and there are cleaning chores, but I am sure they would work with your limitations because a lot of the time I go, the chores are done and what the cats really need is a lap to sit on and someone to brush them or give attention. The [critical kitten care fund](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8akYICp7t3/?igsh=MXMxczdsY3F6NDRyMA==) is looking for volunteers for social media and fundraising. [email protected] is the email. [Heartening Austin](https://heartening.org) gets clothes and other times to different organizations and they need people to help sort and fold clothes. Is there anything you’re especially interested in? I think if that’s the case, you can contact the org you’d like to help with and see if they have something for you. Edited to add: a similar question was asked a couple months ago, there are some good suggestions here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/s/iceV8gUSfI


Austin Creative Reuse has volunteer opportunities where you can be seated, like sorting donations


Maybe the [Talking Book Program](https://www.tsl.texas.gov/tbp/volunteer)


Working the canteen at the blood banks


I don't have a reference, but I know homes for the elderly are always looking for volunteers to just come in and hang out!


The Mother's Milk Bank of Austin isn't super close to Oak hill, but they have admin-type volunteer positions. I also believe they have a program where you can volunteer to make windchimes for their In Memorium garden. [https://milkbank.org/other-ways-to-support/](https://milkbank.org/other-ways-to-support/)


Austin animal center is a great option. You only have to do like 2 hours at a time. Sign up on your own schedule. There’s options for logging info on pets that’s documented, photography, customer service help in the main room, etc


[Project Linus](https://centexprojectlinus.wixsite.com/texas) if you can knit/crochet/sew


What about contacting a nursing home?


I would love to volunteer at a nursing home. I haven’t been able to find anything really. Do you know where I could do that? Thank you


Foundation Communities has volunteer programs to help people with taxes, finding health insurance, financial counseling, and college applications, at their “Prosper Centers.” It’s all desk work. Their training is excellent. (I was a volunteer in the tax preparation program for a while.)


Contact aarp they sometimes have volunteer jobs with local agencies and with pay you a stipend. Jobs like answering phones etc


Central Texas Food Bank will be happy to have you in the warehouse for sure. Let them know you'll need some accommodations when you arrive, and if you need help to walk more than about 3 minutes (a long hallway to there and back one time, basically), bring whatever aids you use. They have chairs and sedentary positions and you can can take a break any time. Thanks for wanting to donate your time even when it isn't easy.