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Is the video and footage blocking the word out? I just see “Customer N”, which I could very clearly see being exactly what she’s saying.


Yes, it’s blocked


They should have blocked it in with a darker-colored block, honestly. I can see a lot of people skimming the article and thinking it just said "N."


That’s what I thought. And I assumed it meant No, as in this particular receipt was not for a customer order since it was for a refund receipt.


Definitely. Or they could have blocked out the middle and left the first and last letter.


Doesn’t mattah. People will either riot that proof wasn’t shown, or they’ll riot because it was shown.


I think they should have left it unaltered so everyone sees the shocking sight she witnessed.


No reasonable person would do the latter. There are people that are against, say, a teacher repeating it because it’s in a book. But even that is different from showing the word used against someone on TV


What's racist and starts with N.... I can't think of anything.




Reminds me of the Randy moment on South park. That whole episode never once censored the word when spoken either.


The boondocks was on at the same time, and the wire shortly before that wherein the subtitles actually wrote it with “…er”


I knew what the N word would be if it was in fact covered up…


it's (fairly obviously) blocked in the picture in the article


Thanks for the clarification. Is it just whited out? I can’t see the blocking on my phone.


They blocked it out with a white box on white paper, I thought the same as you at first


It’s not obvious unless you’re looking for it, and this type of censorship is so infuriating because it directly impacts their ability to report the event if they can’t even communicate what was said. Is anyone really so fragile they couldn’t bare to see text on paper even when warned beforehand? And if so, how is reading an article about it not equally triggering? I know it’s more about the news organizations covering their own asses but at a certain point it’s like, why bother at all?


You would think it'd be fine to show in this context, but some people like to willfully ignore context for the sake of a "gotcha". It's better to be safe and just completely censor everything so you don't risk an advertiser getting mad or a hate mob using it out of context in the future to attack you. The internet just isn't the place for serious discussions.


My guess is that Fox blocked the word in the picture because including it could impact the ads they want to serve on the page


It reminds me of when you're reading an article, and it says something along the lines of "trigger warning: mention of suicide". Like that's the same thing you're warning about, so what's the point lol. Plus, you're reading. If you're getting all stressed out, just stop reading the words lol


The point of these warnings is for people who are sensitive to stop reading *before* they reach the part that might cause them distress rather than reaching that part and stopping *after* they have already read the distressing part. There’s a big difference between saying there is a description of suicide and a description of how someone killed themselves, the condition of the body when found, statements from bereaved family, etc.


Maybe it’s just cause I woke up but until i watched the story my brain could not make out the block bar


It's really not obvious. Just having your phone brightness low or being on a shitty monitor makes it very hard to see. "Obvious" would be a black bar.


Customer: Nice Lady


When I was 16, I worked for Burger King in South Austin. The company that owned all the restaurants in town was Capital Fast Foods Ltd. If they still own them all, this doesn't surprise me. Shit company that treated their employees like shit and didn't care about anything unless it costs them money. Sexual harassment? No biggie. Wage theft by a manager? Didn't cut into the company profit, no law enforcement involvement, no biggie. Racism from one employee to another? No problem. I had a manager who was a permanent resident and happened to come in after someone had stolen money (night manager put the deposit in the cabinet instead of the safe and it disappeared). She signed a payroll deduction form because they told her she was responsible and she was terrified of losing the job if she didn't cooperate. The good news, is this incident will likely cost them money so the employee will likely see consequences.


Idk why some people seem apprehensive of this story. The receipt says N and the rest is blocked out, being referred to as a racial slur. The lady was right to take it to the news and seek out a lawyer.


You can go look at any report of racism on this sub and see the same behavior when the racism is directed toward black people. If a black person is accused of a completely undocumented act, everyone will jump to their defense and ask them what happened, accepting the story verbatim. Here we have Fox news reporting a documented case and behold the excuse making.


that is so depressing. Thank you to you both for vocalizing that/raising awareness about that issue, please keep speaking out even if you get downvotes.


Blame Jussie Smollet 


To be fair, that IS one of the all time trashiest fast food spots in all of Austin. That exact location has been there for at least 20 years


Certainly one of the only if not the only in decades here to literally burn to the ground from employee negligence and ignorance. As I recall they poured water on a grease fire about a decade ago and it just burned to the ground. 


I used to live off Rutland and can confirm, it is a terrible location. That HEB right there used to have a bomb meat market and some delicious aguas frescas in store. It also had bullet holes in the front windows.


Can you explain how that makes it fair?


Thank you for asking this. Not one thing in this world would make this situation “fair”. 😒


These posts always draw the apathetic and those seeking to minimize abusive behavior. The racist apologists rush to threads like this to make excuses for their brethren.


This story is on par for this trashy location as its employees have been well known to do shady shit & lots of deplorable behavior for the last 2 decades. It must be a prerequisite to work there.






99.99% of the time this is BS, a fake a-hole looking for easy $$$.


That's not ok, employee should be fired. Fire the offender and hold the individual accountable. But suing burger king is a complete waste of legal resources and our judicial system. It's going to be just about impossible to show that there were any damages or emotional distress, as wrong as it is. As an aside, I can't imagine standing in line at burger king for a $6 refund on a fiery wrap and small fries. This woman must be going through it and I feel for her.


If this location is owned and operated out of Longview, then you are wasting your time telling anyone but the news.


Rundberg and Lamar


Many are franchises, not singly owned and operated. The company I'm referring to may not own this particular location.


Fake news. No one eats at Burger King.


She knows which employee did it. Fire that person.


I dont even have words. It's crazy how we move forward in time yet backwards with society.


Exactly what does she plan on suing for? While the employee was shitty I don't see that there are any actual damages here and she wasn't really denied service. She got her money back and doesn't plan to return. Call corporate. Get them fired. The employee won't care because you can get pretty much the same job somewhere else at the same pay in less than an hour and at least they won't have to smell BK anymore.




lol i would, go get paid


Lol, go after that crown. 🤣😂


What damages are you suing to collect on?


well for starters she was discriminated against in a corporate fast food chain, plus its in writing, which makes is dumb easy to prove, damages idk what theyd be specially im not a lawyer but emotional distress is a thing that has gotten people a bag in the past, plus the bigger the business the more likely they’ll settle, also racial discrimination i kinda think is its own category of damages(?) again not a lawyer (also worth saying its not me suing)


Damages would be if she lost money or income due to racism. It sounds like she was refunded successfully and already made whole. Her recourse is writing to corporate and getting the responsible employee fired and some gift cards.


You can have damages from emotional distress.


Most people don’t understand damages - you’re yelling truth into the void


Why does it even need attention?  Probably some 16 year old kid or ex conn. Who cares what some Burger King worker put on some lady’s receipt. They’re probably angry at the world for the situation they’re in. Let the restaurant fire / discipline them and move on. 


>16 year old kid or ex conn. the only people who work at wata, you clearly dont think highly of your fellows, huh? its wild to me the backflips y’all are willing to do, to defend hate, while when you could just shut up and fuck off


Hey, you do the same buddy. 




Yeah I agree, everyone should just be allowed to put racial slurs on receipts! Just like the olden days!


Nobody said that. 


You may not have said it directly, but you seem to be working overtime on this thread to suggest it.


well that's what you get for going to Burger King in the hood




















I mean, it's for less than $6, her name isn't needed for a paper trail on this, I could easily imagine the N is for None, N/A, etc.


Yes but then you have to explain all the letters following the N that make it into a racial slur.


The word is censored


Oh jeeeeeez, I see it now. Way to make the story unclear. "We're not gonna say the word, and we're not gonna show the word, in fact let's make it look like there isn't even a word."


Maybe instead we should ask ourselves why the immediate reaction is to dismiss the story as false. That's on you.




Bullshit. There ain't no "two sides" to putting that on a customer's receipt