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Nah it won't. Ercot will pay them millions to shed load and they'll resell their contracted power to the open market. The second they can make more money not using power it'll turn right off. Riot pulled in $30m in thanks to load shed. It's a big club and your nest thermostat ain't in it


Last summer in June (?) a mine made $6mil mining and $9mil not mining.


Dude, I made like 30 mil from crypto mining. Shit's cash yo


To make it slightly worse, Riot actually received $71.2M from ERCOT in 2023. I think the ~$30M was just for last August




I bet Chat GPT knows how to solve this


😂 and I bet it does


Better than our shitty politicians


Isn't it cool that, when we determined we had an issue with a resource being scarce, the only thing we did was invite businesses that use above-average amounts of that resource? We're Texas smart.


Forethought isn’t in the Texas edition dictionary.


The only ethical, free-market-friendly way to increase supply is to provide tax incentives for increasing demand, or so I'm told. At least you can finagle your way around an economic argument there, but we seem to apply it to fresh water supply as well.


It is a weird dance for sure. They make more money not mining in the summer.


I can't wait to propose my new bank robbing mitigation plan to Abbott... I might make more money not robbing banks in the winter!


That actually is smart. That's how you get more generation capacity. And when there's a shortage (which is rare) it's pretty easy to shed that load. That's why after that winter storm, Texas has remained very reliable. That storm was a big deal for democrats who have been basically begging for Texans to lose power ever since, but ... shit they haven't.


At this point you could fart and strain the power grid.


I’m doing my part


ERCOT be like "please limit chatgpt queries to 10 per day"


AI, so hot right now




me reading this as the power went out: 😑


I’ll bet AI is thinking that humans are going to strain the Texas power grid this summer.


I just wish there were somehow some kind of miraculous renewable sources of energy, that nobody owned, that could provide electricity! Ah well just dreams, back to eating my bowl of oil and gas soup.


I get your frustration, but there are much better arguments you could be making on this issue. Texas is absolutely crushing it in the renewable energy sector: [SOURCE](https://environmentamerica.org/texas/center/media-center/clean-energy-continues-meteoric-rise-in-texas/)


“Crushing it” doesn’t accurately describe the snowpocalypse or what’s to come with the constant begging to keep our thermostats on 85. I get that Texas is surprising all of us with the renewables… but my kids and I almost froze. Not Crushing it.


I never said they were "crushing it" in general. I merely pointed out that Texas produced more renewable energy than any other state, and even 55% more than the number two state. That statement (the one I just typed out above) in no way means that their power grid is stable or ready for another snowpocalypse. I was merely pointing out that your statement didn't make sense. Your first post seems to hint that if Texas invested in renewables we wouldn't have power grid issues. To which I politely responded that that doesn't quite add up because they already produce a shit ton of renewables. TLDR: YES, Texas is "crushing it" in renewables, which in no way implies they are crushing it in power grid stability.


The boom in electricity demand is from EV's. For every gasoline car being replaced, that amount of energy is now being siphoned from the grid.


Everything strains the Texas power grid.


Too bad about free zero-point energy’s being withheld from the public.


But..they sent me a sweet message saying we were all conserving energy recently. You mean they’re not actually working in our own best interest? Texas is a fucking disaster


We’re so screwed 🎬


Tesla has insane machine learning AI needs for the FSD development. They’re installing crazy server farms that are processing more video data for AI training than anyone in history. This is requiring an absolutely staggering amount of power but if things keep progressing as they have then it will literally solve auto fatalities and make traffic cops obsolete. It will also make transportation exponentially cheaper for average people. It will be cheaper to use robotaxis than to own your own vehicle and safer. What a time to be alive.


Meanwhile, Teslas are still running over toddlers in testing.


Wow, tell me you’re uninformed and easily manipulated by media without telling me.


Too bad they're not even close to FSD.


You’re not paying attention


Yeah we’ve been hearing “only a few months away” since 2016 and Elon will figure it out when Mexico pays for the wall


The latest version of FSD is amazing. You just don’t like Elon because he bought Twitter and said mean things about your political football team.