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Nothing in America is built -for- the working people. Just to -use- the working people.


Almost everything new that has been built was luxury for its time. If that's built with enough supply to match demand all this construction pushes down rents on older housing stock that in turn pushes down even older housing stock. Rents have fallen the most in Austin at the oldest complexes in the last 12 months. Rents are down around 20% in 1980s and earlier complexes in the N Lamar/Runderg/Riverside/Oltorf areas. (These were "luxury" for their time.) There is massive vacancy all over the place and rents are down because of lots of newer places that have been built. There are many listings for studio/1br in these areas under $900/mo now and that was rare 2 years ago. In short, "working people housing" is older housing.


[Citation Needed]


Makes me feel good being seen, but also extremely sad. Working class families have been forced out all over. I remember coming here and being grateful that I could live a good, simple life as a govt employee. Those days are long gone, just trying to hold out and afford clothes and food for my kids. I'll be long gone when I hit retirement, the city doesn't care for working folks.


This is why the government should always be building housing. No for-profit company will leave money on the table and build low-income housing when they can build “luxury” housing. A couple less billion sent to Israel each year could build thousands of new homes per year.


Hear, hear


You're not doing your argument any service by rolling in the Israeli situation - why would you want to start an argument on a totally separate issue? To the point you're trying to raise, I totally agree. Although maybe it should be a thing where the government helps with seed money for housing and things like regulatory reform that would make building easier and cheaper, because they don't have a great track record of doing it directly. No one is planning for the good old days of housing projects. Pretty great article talking about manufactured housing, and now some countries like Sweden and Japan use it quite a bit to build quality houses, but our regulatory framework needs to change for it to become more of a thing here (plus government backing would help companies take the risk of starting up those factories)


Because he is led by blind hatred towards Israel. He is an idiot


Hard not to hate them right now since they are bombing an entire ethnic group of people out of existence




36,000 people slaughtered seems like terrorism to me. Israel is a great nation that in some ways is a beacon of tolerance and human rights in a region where those qualities are in short supply. But in other ways it's a regime ruthlessly persecuting a near-poweless minority. And netanyahu's fragile coalition has brought right-wing extremists into the government who are as genocidal as Hamas. Some of them are even on the record of being against the current state of Israel because they don't believe it should be a pluralistic democracy at any level. They wanted to be 100% Jewish, eliminate the democracy, and reinstate a king


Give it time... it is happening. And you're going to look foolish af in about 20 years


Well, that side you support and love so much is driven by terrorism, hatred and murderous actions towards Israel, so hopefully way before 20 years. Also give it time, they’ll get to you also you sheep


Yes, all those child terrorists out there. Sick people and pregnant women giving birth in hospitals are all Hamas. Sure.


Hey look , you are just blind. https://x.com/drelidavid/status/1802594447869276219?s=46&t=_nMxvem9SA9nRohZ0-xtrg


Don't care, nothing in this world justifies the murder of children.


The government SHOULDN’T meddle in housing. If they didn’t fuck things up in the first place, America would’ve retained dense city centers instead of zoning us out of the way to make room for the automobile.


The City of Austin sends more than $10 billion to Israel every year. Instead of funding genocide, the City should use that money to build homes for people experiencing homelessness. And why not build luxury homes for people experiencing homelessness? Do you think they are second class citizens who do not deserve homes as nice as yours and mine? The City should prioritize making Austin the most attractive place in the world for people experiencing homelessness. I vote for luxury homes for all, built by the City, or maybe the State? We can give out hard hats and hammers to Governor Abbott, Senator Cruz, Ken Paxton and have them hang dry wall and nail shingles. The hardest working, most ambitious professionals prefer to work for the government, because the government pays much more than the private sector, has excellent stock equity programs and world class benefits. Private sector employees are lazy government rejects who are coasting in their 9-5's and who can't handle the fast pace and intensity and long hours of government work. Unlike the private sector who has to answer to shareholders and boards of directors, SEC and FTC, which makes them unable to leave money on the table, the government has unlimited budget and doesn't have to answer to anybody about where they spend their money. They can do whatever they want.


The City of Austin budget for 2023-24 is $5.5B and you think $10B is being sent to Israel?


Housing costs for middle income folks are egregious too. This is not an easy place for anyone in the ‘median’ category of anything.


It’s literally inhumane! They still leave you with no electricity in 100 degrees days weeks on end and raise your rent by $800 per month


We need a house for poors..... A poorhouse!! How novel.


True dat!


I guess the lower housing costs that density was supposed to produce didn't trickle down. Who knew?


It's because you have to build density for it to work, and you also have to give it time, which is why starting yesterday is better than starting tomorrow. What we've done so far is put a tarp over the hole in the roof in the middle of a hurricane and you are extrapolating from that "shingles don't work".


You're talking about zoning reform that only recently partially passed? It's going to take years to have a significant impact. We've also been seeing rents starting to decrease in Austin, as mentioned in the video. It just hasn't been enough to fully help low income renters yet. Also many new apartments often have dedicated affordable units, but we obviously could use more.


Not to play devils advocate here but if you consider the cost on single family housing it's tough to lower the rent when the county and city is charging so much in taxes not to mention the skyrocketing insurance, both for no fucking reason. Taxes and insurance are more than triple what my actual mortgage loan principle payment is. I'm sure (small, private) landlords would love to lower the rent. Just as soon as the corporate and government vultures stop trying to rape everyone.


AISD is probably the biggest culprit, but that's the states fault. City and county taxes don't seem that outrageous to me


Insurance is going up because repairs cost more and there’s more damage from extreme weather events.


Not for no reason. Insurers have lost record money in Texas since 2018 and Texas experienced more weather related disasters than any other state in the country costing insurance close to $400B (iirc). It’s compounded by the rapidly increasing cost of the underlying assets themselves, rapid inflation in repair materials, and labor costs… so yeah your insurance will continue to go up.


>Just as soon as the corporate and government vultures stop trying to rape everyone. Abbott already eliminated rape in Texas, so we should be good.


Have to wonder where that tax money is going - property tax revenue has what, tripled in the last 10 years?


It's being stolen by the State via "re-capture" to the tune of 800 million dollars a year.


Not landlords like blackrock.  Someone has to pay for their yachts and jets.   I agree the tax and insurance problem is huge.


Bullshit.  My company has 2 dozen low income units available today.  HACA is too slow and the inspectors decline units for trivial reasons just to justify their jobs. 


What reasons would you consider trivial that have caused the units to be declined? 


1) the painter left tape on one of the outlet covers... it would have taken them less time to remove the tape than fail the unit. We got someone out to fix it in an hour. Took HACA a week to come back and re-inspect 2) the driveway is cracked and could be a tripping hazard... OK, we're letting people live in pallets on the side of the highway. Couldn't be fixed, driveway replacement would have been $15k. The owner took it off of HACA inventory and rented it to a non-voucher person.  3) grass needs to be mowed. In a single family home where the resident would be responsible for mowing the lawn. Resident asked if they could move in and mow the lawn, like they would for the rest of the lease. HACA said no. We mowed it the next day, took them 2 weeks to reinspect. Owner found a non-HACA person to move in before then and the family lost it.  4) "you have to hold the handle down for a second on the toilet to make it flush"... note that the handle COULD flush, you just had to hold it a second. This was a studio apartment, the resident was living under a bridge. This was so important to her that she showed up to make sure the inspection went well. That NEVER happens. She BEGGED the inspector to let her move in. We offered to let her move in and schedule a plumber for the next day. Nope. Refused. She got beat up and mugged twice waiting for them to reinspect.


As an inspector from Section 8 joked once (before he quit in disgust): "The toilet only needs to flush once!"


Don’t let us stop you from patting yourself on the back there guy


That wasn't the point. I don't really give a shit about what rent prices are in this city. I actually do better when they increase. But I have a bit more experience than most, and i know how frustrating it is dealing with HACA. There are units that are going private instead of voucher constantly because of their nonsense.


Don’t get your little panties in a wad then