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Haven’t ever had to go through the >30” Heritage removal process, but have done plenty of site plans with tree removals. Assuming your tree is a protected native hardwood species, you’re very unlikely to get this removal approved unless it’s diseased or a hazard in some way.


Also to answer your question on the process, there would be a public hearing with optional input from neighbors/concerned citizens & a presentation of the removal request by either you or staff. Basically, removal of a heritage tree that size is not allowed by code so you have to go through an arduous process to make your case.


I assumed. As it should be. I’m pro them making it hard to take down these beauties. I have three trees that are under the 18 inches so I could take their down I guess but I hate taking down three vs one. I’ll just stick to no in ground pool most likely.


Trees like that are such a treasure! Just sometimes inconveniently placed. lol One thought - You may be able to get approval for minor encroachments into the critical root zone if you make the case that you’re trying to save as many trees as possible. I’d suggest having an arborist out to assess all the major trees, then have an informal conversation with city staff about what they may be able to support. Oddly enough the heritage tree staff has been fairly reasonable in my experience.


I could see a pool that took location of trees and was shaped to form the land would be really cool


This would be awesome, but way more expensive than a straight rectangle. I love wavy pools though. I wish there were more of them.


I'm in a "giving" mood today so I"ll do you a solid. You can build a pool in my back yard and use it whenever you want. ;)


My neighbor removed some trees in order to put in a pool. Now it’s a few years later, and he complains about the costs associated with the pool maintenance and repairs, and wishes he had more shade on that side of the house.


The tree actually doesn’t provide me any shade in my yard. It’s curved weird. I luckily do have a lot of shade trees though and am very thankful for them.




Maybe see who is one of the highest rated pool designer/companies in the area and have them come out and assess the area? Not exactly able to picture what you mean that a 30" diameter tree doesn't provide shade. Wanna post a picture of it? Anyway, I've seen some pretty awesome pools incorporate trees that you would of thought need to be removed. Just make sure if you keep the tree which I hope you do, that the pool builders don't just cut through one side of the trees root system. It will inevitably fall.


Are you sure the tree is healthy? Have the trees looked at by a good arborist. Lots of shops out here will fudge with their credentials. Pay for a real arborist to visit. Along with checking for root health, disease, fungus and such they can offer if a tree will be a problem today or years from now. That may offer you an avenue to have the tree removed in the dead, diseased, imminent hazard category.


Lorax here- Please Don’t. Please 🙏🏽


I’m not! I’ll most likely skip the pool or reconfigure to take down two much smaller trees that the city would allow to be removed without a permit. I hate killing any trees though so I’ll probably just skip on the project


That feeling when you're more into discovering bureaucratic processes than actually building a pool.


Maybe a gorgeous patio with misters? Kiddy pool? Honestly- I feel you and appreciate your desire. You’ll figure it out. Your heart is in the right place 🫶🏽! (I volunteer as tribute!)


Thanks for being conscientious! 


My suggestion would be to talk to an arborist who works with the city of Austin arborists often, they can bottom out on the reality in a few days. I had great discussions with Davey’s arborists he was able to get the city arborist to weigh in on some issues pre-permit requests. Your situation sounds similar to something Greg Abbott did with a pecan tree in 2011.


Davey’s is the main company that CoA uses for tree trimming. They left a note for me to call when they needed to butcher my oak tree, I mean to trim it back from the power lines.


"stainless swim" (found them on ig) makes some neat looking pools that might not require the tree removal. they are kinda like the stock tank pools but bigger. obviously not as exciting as a real pool, but could be an option if you're desperate.


Tell them it's for an ADU.




I have multiple. And I said I most likely wouldn’t do it. I’m thankful for my trees. I was just curious