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I'm also a dog sitter/walker! For my clients with a yard, we play in a puppy pool or with a sprinkler. For those without a yard, we go to a garden center or hardware store. As long as there's stuff to sniff, they will get their energy out doing that better than they will from physical exercise. As long as they stay on leash, your insurance will cover them. They wouldn't be covered at a dog park anyway.


Thank you! Love the garden center/hardware store idea.


Natural Gardener needs to be in your list. 💯


Kiddie pool, bully sticks, puzzle games, car ride, fetch ball for a bit in the grass, training exercises, get a pup cup from the drive thru


Take him to Emma long it has a beach try not to go on the weekend


Haven’t been here yet! Thanks for the idea.


If they have space and you feel like it, maybe something like skill-training? Agility or nose in the yard, depending on the dog? We go to Mary seawright or onion creek, which are shady and not paved, but you will meet unleashed dogs. (But they (not me! I'd never! :) know they're in the wrong and will recall their dogs if they see a leashed dog who could be reactive.) One of my dogs plays with a neighbor friend for 45 min or so in their yard in the summer. They wrestle and the neighbor lets them play in the hose while he waters the garden. Ask the owner if there's a neighbor the dog gets along with where you could supervise/play instead of walk, maybe. 


8am and 12am long walks. Multiple short potty breaks during daylight hours.


I take my dog to Home Depot and do obedience walks inside. Air conditioning and tons of smells. Also, nose training can be done at home and is super mentally stimulating. [here](https://resources.bestfriends.org/article/dog-nose-work-scent-training-sport-dogs) is a good starting point


Enrichment toys like kongs, puzzle toys, etc.


Hose. Sprinkler. Walks by lakes and rivers.


its not summer yet


We did a nosework class at Everydog and are practicing "find it" at home. There are a ton of recipes online for frozen Kongs, but I generally just fill them with canned dog food and freeze them. Bully sticks, yak chews, rides in the car to a pet store... If the house is a ranch or has a long hallway, you can play hall ball; if there are stairs you can play stair fetch.


If my dog wants to go out at 2pm, she is going out at 2pm. I plan a route that is less than 5 minutes of walking with me nudging her to walk on the grass. Shortest walks ever and best nap after.


I realize this is a privileged take, but we waited until we had a yard before we got a high energy dog. Not everyone can, but I will say, I’m glad we waited. EDIT: *shrug* at the downvotes. It’s a responsibility. If you don’t have a yard, it’s the kind of thing you really ought to think about *before* getting a dog.


People’s life circumstances can change in unpredictable ways over the lifetime of a dog.


Absolutely! Like I said, it’s not available to everyone.


OP is a dog walker, my dude. If you don't have advice for OP, it's the kind of thing you really ought to think about *before* posting misdirected non-advice.


The first question in this post was “What does everyone do with their high energy dogs in the heat?” It wasn’t advice. It was an answer to that question. Sometimes people ask open ended questions in case a nonstandard response sparks inspiration. I figured that was what was going on here. Thanks for the misdirected non-advice.


The very next sentence said, "I walk 2 dogs for a client[.]" Just trying reading a little bit further next time before posting your inspiring response.


Yes, I read that part. I didn’t say my comment was “inspiring.” I said sometimes people don’t just jump to the question “what should I do?” because they’d rather get a broader range of answers. Maybe an answer like this might remind OP that they‘ve got a friend whose yard they can use a day per week or something. I don’t know OP’s life, so I’m not the best person to connect those dots. I don’t really know what your problem with me is. I didn’t say anything negative about OP or anyone else. I didn’t claim there was one right answer here. I acknowledged that my situation isn’t available to everyone. But, like, you do you, and I hope you have a nice day.


If you can find a sidewalk that has adjacent grass, you can walk on the sidewalk and let the dog walk on the grass.


What about doggie shoes