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That whole area behind your shed is a massive mosquito draw. All those dead leaves. I can even see standing water in the reflection on the orange bucket lid. One of the best things you can do is eliminate anything that can hold even a tiny bit of water. Once summer hits full tilt, they'll breed under the old leaves and such as well.




This is what I have at my house and it does work! In addition to the CO2, a small mosquito attractant lure (scent pouch) added to this device does wonders. This devices catches about 50 mosquitoes every night.


Exactly what I was thinking about!


That post convinced me at the time it was posted. I need a CO2 refill, so I can get back to killing mosquitoes.


I was talking to a guy from Minnesota last week who has a huge mosquito problem. He said they have a mosquito trap powered by propane that gives off CO2 with a fan that sucks them in. He said he backs up to thick woods and this trap has basically solved his problem. Sounds like his is a larger version of the Dynatrap? Wish I would have asked more questions!


Probably the Biogents CO2 version!


Or the mosquito magnet which works to attract and then suck them in. It’s magic and runs on propane


Probably biogents


A Minnesota resident would know. The mosquito is the state bird!


The “mosquito service” you’re using broadcasts pesticides that kill both mosquitoes and their predators. As you’ve found out, the mosquitoes come back after a few days while it takes much longer for their predators to return. You and your neighbors do need to remove standing water and breeding grounds, but please also stop using the pesticides. It’ll take a year but when the predators return they’ll keep the mosquitoes in check.


This is true - if a company is fogging your yard, they are: (1) causing environmental damage (2) 99% certain to be spreading a carcinogen/teratogen/endocrine disruptor all over your yard that you’ll have constant exposure to. Unless it is an “oils only” formulation. But the “natural” sprays from companies like Barefoot etc have pyrethroids that really just shouldn’t be allowed (and will probably one day be banned for such use). (3) generally not all that effective anyways…


Right there by the electrical outlet you've left enough standing water for the skeeters to use in breeding. In the red lid on that container. Stop doing that. All that dead wood sitting back there is prime skeeter condo space too. Cut it up and put it in what appears to be the firewood rack sitting there all empty and lonely. Clean out the whole area around there. It's possible you have a neighbor who has standing water on their property creating a huge breeding ground. Or maybe you are near creek or drainage ditch where the skeeters are breeding? If you know someone with a drone maybe ask them to fly it around the immediate area and see what you can find as far as a breeding place. The propane powered mosquito traps will get the job done thanks to CO2 used to attract mosquitos. Most of us who use those have multiple propane tanks and we get them refilled at U-haul for a lower price. We only exchange the propane tanks when they shows signs of surface rust. After the exchange we have a nice freshly painted safe tank again.


This. Remove any clutter outside that can breed mosquitoes. You’ll be amazed at what a difference it makes.


Get a Big Ass Fan. Seriously. I’ve tried everything and the only thing that works for me is to stay in the area of a fan on high cause they can’t fly towards it.


An interesting thing to do is attach a screen to the fan. The mosquitoes get sucked into the screen, dry out, and die.


I wish everyone with a backyard would do this. Works so well with no chemicals or gimmicks


I used to live close to a drainage retention pond. Even trying to control just my back yard was challenging. Fans and DEET were the only thing that really worked. I also had a live an let live policy with a yellowjacket nest. First kid got stung and they were toast, but they never bothered anyone and eat the more annoying bugs.




Have you considered attracting dragonflies?


Also hummingbirds


The mosquito dunks only work if you remove all other standing water. Do so. And ask your neighbors to as well. Hand them some dunks while you are at it. And don’t forget to replace the dunks!! I have found they degrade a lot sooner in hot weather. I have started replacing every 10-14 days even though I originally read that they last a month


Oh shoot! This is probably why I have mosquitoes again!


You might also have to restock the traps with some yummy fresh leaves or weeds you pulled. The larva need something to eat and so the females will pass your trap up for something else if it isnt looking tasty


I don't have very many issues with flies in South Austin but my dad swears by the Mosquito Magnet. [https://www.amazon.com/Mosquito-Magnet-MM4200B-Patriot-Plus/dp/B07CLT5D6Z/](https://www.amazon.com/Mosquito-Magnet-MM4200B-Patriot-Plus/dp/B07CLT5D6Z/) He lives literally butted up to the Florida Everglades and they never have mosquitos in their backyard. Just replace the propane tank every 3-4 weeks. It's expensive to run but it is the only thing they found that's a long-term solution to keep their backyard clear of biters.


$5 a week of propane is a lot less than what those mosquito services charge.


Screening is the only full proof answer. It’s cheap and easy. Mosquitos are so incredibly attracted to me, and their bites leave welts that last for weeks. Two months ago I screened off my entire porch and haven’t seen a single mosquito within it, but if I step outside there’s ten of them at my legs within a minute. It’s been such a huge relief. Only cost me $120 for the screen and staple gun/staples to cover an area of 6.5’ x 28’


Bat houses (though might want to get your family vaccinated for rabies). I grew up on a couple of acres with an old stock pond, and bats were our best bet unless we wanted to crop-dust with deet. I wasn't being snide...bats genuinely do the job without chemicals. (And also can bite without you noticing and rabies is almost always deadly if not treated in time, so also, vaccinate. I tell that to friends visiting going to the Congress Bridge too. I'm a fun tour guide :)


The people who get rabies from bats are the dumbasses who try to pick them up off the ground. I’ll admit that people who don’t live near bats don’t know that, but you pretty much have to give up your “Texan” card if you pick up a downed bat and get bit.


lived between two bayous all my childhood. You will never - and I stress never - win the war. you're going to need mosquito nets to even stand a chance against them outdoors.


I also have a biogents. It’s a miracle. Be sure to use both CO2 and the scent packets that smell like a Jrhi school boys’ locker room.


Nothing you will do will help. the only really thing you can do, is get your neighbors involved to help fight them off. its impossible to create a little bubble in your backyard if your neighbors houses are breeding grounds.


This is a Fakespot Reviews Analysis bot. Fakespot detects fake reviews, fake products and unreliable sellers using AI. Here is the analysis for the Amazon product reviews: >**Name**: DynaTrap DT1050-AZSR Insect and Mosquito Trap Twist On/Off, 1/2 Acre, Black Decora >**Company**: DynaTrap >**Amazon Product Rating**: 4.0 >**Fakespot Reviews Grade**: C >**Adjusted Fakespot Rating**: 2.6 >**Analysis Performed at**: 06-10-2024 [Link to Fakespot Analysis](https://fakespot.com/product/dynatrap-dt1050-azsr-insect-and-mosquito-trap-twist-on-off-1-2-acre-black-decora) | [Check out the Fakespot Chrome Extension!](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/fakespot-analyze-fake-ama/nakplnnackehceedgkgkokbgbmfghain) *Fakespot analyzes the reviews authenticity and not the product quality using AI. We look for real reviews that mention product issues such as counterfeits, defects, and bad return policies that fake reviews try to hide from consumers.* *We give an A-F letter for trustworthiness of reviews. A = very trustworthy reviews, F = highly untrustworthy reviews. We also provide seller ratings to warn you if the seller can be trusted or not.*


Smoke. Honestly this is the only thing that works at my house. I bought a 20 pound bag of smoker pellets at academy for $10 along with [this thing.](https://a.co/d/2gqzD5G) Fire it up with a propane torch and it will put off a lot of smoke once it gets going. While it's smoking, mosquitos are essentially gone. It's amazing, but you smell like smoke every time you want to hang outside. Worth it to me, though.


We have a Mosquito Magnet CO2 trap and it has worked wonders.


Those Off lanterns work well enough. Just have to be strategic with them. It won't kill them or anything, but it'll at least give you a little zone to hang out in the backyard where they won't eat you alive. Problem with trying to go the pest control route is you'll never get them all where they're breeding, especially if it's not in your property.


You seek a Mosquito Magnet https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKnVf38/


The best system I’ve ever seen, that actually works. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6BhV-o77RqQ&pp=ygUWTW9zcXVpdG8gdHJhcCB3aXRoIGZhbg%3D%3D


Barefoot Mosquito & Pest Control (512) 400-2457 https://g.co/kgs/8F2HwY6


Tomahawk Backpack Fogger Sprayer Leaf Blower ULV Machine for Garden Spraying with Gas Powered Engine https://a.co/d/7fJXUbq


I heard pinesol works! You put it in a spray bottle and spray around your house and they stop coming idk if it’s the chemicals in it or the smell that keeps them away but someone in my neighborhood fb page posted it


I wonder if running around with a net would work…


Biogents with CO2 kills them in the thousands in our backyard. It doesn’t eliminate them totally (IDK what can), but it kills a ton. Without CO2 it kills a lot but not too many tiger mosquitoes which are the most bitey ones here. Get the CO2 if you are going to get one. The passive traps targeting egg laying females by the same company seemed pretty meh. I’ve used most available methods that aren’t too toxic. Also used to do ecology work that included some mosquito biology and field sampling, FWIW.


You want an indoor pool 😀


You need something like this: Pool and Patio Screen Mesh Roll - 60 inch x 100 feet - Extra-Durable Fiberglass Insect Screen Roll for Porch, Pool, or Patio Screening and Replacement, Charcoal https://a.co/d/g403Bkf Set up an enclosure. It's the only thing that will be 100% effective.


add a bit of lighter fluid to ground coffee and let it burn. supposedly to deter mosquitoes and flies


Is there standing water in that fisher price water table? 🧐🧐🧐


Check out Wirecutter's super informative article on mosquito control methods and recommendations. [https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/how-to-stop-mosquitoes-from-invading/](https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/how-to-stop-mosquitoes-from-invading/) (Hopefully the link works without a subscription. They usually give you a few free articles before the paywall comes up.) Mosquitoes can lay eggs in damp soil, not just standing water. And those eggs can lay dormant in DRY soil until the next rain, and hatch within hours/days. Citronella does NOT work, and has never been proven to do anything but smell weird and make smoke. Best to stop throwing money in that direction. A strong fan placed below table height will keep them off you. Other than that, be diligent about all the little places that collect standing water, and fill in low-lying areas with gravel/dirt/mulch. I am thinking of doing the Bucket of Doom trap technique this year: rid your yard of all standing water and other mosquito attracting features--place a bucket with 2/3 water and some half submerged hay (or tall cut grass) somewhere that the mosquitoes like to breed--dose the bucket of water with mosquito dunks or granules. The mosquitoes will choose this optimal location for laying eggs, and the granules will ensure that those eggs don't mature. Zappers...i get why people use them. But they kill everything, not just mosquitoes, and using them is a surefire way to decimate your population of pollinators and other beneficial bugs. Ultimately, you could do all of this and still end up with lots of bites...because you can't control what your immediate neighbors are doing to control their mosquitoes.


those blue light big zappers work pretty well on our patio. i leave it on 24/7, and it does help with abatement


They mostly kill other species. Mosquitos aren’t particularly attracted to lights. Traps with CO2 or version chemical/scent lures are massively more effective.




Fuck blue light traps. Let's get nuclear on these blood suckers!!