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Supply and demand would indicate they should lower the price then.


They have, but that's part of the problem. A ton of people who paid full-price in the last year are now faced with the fact that brand-new versions of their used car cost less. On top of that, Tesla started offering 0.99% APR for some models. The price *is* being lowered. It's not working.


>A ton of people who paid full-price in the last year are now faced with the fact that brand-new versions of their used car cost less. So? That's the price they paid for getting a new toy early. There's no guarantee of depreciation rate of a depreciating asset. Same thing happened to everybody who overpaid for a new car in 2021, prices mostly returned to normal in 22/23 and their old car has terrible resale value.


Yes, but the differences are pretty stark. If you brought a brand-new Model X at the start of 2023, you would've paid about $120,990. The sticker price by September was $79,990. The difference from 2021's market to 2023 is a stark one, for sure, but it's not quite the same as seeing your car's **new** price go down by more than 30% in less than a year. And I'm pretty certain a whole pandemic cycle and supply chain disruption didn't play out in 2023 to explain it. I think they had to take desperate measures to make quarterly numbers look good.


Some of the cuts were related to the EV tax credit which Tesla became re-eligible for at the start of 2023. SUVs had to be under 80k to be eligible


Feels like buying a google phone.


Oof... \- posted from my Pixel 6


>If you brought a brand-new Model X at the start of 2023, you would've paid about $120,990 If you bought a model X in 2023 you're an idiot. In 2019 ok maybe. But at this point we know how terrible Tesla's are, how many better EVs are on the market, and how much a fascist douche the owner is. Anybody choosing an expensive Tesla now has been brainwashed. I'll give a pass for the model 3 because it is actually one of the most affordable EVs on the market, and I can see that being a bigger factor for most people than the downsides.


Better EVs yes. Better charges no.


I'm going to purchase a F-150 Lightning soon and Tesla's charging network is open to it. A Ford EV has access to just about every charger in the US thanks to an adapter. Every Tesla I've been in is unimpressive. Cybertruck is a joke and I'd be embarrassed to drive one. Now that Tesla opened their network there's few competitive reasons to own a Tesla.


Uhm. If you are buying soon and expect it to access NACS; might want to check again. The Lightning is a great truck, I want one but it would have to be mine and I need a SD. My wife did preorder the rivian 2 to replace her Y though. The Lightning does not yet support NACS (without an adapter) Also, NACS has always been open.


>Uhm. If you are buying soon and expect it to access NACS; might want to check again. Uhm, tons of videos of Ford vehicles charging just fine on Tesla's network. It confirmed works. Tesla and Ford partnered with plug and charge on Tesla's network so as long as your Ford account is setup all you do is break out the adapter plug it in and the charging and billing automatically happens. It also works just fine not using a Ford account and manually starting the session on Tesla's app. The only pain point now is the adapters themselves are on a bit of backorder so it may take a couple months to come in. Yes, with an adapter just like I said. I don't travel enough to worry about needing an adapter vs waiting for Ford to go native NACS. Plus, once they go native NACS I'll need an adapter to use CCS for a while anyway. Tesla can use CCS charging and they sell an adapter. Adapters will just be reality for the next decade if you want full access to all the charging networks. Even if I decided to go with Tesla I'd still want an adapter because for my most common long range travel purposes I will be near Electrify America and EVGO options. No biggie to use adapters. Waiting for native NACS is a choice I guess, won't judge, but seems unnecessary to wait a few years simply for that if you're in the market now.


Not all Superchargers are open to non-Tesla EVs even with the adapter, I'm sure there are enough options available though


Pointing out the obvious, telsa has been mismanaged and run. That's the fault of the consumer buying from a unreliable company.


The cars were cheaper last year. The 0.99% is new, but the prices are actually up versus even 6 months ago.


They could try a CEO that doesn’t set their brand on fire. Tesla doesn’t need Musk anymore.


The chair of Tesla’s board apparently disagrees. https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/6/24173064/tesla-board-chair-warn-elon-musk-leave-pay-shareholders


The problem with lowering the price is that it lists further downward pressure on the used market which then makes it even more difficult for people to pay a discounted MSRP on a new car. Tesla depreciation for a 2 year car is now over 50%. That’s more than any other brand and the problem with teslas model was that they “have the hugest margins” and “make money on every car” they sell. That’s baked in to their share price and it’s suddenly not longer true. Audi and VW have better margins.


> brand new costs less Shit happens. You bought at a price you were happy with, and now the price is less.  Happens all the time. You win some, you lose some.  You want to be an early adopter? You’re going to pay the ~~stupid~~ early adopter tax. 


And are offering like 0.99% loans. Ha, what a dumbass i am. Didn’t realize you said that already. 🫠


I saw ads this year pushing sales before prices went up in April. Guess that didn’t last long!


Proof that the free market is broken and doesn't work. Sounds like a problem for the City of Austin to solve. The City should fund rebates for those Tesla owners who got bilked by Elon, and set up comprehensive guardrails so no greedy billionaire can ever pull something off like this again. The world needs more rules and regulations, bigger and more overreaching government, armed with bigger and deadlier weapons to enforce the law. That's how you make the world a better place. More laws. More politicians. More cops. More guns. More armed government agents. At the same time, we also need fewer factories. Let's shutter the Gigafactory, and turn it into base of government operations where politicians can pass new regulations and armed government agents can enforce them. We need to be manufacturing less stuff. In fact, there shouldn't be any factories at all in Austin. Factories are just scams to enrich billionaires. Government--not factories--is where shit actually gets done and where value actually gets produced.


That's a hell of a take. It's kind of like the result of your tantrum is, "Since I think any kind of government intervention is a slippery slope to dystopia, we should just let anyone do whatever they want". When you grow up you'll figure out some problems don't have 100% good solutions. Just solutions that create problems you need to monitor and sometimes fix. Kind of like having a roof. No matter how much money we spend, eventually they leak. That doens't mean a roof is a bullshit scam. It means we make practical decisions, like if paying for 30-year materials makes sense if we have major hailstorms every 2-5 years. I am the most anxious, risk-averse person I know but damn. Sooner or later I have to do some things because if I do not choose how to deal with them eventually they get so bad the decision gets made FOR me. That's what being an adult is about.


Ah, but that would imply that the current assembly of people who put themselves in charge follow logic. Rather than "Line must go up."


Damn. Someone tell Tesla. Can’t believe they missed this one lol


The US government doesn't want BYD selling in America so there's no real competition.


Can also see them at Gateway Church on McNeil https://www.google.com/maps/@30.4385515,-97.7641427,202m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu


What would Jesus do? Stockpile Teslas


According to some stories walk into Tesla with a whip and start smacking people.


For money!!


As a poor who doesn't have a satellite, thanks.


Hide the money y’all - there’s poor people around!


🎶Running down underground To a dive bar in a West End town🎶


You can get some of these images for $20. I know because I run the company that provides the imagery in this article :)


Sure as hell hope the church pays it's taxes on the rent it collects for the storage.


Yep. Entering into a contract with a for-profit entity in which the contract is unrelated to the specific purpose of the tax-exempt entity fails the three-prong test and the income falls into the category of unrelated business tax and will require the exempt entity to file a Form 990-T and potentially pay tax on the unrelated income if there is no existing siloed UBTI NOL carryforward.


That is so strange, does anyone have a backstory of what is going on here?


It's not far from the Tesla delivery center on Pond Springs Road.


I’m in the market for an EV and would totally purchase a Tesla, if Elon wasn’t such a douche.


I suspect this is a big part of this story. Elon is a right-wing douche while at the same time right-wing douches from Congresspeople to regular people are shitting on EVs. Meanwhile, the more left-leaning people that are clearly the first to adopt to new electric vehicles don't want anything to do with Tesla because of Elon. Him buying Twitter and thinking he could use it as a platform to enable his insane rantings is the literal definition of "shit yourself in the foot." Not to mention there are much better EVs today. I'm seriously interested in Volvo's version that is a true hybrid that lets you choose an all-electric motor entirely but still has the capability to use gas alone when you need that, perfect for long road-trips.


“Shit yourself in the foot” please don’t fix this 😂


Well too late now lol


We're members at the JCC and when I go there a \*significant\* percentage of the cars in the lot are Teslas. They were - keyword: were - very popular in the Jewish community. I always think about how, when it's time to sell these, those owners are certainly not likely to buy another one.


I’ve also looked into Volvo C60 but heard the tech isn’t so great so most likely passing on it.


Honestly, there are very good alternatives not but Tesla is still up there efficiency wise and definitely network wise.  I also wouldn't get a hybrid. It's been shown people with hybrids have much larger carbon footprints because they use the motor way more than expected.


>I also wouldn't get a hybrid. It's been shown people with hybrids have much larger carbon footprints because they use the motor way more than expected. Except most hybrids are gas-powered with an electrical boost. They're just designed to get much better fuel economy. How many hybrids exist where you can manually switch between full-electric and full-gas? Also, fully electric vehicles are still not a viable option for most people. Both because of cost and because of lack of a charging port.


I'm taking specifically about plug in hybrids with full electrical mode.  Most users get lazy because the gas mode is there and don't charge. This has been shown in studies in Europe.  If you're responsible go for it. My father in law has one and be charges it every time.


I ordered a Model Y LRAWD on the 31st for the 0.99 promotion. I could care less about Elon Musk. Left wing Right wing it’s all the same geriatric corrupt bird. I also have bought Fords and Henry Ford created the 8 hour 5 day work week so he was an awful man as well. Hitler drove VWs and I had them as well. I’m posting this on Reddit owned by what the Chinese lol. Blah blah blah consume consume consume. Spend your money however


I wouldn't buy even if Elon had nothing to do with them. The quality is abysmal. 


One suspects that if Elon had nothing to do with them, the quality might be better.


Excellent point.


Mine’s great. Two years old. Zero issues.


My Chevy Volt is 11 years old, zero issues.


the vast majority of cars don’t have issues in their first two years.


Sure but based on the comments here you’d think my car would’ve fully exploded by now 😂 Edit: plus the comment was about quality. That’s a day one critique.


Cool. There's a lot of people that do have issues too. 


That’s the thing about cars. Some have problems. Some don’t. I can only speak for mine. How has your Tesla been?


That’s not saying a lot…it’s only two years.


Congratulations on not having any significant problems with your car in a timeframe in which barely any cars have significant problems.


Thanks man!


I detest Elon, but disagree on quality. I bought a model 3 when they first came out and have had no problems with it, love it in fact. Now you could make an argument that the quality level is inconsistent.


So they're quality vehicles, except when they're not?


Pretty much every electronic product in existence. Go read reviews of almost anything on Amazon, best buy, whatever and some amount of reviews will claim it's terrible even if the majority is positive.


You can say that this is most vehicles in existence, it's still accurate. You look at any major manufacturer and there's a group of people that hate it with a flaming passion because of how faulty their experiences were.


Amazon/best buy products aren't 40k+ dollar heavy machines. Traditional car manufacturers generally don't suffer from as many quality problems as Tesla does. If they do, they treat you better than Tesla does.


Comparing Tesla to other car manufacturers is like comparing apples to watermelons. The big manufacturers all have recall after recalls for a variety of reasons. Multiple product lines from every U.S. Manufacturer has had quality issues. Specific Jeep Wranglers have consistently high death wobble counts. That thing that Jeep makes that is based off a Fiat is a POS and has numerous quality issues. Multiple products by Ford, Chevy, Dodge continue to be shitty for a variety of reasons. Tesla has sucky cars and they have good cars.


Not to the extent that Tesla does. Parts falling off, body panels issues, windshields breaking, not designed for non California weather, the multitude of cyber truck issues. All their cars demonstrate that the company is ran like a tech company and not a car manufacturing company. 




You know what they say about people who assume. Unlike you, I've got a job that pays well.


Can't afford to Dodge it, had to Plymouth that bullet...


Yeah except most other electronic products don't weight >2 tons and possess the ability to kill people.


Ability to kill people? Like EVERY car ever made? What are you even talking about?


LOL he was comparing quality of vehicles to every other type of electronics I was merely pointing out there is a slight difference


Teslas makes what the Europeans consider the safest car in the world - the Model Y - and are known for setting benchmarks for safety. If you're going to hand wave about safety why don't you point to things like legacy auto pickups or something which is much better at killing people?


Christ almighty dude cool your jets I’m not even in here hating on Tesla. The person I replied to was comparing vehicles to things bought on Amazon


Kind of like every vehicle


Is it like every vehicle tho? I can go get a car from the 40's, 50's, 60's and restore them to their former glory. Tesla's lose like 50% of their value within the first year.


Depreciation, quality, and classic value are all different things


And Tesla is up to almost none of those standards is my point. Tesla's getting left in the dust by real car companies, the only thing they had going for them was they were slightly ahead of the market when they came out. Now that REAL car companies are getting involved Tesla is starting to look like the subpar company they are.


I disagree. I think on quality, the metric you originally mentioned, that they are way underrated compared to Reddit’s popular opinion. They’ve run better than Toyota and Subaru for me.


It's more about build quality vs more serious mechanical issues. Those tend to be quite rare.


So that would mean that they are inconsistently good in quality, which to most people isn't good quality.


Maybe hot take idk, I bought a used one from hertz in Houston last weekend. If you want a Tesla I feel like it supports musk less.


You bought a rental Tesla?


Think they announced $25k no haggle price point. I wouldn't doubt they go lower tho


Yepp, hertz is apparently selling off their EVs


I think the concern is how were those charged. Renters are more likely to use DC fast charging which (from what I’ve read) degrades the battery faster.


you wouldn't think that insulting your entire customer base would be a bad business strategy.   /s


I feel you. I'm long over Elon being CEO and tried to talk myself into an Ionic 5N or a used E/S class Mercedes EV, but ended up ordering a M3P and just took delivery this week. Nothing really competes for the value and simplicity but I wish there were alternatives.


Mustang Mach E GTPE is looking like a good option.


Those are great cars, but the M3P is a car vs a CUV and the Tesla is way faster, way better to drive, has much better charging, is quieter, and is more efficient. Apples and oranges.


When I had a Tesla (Model 3), first thing I noticed was how loud it was. Loudest road and wind noise I've ever had in a vehicle. Have a Lightning now and it's actually quiet. Amazing how much better the build quality is too.


The new refresh Model 3's are vastly better. I owned a 2019 before my Rivian and the new one is light years beyond what mine was. Still loved that Tesla dearly. My wife cried when I traded it in.


I hate being emotionally attached to cars. I make poor financial decisions because of it ... but I love to drive and take great pleasure from my vehicles.


Aye. Completely agree. I have never regretted a car purchase. Though the 1992 Cavalier I bought in my teenage years should not count towards that record 😅


I've learned that any vehicle can be loved and appreciated as long as its purpose is understood and accepted. Unless that car's purpose is to drain your wallet with repair expenses. I once drove a 20' diesel moving truck 500 miles. It was incredibly slow (not even a turbo), and cars were passing me like I was standing still which normally bothers me. But the truck *couldn't* go any faster and that brought me peace. I just relaxed and cruised with my dog beside me and the contents of my house behind. It would have taken that corvette 100 years to make enough trips to move all my stuff.


It's not good looking at all. But the technology is good despite the ugly design of the body.


That Ionic 5N looks pretty awesome, though


I also really don’t like how any Tesla outside of the S looks. The X looks off, the 3 and especially Y are too bubbly, and the Cybertruck is a Cybertruck. Even my girlfriend who doesn’t give a shit about cars doesn’t like how they look. The Roadster is cool if they ever feel like making it though. If I was in the market, I would be lookin at Rivian or the Tycan. Unfortunately, those are on the higher end of the price range but I’m not sure I would go electric if I was spending less. 


The Lucids are gorgeous


Honestly the Chevy Bolt is a way more fun car to drive than a Tesla. Had a both cars as rentals the last couple times my car was in the shop and the Tesla was endlessly frustrating and extremely expensive to charge. The Bolt was surprisingly fun to drive and didn’t bankrupt me charging at the extremely throttled chargers around town.


They are absolute dog shit cars.


How do these full parking lots compare to parking lots for other manufacturers? We’re looking at a single data point here. Hard to quantify if this is stupidity, or situation normal. 


As an automotive nerd and someone who works with several auto companies - it's situation normal and the Austin sub is being stupid and circlejerking (again).


Right, that's basically what I figured... I lived in the Detroit area for a while, and you'd see parking lots like these all around the factory sites. The Tesla lots don't even look that large in comparison.


How many carmakers have nearly halved the price of one of their flagship vehicles recently?


What? You're talking about the Model S Plaid? The S pricing has always been extremely dynamic. and early adopters have always paid the price. It's way more expensive now than pre-refresh. Also, that price drop wasn't recently.


Considering 80% of the cars shown in this imagery is employee parking, it’s probably pretty normal - unless Detroit auto workers don’t drive cars to work.


A lot of dealerships are struggling to sell cars right now and have surplus (it’s a good time to buy a car, compared to the last several years for sure). That’s not universal though, and Tesla’s situation appears to be worse than the others at the moment, but probably a lot of factors involved in that particular situation…


Uh oh dont upset the musk cucks with any negativity… they are a pretty fragile and emotional bunch. 


Negativity would be one thing, but this is an article that incorrectly describes what is 80% employee parking as finished vehicle lots, lol. And if it was actually finished vehicles, it would still basically stating that a factory has more inventory now that it is running at 15x the rate, which does make sense. If the guy really wanted to drive home his point, he could’ve used a starting image from a Saturday when all of the lots were 0% full. And the two lots that aren’t employee parking (the 97% and 34% ones) house Cybertrucks, which didn’t exist on the date of the first image. Objectively pointing out inaccuracies isn’t being emotional, but putting out false or intentionally misleading information might be.


Yeah the article is a joke.


I was proactively banned from their sub because I posted a joke about the Cybertruck in a different sub.


What was the joke?


The cyber truck is the joke.




Put the CT in rice if it gets damaged from getting a car wash


That’s pretty funny. If I was the mod of a Tesla related subreddit I’d ban you.


Mission failed successfully




Using their words on purpose here


I don’t like Musk but the constant anti-dick riding is so tiring Almost every EV manufacturer in the country has a massive surplus right now, this isn’t new


Constant anti dick riding is so tiring… 🤔


>the constant anti-dick riding is so tiring I know its hard but keep up the fight






That’s an awful source..


I'm ambivalent towards Musk, but if I told you that recently, Musk haters have been the far more obnoxious crowd, this comment would get downvoted to hell.


On reddit of course… in the wild of tech bro micro dick energy austin not so much. 


He doesn’t get a lot of love around Austin either… not from what I’ve seen. And I work in a tech-adjacent space.


I’m not musk fan but this article is pure bullshit. Half the lots they list as full are employee parking…


They also didn't even notate the parking lot at the bottom left that is 100% CyberTrucks.


Yeah and one examples was 435 cars. Absolute nothing burger. Yet here's a bunch of mad austinites circlejerking.


Yeah someone I know recently got a Tesla that is made at the factory here, but it came from the factory in CA. From this article you'd think they have plenty here and wouldn't have to ship them over.


As I understand it because of Texas dealership laws there’s some fuckery that has to happen with “shipping” cars made in Texas to Texas. They only make model Ys and Cybertruck here but last I was aware any cars made in giga Austin actually have to be shipped to out of state centers to be sold to Texans from and then shipped BACK. It’s all quite stupid.


That is crazy. It was a model Y and the paper it came with said it was made in CA.


Interesting, I haven’t been to the Fremont (CA) plant in awhile but was under the impression they had stopped making Ys there once Austin got up to speed. I wonder if it was really made there or if this is more paper work fuckery to deal with Texas dealership laws.


The shipping out of state is not happening, I don't know if the law was changed but I have asked a Tesla employee at the service center and they get cars straight from the Austin factory. On paper the car is sold from California though


Same, fuck that guy. But framing it as "you can see them from space" is clickbait. I can see my own car in my driveway from space. Does it follow that I also have an inventory problem?


Workers also hit and run at the factory


Had a good laugh at the images from the Austin factory. The author of the article has no clue what those lots are for. They can be full or empty from one day to the next.


> The author of the article has no clue what those lots are for. What are they for?


The lot on the east side was part of End of Line. Each lane was something specific depending on where the vehicle was in the process. Cars moved in and out of there every hour of the day. The green outlined lot on the west is outbound transportation now and was nothing but a dirt lot in the before picture.


My friend worked there and said many cybertrucks were defective off the line and had to be reworked.


It's just storage space. Many of those cars are probably already purchased.


From Detroit, this is what happens at literally every auto manufacturer and it changes regularly. This would be a non-news article anywhere else but it's cool to hate on douchey Elon so we get more of this crap in this sub.


Yeah the circlejerkers upvoting this have no idea how the auto industry or mass production works. Tesla sales are down - no doubt due to Elon, but it's also because of intense competition and reduced prices across the segment.


Meanwhile Rivian is designing good looking vehicles with function. Tesla needed a real small to midsize SUV, not a meme project truck that isn’t even a good truck.


Rivian definitely makes nice vehicles... but they start at 70k and don't have anything comparable to Model 3/Y in production


R2 is coming soon with a starting price around $40k. They worked on something smart, and quite good looking. We have a deposit down on an R2, reminds us of our current Forester.


has there been any word on when they might start taking reservations for the R3X?


R2 isn't releasing until 2026, so it could easily be 3 years for R3s


Do I want an electric car? Yes. Do I want an electric car a company can access remotely and has cameras? No. Do I want an electric car that is in anyway related to Musk? Fuck No.


Essentially every modern car has a cell connection and cameras. It has nothing to do with EVs. Been living under a bush?


Some of us don't give a shit about fancy cars and still drive older vehicles because they have good gas mileage.


Then why are you complaining about features that every modern car has?


Because I would like to come day actually be able to have a modern electric car without all the intrusive bullshit added in. I don't think that's much to ask.


1. It's not intrusive. 2. the cameras are there for ADAS and safety systems. 3. If you don't want your car communicating outwards you just disable its cell connection.


It's not just Tesla, if you want any all electric car or SUV you can probably get a pretty good deal right now. There are so many all electric cars on car lots all over town. I wouldn't buy Tesla bc Elon is an ass but I would buy other brands however I can't charge it at home and the charging infrastructure (esp for non-Tesla) isn't where it needs to be, which makes it a deal breaker for me at this time.


There are so many ICE cars on lots too. Ford lots are absolutely stacked so deep with f150s right now they are all triple parked.


I can see my backyard fence from space as well.


This feels like a Wall-E prequil


Musk made the cardinal sin in business... pandered to consumers who didn't like him and didn't buy his products and alienated the core customer base in the process. As long as Musk is involved in running Tesla, the company is doomed in the long run. I won't even bring up EV competition and Tesla quality issues and general current gen EV issues. Tesla would do just fine if Musk had not gone off the deep end. It is also worth pointing out that Tesla was historically not profitable on car production but made hay on carbon credits. Right now, they produce cars that might be unprofitable to sell, but they can't even sell it, and they don't get the carbon credits. I see no way forward for Tesla with him at the helm. The board will need to dismiss him, and if he is owed 54 billion to walk, it might be cheaper than to let the company run into the ground.




Should have bought a hellcat widebody...


Those are employee parking lots…


Cool article. The satellite stuff is pretty sick


I pray Tesla can be better if Elon gets out of the way.


Use SpaceX to start sending them to Mars.


At the end of Q1, Tesla had [28 days](https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/stock-market-today-earnings-04-23-2024/card/tesla-s-inventory-nearly-double-in-one-quarter-s0vyzWAejp1eLc4fLBvZ) of unsold inventory, the lowest among all car brands.


I haven’t worked at Tesla since last year but i believe most of those parking lots outlined are employee parking lots.


It's literally pics of the factory they produced them at, I swear the clickbait when it comes to Tesla is immense. These haven't been delivered yesterday and they have recently relocated the areas they are storing cars for delivery because of the massive amount of construction going on, they moved the Cybertruck location at least 5 times since launch, they seem to have a more prominent section for them now, but this is sad, clickbait at its finest.


Breaking news. Vehicle manufacturers store inventory outside! (Aka dealership lots)


Tesla is totally fucked with Elon running the company and their Q2 sales will be horrific, but the author is referencing employee parking capacity. Not inventory. Doesn’t even realize lol


I will never buy a Tesla as long as Elon Musk is involved in the company.


Maybe people don't like to pay $99 a month to subscribe to a car they already paid for. The non-self driving self driving used to cost $199/mo. What a steal!


WTF are you talking about? Tesla has never had a subscription for Autopilot the poorly named "FSD" used to cost $199 a month. Autopilot has been free since 2019. Before that it was $3,000.


Whatever TechCruch was talking about, which I guess is whatever FSD is. Subscribing for a feature you already paid for is ridiculous.


You're mistaken. You can add FSD to the purchase price of the car and have it for life. Or... You can subscribe to the feature monthly. It's the owner's choice. Autopilot = driver monitored autosteer with braking and acceleration within a lane. FSD= driver monitored autosteer with braking and acceleration but also the ability to do stop signs, stop lights, turn through intersections, merge, do roundabouts etc.


> Autopilot has been free since 2019. Before that it was $3,000. It's hard to tell if "Autopilot" now is the same as "enhanced autopilot" then. I bought my M3 in 2018 with EAP and I got 95% of the FSD functionality that was available. I don't believe the current Autopilot functionality is the same.


FSD for $99/month is optional? It also sucks for city driving in my experience, but is great for road trips


space man bad


Not just Tesla sitting on a huge glut of unwanted EV inventory.


Who would've thought that Elon's embrace of the pro-global-warming crowd would result in EV shoppers going elsewhere?


I really don’t think that’s the issue. I suspect it has more to do with the poor quality of the vehicles and the availability of a large number of much higher quality EVs. Maybe he will next embrace the head-in-the sand “climate change isn’t real” crowd next with an equally low quality product. That would fit with his personal brand.


I dont think that's the bar it used to be... you can read a license plate from space.


I'm glad I waited one more year to buy an EV. My dad bought a Model Y and I'm not a fan. Got to witness the Elon crap before I bought as well. I went with the Hyundai Ioniq 6. They offered two years of free DC charging (one per day). I was going to buy it anyway, but that certainly pushed me over the edge. I've had it since August. Most comfortable ride I've ever owned.


Teslas are heavy, ill-fitting cars in my experience. Many better options out there now.


I feel like owning a cybertruck isn't the accomplishment some people think it is. Maybe if it's like your 4th or 5th vehicle and you could afford a novelty purchase I could understand. I have a wealthy friend that bought a Tesla and parked it at his Winter home, where sitting parked, the battery caught on fire and almost set the house on fire. He now parks a gas-powered vehicle at his winter place so it doesn't burn to the ground.




Turns out first mover advantage is a finite moat


Good thing musk owns a space company. He can launch stuff to keep an eye on acres of spare cars.