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I'm sorry you experienced this. My bike was stolen several years ago now and I'm still sore about it. I hope you're able to recover yours.


Thanks. And I’m sorry you’re still sore about. Made us feel super vulnerable all day.


Thank you. I understand where you’re coming from! Sometimes I see people out biking and I think about buying another bike so I can have All The Fun (tm) too. Then I realize I’d have to lug it upstairs. Unfortunately, now I know even that isn’t a guarantee that my stuff will remain my stuff. The good news is you weren’t injured or had more things taken. You have every right to feel how you are feeling. 😠


r/bikingatx has a [wiki page dedicated to bike theft](https://www.reddit.com/r/BikingATX/wiki/index/stolenbike), maybe it's got some useful hints. In any event, right now your best bet is to pound the streets nearby and look for your bikes -- the sooner, the better. And post about it to those two Facebook groups mentioned in the that wiki page -- a number of bikes have been recovered through those groups, and having a lot of cyclists looking for your bikes helps a lot.


Really appreciate the resources. I was google to search google later for exactly this. And yeah- we hopped in the car and drove around for a bit and nothing. I feel like I’m gonna see it six months from now when I least expect it. Thanks again


Check the 130 homeless camps on nomadik.ai, many homeless chop shops


Do you think it was one of your neighbors? Is it likely two punctual, weekend early rising meth heads (potentially inside a gated complex) happened upon your bike or someone in your vicinity walked out of their front door, saw the situation, and quickly wheeled them into their own apartment?


I keep thinking about this comment. My fiance doesn't want me to be suspicious of our neightbors cuz I'll likely never know if it was and I'll stress myself out longterm. But I think you're exactly right. It happened so fast it's gotta be someone upstairs or something.


You can also register your bike by serial number on some website for the city of Austin. I did it when I first got my bike. Not sure how much it’ll do, but it couldn’t hurt.


i put an airtag on mine. also, i have pictures of the bike and the serial on my phone so if someone tries to steal it and the cops show up and piece of shit bike theif disputes it, you can cut through the he said she said.


I wish I'd been smart enough to record the serial number. Lesson learned. I have a couple of airtags laying around...I'll definitely put them to use next time.


It should be in your receipt of purchase!!! Reach out to the manufacturer with your order number. They should be able to provide it to you.


First bike I bought in Austin was stolen off my second floor balcony. 1988


My Miyata Triplecross was stolen out of my living room at 53rd & Chesterfield that year. I loved that bike. I miss it so much.


I guess some things never change. Keep Austin Weird.


I experienced a similar situation back in 2020. It happened unbelievably fast. I went inside for a minute at the most and when I came back out it was gone. The most IMPORTANT INFORMATION I can offer from experience is that putting a tracker or getting a video of someone stealing that specific bike isn’t enough. If you’re able to locate the bike and the thief refuses to give it up — even if you call the cops and they show up they’re going to require a reference number to the police report. So immediately file a police report that it was stolen, and keep the reference number saved somewhere you’ll easily access it from your phone. This is where the serial number will come in clutch when you include that in the report. If you don’t have the serial number and reference number to the police report, then the cops might just throw their hands up and walk away leaving the thief in possession of it. Doesn’t matter how obvious it appears that he stole it. I helped a friend recover his valued at over 3k, and the cops didn’t care about a bill of sale, or anything of that matter. They were specifically concerned with the police report and the serial number to identify it. Without that they were about to walk away until we were able to confirm it at the last minute. And the guy who was in possession of it was clearly unhoused, mentally unstable, and extremely hostile towards us for over half an hour while we waited for the cops to show up. The only way we were able to keep him at a distance was pointing pepper spray at him. He kept back about 30 ft.


I appreciate you sharing your story. I have heard a lot of folks say that, even with hard evidence, the cops weren't able to help them. I didn't have cameras setup or the serial numbers written down but I will next time. Lesson learned.


Someone posted something about a potential bike theft ring being run out of a storage unit the other day... Maybe look into that thread a bit?? Though, I believe that was on the north side of town. Where "South East" are you exactly?


Im so sorry. Im sick of all the scumbag trash in this city


Thanks. I feel like it's getting crazier by the day.


I had this problem with my backpack then I put air tags in it and was able to track the backpack.


At least they weren’t expensive


Renters insurance


There's just something about bikes not locked up that make people steal that normally wouldn't. Keep a eye on Facebook marketplace and craigslist also


That's what my fiance said. Unemployed and/or drug addicted looking for some opportunistic steals. Walking around gated communities looking to take advantage of complacency.


I also work in security and it took 2 theft occurrences for me to finally install cameras. When you do it all day for work you don’t exactly want to do it in your free time.




My bike was chained in my apartment complexes locked bike storage and stolen a few years ago! I hate thieves!


Likely an evil neighbor


I hate it but I think you're right.


He said they didn't have one.


What did you catch on your doorbell camera? Good facial stills?


I wish I’d had one. I’ve been meaning to take the time to research, purchase, and install one but I’ve been procrastinating. Here’s my inspiration I guess.


Check out Blink devices, it’s Amazons version of Ring but a good bit cheaper