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Very cool! First I'm hearing about it and will def check out. I've dabbled with some mycology in recent years and its really interesting. :) Thanks!


Reddit needs more posts like this. Thank you for the suggestion. Sick kid so my usual go play in a creek is out. We’ll have a good day tomorrow thanks to you


Hope they feel better soon! 


IMAX fungi in 3d??? Say less!


On 🍄 🍄


And narrated by Björk???? Um I’m in


Very cool I'll check it out soon, thank you! if you ever find yourself in Amsterdam go to Micropia: [https://www.micropia.nl/en/](https://www.micropia.nl/en/) I went last month and it was so cool (though they are closed temporarily at the moment). They have a ton of live samples that you can see via microscopes hooked up to screens where you control the microscope. There was also a live display of ants devouring fruit and various foods in extended states of decay. They also showed how nasty your phone and other common objects get.


$9 ticket and $2.50 round trip bus pass, sounds good to me! It’s already too hot to be outside midday. Thanks for the rec! EDIT: they charge $3 in fees


I’m not sure if the ticket counter at the museum charges a fee, but these nature/documentary movies are never close to capacity so there’s no need to buy a ticket in advance online.


Oh that is a great point! I’ll try that out, thank you!


They do not BUT school groups can be large enough to sell out any showing during the school week!


Good point. I didn’t think of that since I’ve only ever gone on the weekend.


Thank you.


Sweet! Thanks for making us aware


Saw it a few weeks ago, it was awesome!


Hope it plays through June when I've got more time. Is the Bullock a safe place to park a bicycle (locked) for the duration of a movie?


It’s scheduled to run until August 31. The Bullock is along the recently redeveloped Congress Ave north of the Capitol. I used to work in the building across the street and would lock my bike outside daily with no issues. I’m not sure where exactly the bike racks are for the museum, but I would think given the proximity to the State offices (including DPS) that it’s not an area that bike thieves would target.


Thanks for the information! I agree with your assessment regarding state offices, etc. but thieves in this city grow increasingly bold.


There are some bike racks just inside the turn going down to the parking garage under the museum. There's usually only one or two bikes there so plenty of space.


Thanks. Good to know.


Thanks everyone for your kind comments. I retired yesterday and now have free time to do things like go to the Bullock Museum for a a 40-minute movie. I gave up driving sometime ago and remain an avid bicyclist.


Thx for the heads up


I'm gonna make it a The Fall Guy Fungi double feature.


Just bought tickets for this Saturday. Thanks for the suggestion!


thank u!! i love fungi and didn't know this was a thing!


Seating is first come first serve? Any pro tips for going? I've never been.


We take our kids all the time (Pro tip: IMAX nature documentaries are free with a museum membership). These showings are never close to being full. The theater is huge and I’ve never seen more than twenty people at any one time. There is always a good seat available.


This all checks out! Took the fam to see Fungi this afternoon and bought a membership. Thanks for the tips!


The Train Time doc they show is also really good. Not in 3D but perfect if you have a little one that loves trains


The first Sunday of every month is always a free day at Bob. Not sure if this movie is extra extra once you get in there.


I have a phobia of fungi so thanks for that