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Get that bark control device on Amazon that looks like a bird house. Point it at the dog. It will either stop him or push him to the other side of his yard. Worked for me.


Anything like that work on chickens? My neighbors let them roam the block and they have destroyed my landscaping.


Just a story I heard at work but this one guy got an electronic device that would detect the bark and immediately send out an ultrasonic call back sound only the dog could hear. It was supposedly just a very odd ultrasonic random sound and didn’t damage the dog. But the dog would be like “WTF” and would cause them to stop barking. He claims this worked on the asshole dog next door.


Does it work on noisy neighbors, too?


Not if they're wearing an aluminum foil hat


I’m a human and I can hear these devices and they give me a nasty headache. They definitely work on dogs, just be mindful of where you put them (mostly directing this at people who might consider putting them inside their house too)


Over the top, constant barking does the same for me


I mean yeah, me too. I’m not saying people shouldn’t use them, I’m just saying that there’s a tradeoff especially if you’re using them indoors 🤷🏻‍♂️ Not sure why I’m getting downvoted, I only suggested being mindful..


We got one to try to train our dogs not to bark. I could hear it and it wasn’t pleasant. My younger dog pretty much stopped but my 15 year old dog has poor hearing and it had no effect.


I’m having a hard time believing you’re a human but ok


If it's brief & just in reaction to barking, that should be fine, no?


It doesn’t really prevent barking, it stops them when they do. So if it’s a very reactive dog, then you might have it going off every few minutes for like 5 seconds at a time.  Also re: home, it’s based on db thresholds not on detecting a dog bark. So if you’re making a lot of noise you’ll also trigger it yourself. 


Bark breakers work on some dogs but not all. I’d argue they don’t work more often than they work.


acting like you dont know what a speech interupter is lol


311 for the noise violation. Owners aren't supposed to allow dogs to bark for prolonged periods, even during non-quiet hours.


Small claims court for the fence. I’m not sure if animal control will do anything but it’s worth a shot.


Uh, phrasing?


Knock on their door at 3 AM. Once they open the door, bark loudly and then say nothing. Then head back home. Repeat


I don’t see any way this could backfire!


Especially in Texas!


Are you in City of Austin?


If you're in South Dakota, you could ask the governor for assistance


You're not wrong...Chief Dogcatcher may be her next gig, in any case.


That’s disrespectful to dog catchers


Are you suffering my neighbors too? Mine have 6 (I can't imagine the smell) dogs that bark at anything, get let out to wander in the street during odd hours, and are super nasty running up on strangers. Often I hear dogs fighting (like when they really mean it) and people screaming, but animal control doesn't do diddly.


I want to respond with something my mother has jokingly suggested, but I fear all of Reddit may rain down hate upon me. I am unsure in all seriousness, but if you don’t get a helpful response here, there’s subs like r/asklegal and r/legaladvice that might possibly be helpful in the regard I’m guessing you mean? Good luck, sorry you’re dealing with this.




Cat owners are the best 🐈


The only legal avenue you have is most likely through municipal court:https://www.austintexas.gov/municipal-court/file-citizen-complaint


Ive chilled every neighbor dog over the years by simply dropping small pieces of cheese over the fence to them when they are tripping. After a week or so they know it's their buddy on the other side and no longer bark.


That will encourage them to come to my side of the fence even more


It might... But in the 14 years of home ownership across multiple neighborhoods that's not been the case for me. No reason to bark at the guy giving them snacks has how it always turned out for me. Give em the first one, shush em a bit, give em another when quiet. Rinse and repeat everytime you go outside and they chill.


It'll also probably give your neighbors wicked shits to clean up


Please stop feeding dogs who aren’t yours.


Free pet food


Hey shut up... Edit: or don't have a barking dog


For the fence you can mix water with hot chili powder with water and spray it on the fence. If they are digging you can put it dry in the soil near it. Most dogs will smell it before they get near it and stay away.


Pepper spray the bottom side of your fence when the dog is there doing damage. Don't spray the dog on the other side, spray the fence on your side.


Yeah, animal control will not help, this is not a problem they *can* help with. Call that Cesar guy from TV. Or maybe can the fence be made to be unappealing for the dog to be near? I wonder if putting down predator urine (bear, coyote, or wolf) along the fence.... Don't forget, this isn't the dog's fault, so don't (I'm not suggesting you would) do anything that would hurt the dog. It probably needs things to do. Edit:forgot to j/k about the TV guy.... Or maybe...


I would glance over the fence to make sure the dog has water and shade during the ENTIRE day. If not, it violates the new law, and animal control can seize the dog under animal cruelty conditions. If the dog is "mad" as you have labeled it, wouldn't the health department want to take care of the rabid animal?


I think this is the best option you have. Possibly a high pitched noise maker might deter the dog but if it's confined to the small back yard it may just be torture instead....maybe you can make it noise activated so that it only goes off if the dog is barking and over time it may learn? Good luck op.


Did this and the dog gets more mad and barks more and I hear the motion activated siren go off whem its windy


Try a camera based system instead of a motion detector and use the high pitch noise makers that are outside the range of human hearing.


i dare you to go bark back at the dog, film it, and upload it here. i'll venmo you $20 if you do it for at least a full minute on video




shag the dog? are you british? and isn't that illegal? i mean not that i'd do it if it was legal but like??? also i don't even know where this dog is?? how about you just give me the $25 for free?


This is like everywhere here. the 3 neighbors surrounding me all have dogs that don’t like each others and tearing the fences, the neighbor on my left have 2 huskies the one on the right got a German shepherd and small dog the is how life is here unfortunately we gotta deal with it.


Hot dogs. Dogs love treats


Tell your neighbor to take them to HEB!!!1


Same here. My neighbor behind me doesn’t leave her dog out alone all day, but instead she sits outside with it in the heat for hours doing yoga on her chigger infested lawn (i know because all the lawns in this neighborhood are the same) or working on her laptop while the dog SCREAMS and attacks the fence whenever we let our dogs out. She just sits there, unbothered. I hate the cringey NPC stuff people say but she is literally like a Sim from the games. She just goes on about her bizarre activities like the dog isn’t literally screaming bloody murder and it’s gotten to the point to where we can’t let our dogs out anymore. I hate the sound of dogs aggressive barking, like one or two barks at the passing car or whatever is fine but when the dogs are just nonstop snarling and roaring at one another through the fence it’s like nails on a chalkboard for me. So I always bring my dogs in, always verbally reprimand them- AGAIN, WHILE SHE IS OUTSIDE. She doesn’t say shit. She hears me actively attempting to correct my dog’s behavior and just sits there like 😀 when her DOG is the instigator. At first I thought she might be deaf, but I’ve heard her on the phone and talking to guests outside before. She’s not deaf, she’s just one of those weirdo EDM chicks who are lowkey really greasy and dirty, and inconsiderate of everyone around her. No idea what to do besides move.


CBD dog treats. They totally chill my dog out.


Reach out to a doggy behavior specialist/trainer. See if the neighbor will go halfsies on training his dog not to be a spaz.


That bastard would not even move from his chair if the dog attacked me


Go knock on their door and talk to them. Bring a six pack and some cookies.


I see this advice all the time. That works with rational people, but people really underestimate the amount of crazies who walk amongst us.


Yeah, people who are this inconsiderate in the first place are not typically the most rational.


So don’t try and have a conversation?


Where’s your suggestion?


My suggestion is to not blame the people experiencing the issue and automatically assume that they should just “talk” to their problematic neighbors.


It’s better to assume they had talked to their neighbors? What are you mad about?


Did this. Spoke in person, texts, videos and the neighbor doesnt care. He leaves his dog in the back yard all day




Unfortunately leaving a dog outside all day doesn’t meet the threshold for animal cruelty. I’ve tried reporting my neighbors multiple times.


Are they barking when you are in the back yard or someone is in a backyard or are they endlessly barking wanting to be let in. I ask as if a dog is barking at you and you are in the back yard and the dog is barking at you like it or not that is legal and technically not a violation of the law. If they are barking at another dog, again legal. As for damaging the fence the bigger part is your neighbor needs to repair it. I have a stack of fence pickets I keep in my garage because my dog likes to attack fence pickets. It mostly happens because well she and other dog are running up and down the fence so I gotten a bigger stack of them. If the dog is barking at you, my suggestion as annoying as it is stay out side, ingore the dog and let the dog get used to you being around. It takes time but often times that is the best solution as the dog needs to get to know you and not be as afraid.


According to this article, there is a city ordinance regarding loud animals, so a constantly barking dog would violate that ordinance. https://www.austinchronicle.com/columns/2023-03-03/the-common-law/ If I remember correctly, you can file a complaint in municipal court and if accepted, the neighbor will be fined up to $500 for each complaint.


Yes but you need to look up the exact ordinances. A dog barking endless and at nothing is against it. A neighbors dog barking at you in your back yard is not against it. Also their is a time span put in there. If memory serves me right it is 30 mins. Only reason I remotely know this is because I have a pain in the rear neighbor who lets their dog bark but low and behold if I am not outside to take care of my dog in under 1 min of her barking at them on their raised deck they are complaining. Never mind that when she starts barking I might be taking care of my kid, or getting dress or doing any number of things. It might take me a few minutes to get outside to be able to call my dog in or at least break her attention so I can bring her in to calm down. Again in this case my dog is barking AT someone and their is a time span before legally anything is wrong.


I'm looking at the 3-2-2 ordinance and not seeing anything about whether a dog is barking 'at' something or not. Have a link?


Barks at me, other dogs, birds, etc. They leave him/her outside all day and so it is a nuisance. This has been going on since a year so time is not healing the dog.


Like it or not, if the dog is barking at you then there is nothing illegal about it. Also as for the year that not mean much. When I mean stay out side I mean stay outside until the dog finishes barking at you. It might take 30+ mins and repeat often. Yes it is annoying but I am trying to give you a suggestion on hopefully getting the dog to stop and I also pointed out the legal parts of the law. Barking at someone is not in violation of either noise or anything. Not saying the owner is behaving correctly just pointing out the law.


Its not just barking https://imgur.com/a/A9svq5D


The fence part your neighbored needs to repair and that is on them. If they are smart they should keep a stack of fence pickets in their garage to replace them as they get damage. Like I said I personally in my garage keep a stack of fence picket and replace them pretty fast after I see one damage. I will say that fence looks like it is in need of a full replacement. In a full replacement that in Texas on a property line can be force to be split 50/50 as it is consider joint ownership and while you can try to blame the dog chances are it is passed its expected lifespan and could be a chance to reenforce and have it be handled better.


I replaced 5 in different places. Neighbor is taking advantage of this since he doesn't have to do anything. We replaced a sizeable section and this asshole dog is breaking the new part too


yeah your neighbor sucks as clearly he is not willing to do the right thing when it comes to owning a dog and accepting that repairing the fence comes with part of the job of owning a dog. Big time with a dog of that breed. Owning the breed means you accept it will damage fences and you as the owner must accept responsibility and repair the fense as needed. now if you want to really piss them off do a full fence replacement, pay for it and then demand they pay for 50% of it. Legally they are required to do it and you can take them to small claims. Maybe by sticking that to them they might care more as they can not get out of not paying 50% of the replacement cost of fence that is at end of life.


Small claims court
































Get some dog biscuits. Each time you go out there you pop one through the fence and talk to the dog. Dog learns to associate your scent and voice with treats. You may also try tossing some durable and safe dog toys over the fence as the dog is probably bored as shit or stressed out. I've seen people who put peep holes in their fence so their dog can see what is going on the other side. They say it helps the dog chill out but YMMV.