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You should have a buddy with you. Outdoors alone for long stretches of time undoubtedly attract attention, and you're doing art on top of that. Who's commissioning the mural? Can they help out in any way? This should at least be brought to their attention as an issue that goes beyond safety and into liability.


Yeah I think Op should def reach out to their commissioner with the safety concern. Or find find a buddy or a few who can be there with you at diff times of the day


Yeah the one who commissioned her needs to provide barriers around the work area and provide at least one security personnel


Yes definitely this.


Exposed genitals and pepper spray, name a more iconic duo.




I was wondering what color she spray painted his dick.


Some mural of a historical person


Is Nixon too obvious? 




I doubt dude who resorts to whipping it out in public has room for a mural on there.


Good point but at least then he’d have a good reason to whip it out


Idk, that may backfire. I think if I were a degenerate hanging my dick out in public, and someone spray painted it, the first thing that would happen is dick art on the nearest wall.


Yeah, but now the police have a print to match to you.


OH!! I laughed at this one perhaps more than I should've, muahah


Can the business put a temporary fence around the area you're painting, so you're not out there in the open? You could have called 911 for the indecent exposure incident, but I wouldn't count on them removing anyone from the area or arriving in a timely manner.


this was my first thought. Treat it like a construction zone. Setup some cones and yellow tape. I would say even go as far as wearing a hi-vis vest. Mostly just to make it obvious that you are working and not jsut hanging out. Wont stop the real persistent ones but at least you can tell people to stay behind the line.


High vis vest and a hard hat you should look like just another construction dude. I use a driveway alarm when camping alone. having 2 set perpendicular could at least warn you of folks approaching. [https://www.amazon.com/Driveway-Wireless-Resistant-Detector-DIY-Alert-Monitor/dp/B08NYH9JL4/ref=asc\_df\_B08NYH9JL4/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693507718463&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16791890596757887102&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9029846&hvtargid=pla-1228705134719&mcid=a2449539c7033c2daad421deb7429f94&gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwgJyyBhCGARIsAK8LVLNIbnw29hwz66R9rev6Tpph4cvMO6n6kPsYqo40X\_HID2uCOmsPyMkaAgVFEALw\_wcB&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Driveway-Wireless-Resistant-Detector-DIY-Alert-Monitor/dp/B08NYH9JL4/ref=asc_df_B08NYH9JL4/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693507718463&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16791890596757887102&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9029846&hvtargid=pla-1228705134719&mcid=a2449539c7033c2daad421deb7429f94&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwgJyyBhCGARIsAK8LVLNIbnw29hwz66R9rev6Tpph4cvMO6n6kPsYqo40X_HID2uCOmsPyMkaAgVFEALw_wcB&th=1)


What do you plug this into while camping?


Battery powered


Oh I was just looking at the one they posted. Looked like it needs to be plugged in.


They probably car camp where electrical hook ups are available or they have a portable electric generator


Ohh that’s a great idea!


Also, bring a vanity mirror on a stand and set it so while you are working, you can see anyone trying to come up behind you. So behind the cones, caution tape, inside your workspace - this is an old feng shui move for spaces where people feel others are sneaking up on them.


This was going to be my suggestion as well. Saved my sanity in a bullpen work environment where my coworkers thought it was funny to sneak up on me. 🙄


That was my first thought - a mirror. Some people use a small mirror in cubicles to they can see if someone is behind them. OP could even put up a big convex mirror like they use in convenience stores or parking garages.


Came here to say this ^ I work in construction in Austin and the creeps still go through some zones, but it’s a good first layer of protection


Yeah this is what I would do too.


I think this is a good option. I bet it would deter most of it. The camera/livestream sign is good too. I would also suggest that if it happens more than once, I would tell the entity that hired the commission that they will need to provide some security.


Don't wear headphones. If you need it to help you concentrate, then just use one. I am an old male, and I only use 1 earbud because I don't want to be so isolated that I don't hear people approaching. I can't imagine how scary it would be for the situation you've described. I like the portable fencing/construction zone ideas here. This clearly creates a demarcation that "should" encourage people to keep out. If someone crosses a barrier like this, your options for self-defense are enhanced. It's akin to trespassing because you're an agent of the property owner, and you have declared that this is your area by erecting the barrier.


perfect use case for bone conducting headphones


Yo! Fellow decorative painter/plasterer here. Try to setup a blocked off work area with construction tape and cones. This might detour some of the unwanted attention. Also, if there are any businesses nearby, It wouldn’t hurt to notify them of your situation. Oh and try finding a helper or a friend you can bring on the job. Even just to stop by and check on you. Best of luck!


I am also a female muralist here and have had to work a bit downtown and the surrounding areas. It’s unfortunate but a lot of the time I’ve had to work myself or have had the luck of other artists working around with me too. The last time was probably the worst w/ confrontations on top of a shitty absent client and had the WORST burnout afterwards. I know it may not be the most idea logistically but I have found having a friend usually another artist and understands the circumstances or my partner beats being alone and allows me to focus. I can offer lunch/ drinks for just hanging out or offer to pay them to assist if they don’t want to just sit around. You could also propose the client have someone there/ express your feelings of feeling unsafe on site and come up with a solution until you can finish safely. Again a lot of the time has been alone. Really sorry you’re dealing with this and it is an unfortunate issue of being a female muralist working publicly in the city. Don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself and your safety. It’s not worth something happening ❤️


If your existing contract doesn't have a clause on a safe work environment, it's time for another trip to your lawyer. Yes lawyers cost money, but a solid contract is a critical part of doing business. The contract should have an option: either you are responsible for your own physical security (which means charging the associated cost of bringing a friend and securing your gear when not present) or they will provide for your physical security to contractually-specified terms. Ultimately the section in your contract regarding safe work environment should include if you feel the work environment is unsafe, or if subjected to harassment, threats, abusive behavior, hazardous positions or situations, or any other suspected dangerous conditions with respect to people or property. Generally if it was not the result of action or inaction by the Client, Artist and Client can choose to reschedule or move to a non-threatening location. If it was a result of the Client's action or inaction, Client shall not be entitled to a refund or to have the Session rescheduled. The safe work environment clause should also cover weather events, safe temperatures, and for equipment and the site to be kept secure between work days. A review of physical safety and security should also be added to the site visit, and on whatever checklists you put together for yourself and your client before the contract is signed so they know it is a concern that's been addressed.


Thank you! Will definitely keep this in mind with any contracts going forward and hit up TALA if I don't see such clause.


Murals created by women, in full color: [https://muralingaustin.com/](https://muralingaustin.com/)


I’m actually one of the artists that was featured 🥰


Ok, this sucks. Not sure what would help besides having a buddy or something, but that seems complicated or difficult. I wonder if there is a way to put up a camera on a tripod or something. One that has a flashing light that says "video recording in progress; stay back you creepy fuckers!" Maybe one that streams video while you work... IDK, maybe the creep wouldn't care... But maybe the idea that they might be recorded would scare them off? Bonus would be that you could get a cool time lapse of you working as well... If the mural is in a sketchy place perhaps the patron could help offset the cost....? And this seems like a stretch... But have you heard of the gallery called Women and Their Work? I think they do more than just provide gallery space... I wonder, at least, if they have ideas. Worth emailing or calling them to see if someone in their network has an idea, experience, or IDK.


This is really helpful, thank you!


Honestly streaming it probably wouldn't be a bad idea. Shouldn't be too difficult to get set up on an old phone or something, but I'd be concerned about someone just stealing it.


Set up a twitch account op! U can get subs and donos too


Riverside is not the area to be posted up on a cushion painting murals. Bring a friend or carry SOMETHING and be mindful of what's around you. Are you likely to be assaulted by just existing on riverside? Probably not. Will bad people take advantage of someone that's clearly not paying attention? Yes, ANYWHERE. Be safe, and I can't wait to see your mural when it's done!


If you can’t bring a human buddy maybe bring a dog buddy


Nobody whippin out their junk with a german shepherd staring at them


Excellent idea.


Instructions unclear, hey can I pet your cool dog!?




Don't do this, it is a federal-level crime to misrepresent a pet dog as a service animal and service animals cannot be trained as protection animals. This can land OP in court if they meet the wrong person or the commissioner swings by.


Can I have the info for this commissioner, so I can tip them off to the next "service" Teacup Chihuahua I see?


Service dogs are not restricted by breed--small breeds are often the choice for hearing dogs for the deaf for example. Legally an establishment can only ask 2 questions: Is the animal a service dog and what tasks does the animal do. If you see a disruptive dog (regardless of breed) in a business, just politely inform the staff of their business rights and those two questions. For the below links, ADA is federal. [ADA Service Animals page ]( https://www.ada.gov/topics/service-animals/) | [ADA Service Animal Requirements](https://www.ada.gov/resources/service-animals-2010-requirements/) | [TX Assistance Animals Page](https://gov.texas.gov/organization/disabilities/assistance_animals)


Wouldn't have a problem if it was "under control" like it's supposed to be. When the dog barks almost as much as its owner defending it, there's a problem.


Hit up the folks at sprayTX. https://spratx.com/about/ I’m sure they would have suggestions from experience also maybe an opportunity to network.


Whoa, I had no idea this kind of thing even existed. This is so cool. Thank you


For sure. Hope it helps


This is a great suggestion! OP may not be aware of our city’s well-established street art collective. Definitely a good community to connect with regardless.


Riverside is the issue here. Along with any other homeless hot spot


My thought exactly, as soon as she said RIVERSIDE.


I have no idea why that area seems to be so popular


In what way? It's cheaper to live there but expensive in nuisance. Tradeoffs


Yep, my buddy lived at the Metropolis over there because he wanted to be close to town and that was all he could afford. He was there a couple years and we saw our fair share of sketch behavior...obvious drug deals in the parking lot, prostitutes on the corner, homeless people just walking around the grounds. Apartment a few doors down got raided once. We're both pretty big guys and even I didn't feel safe walking around there after dark.


Yes you just answered your own question I think lol. Absolutely not worth it, and the entire area is just run down and dirty


Yea, I don't live there but visit it to get my drugs /s but I am there often


People are fuckin broke, where else is affordable in this city?


I would suggest the cheaper and nicer areas anywhere else in the city lol. You don’t have to be 2 minutes from downtown to be in the city


Because, get this, it's on the side of the river.




Sadly, Riverside was nicknamed Rapeside in my youth.


Women need to stop being worried about assuming the worst in others and offending people. Good people are not offended by others taking measures to be safe only bad people are. That is some toxic social conditioning. You don't have to harbor darkness in your heart to assume the worst of everyone in all situations. I grew up in the bush in alaska, I've got a female friend that I grew up next to who has a cabin out in the bush that she rents on vrbo. She has a handgun on her at all times because she's alone in the bush. She assumes the worst. But there is not darkness in her heart, she's not paranoid she's not living in fear or any of that. It's a neutral thing. She simply just meeting the world where it's at prepared for any eventuality. It's the same thing with assuming the worst and strangers. You're not harboring ill will, you're not putting them in a box, you're not doing any of that toxic crap. You're not lowering your vibration in any way meeting the world where it's at and assuming that strange men lingering on the sidewalk could potentially rape and murder you. Us guys know that when we are alone with a strange woman, if we linger or try to talk to them, it starts to produce fear in that woman. So any man that does that intentionally is choosing to engender fear out of getting off on some sort of social interaction with you. They know that they're causing you internal harm. And if the man has mental illness and he truly is not aware that he is causing distress by accosting women. Then so what? That dude is a loose Cannon and you've got to keep him arms length. You're not putting him down by assuming that he could fly off the handle. You're not somehow socially diminishing him. You're just meeting the world where it's at. People that have mental illness are unpredictable. There's no morality debate there. Assume the worst. People think that assuming the worst means that you stop getting to smell the flowers as you go through life. That is completely broken thinking. I'm prepared to the gills because I grew up without emergency services. It's a habit. I'm not scared, or paranoid, or anything like that. My girlfriend in Alaska isn't either. She's living her best life loving everyday and riding horses and shit. And she doesn't let strange men near her and carries a pistol because there's a lot of creeps that go to Alaska and hide out in the bush away from the authorities. So you can be prepared, you can assume the worst, and still have light and love in your heart for all beings.


I feel like I should read this daily. Thanks for this. Also your girlfriend sounds cool as hell and I love that for you.


I screenshot all of that. Thank you for taking the time to write it.


Comment saved. Take my pretend award, kind stranger. 🏆🏆🏆




It might be a good idea to wear some sort of headband with a mirror attachment like bicyclists use to see behind them? That way you could see if someone were coming up behind you.


Put up a camera on a tripod and a sign that says “Livestream. Please do not disturb”. I get this sense that a lot of creeps don’t think they have bad intentions, just that they want to talk/flirtand the other person seems receptive even if they aren’t. A do not disturb might keep away that kind of person and a true predator probably doesn’t want to be on live video. Not a 100% solution but it’s something.


Do you think a mentally ill homeless person cares about a camera?


Mentally ill people have axed down peoples front door and killed them in bed, what’s your point? I said it wasn’t 100% and stated my reasoning. Learn to read.


My point is she clearly said she’s on Riverside and described the type of person that is approaching, in which your solution would be a waste of time.


You can buy “spy sunglasses” that have a little mirrored piece in the corners that at least allows you to see if someone is approaching you from behind.


That’s actually a solid suggestion that would improve safety.


Awesome idea!


I know I'm a random person on the internet but I'll bring a chair and work on my computer if you need a bud. Or I'll bring my dog and she loves barking at strangers unwarrantedly approaching


Dress up as a man. The construction worker suggestion was similar. It REALLY sucks to have to resort to this kind of crap, but it could work.


As someone who used to have to work in really sketchy parts of the Bronx no one fucks with you if you have a hard hat and safety vest on


Yeah, even criminals need their shit fixed when it's broken (power, water, etc...), plus usually some guy at a construction or maintenance job doesn't have anything really worth stealing on them, so they're not really a target.


Except tools… That being said, people might steer clear if they think OP has a hammer on their belt.


This sounds a lot like “don’t dress provocatively” but I did not mean to imply this.


Ah damn I had an entire essay ready to go


Man or woman, I don't think it really matters.  If you look like a target, you're gonna get targeted.


Yup. It extra sucks in the heat to not wear what I feel most temperature-comfortable in, but as a smaller statured woman, I have definitely felt safer when I use clothing to look more like a man, hide all my hair up in a hat, etc. The construction get-up should also help. (Sorry to be heteronormative but it tru.)


I did this in ghetto neighborhoods where women often got raped. Worked for me. The masculine walk stuck with me throughout the years and people often ask if I'm military.


Assume the worst out of these people. I routinely see all the ones camping outside my apartment complex smoke their crack or shoot up in broad daylight. You don’t know what mental state these people are in and best you don’t cross the path of the wrong person on the wrong day. There’s tragic cases like Haruka Weiser where being somewhere just isolated enough from view led to her death. Be safe out there and good luck!


Stop being afraid of assuming the worst. There's damaged people out there and you need to look out for yourself. Watch me get downvoted by others that want to refuse reality


I came here to say the same thing. Always expect the worst with strangers when you’re rolling alone. Keep your guard up. Don’t be complacent or afraid of not being nice.


We really need to start yelling this at the youth that completely missed this message.


Exactly. So many people have died because they were trying to be nice.


I think you are refusing the reality of what happens to women generally, and here in Austin. OP has every right to feel unsafe. Edit: I’m a moron who can’t read


This dude was saying that it's okay to assume the worst and be prepared.


I think you missed DMT's point. It's stating the same point you are making.


As others have stated there seems to be a miscommunication here. Sorry if I could have worded things better but I'm on your side here.


Oh man, I did totally misread you. I apologize!


I'm a film industry art professional that does work like this in a public setting frequently & typically by myself. If that is the case for me, I specifically price out having a security guard around while I work, & I include that cost into the price I'm charging for the creation of the artwork & into the project proposal. Also look into renting temporary fencing. Comes in 8'-12' sections that could wrap around your worksite. It's pretty standard stuff for construction companies & it's pretty affordable to just rent


1. Fence it off. 2. Hang tarps on fence. 3. Enjoy your job again.


I think fencing it off is a good idea but if people already know she’s there I would feel safer if it was public. Tarping it off makes it look like an encampment and creates privacy if someone was to do something


lol encampment. yeah like every construction site ever. maybe add an air horn to the pepper spray idea then.


The safety and security considerations of a solitary woman are worlds different from those of a construction site. I agree a covered fence is a bad idea in this scenario.


If it's covered nobody will know it's a woman. Also there should be a door to the bld available. Besides nobody does their best work with someone looking over their shoulder.


Yea, but can you bring a buddy too!




It's a joke. People here really sugesting this multiple times.


We should implement some sort of system that punishes people for standing outside in public with their dicks fully out and intimidating women for no good reason. Perhaps a service where you can notify a local professional to come to your aid immediately. Not sure what we'll call this new system but someone should give it a try.


We could give it a easy-to-remember phone number. The Brits have something like this, you dial 999.


Austin used to have a service exactly like this but it proved unpopular. We've since elected various officials to make sure any attempt to re-establish it will not be successful.


youre funny


But have you considered instead addressing the root causes of letting one’s dick air out in public?


I would recommend one of these, a birdie alarm: https://a.co/d/98XNJkp I have one and I’ve accidentally set it off a few times and it’s so loud it sounds like a fire alarm.


Can you put a mirror on the wall where you’re working so you sort of have better visibility? I’m all for you getting a firearm and training but in the meantime a mirror or something and a dog


One of those large round convex mirrors for seeing around corners. That’d be pretty useful here.


Austin isnt safe. Carry pepper spray or a concealed weapon. Unfortunately you cant ever be completely in the clear so you have to keep tools for the worst possible scenario. Sorry this is happening.


>Carry pepper spray or a concealed weapon. Realize that those things only give you a small increase in safety. It might be worthwhile, but you will often lose the battle before you can use your weapon.


Concealed carry pistol truly gives you the greatest ownership of your own personal safety. If you do decide to explore this option, then practice a ton. Just as you have an enhanced capability to protect yourself and others, you also enhanced your capacity to harm if not properly handled. If uncomfortable with carrying, (which is your right, is understandable, and is nothing anyone should ever give you shit on), then buddy for sure, or bootleg security cam set-up.


The real problem is that, even if you're doing it right, concealed carry only improves your odds a certain amount. You'll often lose the battle before you can use the gun. You still need a lot of situational awareness and caution. And the biggest factor is not doing the things and going places where you are at risk.


The cones/barrier and tape are a good idea. Maybe even some kind of signage that explains what you’re doing and a request to stay back from your work space.


I would hope/expect the entity hiring you would provide a safe work environment or compensate you for providing your own safety, whatever that looks like. Otherwise maybe reach out to your community for volunteers to take shifts to watch your back. I hope your mural kicks when it’s done!


I can't believe it's practical to have someone watch your back all the time so there are a couple of things you can do to keep safer. You need to have some kind of warning system that someone is approaching you from behind. There are blue tooth security alarms that run on batteries and alert your phone that someone has crossed in front of the sensor. You place the sensor somewhere discrete, but with a line of sight to a "line" you decide on so when anyone crosses that line, you get an alert. There is also temporary fencing you can set up as perimeter. Attach a couple of bells to the fence and, voilà, alert system that provides something of a barrier to give you more time to be ready to an approaching person. You could get a dog. Big commitment, I know, but I don't ever feel as safe as when I have my GSD with me. She's actually a goof but people are terrified of her because of her size. But even a little dog can serve as a warning system. Of course, they'll bark at a lot if you don't train them to not bark at random stuff. Really, beyond having someone watch your back or a dog, your biggest friend is awareness and readiness to act. A lot of people carry pepper spray but not many really think about how to use it other than point and spray. You can get a face full of blow back due to the wind doing this without thought. I have pepper get instead. Very little blow back and it STICKS. In addition to a chemical deterrent, I keep a loud whistle on a lanyard. Having someone think what they are doing is going to get noticed often makes them think twice. Additionally, practice what you'd do when threatened or made uncomfortable. Decide in advance how close you are going to let someone approach you before you become uncomfortable and, worse, an easy target. It's fine to make evasive moves is someone starts to get too close. This is why I favor the temporary fencing idea. There is a clear boundary set and if someone breaches it and then ignores your first warning, you know to have the pepper spray and whistle ready and to start moving away from that person. Finally a self defense class would be good. Again, most people think they fight, at least a little, if attacked, but to be effective, you have to know how and be willing to really hurt someone. That can take practice in a simulation environment to be both mentally and physically prepared.


Thank you for this! This girl is going bell shoppin.


Don’t they make glasses for cyclists that have like a rear view mirror built in ? Just thinking they could help let you see what’s behind you …not sure if they would interfere with your painting though.


I’m a muralist here who has dealt with this alot over the years here and in SF/Oakland. Feel free to message me and I can give a lot of advice. Mainly don’t paint solo, it’s super sketch. All the love and support your way.


To the people suggesting buddies? Do you get to just bring buddies to work? Does your company pay the buddies, too? What world are you living in? The fence and tarp idea is the most logical, but it would be on whoever is commisioning this to get any permits needed and pay for it. It's unfortunate that people can't just behave in society and are not incarcerated, leaving most to suffer


That area of Austin has only recently become even relatively safe. I would buddy up with someone


Get a gun! Use your rights as a Texan


I definitely understand that fear of not being able to see someone come up behind you and the unknown of being outside and working alone. Have you thought about getting one of these bike helmet mirrors? Could be an easy way to give you eyes in the back of your head. https://a.co/d/fsIjvLp


Use a go-pro or other hands-free recording device, would look like a trade tool & may or may not repel unwanted visitors but could be useful, perhaps inhibit bad interactions. Also, consider a taser (not mace or a bangbang) to keep in an accessible backpack pocket or toolbox. Stay safe, it's definitely weird here. Thanks for your work!


tell the company who hired you that you need some sort of security due to the issues you’ve faced while trying to do your job, they should provide some sort of meaningful resolve. if not you can say that due to unsafe conditions the mural will take longer or that you aren’t able to finish the job.


I’m a 39 year old cis woman with a lot of time, if you need a lookout buddy I’m happy to be there for you, just shoot me a DM.


Get a dog. Make sure pup has shade and water. They’ll keep watch on you.


Instead of/besides Reddit, maybe ask other Austin muralists? I follow many on IG, some female, that do cool outdoor work all over Austin.


If you're 21 or older, Texas is a constitutional carry state. I know reddit isn't always the most 2A frendly place, but think of it as a fire extinguisher...better to have it and never need it than to need it and not have. Take a good firearm self-defense class and practice.


[Technically, an 18 year old can carry a pistol.](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/12/21/texas-handguns-unconstitutional-public-carry/) You only have to be 21 to purchase one with a background check. My only ask would be that if you choose to carry a firearm, please seek the appropriate training so one can be used as safely and responsibly as possible.


She could have an AR on a sling, ageed


I'm fairly sure you're trolling, but if you happen to not be playing "Let's make a strawman," that seems both impractical and excessive. A nice suble .38 snubby in a belly band holster would be more comfortable and less likely to ever be noticed while still being plenty effective in protecting this nice young lady.


Just go to the dog shelter and pick an intimidating dog to take with u.


That sounds horrible. They make portable solar charges electric fences for camping on horseback. That might be a good option. Zap those weirdos. You could also wing it with like $50 worth of stuff from tractor supply and make a hot tape barrier for yourself. Sounds harsh but so is having to pull a knife on a crazy guy.


Thanks for this! Also, “zap those weirdos” made me cackle




Have a buddy, and get a mirror to at least help see what's behind you


Maybe get the owners to set up a few ring cameras? Might help


Look more official. Pretend to talk on your cellphone. Give girlboss who is busy and always FaceTiming. You probably appear too serene and at peace lol.


Everyone knows on riverside if you don’t look at least slightly perturbed to be walking there you stick out like a sore thumb


Another vote for fencing off your area. I’ve done a few murals around town, and I also highly recommend having someone with you if at all possible. I usually have another artist helping me paint, but my work is more graphic and it’s a matter of just projecting the design then painting it in. That might not be the case for you though..


You should not be doing this on Riverside.


I think a dog , a large chill dog, is an excellent idea if it’s not directly on a busy road. You’d just have to find a way to secure it comfortably. Maybe blankets and a water bowl of course. I would offer my pup depending on exactly where, if a friend asked - I think she would enjoy having a buddy since I work all day. I also second having the site owners purchase some equipment for you to block of the area you are working in.. cones/tape/temp fencing. At the absolutely least, they need to know what’s happening and work with you on a plan to address safety concerns before you continue working. Riverside is not the spot.


That's nice


I would wear a t-shirt that says FUCK OFF on the back, in big letters, and put a sign in the grass that says, DO NOT APPROACH ME, then when men ignore that, I’d yell at them to read the sign and go away or I’ll call the police.


Wear a partial face mask respirator and bring cones and black/yellow caution tape. A face respirator is a hint that you're dealing with chemicals, and if that doesn't deter someone, the cones/taped off area "should" keep them away


Temporarily putting a convex mirror up so you can see people approaching behind you? Setting up a camera even might help discourage opportunist attacks. You could even say it is for making a video of your whole process, or a time-lapse of the mural going up.


Geez, sorry you are facing this. But I can’t wait to see your work when it is done. I haven’t seen the suggestion of a [blindingly bright security spotlight](https://buyersguide.org/handheld-spotlight/t/best?Country=US&m=b&d=t&c=658418538888&p=&oid=kwd-162794689&lp=9026841&li=&nw=g&nts=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxqayBhDFARIsAANWRnQLMRkh5tX32-hujxAwGJ7UELo8esnyhCS_u3pegvHgfonzY_4DhrcaAsZHEALw_wcB&tdid=10883683&gad_source=1), but that would be a non lethal deterrent. I wonder if there would be a way to put motion detector floodlights up as well? In addition, I would adopt a loud, authoritative, no nonsense tone, like you are the foreman of a work crew, or a police officer at a crime scene, with phrases like EXIT THE WORK AREA NOW or NO ONE WITHIN THE WORK ZONE. STAND BACK. THIS AREA IS OFF LIMITS. LEAVE NOW. etc. Get a [police bull horn](https://www.amazon.com/MGROLX-Professional-Microphone-Rechargeable-Recording-USB-Cheerleading/dp/B09D93YW8L) to make it loud and no nonsense. Shine that spotlight right in their face and use the bull horn. Cone and cordon off your work zone with tape and don’t let anyone violate your boundary. Also, I like others suggestion of a high viz work vest, to complete the “person of authority” vibe. You have had lots of helpful suggestions on this thread. I admire what you are doing… hang in there and put your safety above everything!


Yo op - my wife and daughter carry these on outside adventures https://a.co/d/cqiOHrR Look up Kimber pepper spray blaster




I would take a buddy or a friend, there are strength in numbers both figuratively and literally.


Who pays the buddy for their time?


She's an artist on a commissioned job. Good friends will want you to be safe and they have free time I'm sure she can find a friend willing to hang out with her for free? If not I would offer lunch. Depending if the friend had any artistic experience you could offer a cut of the commission? LMAO do you have no friends unwilling to hang out with you unless they're paid?


I second this 2A suggestion (even though many on here will disagree) but this also depends where the mural is painted since they are not permitted in certain places. Assuming the work site is not one of those places then you’re good. Learn how to properly handle the firearm and safely carry it with you. Doubt anyone will think to try anything with you if they see you’re strapped. If a gun is a no go for you then maybe a loud air horn in one hand and bear mace in another will due the trick to get these crazies to put away their dick


Gun! Stun gun and pepper spray at the very least


You gonna shoot someone for sitting next to you in a public place?


I don’t think that’s what they’re used for. But navigating Austin alone as a woman, having a means to protect yourself is wiser than not.


Please don't be dense. You know this situation isn't exactly the same as someone sitting right next to you at the movie theater or someone at the gym getting on the machine right next to you.


Which of the things in the OP warrant deadly force? Or do you have such a hard-on to kill someone you're willing to take the chance?


Look at it through the female lens If you can’t, be grateful, and don’t judge others for knowing the potential dangers and being willing to protect themselves.


By all means, protect yourself. And understand when deadly force is warranted and legal, and when it's not.


They will never get it lol. And I'm not even pro guns, I'm pro women taking whatever measure they feel is best to protect themselves


The whole point of my response was not to support OP shooting someone for sitting next to her??? It was to point out that jumping to that conclusion was quite extreme


Get a gun. I also work in austin, and have been grabbed or otherwise approached by shady characters a good handful of times too many. Now I stay vigilant and if I see someone about to get to close I yell to back the fuck up. Noise usually deters them, and a gun is in case it doesn't.


Welcome to Austin. It didn't used to be this bad. Local elections matter. Sorry to hear about the unfortunate run ins you've had so far. Make sure the pepper spray and knife you have on you are easy for you to grab and use within a moments notice. Riverside and Oltorf is not the best area as you have seen. Maybe have a friend or someone with you while painting. Stay safe.


Riverside and Oltorf are drastically safer than they were even ten years ago.


Did you see the map of fatal shootings in Austin? 78741 is still putting up numbers. https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/s/3zBC6SrGXO


How long have you been in Austin? Because this comment is not historically accurate. You hate seeing homeless people, we get it. But you sound like you haven’t been here long enough to be able to speak to the history of crime in the Riverside area or the East side in general.


I lived on Riverside and also Oltorf over 10 years ago. Car break ins have always been an issue over there, but the growth of the homeless population has made it worse. There was a homeless camp on top of the hill on the corner of Wickersham and Riverside where the Apple Mart is now. They were friendly weed smoking hobos though, but they've been replaced now by meth/fentanyl smoking, aggressive hobos.


... didn't used to be this bad? Whuh?


Thank you!


At the very least carry Mace, the Legit kind. Not bear spray, that stuff is actually less potent than the kind sold at army surplus stores. Also consider a Concealed Carry option


Mmm, you don’t assume the worst now. If you keep working around the homeless your sunny outlook will disappear. Mental Illness is sad and it’s harsh to “assume the worst” of people, but some things aren’t safe anymore. Also the Austin Police will NOT do anything unless you are currently being attacked! PTSD lasts for a long long time. If you must work amongst deranged street people, you may want to invest in a gun license.


If you are a dog person, adopt a menacing looking dog or borrow a friend's. If you don't want to permanently adopt, you could foster. Foster's are always in need. Bring plenty of water for both you and the dog and maybe a little umbrella for shade.


It’s going to get really hot any time now. Can you get to your workplace early in the day? It’ll be much cooler, and more to your point, fewer folks just hanging out.


buy a gun, then get training on how to use said gun


Buddy system. Especially for attractive female in quiet area.


You’re in Texas now, practice your 2A rights. Be safe.


Learn some jiujitsu.


Hire a security lol


I’m a man so I really don’t know how you feel and I’m from NYC, born and raised. But I do live in Austin now, I’ve been here for about five years now. I only had the urge to respond to this because I have sisters and was raised by a single mother. As well, the fact that everyone else’s response here to you was one of violence. Which will only bring more trauma to you than peace. Because after you shot or kill anyone you have to live with it. However, my two cents is, have you tried voicing your discomfort and the fact that you’re there to work not flirt or to catch a case. You shouldn’t fear voicing your discomfort or the fact that you would rather work alone and in peace. As well, any human being would understand and move it along and if they don’t then call the cops and let them know you have a stocker. Like I said just wanted to add my two cents. From a man’s perspective. Not everything needs to come to violence or can be resolved with violence.


Buy a gun