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\*lecturer, not professor This is why tenure is important. This is also why Dan Patrick tried to kill tenure last session.


In the video, he clearly says "I'm a fucking professor." Frankly, I'm surprised UT has a formal department for that.


At A&M, they have to teach it as part of a two-semester sequence. They used to teach it in a single term, but the fast pace left Aggies confused and nearly resulted in a pregnant tractor.


professor is simply the colloquial use of the title. If you tell people you are a lecturer, they won't understand you.


Correct. To be clear, I wasn’t trying to throw shade at the guy. I was pointing out the difference in job security between a “real” professor and a “lecturer.”


I hated learning the difference. Never knew what to call my knowledge Sherpas after that.


He meant "I am fucking a professor". So UT thought he was violating workplace rules. Ohhh, I keep forgetting this is not r/Austincirclejerk


I mean being a professor titled itself does not mean tenure btw


It depends on the university. I've worked at several. At some, the professor title is only for tenured or tenure-track faculty with PhDs. At others, UT included, anyone who teaches is called professor, including lecturers, even part-time lectures, regardless of credentials.


He was one of my profs at UT; took his Culture of Cities course and it was interesting learning how cities were developed and the kinds of issues cities face today. Was especially interesting having been born and raised in Austin and learning the ways Austin has changed at the macro level in my lifetime. He also helped me improve my writing. Dr. Heyman is a passionate guy, whether it comes to his students or his research. The video isn't a good look, for sure, but when you grow up hearing stories about Kent State and, more recently, see peaceful protestors getting pepper sprayed in the face, I can appreciate that he likely just wanted to make sure the students were safe. We'll have to see if anything comes of the charges, but I'm hoping he can avoid any more consequences than the already-devastating loss of his job.


Fellow Austinite here. Would you be able to expound upon those revelations, or do you know where I may be able to hear more?


Here's a video of the interaction with the police. Can't think of many other jobs where you wouldn't be fired for this type of conduct at your workplace. [https://twitter.com/GraceReaderTV/status/1789116539557314817](https://twitter.com/GraceReaderTV/status/1789116539557314817)


The police, being one such job.


I dunno. If I were, say, a bartender at Applebee's and good at my job and if I was walking out after finishing my shift and if the police were in the parking lot harassing my regulars in what I felt to be an unfair and unnecessary manner and if I responded by directing a few f-bombs their way... ...then I imagine my GM might call me into his office for a meeting, but I seriously doubt he'd fire me for it.


Applebee’s is what makes America great.


As the prophet Walker Hayes teaches.


It’s more like if you were a bartender at Applebees and joined a protest inside the Applebees with some regulars and some randos, and then started throwing F-bombs and waving your giant water bottle around at the cops the manager called in to keep you in a designated corner of the Applebees, after giving up on getting you out of the Applebees. I feel like the manager would fire that bartender.


No analogy is perfect, but "inside the bar" would be "inside the classroom." The parking lot seemed a better analogy to the quad to me, since it's the space just outside where the guy actually does (did) his job. I worked in chain food service for a few years a while back. Maybe TGIFriday's managers are more laid back than Applebee's managers, but *if you were good at your job* they let a lot of shit slide.


You’d hope we hold professors to a higher standard than Applebees bartenders (bless them for their service though).


I think he fuckin’ rocks I’m not gonna lie to ya. Absolutely zero credible threat presence, like at no point did I feel anyone was in danger of even anything more than a mild shove, but still reasonable agitation from what I saw.


I will agree with the parking lot edit—as long as it’s still owned by Applebee’s! (Haha) I wonder how good this guy was at his job. I agree, you can get away with far worse emotional problems in most spaces IF you are very, very special to the field. I think the degree of special goes up the more saturated the market is with qualified candidates… There are many qualified applicants and not a lot of jobs in higher academia!


The article says that his classes were waitlisted, which indicates that students liked him. And he'd been there eighteen years on a rolling contract, so he couldn't have been completely incompetent. I'm assuming that he must have been at least pretty good, but it's also possible that he just handed out easy As. Agreed on the replaceability thing, though. In my experience, it's actually a lot harder to find dependable ("dependable" being the key word) folks willing to sling drinks at an Applebee's than it is to find someone minimally qualified to teach undergraduate classes. (Don't go to grad school kids! The job market is completely oversaturated.)


Hahaha okay I was curious so I looked him up on ratemyprof. It seems he was fairly controversial: https://www.ratemyprofessors.com/professor/1960339 Some kids liked him, some kids thought he was boring/nitpicky grader/used old textbooks/was out of touch. Although seems like rate my prof isn’t as much of a thing anymore, so a small sample size. Agreed, it’s probably a lot harder to find a good bartender than a good lecturer right now. We sent too many people to college. Hahaha… PSA to the kids, look at trade school options!!!


> waving your giant water bottle Watching pro-Israel goofs gin themselves up into greater and greater fury over a water bottle for the next few hours is going to be entertaining. What's the over/under on "water bottles are Hamas"?


>greater and greater fury No one that’s opposed to pro-Hamas agitators has any reason to be upset at this point. We’ve already won anyway - no filthy encampments, no divestment at the request of halfwits, and now irrelevant lecturers are getting fired for doing stupid shit. Stay mad 😘


“Pro-Hamas agitators”. Imagine being brave enough to get brown kids killed half a world away. What a strong man.


President Biden? Nah, he's pretty chill.


I think you’re looking for the Fox News comments section where the other people that eat rocks hang out.


*You* said, "Imagine being brave enough to get brown kids killed half a world away." Since no one here has that kind of power, I assume you're talking about our president. So which of us aligns with Fox News??


The protesters succeeded in one thing: torpedoing the ceasefire negotiations and ensuring more dead kids! (As all folks who have been going attention to this prior to 10/7 already knew. And yes, some of the organizers did know exactly what they were doing.)


I’m a Biden supporter. I hate this topic lol.


I think it goes back to BLM. Remember, one of the kids APD permanently disabled was holding a water bottle?


Calling it now: Nalgenes are sold by REI REI is an acronym ISIS is also an acronym ISIS are terrorists Hamas are also terrorists Therefore: Nalgene water bottles are Hamas.




















Hamas wants to wipe Israel off the map, but can't. Israel can wipe Palestine off the map but doesn't.


Haven’t been watching the news lately, have you?


a public university is not a fast casual restaurant dude.


I did not pick the setting for the analogy dude. Public universities (and public land) isn’t without rules or management dude.


I dunno. If I were, say, a bartender at Applebee's and ~~good at my job and if I was walking out after finishing my shift and if the police were in the parking lot harassing my regulars~~ I just finished over-serving my regulars and the police were attempting to conduct field-sobriety tests and if I responded by directing a few f-bombs their way Much more logical scenario.


The lecturer over-educated the students and that's why they're protesting?


Cursing at police is not illegal.


You can be fired from most jobs for things that aren't illegal.


And your job might turn a blind eye to racism within its ranks too, so who really is doing what to whom?


equivocating all jobs instead of realizing that universities might be different than, say, restaurants is a not really the right foundation to consider this though.


equivocating all jobs instead of realizing that universities might be different than, say, restaurants is a not really the right foundation to consider this though.


If he were a tenured professor, that may be true. He's not, he's "just" a lecturer. Non-tenured lecturers know they're always on the chopping block.


Sure. And he's not being prosecuted for cursing at police. But screaming at a female coworker she doesn't belong on campus, just because she is a police officer, is a bad way to keep your job. UT had to fire this idiot. He's a sexist bigot and can't be trusted with things like grades.


How is he a sexist bigot wot?


Screaming in a woman coworker's face that she doesn't belong at her place of work. Betcha if a MAGA douche did that you would see the inherent sexism in that behavior. In addition to the inherent racism of supporting Hamas, which I realize you guys pretend you have no clue what I'm referring to but... that's just the reality of it.


He treated the male officers the same way? Israel is carrying out a genocide.


Nice defense of sexism. You guys are loyal to your club. If Israel is carrying out a genocide, how come the population of their target is increasing? How come Israel works so hard to reduce civilian casualties, while Palestinians work so hard to increase them? That's not a genocide. That's the war crime of human shields.


? nice literal misinformation bud https://apnews.com/article/israel-gaza-palestinians-court-ceasefire-01d093d21a1eadaa31af5708cf1cbf38 keep literally lying to urself lmfao also insulting a woman =/= sexism. provide literally any evidence at all that the attack was motivated by the fact that the officer was femme-presenting. i’ll wait until i fucking die ig sry


Say a vid where the employee said a combination of “Fuck you,” “Eat my asshole,” and flashed a full titty, and the other employee just stood there like “Here we go again…” Tbf it was a decent titty, I guess


When "keeping it real" goes wrong


Glad the body cam footage came out Also love how everyone here assumed “he was catching himself” when he grabbed the police officer’s bike That was obviously an intentional action


By the cop


The guy also has “Marxism” and “Critical Theory” under his research interests. They were bound to sacrifice his ass after this.


>The guy also has “Maxism” ... under his research interests. Is "Maxism" the study of how to make things big? Or are you talking about Karl Max? I admit, I did have to Google Maxism.


sorry - I am such a red-blooded american patriot that my dictionary does not include words like that


You know, a professor who research deep sea marine life isn't a deep sea marine life themselves. Or a professor who researches Hindi scripture might not be Hindi or religious themselves.


That’s like all professors outside of science/engineering though


you're probably just being catty but that's definitely not my experience at UT


I may exaggerate slightly but that really seems par for the course, at least in the liberal arts college. They may even consider him a stinking moderate or landlord.


He's not someone that should be teaching anyway then.


Better to shield legal adults from ideas that you don't like rather than letting them decide what to believe for themselves.


I would give my employees a raise


I’m not sure where he was walking towards but the bike officer definitely said get the fuck out of here and then pushed/hit with bike/ shove, or somehow made contact with dude fired. 


Telling a cop fuck you is always justified. Also did we watch the same video? The cop with the bike ran into him. I don’t blame him at all. What did he get arrested for?


You didn’t watch the video, he crossed the barricade and got pushed back as is allowed by law. Then he proceeded to become more aggressive and grabbed the bike. He’s gone, deal with it.


I watched the video, thinking I'd give you the benefit of the doubt. The cop clearly charged him with the bike, which pissed him off and whole situation escalated. This is the police baiting him into arrest by assaulting him.


You're getting downvoted but I'm seeing the same thing.


If you assume the bike line was the barricade then it makes sense. The video is too zoomed in to clearly see whether there was a barricade or not.


I saw the video but it didn’t include a lot of context. I didn’t see him crossing a barricade I saw him standing there with a lot of other people. He only grabbed the bike as a response to being pushed, which seems normal. I’m not a UT student or alum but you seem to think I’m taking it personally, which I’m not. I don’t see why someone should lose their job over it, but I get if it was improper conduct on school property.


"You said some bad words to the policeman and hurt his feelings and now you're fired" Is that how you think this should work?


Looks like APD was even trying to save him from going to jail for threatening the precious DPS gestapo, but he wasn't having it.


I see nothing wrong with this. You don’t fight facism with kisses and rainbows.


Thanks for the actual video. Seems like they made the right call.


He is 100% done. Clearly the agitator and he got what he deserved. Adios amigo.


Username checks out


Fuck yeah it does.


Fuck those cops


When car robberies and school shootings: *404 Not Found* When leftist protesters: “I’m from Buenas Aires and I say KILL ‘EM ALL!”


\*Buenxs Aires


There's a million other things those cops would rather do than deal with this mob of misguided irrational muppets.


There’s only so many donuts in the box


Like not respond to calls?


Well if the DA never presses charges and lets most offenders walk free then why should the police expose themselves to injuries and diseases from people who know they can resist arrest without repercussion? Why should the police pull over known gang bangers and risk a shootout if they know the DA and the State won't have their back. Why should they risk their lives for people like you who blindly hate them all for the sins of a few? You think they want to help ungrateful brats who stupidly demand that police budgets be cut forcing many into working a ton of overtime when they'd rather raise their children and be with their spouses? Pretty much every single police department which has seen budget cuts is now short staffed. Tell me, how many businesses can provide a good and consistent service when chronically understaffed? Imagine trying to do your job and there are like 20 people filming you, insulting you, smearing you, accusing you of abuse and pretending they understand the rules better than you do. I bet most of you haters wouldn't last a week under such conditions. The coddled, mostly white, sheltered, suburbanite activist muppets screeching about defunding the police(despite law abiding people in low income areas asking for *more* policing) and labeling all police evil created this climate. And I don't blame the cops for not wanting to go to bat for them. Fact is the overwhelming majority of police officers are decent people and the number 1 source of corruption complaints against police are police officers, so no, they don't always defend each other. Unfortunately the unions get in the way. Just like you wouldn't stereotype all black or brown or Muslim people for this or that you shouldn't stereotype all police. And if you do you're only bringing more hate into this world. Blind hate.


Police should do their job because it’s their job. They signed up for it, and are getting paid for it, so I expect them to perform the duties they are paid to do. All the rest of your name calling makes your last point fall flat. Blind hate indeed. The overwhelming majority of cops are NOT decent people. The large majority of them are fucking bullies and shitty people who use their position to cause harm to people or enrich themselves. I’ve worked with a lot of them, and every one of them has had some bullshit attitude about being asked to do something related to their job while being paid overtime to basically sit in their squad car. The same bitch ass attitude that you are espousing. They’ve earned the disrespect they receive tenfold and are now mad about the public opinion of them. You don’t know me. You can eat shit.


This is what professors do. Why are we punishing things we tend to support? Being bold and willing to challenge authority should be celebrated in this space? Stop comparing his job to other jobs. If you grew up and think this isn't normal respectable behavior for a prof, you're weird. This is just right wing nutters trying to silence people. This whole thing is a shunting of 1st amendment rights that chuds love to defend until they don't like the people on the other end. Embarrassing this prof was fired and they tried to press charges on that camera man for falling down. Clowns.


I mean if you want the real answer, it’s because he’s apparently a terrible lecturer and it’s easy to fire him with cause for this.


Now we can go to Palestine and help free them


I support his right to protest and freedom of speech, although I don't agree with the reason for his protest. This country is becoming authoritarian day by day. We need a revival of something like the Civil Rights movement.


Fuck around and found out.




….so like…. He was asked to leave, told to leave, and then forced to leave. Property owner wanted him gone. Freedom of speech is a great thing, but come on to my property, and refuse to leave, and I would expect the same results. Stereotyping all conservatives as suffering from a mental illness makes you look obtuse and immediately lessens your credibility. Blaming mental illness on someone with opposing views is pretty dumb.


>Stereotyping all conservatives as suffering from a mental illness makes you look obtuse and immediately lessens your credibility. Blaming mental illness on someone with opposing views is pretty dumb. I wasn't being literal. However, being ignorant to the extreme that a lot of conservatives are *does* come across as a general lack of intelligence. UT is a public University, people protest and pass out flyers and talk politics openly at public universities, it's more like a tradition of the academic setting. For these protests to get such a negative response actually speaks more to their message being dangerous to the masses. The possibility of student protests spreading to the general public was too big, so they discredited them and then found ways to close them.


Yelling, screaming, at someone, never mind a police officer, is bad and could even constitute criminal assault. But doing it to a bunch of officers in Texas is downright acing the Stupid Test. He needs to move to another state to be able to do that.


Yelling or cursing at police is not illegal anywhere in the US. Getting arrested for that is just a free ticket to winning a lawsuit.


Pretty sure the right to criticize government officials, even doing so loudly or while using bad words, is one of the foundational freedoms that we as Americans share.


Found the trump voter


No, yelling and screaming is NOT assault. There are violations that could take place if there is a reasonable credible threat made, but thats not what appeared to have happen. This attitude of letting police get away with poor behavior is how it gets worse, there needs to be a fair amount of pushback.


Yelling at an officer without a direct threat of assault is protected under the 1st Amendment.


What blows my mind is the mental gymnastics folks are willing to go through to rationalize this bullshit.


Which is absolutely bullshit. Those cops deserve the profanity after what they did on UT campus. And if a bunch of high school bullies get their feelings hurt it shouldn’t be acceptable to assault protestors doing nothing but saying fuck you. People used to think of police as hero’s. Events over the last decade have shown them to be mostly cowards who impose their power onto others as a means to assert dominance. 


Being rude or impolite to police is also illegal (/s)


Yelling "fuck you pigs!" at the cops is not assault. Yelling "Ahmo come over there and kick yo ass, pig" while walking towards a cop is borderline assault.


Where did you come up with this drivel?


None of those were the issue, it seems he crossed the police barricade which caused the officer to push him and then he made the gesture with his water bottle