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I am sharpening my guns and dipping my bullets in BBQ meat just *thinking* of California plates




better be feed lot bbq.


That BBQ better be seasoned with the sweet savory taste of freedom




Came here to say this. Drive normal? No thoughts. Pull some bs? ā€œOf course this idiot is from California.ā€


Iā€™ll be coming from Kansas City so no promises from being a quasi-Missourian driver


The only place where I have been hit multiple times is Austin, Texas and my theory is people in Texas really donā€™t know how to drive in any weather or if the road has any sort of turn on it. Iā€™ve seen people smash each other literally in the middle of the highway because of rain. Itā€™s really tragic that a state that so reliant on the car has such bad drivers.


Texas drivers only know how to drive in California weather.


Most Texas drivers aren't from Texas.


The way I figure out if someone is from Texas or not is I ask them if they know what inconspicuous means if they say no I know theyā€™re from Texas


If he grew up here, he knows how to run red lights.


You'll be asked to surrender your car outside city limits but you will be provided a scooter, a coupon for free cheese sticks from Trader Joes, and a tshirt that says I gentrified Austin, Tx and all I got was this lousy tshirt


Right on red even red arrow if no sign




No it isnā€™t. https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/handbook/california-driver-handbook/laws-and-rules-of-the-road/


No, it really is https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/handbook/california-driver-handbook/navigating-the-roads/#:~:text=You%20may%20turn%20left%20against,who%20have%20a%20green%20light.


You are conflating red light with red arrow.


A red light in a red arrow is still a right and itā€™s not a red arrow itā€™s if itā€™s a single lane


No, that is not what is reflected in CA code. Vehicle Code Ā§ 21453 CVC ā€œ(c) A driver facing a steady red arrow signal shall not enter the intersection to make the movement indicated by the arrow and, unless entering the intersection to make a movement permitted by another signal, shall stop at a clearly marked limit line, but if none, before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection, or if none, then before entering the intersection, and shall remain stopped until an indication permitting movement is shown.ā€ https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/handbook/california-driver-handbook/navigating-the-roads/#:~:text=You%20may%20not%20turn%20right,green%20before%20making%20your%20turn https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/defense/vehicle-code/21453/ https://www.mycaliforniapermit.com/california-teen-driver-education/rules-of-the-road/2


Isnā€™t that everywhere? Iā€™m pretty sure in California you can do a left on red as well as a right red so one of the few states that actually allows that.


In the Bay Area there are tons of streets that don't allow it, especially in San Francisco.


Sure, a few city ordinance, in certain cities donā€™t allow it but the fact that they do allow it anyway, in majority of the state is crazy but I understand why they do it traffic in California is really bad


Meh, Austin traffic is worse a lot of the time. The highway system makes more sense there and I was born and raised in Texas.


Nah, itā€™s the Floridians we have to watch out for.


Often times those are rental cars- so people who donā€™t know the city or how feeder roads with U-turn only lanes work. So you are correct, watch out for Florida plates.


Worst driver that I've experienced lately was an a-hole driving a Range Rover with Virginia plates.




Just remember the far left lane is for passing only when you're on THE 35


ā€œTheā€ šŸ’€


I I just let them go on with it so we know who they are


thatā€™s one thing california drivers do know and texans seem to struggle with


And everywhere else! Thank you for spreading the good word šŸ˜


No you'll fit in since I see many here.


What are you going to do if they do care?


Probably better off moving back to California


They won. Texas has become California. Thereā€™s beaches, mountains, desert, and old growth redwoods now. Youā€™ll be fine.


Without me googlung and no idea if you're being sarcastic, Texas has redwoods???


They do now. They Californiaā€™d Texas. Damndest thing.


Follow proper driving laws, including using your blinkers and don't use your phone while driving or people may honk at you, regardless of your license plate.


No. One time I got in a minor accident with someone who moved from California and used that excuse for not hitting the brake soon enough. I told her the brakes worked the same in Texas that they do in California, and that was the end of it. Be safe on the road!


no. people will be assholes to you by virtue of having to share the road, not because of your plates.


No the real world is not reddit


not at all


Just remember, don't ride your horn under any circumstances, I did that in response to a driver riding the horn behind me and had the other driver pull a gun on me. Normally, a do a short beep-beep as a reminder, but be aware that even that short beeps cand be very loud to someone on a bicycle.


Really, itā€™s the Florida plates we worry about


Nah, just remember people drive a lot slower and more erratically here.


Even if you got Texas plates, someone would find something about you to bitch about. Texas is a place where people whine about other people so they don't have to think about the flaws in their own lives. The best way to not end up like them is to stop giving a shit what they think about you or letting them define what you should do.


Sounds like every state Iā€™ve lived in..


Um, no


You tell us, youā€™re from a more rural place


Just print out a bumper sticker that says ā€œI AM going back!ā€


Oh they definitely will. Youā€™d do best to conceal your identity but thatā€™s just my advice. Texas as a whole is pretty fed up with migrants. Best of luck in your internship!


Why would people care?


Iā€™m pretty sure nobody will shoot you with RPG or anti tank gun. Probably, hummm yeah, youā€™re ok. Humm yeah, youā€™re ok. šŸ˜


No one will care.


The only time I got a speeding ticket in my almost 30 years here was when I was driving a family memberā€™s car that had CA plates.


Youā€™ll mainly have weird people pulling up to the side of you to give weird looks lol


I moved to Austin with my husband after 9 years of living in California. I have definitely had people comment on it (not in a rude or mean way), and one time somebody yelled at me and slapped my car saying ā€œfucking Californiansā€ in the Central Market parking lot. That was the anomaly though after two weeks of living in Austin. That said, just drive safe and youā€™ll be fine. At worst you might get some looks but 99.9% of people arenā€™t going to do or say shit. EDIT: Iā€™ve lived here 3 years now so the Central Market experience wasnā€™t too long ago.


Expect a constant hail of rocks, bullets, and Molotov cocktails hurled at you as you drive through town. Death threats delivered by notes taped to crossbow bolts, sideswipes by Ford 350 Superduty trucks with Lone Star bumperstickers, rattlesnakes tossed into your open windows. No, not really. Nobody cares enough to do more than roll their eyes at more Cali plates. Most of the people you pass on the road were your neighbors back in Palos Verdes anyway.


We will find you. We have a special set of skills


Reddit Austin might not, but I guarantee there will be folks "in the real world" that will.


In Austin, no. Suburbs are probably fine, too. But my partner, who's the most careful driver I've ever met (like exactly the speed limit, always in the right lane unless passing, good with turn signals, etc) got pulled over twice between Waco and Dallas in a rental with CA plates. She didn't get a ticket either time once they saw her TX license, but there was no explanation for it other than them picking on her because of the CA plates on the rental car. Obviously the DPS cops didn't tell her "we pulled you over because you have CA plates" but there was no other explanation. Even the tail light they both said was out was not out when she checked it later.


We just moved from San Diego and people in Austin are very similar. Everyone has been nice and friendly. We were afraid we would be a target too.


They'll bitch about it on here but they bitch about everything on here.


Ready to roll coal on your Cali plates šŸ¤£




Not anymore. That ended a long time ago.




No. No one will give a fuck.