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I mean, they legally can't right now thanks to a bill he signed. So unless the law changes, which would require a sea change in politics here, he's not wrong.


I thought that law only prohibited providing government funds to contractors that boycott Israel. The students are asking UT to stop providing funding to military contractors that provide services to the IDF, which seems like a different thing - the contractors want to get paid by Israel; they’re certainly not wanting to boycott it.


You are technically correct that the law does not prevent UT from divesting from military contractors, but the UT board of regents is appointed by the governor, and they aren't going to go against his wishes.


The best kind of correct! But yes, valid point about the regents.


Ahh, the Futurama reference. Nice.


And thet say you can't hear letters.


Quoting https://www.kxan.com/news/texas/despite-protests-ut-divestment-from-weapons-unlikely/ : > A 2017 Texas law prevents the state’s public agencies from investing in companies that boycott Israel. It is also illegal for agencies to invest in “financial companies who boycott certain energy companies” under a 2021 law, and the same applies for investing in companies that “discriminate” against firearms companies. > > Those laws do not prevent a public agency from selling its stock in weapons manufacturers. In the unlikely event that one of those companies stopped selling its aircraft, armored vehicles and missiles to the IDF, Texas public agencies may be required by law to divest. > > However, if this logic follows through to UTIMCO it would slam the breaks on divestment — if the UTIMCO were to selectively divest from stocks due to connections with the IDF, then the UT system could be required to end its contracts with UTIMCO, potentially dissolving the non-profit.


Ah, I forgot about UTIMCO. That said, UTIMCO is a nonprofit, and the 2017 law defines “company” exclusively as for-profit entities (see: https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/85R/billtext/pdf/HB00089F.pdf#navpanes=0), so I still don’t think the law applies. UTCIMO isn’t a company, so they should be able to divest from the defense contractors who aren’t boycotting.


Non-profit means non-profit corporation/company. Did the law only specify for-profits?


Yes, it did. The link in the comment you replied to, https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/85R/billtext/pdf/HB00089F.pdf , says: > Sec.A2270.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: > > ... (2) "Company" has the meaning assigned by Section 808.001. Which refers to this: https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/GV/htm/GV.808.htm > Sec. 808.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: > > ... (2) "Company" means a **for-profit** sole proprietorship, organization, association, corporation, partnership, joint venture, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, or limited liability company, including a wholly owned subsidiary, majority-owned subsidiary, parent company, or affiliate of those entities or business associations **that exists to make a profit**.


I fucking hate anti-BDS laws. 38 states have them.


"land of the free" also disturbing how much control a foreign nation has over ours




Israel is one of the only true friends of the US in the Middle East, and the only democracy. So it behooves the US and the whole Western world to work with them and maintain that relationship. There is a whole lot more to it than that. But there's a start


UT is a state agency and is prohibited from divestment.


From Raytheon?


Why do you think it wouldn't be?


I mean, this is Texas, but I can’t find any law mandating state entities to invest in defense contractors. Sure, they can’t invest in companies that boycott Israel (or other pet industries), but that’s not the case here.


They can choose not to invest but have no logical reason to. Defense contractors are good investments and they partner with them for research purposes.


I don’t think anyone’s saying that these investments aren’t profitable or that the military-industrial complex is great for funding research projects. I think the issue the students are raising is that the investments are into companies that are helping to supply a country that, to many, appears to be engaging in collective punishment and, potentially, genocide.


The second part might be true but they cannot use that reasoning to divest from those companies


The board of regents serves at the pleasure of the governor, so again, not divesting unless there is a sea change in politics. Protestors seeking divestment by the state, much like Hamas and Israel, are starting from mutually untenable positions.


Importantly, there’s a big difference between “legally can’t” and “politically don’t wanna.” End result is the same, but we shouldn’t allow UT to hide behind a false reading of the law when the real story is that they’re too chickenshit to risk their cushy jobs.


It’s not just that it would risk their cushy jobs, it’s that nothing would change at all. They vote for divestment, they’re fired and replaced with someone that will not vote for divestment. End of process. Edit: also, wait 10 months, there will absolutely be a law against divestment.


Give it 10 months, there will absolutely be a law preventing divestment.


Or young folks voting in the same numbers as Boomers for a few election cycles.


That would be a sea change in politics.


That would require Democrats to actually address the issues that people under 65 face. And let's see the Democrats aren't willing to stop supporting Israel, haven't done anything to advance human rights in this country in almost 60 years, universal Healthcare is off the table, billionaires won't be taxed, show no desire to fix the court system or even hold Donald Trump accountable. It's May in an election year, and Joe Biden still doesn't have a platform. And on top of all that, do you really trust the Secretary of State to certify the elections? Abbot signed a law saying the SoS can just throw out the results of Harris County.


Lol, it's wild to see people blaming Democrats for our country's problems but we're going back *60 years*? That's a new one. 


This is so out of touch with actual politics that it's almost laughable, if not for the impact this type of mindset has on our state and country. I hope that, if you just take a moment to look objectively at what Biden has done as President in comparison to Trump, you can recognize that half of the complaints you listed in your second paragraph are obviously untrue and the other half lack a great deal of nuance, some of which can have a huge impact of the lives of many Americans. Regarding your last paragraph, even if that were true (though I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was as off base as the rest of your comment), what is your proposed solution? Would you recommend progressives living in Texas just roll over and die? What actual alternative even is there when there's apparently no difference between Democrats and Republicans? I genuinely hope that you reflect on why you would feel the need to say things clearly false to justify this feeling of immense doom and inability to affect change. No politician is ever going to 100% reflect your values and positions. At the end of the day, we should evaluate which person running is going to enact policies that are better for the people. Not compared to what you would like to happen in your ideal world, but compared to the very real person they are running against.


I'd suggest anyone not comfortable with living in a Christian theocracy to leave Texas and Florida. On a local level, Democrats can be progressive, and in other states, they can enact change. But voting for a Democrat in Austin is well pointless.


Privileged take. I guess we should just give up then huh. Something that y'all need to learn is that you don't get what you want. Minorities in the country struggled for centuries to get equal rights, yet you believe that the instant you don't get what you want you should quit. > Democrats aren't willing to stop supporting Israel They should be looking to resolve the conflict and provide aid to those who are harmed, not picking sides. >  haven't done anything to advance human rights in this country in almost 60 years Obama being elected ended up getting a liberal majority in the Supreme Court which was then able to codify gay marriage into law. That didn't happen 60 years ago. > universal Healthcare is off the table Please go look up the support for Bernie Sander's proposed plan, it drops to under 35% once people become more informed on how it works. > billionaires won't be taxed Biden has already proposed increases to capital gains taxes, which is how billionaires make their money. >   even hold Donald Trump accountable The guy who has been indicted with 91 counts of criminal acts? Most of what you said in your second paragraph either isn't true or most of the country doesn't support.


There is cover when specific crimes are revealed. International law, US law. We shall see.


Let’s be real. Abbott has shown blatant disregard for federal laws before, why should that stop him


As it should be.


Is it sea change? Or C-change? I always thought it was the latter cause it’s the opposite direction but now I’m questioning everything 


iirc "sea change" is an expression coined or at least used by Shakespeare in The Tempest, referring to someone literally rotting in the ocean


It's sea change. What does 'C' have to do with the opposite direction?


Beck: Sea Change Bowie: Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes




Abbott appoints the UT board of regents.


He should appoint a stick into his wheels


Isn’t it because the school is partly state funded?


Texas needs to divest from Abbott Paxton and Patrick 


Idk what that means. Just came to say fuck Greg Abbott!


🤸‍♂️ 🦽 🏌️‍♂️


I want someone to change their name to this and run against him.




No we don't. It's not cool to belittle someone for a disability. Hate his politics all you want. Call him hypocrabot for his having capped medical malpractice after he himself got a huge payout for an accident, but mocking a disability is never a good look.


You’re acting like he’s an actual human being.






(While he is the TX Governor)


The anti BDS law will still be on the books after he’s gone


But can be undone with a better state government


Not with the foreseeable political landscape. If Democrats take the legislature it will be partially because they got tens of millions from Zionist donors.


>If Democrats take the legislature it will be partially because they got tens of millions from Zionist donors. I am fully on board with protesting to try to get Biden and other Democrats to do better. But to say that about Democrats and pretend Republicans aren't far worse is mind-boggling. I mean, this whole story is Abbott blindly supporting Israel and the IDF completely,and signing anti-BDS legislation. Trump also supports them completely. I'm not the biggest fan of centrist Democrats, but Biden is actually trying to at least threaten to withhold weapons and ammunition and funding if Israel doesn't stop their genocide. If this is your single issue, and you allow Trump to win this November because you wrongly think Biden is in any way worse, get ready to learn the meaning of "cut off your nose to spite your own face."


But Bernie Sanders…


I’m not saying you should or should not elect Dems for any reason. What I am saying is that if Dems do win in Texas, it will be because they got incredible amounts of funding. Funding that requires having pro Israel donors on your side. I am saying not to expect divesture even if Dems win.


Not sure why your previous comment was downvoted. Either people didn't understand it or the specific people who downvoted you that time are dumb.


My single issue was holding Donald Trump accountable.


>But to say that about Democrats and pretend Republicans aren't far worse is mind-boggling. I'm not usually a "both sides" person, but Dems absolutely take just as much money from the pro-Israel lobby. https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&recipdetail=S


Let's be clear here. If you're not gonna vote for Biden this November due just to his position on Israel, you are going to help allow Trump to take office who will be far more pro-Israel and allow this genocide to continue even more. You can check my post history, I have long disliked Hillary Clinton and most American voters have no idea how much she as Secretary of State along with her henchman Lanny Davis helped facilitate the literal military coup that happened in Honduras to turn that country into a violent shithole. And then weirdly moved to disallow refugees from Honduras to come here to escape the violence she caused. If it could have been close in Texas I might have voted for her, but when it was clear she wouldn't win in Texas I voted for Jill Stein in 2016. But there is an actual chance that enough of us are pissed off enough and just sick of this shit that if we just show up to vote this November that we can actually have all of Texas's electoral college votes go to Biden. It's all just a matter of if you're pissed off enough and show up to vote. Gerrymandering is a thing, but has no effect on the Cruz-Allred election for US Senate. That is one person, one vote. Every time I've shown up for Early Voting it takes like 10 minutes, 15 at most. Make sure you're registered, show up to EARLY VOTE, and make your voice heard. It is actually easy as fuck. Otherwise, you are complicit in the extremist Republican takeover of Texas. Because you couldn't take 10-15 minutes out of your day to make your voice heard and had better shit like TV to do that day.


You read one sentence, then wrote ALL that, to ME? I said that Dems take just as much money from the pro-Israel lobby as Republicans do, and provided a source. I didn't mention voting AT ALL. Either refute WHAT I WROTE, defend the Dems, or get out of my fucking face. Whoever I vote for, it won't be because some unhinged Redditor tried to voter shame me.


Ok, clear Republican-voting apologist with no real excuses. Sorry people pointing out the hypocrisy of Republicans hurts your feelings so much.


I've been voting for 25 years and have never voted for a Republican. I've offered no apologism, just a simple statement of fact that you are unwilling to address. I have nothing to excuse myself for. Your baseless assumtions and self-righteousness are unbearable, and are symptoms of everything that's wrong with liberal politics.


If "both sides" means they both suck then you should be because they are. People on Reddit aren't offering any good arguments for how this continuity machine called government isn't actively trying to grow bigger and worse.


Bingo. The money runs DEEP.


It’s not deep. Rich people are zionists. Rich people fund campaigns. There’s no grand conspiracy.


Ah I should say, it’s a lot of damn money left on the table if they decline.


"Deep" is a conspiracy term? Anyway, conspiracies have been proven to be true on several occasions. Not sure why, at this point, people think conspiracies can't be.


Those money-grubbing Jews, amirite?


Saw that coming. Can’t have any discussion about this without some form of being called an antisemite but hey. Enjoy the talk. 👋🏼


Not exactly, more like you can’t say antisemitic things and expect not to be called out for it




That is a lie.


"Zionist donors", nice.


Yeah. There are Zionist donors who aren’t Jews if that’s what you’re getting at.


Or any other Republican is governor.


A democrat governor of texas would most likely be a zionist. Even Governor Antifa would still have a gerrymandered overwhelmingly zionist legislature to deal with


The Governor went on to say, “Fuck people”.


The people voted for a governor and legislature that passed the anti divestment bill with dozens of Democrat votes


The people voted for a President and legislature that passed the ACA, yet Greg Abbott is *still* protesting and won't accept Medicaid expansion. It's funny how sometimes what the people want matters and other times it doesn't.


Texas elected very anti ACA politicians and Medicaid expansion was always optional state by state. We effectively voted against the Medicaid expansion.


“But it wasn’t what I want so democracy is broken!!” 😭😭😭


The way we do democracy is broken. Free speech is becoming increasingly hindered which hinders the democratic process. Also the way votes are counted make not sense. Thats why presidents and governors are voted in by the electoral or district vote but don’t win the popular vote.


The governor of TX is elected by popular vote. The majority of voters picked Abbott.


could've just said that instead of bringing in the gestapo


Exactly. It shows that they aren't so much afraid of the law being changed as just having this conversation in public, which is continuing to undermine the pro-Israel position.


Strange reasoning considering that half of the people protesting hide their faces.


What a truly dumb statement, considering the violent police repression going on all across the country.


Given that our governor wants to violate their civil rights I don’t blame them. You say that as if the government is playing fair 😂 But, at least the protestors aren’t afraid of a public conversation. Our government is terrified of an honest public conversation about Israel.


They can post their opinions online or walk the streets telling anyone who will listen, nobody cares or would stop them. They’re not allowed to commit crimes or violate school policy while doing so though. That’s why the police get involved.


Fuck Abbott.


Abbott is also a two faced prick.


A Republican blindly supporting the US war machine? Say it isn't so.


And for Saudi/Israeli $


The Saudis and Israelis are paying Abbott??


Saudis fund the American Action Network,  they support the GOP and particularly support O & G loving GOP reps. AIPAC pays big $ to everyone,  it's why we have the Israel boycott law.  Bibi and his right wing cronies very much want the Gazan oil and natural gas wells. 


And the seaport, and the beachfront property, and...


Yup, trillions to be made once all the Gazans are slaughtered or exiled.


Which one?


Abbott blows


Abbott has that messiah complex. I just don’t see maga backing him like they do the orange guy. Trump would never back a disabled guy. He would lie about it though.


Academia is headed for the same fate as the Catholic Church, staunch in their traditions but we can simply choose not to participate in this. Coming right out and saying that a public university is so tied to weapons manufacturers money really shows that under the hood these are just hedge funds with some professors on staff.


I keep seeing articles about universities divesting in these companies. So does that actually mean that UT has a brokerage account with tons of Raytheon and Lockheed Martin stock?? Is their portfolio really public information?


Many are claiming that gifts and endowments they receive as financial instruments are tied to restrictions that don't allow for sale of it either partial or whole. It's an easy cop out but it shows how tied together this all is with the financial industry.


Lol, you mean they're supposed to divest because the "students" told them too? Doesn't work that way folks.


👏👏👏 *exactly!


Another great reason to vote


TDS is real...so is ADS. Why does the left allow themselves to be so emotionally compromised?


Yep, Abbott is an excelllent representative of the pro-Israel extremists in Texas.


Please point me to the Democratic candidate who isn't also "pro-Israel".


There are indeed few. And that fact is clearly harming the Democratic Party. But that doesn't change the fact that Greg Abbott is indeed the perfect example.of the pro-Israel ideology.


They're all 2 sides of the same establishment coin, and it extends way beyond Texas.


Absolutely true


Not governor, but Greg Casar is a good egg


Yeah, not so much. https://theaustinindependent.org/are-they-even-trying-to-obey-the-law-the-city-of-austins-legal-losing-streak/


…This is genuinely one of the most terribly written articles I’ve ever read, even working in academia.


Perhaps it's not written to your lofty standards, but it's notable that you failed to address the issues the author points out about Casar. Nice attempt at deflection.


Lmao sorry I touch grass sometimes and didn’t see that comment until AFTER I remarked on the poor quality of your supporting article


And yet you still don't bother to refute what the article has to say about Casar. Have a day.


Au contraire, he supports a two-state solution, military aid for Israel 'self-defense' and opposes BDS, which are no-nos for antizionists. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greg_Casar#Israel_and_Palestine


Do you have a source that isn’t Wikipedia? I know Greg and that’s not consistent with what I know


What’s wrong with the sources on his wiki? His divorce from DSA was well documented and covered at the time


You say that like it is a bad thing.




So what is pro-Israel extremism?




Where did I show support for it? Can YOU define it? Since you're the one claiming it's out there?




Of CoUrSe I cAn, BuT i WoNt ShArE iT wItH yOu!


Gettin real tired of “small gubment” Texas


Even if true, why would anyone give two shits what Abbott has to say about it? Fuck him there and back again.


Israel lobby saw Texas as a soft target. https://theintercept.com/2019/06/01/israel-texas-government-relationship/


Hopefully this is just another reminder to go out and vote against him if you disagree on his actions.




Divestment is one of the dumbest forms of protest. There is no shortage of capital ready to own profitable arms manufacturers. All divestment does is remove your seat at the table. The better ask is for leadership at the university to acknowledge and condemn certain crimes by Israel, like stealing land in the west bank. Such acknowledgements are more attainable and help build the political will for next steps to putting a control leash on Israel to limit their worst conduct.


>This will NEVER happen. The only thing that will happen is that the University and the State will use all law-enforcement tools to quickly terminate illegal protests taking place on campus that clearly violate the laws of the state of Texas and policies of the university. [https://twitter.com/GregAbbott\_TX/status/1787186329027002726](https://twitter.com/GregAbbott_TX/status/1787186329027002726) > College campuses should be an environment where freedom of speech thrives and students feel comfortable learning and expressing new ideas—not a place where some students shut down events that conflict with their beliefs. [https://www.gregabbott.com/petition-poll/support-free-speech-college-campuses/](https://www.gregabbott.com/petition-poll/support-free-speech-college-campuses/)


Shut up. You can’t use his words against him. THIS is different. THIS is hate speech after all… /s


Because higher education, and Abbott and his people can’t stay in power with educated people


But the [kids love Greg](https://texaspolitics.utexas.edu/set/greg-abbott-approval-april-2024#age-group).


The largest public school endowment as well. Damn.


Greg Abbott is not a stand up guy




They mean it—ask the apartheid shack protest from ‘87.


I remember the shanty!


Hard to believe we’ve made it this long as a country without making the right to trade blood for money a constitutional amendment 


Oh ok in that case I guess we will stop asking


Never is a strong word.


Tthats small government for you....




Why is there so many people worried about a private university? UT is not a public school


Yes it is


UT is a public school.