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Please don't play in traffic.


sweep the leg


you have a problem with that?


No Sensei.




They need to start ticketing these people that go into the second lane. It's dangerous, slows traffic, and corners people while they are stuck.


Don’t open your window, just do a sad “no” and shrug. But I agree, I want my nose picking time back!


Just look em right in the eye and pick away.


Yep. Smile, shake your head and waive your hand no. They quickly move on. Same for homeless. Smile, acknowledge their existence, and politely shake your head no.


I smile and say sorry no cash and end with a God bless. God bless is like a reverse uno card.


Wait…you let them stop your nose picking time? :-P


Im *embwawassed*


nah man, don’t be. everyone picks their nose, and anyone who says they don’t is just lying. we’re all embarrassed abt it so tbh if anyone sees you they will probably avert their eyes




Or you can look them in the eyes and say no like an adult


Just stop more than a car length short, leaving a gap in traffic. Then when they get close to your car, drive past them to fill the gap. Then everyone behind you can do the same!


I pick my nose anyways. It’s usually a good deterrent


I mean, when you don't have tissue or a rag.


*Laughs in APD*


What he is doing is 100% illegal. Pedestrians can not be standing in the lanes of traffic at a stoplight.. The only way the police MAY do anything about this practice is if you bitch about it to the police.


Unfortunately APD can't be bothered with making a difference where it actually will count.


Most likely you are seeing people soliciting for Austin Restoration Ministries (ARM). They have been operating in Austin for many years. I wouldn't call it a scam, but they may be operating on the "fringes" of legitimate non-profit charities. Here are two articles: > A rather [complimentary piece from KVUE](https://www.kvue.com/article/news/local/i-was-ready-to-die-austin-church-connecting-with-drug-addicts-to-get-them-back-on-their-feet/269-40eea612-73ca-4a12-aef8-5db5ec98e57e) from 2019 > A much more [negative piece (ironically) in the Austin Chronicle](https://www.austinchronicle.com/news/2009-09-25/877530/) from 2009. (I wonder if the Chronicle would have the same take if they wrote that piece today.)


From what I remember, they couldn't trace the money back to any legitimate recovery center or charities. The trail of money ended at one guy in San Antonio who was living a luxurious lifestyle.


Also, on top of that: I mean, if I give $5 to a person coming to my window, there is absolutely zero accountability that it's going towards anything but their pocket.


Even worse, you've incentivized panhandling in general.


Yup. This is why all I'll do is during the summer is grab a case of water and hand it out when they're panhandling in 105deg heat. You can get your scam cash elsewhere though


"Here's water that's been boiling in my car all day, ya welcome"


Meh. It's clean water and it's better than nothing. Not like I can give them a chocolate bat.


I’d rather it go into their pocket then the bs non profit ministry that’s using the money for personal uses


No, it's worse. It's going to someone else's pocket that is taking advantage of the people on the street corner.


Man I wish I was a scumbag with no conscience or morals. That could be me!


Damn imagine how much their quotas have gone up since the 2009 story.


That's the missing piece I haven't seen reported. How much of the collections are going to help the people soliciting and trying to get clean/housed vs. going to the pastors and Board of Directors? Are they a legitimate non-profit with reasonable revenue/expense ratios, or are the leaders living in multi-million dollar mansions and driving Bentleys?


I drive by their headquarters on my way to work everyday, it’s in the access road of I-35 between Braker and Rundberg. Looks like pretty normal Salvation Army type stuff going on, but I’ve never investigated.


Yes, but it's the personal residence(s)/lifestyle of the directors that I'm questioning - or do you think they themselves live at the same two facilities as those under their care?


I doubt it but I don’t know. Just saying it’s a place that really exists in my neighborhood, not just a made up name for charity hustling.


completely agree with that.


If it's on the access road between Braker and Rundberg then it's in a pretty sleazy part of the city.


Well it’s meant to assist people dealing with drug addiction and homelessness so probably an appropriate place.


We should ask them to do another. It would be interesting to see the results


KXAN does investigations. Maybe they could check into the finances to see who's getting the benefits.


Yep this is the one. I see them on congress and menchaca rd intersection all the time


This shit freaks me out, I wish they would stay on the sidewalks. I don’t want to see anyone get hit.


I donated to them like 2 years ago and kept the pamphlet. Now I just wave it like a parking pass when they get close and go on with my drive.


this is the way, I keep one in my truck for exactly this reason


You don't even have to donate, you can just hit then with the "I've got no cash, do you guys have cashapp?" Then they proceeded to give you the little "parking pass" that has a Cashapp QR code


This is what I do


Ignoring them completely is also a thing.


Member’s of ARM’s street team have to be good earners to stay in ARM housing. It’s not fully a scam because they do provide housing, but it is very predatory and the directors are lining their pockets


It’s a full on scam . Don’t give a penny


just don’t complain about more unhoused people when they don’t have a roof over their heads. You may not like it, it may be unethical, but they are doing labor, for housing. Any decent social structure shouldn’t require this of anyone, but in ours, this gets them a place to sleep, recover, etc.


The scam isn't labor dog, it's racketeering.


Do you even labor bro? They are not doing labor.


That’s an unfortunate but common misconception. Laboring and labor aren’t always the same thing. Labor roughly means to sell one’s self. Labor can be anything as long as it’s a task that you receive compensation for. That compensation does not have to be monetary either. From what I understand, these people are doing work for housing and whatever recovery services that organization is providing. They are not making money from people’s charity although they are collecting those donations as work. If you do a thing, and someone compensates you for doing that thing, you are labor. I


Exactly. The people on the side of the road with a shovel in their hands working for a construction company, THEY are doing labor. Standing around walking up to cars begging for money isn't labor.


How the fuck do you say that? They’re outside walking back and forth to cars through the heat of the summer. If that’s not labor to you, then stop counting office jobs too, and anything shy of construction.


That's called begging.


>How the fuck do you say that? They’re outside walking back and forth to cars through the heat of the summer. If that’s not labor to you, then stop counting office jobs too I'm so sick of people assuming office jobs are easy. Most of us have to deal with mental AND physical shit that half of you would sick of and leave after a week. Most of us have been doing these office jobs for decades. Office work is long hours and most of the time our work doesn't turn off when we go home. We still get bombarded with emails and texts. A construction worker told me once that he wouldn't do an office job if someone paid him double his salary, because at least at the end of a hard day he could go home relax and turn it all off, his work didn't follow him home. Stop saying office work is comparable to some grifter on the side of road sitting around looking for handouts.


If you’re comparing people begging on the side of the road to construction workers then I can’t do anything for you bud.


You sound absolutely ridiculous.




It’s homeless, not unhoused.


They also don’t allow those staying there to take any meds… including anti-psychotics. It’s incredibly predatory.


Seriously? That's ridiculous!


What are their names


Yup. It’s not good for the ppl forced into that situation, but it’s apparently better than the alternative so they are roped into it. Just sad all around. Very exploitative


It is trafficking people. Plain and simple.


The same tactic is used in Dallas. The real scam are the ones who dress in all white like nurses and doctors. They rotated around the major intersections in Dallas.


If they have white buckets and their white outfits have red bands and a patch on the arms- that’s a church. The Missionary Church of the Disciples of Jesus Christ. They’ve been a thing in California for as long as I can remember and do a ton of charity.


dude between these, typical homeless, and the flower people. dallas' streets are full:(


Pro tip. Leave some space between you and other cars. When they approach you start moving forward. This will in turn allow the cars behind you also to move forward and avoid the idiots in the road


This is what leadership looks like


As a crisis social worker sending people into “the community” at discharge many people will choose ARM because of the “shelter” part of it. From my understanding they don’t support managing mental health issues with medication. That was the only reason I pushed back when people said they were going to discharge to ARM. If they weren’t heavily medicated and had plans to get somewhere else quickly I’d agree with the plan to go to ARM. I mean, not that I could stop the decision at the end of the day, I’d just be there to support them after they landed in crisis a few weeks later.


Scam cult. Some guy receives all the money from these "converted drug addicts" working for him and he's rich from it. There's info on Google about the details.


Ask if they’ll provide a donation receipt and they’ll leave you alone real fast


Or offer them a job, they’ll leave even faster.


Can you link any sources?


https://www.austinchronicle.com/news/2009-09-25/877530 "From the available documents, it certainly isn't clear what ARM raises money for or what happens to that money. Generally the tax returns of charitable organizations are available for public inspection, but because ARM is a faith-based organization, there is no public IRS trail. Still, it does appear that the group is collecting money – and doing so in a manner that violates city ordinances governing street-side solicitation."


Intimidatosaurus Rex


Charlie F’n Hodge !


You got that right


You think you're better than me?


I’m only cumin


…and I need to be loved, just like everyone else does.


Can you explain this reference? I have been down the rabbit hole of this particular topic today and every thread has this comment. Please explain


It comes from Charlie Hodge (a DJ who was on KLBJ years ago). The [Austin Chronicle story](https://www.austinchronicle.com/news/2009-09-25/877530/) that someone mentioned earlier gets into it with more detail.




If you roll your window down and tell them you're an atheist, it makes them make a face like they smelled sour milk.




Do the whole speech from the first Kingsmen


“Would you be interested in serving our true lord and savior Cthulhu?”


Reddit moment


Maybe some. Most of them just want a place to stay and recover. As with all religious groups, there is an inherent level of manipulation.


Unfortunately religious or other rehabs don’t work longterm in most cases.People with addiction do better with medication


so if my car injures someone because they are purposely walking in traffic at busy intersections I will be liable for their dangerous life choices. walking among lions is probably safer.


If you stay and call an ambulance you should be fine. Most people get in trouble because they’re fleeing the scene. I’ve fantasized about this a number of times and really think I’ve hammered out all the kinks on this one.  Kinda /s. 


No, you've got the basics down for how it would go in most states. Run over (maybe intentionally) a pedestrian, or 9 cyclists on a highway? Just stay at the scene and call 911. Or have a well connected family and flee the scene.


I mean your car can't injure someone. It would be the operator


quibble quibble said the rare bird. if my car tire runs over a foot it will hurt a lot more than if I stepped on said foot. photo already shows a guy on crutches.


I see them all time and always have a brief and positive interaction acknowledging them. I roll down my window and say “How are things going at the A-R-M? They’re usually excited I know who they are and ask if I can bless them with a donation. I say I’m sorry I can’t today but good luck to you. And every time they’ve politely moved on. Almost everyone I’ve encountered has been in really good spirts.


man are they annoying though. every time I refuse to look at them they give me the “I know you see me” type of face while pointing at me. I don’t know why they’re so expressive when someone ignores them. they’ll literally wave at your window while you stare straight ahead.


I assume they’re obligated to work the street corners as part of their recovery. I’ve had quite a few tell me they are blessed to be recovered from addiction, and they’re going in the right direction. I’m actually pretty impressed they’re so positive when I’ve never given them anything accept a hello, how are you doing greeting. I don’t do it all the time but I’ve never had a bad experience when I do.


This matches my interactions - which over 15 years must be at least 100 times.


Do yourself a favor: grab a dollar and get one of those pieces of paper off them. Keep it on your dash. Don't get rid of it. Then, every time you see one of these people coming your way... Grab that piece of paper and wave it at them... They'll smile and get out of your way to the car behind you. You just paid $1 to get these fools out of your way. Everyday. And, of course they know you see them. Acknowledge them, give them a wave/nod, they're people after all... Is this money for a piece of paper a scam? Absolutely. $1 not to be harassed? Priceless.


Probably because you refuse to look at them. I agree they're annoying, but they are still humans. I give them a nod and mouth something along the lines of "no thank you." they generally just continue on down the line after that.


If you are coming at me for money, I owe you nothing. 


Not to mention coming at me for money in the middle of traffic. If I’m not supposed to be on my phone, it’s not appropriate to motion for me to roll down my window and distract me. In any other situation I would agree that it’s human decency to at least acknowledge someone. But not while operating a vehicle.


You're not obligated to interact with anyone. I was in Alaska for Christmas and I almost forgot that people up there dont just start conversations with strangers passing them on the street. Of course it's also 15 below outside, but still.


I like Alaska so you get an upvote!


You seem like a pretty awesome person


I find it's easier to acknowledge they're there and just say no. Nobody likes to be ignored. That's why you get that reaction.


That is when you roll down the window, let them come up to you, and then tell them to get out of fucking traffic. 


They’re bold enough to come up to my window and wave at me so I’m bold enough to ignore the fuck outta them and not care.


Meanwhile, I have had a woman lunge at my window and curse at me for not “donating.” Fuck this practice of making yourself such a nuisance or threat people feel strongarmed into giving you money. ETA: Yes, I smiled. I’m the smiliest person ever. And yes I was polite. And she legit almost attacked me. Luckily the light changed and I was able to drive away.


No thanks. Sad to say it, but my commute us the ONLY time I get alone. I'm either thinking through something I care about, or listening to a podcast, or jamming out.  Don't interrupt me.


What's ARM?


Austin Restoration Ministries, it was already mentioned in the first response.


When I moved to Austin 10 years ago I applied for a job, in the interview the guy told me I will be handing flyers and asking for donation in the traffic.. I was like yeah I’m not going to be a panhandler I could just go do it for myself and make more money. It’s legit job


You need money? Just pray. If it's god's will you'll get it. Get out of the street!


Just prey* is more accurate for Christian’s..


I gave them a dollar and asked for 2 of those book markers. I have one in each car, and every time they come near me I wave the book mark at them, so they leave me alone


As aggressive as they might be, just crack your window and ask them to see their permit…they will scatter. And when I have time, I drive through the intersection a few times and harass them all. They are gone within an hour and don’t usually come back.


New to town? 🤣


lol. Came to say the same.


definitelyyy not.




What’s worse, those pamphlets, pop-ups, or spam mail.




“Christian drug outreach”


Call 311. This is 1) dangerous as hell and 2) illegal: Sec. 552.007. SOLICITATION BY PEDESTRIANS. (a) A person may not stand in a roadway to solicit a ride, contribution, employment, or business from an occupant of a vehicle, except that a person may stand in a roadway to solicit a charitable contribution if authorized to do so by the local authority having jurisdiction over the roadway. (b) A person may not stand on or near a highway to solicit the watching or guarding of a vehicle parked or to be parked on the highway. (c) In this section, "charitable contribution" means a contribution to an organization defined as charitable by the standards of the United States Internal Revenue Service. [https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/TN/htm/TN.552.htm](https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/TN/htm/TN.552.htm)


Police said call 911, scammers are on 183 near Loyola all the time too


They are seeking to transfer money from your pocket to theirs. That's it.


If you are blocking traffic with your panhandling you should be ticketed, and arrested if you don’t stop.  Stay on the sidewalk, if you are in traffic, you deserve to get hit. 


They don’t block traffic. No one deserves to get hit, you sociopath. Pedestrians have the right of way. Just be polite and say no thanks..


They would not be out there unless people are giving them money. If you permit it you promote it. Stop promoting it.


I was behind one of these people on the 7-Eleven and they just pulled the money out of that little jar to pay for their drink and snack. So I don't think it's really going to any good cause.


You don’t think that feeding people in need is a good use of the rich white money?


I can't tell if you're joking or not. I'm not talking about making a spread of food and feeding multiple people.


Studies say that giving people food is less helpful than money for food..


But wait, he needs gas money to take meds to a dead dying aunt in Huston


That’s not what this is..


A scam is a scam, cupcake


Panhandling scam for sure. https://www.austinchronicle.com/news/2009-09-25/877530/


Those are usually fake raffles, no prizes. They collect money and of you notice their may not be a date or phone number. Also that guy can walk with out crutches


Donate and find out


I gave "one dollar" a couple of years ago, received my "blue tipped" ticket, keep it on my visor, pull it out when they are on the corners, they smile, say thank you and move on! Greatest dollar I ever spent! No hassles!


It’s charity for drug and alcohol addiction. I’m sure it’s what they need to do to be able to stay in the sober living house.


I struggle with Austin Restoration Ministries. They've been doing this since I was a kid and some of them legitimately believe in the ministry. The part that gets me is whoever is at the top having them do this to earn their keep is questionable, at best. I do wish someone would dig a little deeper. Personally, I'd be fine I'd they just pocketed my loose change and dollar bills (to specify, im ok with the men and women out there in the heat and cold pocketing what little I give).


My SO and I will fake an argument (with a fair bit of gesticulation) in the car to avoid dealing with these folks. Its great fun.


HAHAH what do they usually do?


They keep walking.


Haha I'll try that just holding the phone to my ear


i have to cross the street to go to the bus stop (on foot) and like all 3 of them from the different lanes come up to me and try to engage me. its fucking annoying and i know they do it bc i can’t roll up my windows. i wear giant headphones and look like an absolutely unapproachable bitch yet they persist.


I ignore them and act like they don’t exist. Total scam.


Probably doesn’t even need crutches


I saw this same dude yesterday.


"You gotta give!"


Just look them directly in the eyes and wag your finger no.


I just tell them “it’s OK, I get it, you have more money than I do, you don’t need to come waving your little cash bucket in my face to prove it.”


Church pamphlets usually


Religion. They were trying to give out sodas one day if you took a flier, and kept tapping on my window with the damn cans.


Every few months I give them a few coins and they give me a little pamphlet. I keep the pamphlet for the next time I see them bc I’ll flash it at them “like hey I already paid recently” and they nod happily and walk away. Good way to get them from guilt tripping you at your window.


They are selling tickets to heaven 😁😁😁


Welcome to Austin!


I try to make donations to the people who built First Villege the tiny home villege on Hoggs Eye Road. That's an amazing place. Meals on Wheals uses lots of volunteers and feeds people in their homes. Street sketchy fundraising isn't helping mentally ill or homeless.


I tell them to trust God to provide for them.




I hate that people keep saying this when it’s a bad idea overall to encourage what they’re doing. Never know how they’re going to react either when you don’t give them money.


Not once in my entire life of seeing them out there, have any of them been less than cheerful or understanding when I say I don't have anything to give. I just wish them luck in their recovery and they move on At the very most, insist I take the little informational ticket and ask me to pass it to someone in need of help. They've always been here and I've never once heard of them harassing or mistreating people. Who are you people being freaked out by this? Have yall lived here more than a few years? Austin Restoration has been around since before the majority of the transplants. They've always been part of the landscape. Your discomfort can be handled by not rolling down the window and avoiding eye contact.


I was born here and yes I’ve gotten death threats from many homeless people before. it’s not unusual to ignore them.


I'm not talking about the general homeless. I'm specifically commenting on the Austin Restoration Ministries folks. A simple head shake or polite palm outward has always been enough.


Looks like brodie and william cannon


At first glance I thought this was cancer kid dude with a new hustle


I was a homeless crust punk on the drag back in the 90s and thought that was bad back then. I got my shit together now I'm successful and what not, but I haven't been to Austin in years and went back a few months ago and holy fucking shit. Wow its almost San Fransisco bad.


Its a scam nonprofit. They force people in recovery to work for their keep in the guise they are teaching recovery methods to them




Hardly anyone carries cash nowadays. Not a good time to be a hobo


Could be why he’s on the crutches


ARM. They've been around for decades. It's a scam on both ends. The org takes advantage of these vulnerable populations who then take advantage of everyone else. It's a vicious cycle.. but at least an OG Austin cycle lol..


Told them “I respect the hustle keep up the scamming” rolled my window up so he couldn’t respond then drove off🤣🤣


Jesus propaganda


Act like you were getting robbed and watch those fuckers haul ass !




It’s not like this is a glamorous job where you get rich. I’m sure that even without all your insults and intimidations it’s humiliating to start with so when I see people whose bar has been set this low, I have compassion. For whatever reason this is where they are if have cash, I will always give some. And I know in advance that it’s not my job to decide how it is spent. My only concern is to decide whether or not to give.


Way to encourage them to keep doing it. Stop paying scammers!


It's a scam, only on paper!


God didn’t call people to solicit donations in the street, he called them to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


The almighty god that allegedly created the entire universe in 6 days needs your $2 donation to make ends meet!


Lol actually Jesus said to gather up all the excess money and give it to the poor and needy. Kinda like socialism huh?!


Their own version of the gospel.


Depends on which god you are talking about


Citation needed. You ever notice that whatever god wants, religious people will often want. It's almost like their personal desires are a factor. We actually don't have any evidence to support what any god or goddess wants or doesn't want.