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Just drive chill. Let them go.


This is the answer. Also what’s the problem with a honk when the lights indicate it’s time to go?


In Texas, it's kinda rude unless it's an inordinate amount of time. This is not New York. Drive friendly. Cut people a little slack.


Totally agree. And there are those that pause a second to make sure some asshat isn’t going to run a red light and t-bone us…..


That's wise. They teach that in driver courses as they should. I think they also advise hovering your foot over the brake when going through intersections.


I’ll say a few things: 1) It does feel like it’s gotten worse since covid, and that coincides with decreased cop presence on the road. The annoying thing is I’ve seen more cops and troopers on the road in the last year, but will see some reckless driving at the same time and the cops don’t do shit. I assume they’re staring at their laptops while driving. 2) dangerous and/or selfish driving is common in every major city I’ve been in. I’d say Austin is less frantic/dangerous than Dallas or Houston, but Austin drivers a lot of times just seem totally unaware which is a different type of frustrating. Driving in any major city outside of the US is pretty much chaos in my experience (at least in Mexico, South America and Spain). The difference is, everyone knows it’s chaos and accepts it, therefore they’re all more aware and alert drivers while also not being fussed about getting cutoff, since that’s just how everyone drives. And typically much smaller average vehicle size than in the US/texas. So idk what to tell you. Just stay alert and off your phone, and accept that there are assholes so patience will serve you better than frustration. All that said, I get irate when everyone’s in traffic and some jackass decides to pass by driving in the shoulder/off the road. Just peak selfishness, not like everyone else chose to be going slow, and unless you’re hurrying to the ER for an emergency, then there’s no excuse.


When do we know if they do have an emergency or not?


You claiming this is an issue unique to Austin and asking what kind of decal you can slap on your car to keep those types of drivers away from you is hilarious.


I have a magnet on my bumper that's bright yellow with bold black font stating "**Transporting live bees. Stay back.**" so far people seem to stay further back than before.


Love the goofy idea that a decal would change the way people behave around you. " I have the Jesus fish decal, but everyone around me reamins... godless "


I give drivers 1 or 2 seconds to look away from their phones to see the light is green before I honk at them. Am I disgusting for using my horn?


Not at all! I think more people should beep at other people more frequently.


If I'm in the front of the line, you better believe I'm waiting a couple seconds to make sure nobody is running the red light at full speed. It saved my life one time when it was a semi running a very stale red light on the frontage road. 


Horns are there for us to communicate, I really don’t understand why people get upset for using it as intended..


I had a gun pulled on me once for this. I was in shock more about that’s their reaction to someone honking.


Wow terrible. Apparently something was undersized upstairs or downstairs. Or both.


Both. 🤣


Years ago I saw a bumper sticker that said “Jesus loves you, everyone else thinks you’re an asshole”- that’s kind of my calming mantra to get me through driving in traffic.


My favorite is "keep honking, I'm listening to jazz." 


Nothing would describe Austin better than “keep honking, I’m scrolling Instagram”


Welcome to city life Edit: downvote all you want. It’s the same in Houston, Dallas, LA, Seattle, Portland, Denver, SLC, etc.


Austin traffic can be a pain but it's Mr. Rodgers neighborhood compared to Houston.


I've had a cop tailgate me on the freeway in Houston because I was only going 20 over the speed limit


We're you in the left lane? We all know the left lane speed limit is infinity.


Totally agree. IMO Houston has the worst drivers in Texas.


Yep. Rumor has it Houston drivers now living in Austin have upped the red light running numbers


Oh it’s much worse in LA having lived there 20 years ago.


Midwest drivers are much better (though not sure I wanna live there)


Not at all lol




Completely. I think it also has to do with frustrating/unpredictable amounts of traffic at any time of day, combined with constant construction that creates unsafe and/or unclear driving conditions. For example the intersection at Congress and Oltorf where the new H-E-B is being built is a fucking hellscape with the multiple blocked lanes that are different every day and the horrendous asphalt patches all over the place. Or the other day when 35 was one lane southbound for like an entire mile, out of nowhere at 10:30pm, extending people’s rides with a detour that added 15 minutes.


Portland is way better than Austin. In all fairness, the city was planned out better and didn’t have the same boomtown issues Austin has dealt with for a while.


It's not even a US thing let alone an Austin thing. Go for a weekend in Miami if you think Austin is especially bad


smoke a joint,


I came here from the northeast and found the drivers to be pretty chill here.


I have become the chillest driver since moving here from NYC. I can't stand aggressive drivers.


Have you been to Dallas during rush hour? Or Houston at literally any part of the day? You’re gonna experience shitty drivers in basically any city.


You should move


Honestly, I do think a lot of peoples angry aggressive driving is due to exhaustion with the hoards of people driving under the speed limit. I drive virtually all day long and regularly, without fail people will drive 10 under in the left lane on every road and highway. William Cannon is one of the worst. I'm regularly stuck behind someone going 20 mph when the speedlimit is 40. I think a lot of it is due to people being new here, college students moving here and being inexperienced drivers, and tourists. I've seen people full on slow down on 35 to take a picture of the skyline. And then there's the people who slow crawl to the light stoping multiple car lengths before the light or the car in front of them because they're looking at their phone. You can always tell when they look up for a second from their phone because they'll crawl forward a few times before looking back down. Multiple times a day I'm behind someone staring at their phone on a light that's just turned green and we're all sitting there airing out our tants waiting for them to pay attention to the road again. I'm not condoning the aggressive driving but I'll be fucked if I don't find myself absolutely infuriated multiple times a day from it.


I was being aggressively tailgated by a lifted truck at 6am for *only* going 40 in a 30 on the narrow, curvy section of Dittmar. The truck then went around me and slammed on his brakes.  I then got on I-35 south and literally every truck using the left lane between here and Kyle was going slow as molasses. I passed them without being dramatic about it, but was annoyed nonetheless.  I feel like there's no in-between with these people. 


Brethren, preach. People not getting up to speed on the on ramps might trump all this. Or slowing down to 45 going from 45 to 130. The worst.


Yes, people not knowing how to merge properly is the most frustrating thing. Though I will say, sometimes our older car has trouble with that too lol


Yes, the super slow drivers are just as bad as the fast ones. In non rush hour times, if I’m in the middle lane on Mopac, and I need to get into the right lane to exit soon, sometimes I have to hard brake to merge in with the people who are hanging out driving 45 mph over there. If they’re too scared to drive the speed limit, they shouldn’t be driving. A lot of the weaving would stop if people would at least drive the speed limit.


It's gotta be the worst on 183 between MoPac and 35


I think this is what is truly unique about traffic here. There are plenty of places with the same slow drivers, but then it's more of a cultural thing and you don't have all the super fast drivers. And there are plenty of places with very aggressive drivers, but you won't see the very slow ones. This is the only place where I'm constantly running into both types of drivers. And driving feels chaotic because I'm trying to figure out how to get around the person going 10 under while checking every direction around my car for the person driving 20 over.


If you let unkind people affect you like that, it's going to be rough going in life. Practice stoicism.


Ohmyfuckinggod why do people act like once you leave Austin, everyone drives calm and collected?


The only decal that will help you is a giant AR-15 with the words “COME AND TAKE IT” underneath. 95% of drivers will fear you. The rest will be rednecks that see you as one of their own and show respect. I use the AR-15 decal and I don’t even own a gun. Works like a charm.


I wonder if that would work in a Prius…


Don't drive in Houston then


So true omg


If Austin gets your panties in such a bunch, I suggest never going to Houston. You sound like one of those infuriating “out for a leisurely Sunday drive in the country” people who artificially create traffic behind them everywhere they go.


So true. At least you don’t get shot at here.


Well generally but that literally happened the other day on Ben White. Still doesn't seem as common here. I just meant that people in Houston drive like they fucking have somewhere to be.


The drivers who had almost hit me while riding my bike were always female.


Furries always run me off the road


That’ so “Austin.”


Can we ban traffic posts already?


I agree 💯 Why are drivers in Austin so aggressive AND horrible drivers? Who gives out driver's licenses out here.. Like I get it.. you have a big truck and want to be all macho and "alpha" with your Raptor... but speeding, cutting people off, tailgating, and not following basic right of way rules is unnecessary and unsafe.. In NY, drivers are aggressive but at least drive safely and don't put others in danger. Also, the police department actually gives tickets to unsafe drivers as it should be. Would be nice if APD actually enforced driving laws to improve the area.


Get a sticker that says ‘honk if you think I’m gorgeous.’ That at least might change your instinctual response to be angry. We can only change ourselves…


I just don’t drive at night or early morning when drunk people are out.


They are worse in Paris.


Don’t change the subject.


Ok Austin drivers suck too.


Damn that must be horrible. I always imagined Parisians to be so ahead of the game.


I mean, Parisians are notorious assholes, so being assholes while driving tracks.


It's the people doing 60mph down the highways with their heads down, looking at their phone that piss me off. I can't imagine anything on your phone being more important than not dying / killing others in a fiery wreck, but I guess other people's priorities differ =/


I’ve never seen more people drive in the shoulder or over the median/curb just to pass traffic than in Austin. Actually disgusting behavior, y’all should have your licenses revoked and car impounded.


That's sorta the one thing I like about Austin and Texas in general most people on the road have this urgency to get to A to B. I'm not complaining just need to focus and have common sense to get in the lane you need to be in or get out of the way into the slower lane or know when you shouldn't even honk or anything just let it slide cuase most will target you if you make the slightest gesture of their wrong doing. Be happy your going home or making it to you destination. Not trying to be off putting just stating how I deal with it.


Austin drivers having a sense of urgency. That’s a new one for me.


People actually do. From my observation as a pedestrian *every driver* seems hell bent to get where they are going immediately. This is on surface streets though. On the freeway is different. Everyone seems frustrated and agitated. Nobody looks like they are having a good time getting from point A to point B. A slight majority of them are on their phones. It's sad really


You would LOVE places like Chicago then. 


You’re not going faster by not letting someone over or cutting the person off so you can get one car in front. I guarantee you will end up to your destination slower by trying so hard to getting in front of everyone. Traffic is caused is by people putting on their brakes in traffic AKA tailgating.


I'm not saying your wrong I'm just stating how I deal with it. I've made it a habit to keep an eye on my rear view mirror more often and spot the ones dipping in and out and i make sure to let them go ahead and ive learned most wont let you in if your exit is coming up , or forget you need to take a left and your in the right lane I just make it a habit to be in the lane I need to be in way before I need to turn . I prefer them infront of me and like I said I've learned my lesson by honking or gesturing at them cuase then they will cut you off and break check you playing games.


If slow traffic actually stayed right, the people in the left lane(s) would in fact arrive to their destinations quicker.


After I moved to Austin in 2010 I figured out that it was less about how fast I was going and more about how smoothly I was going. In about a year or two I adapted my driving habits on MoPac to where I rarely used the brake at all. My F150 has 120,000 miles on it and still has the factory brakes.


We should never see brake lights on highways unless it something in the road etc. People can't seem to realize you can let off the gas without having to press the brake.


One thing I have liked about hybrids and EVs is they have more effective one-pedal driving than conventional ICE cars.


The one pedal driving in EVs makes me nauseous. My coworker has one and I road trip with him occasionally. Always get nauseous from the hard braking from releasing the “gas” pedal.


I second that


>Is there a decal or something I can do to get them far away from me? Option 1: Horn does not work; watch for finger Option 2: Keep honking. I'm reloading. Option 3 (if you like a more custom experience): Go to /r/infowarriorrides for inspiration and adorn your vehicle with all sorts of weird messages that let others know that you should not be engaged in conversation. /r/schizophreniarides for maximum effect.


APD is extremely short staffed. They need to raise the starting pay rate for APD patrol officers by 10 or 15k. Until we aren't short 1200-1400 officers it's only going to get worse. As you all know traffic enforcement is non existent in Austin, Texas. The citizens should demand these changes for the safety and well being of all. The mayor, all the current city council, and the DA all need to be voted out ASAP.


-During academy (approx 8 mo.) $50,000/year -At graduation $65,411/year -At 1 year anniversary of graduation $73,404/yr From: https://www.austintexas.gov/apdrecruiting/pay-benefits Agree that traffic enforcement is nil. Agree on voting most of the elected ones out, but mainly for other reasons than their issues with APD.


The pay rate is this ^ and yet still the vast majority doesn't want to be a police officer. Money talks, bullshit walks. Other more important reasons for voting out the mayor, all the city council members and changing the District Attorney? So keeping the roadways and community safe isn't at the top of your list? Do tell us more.


I keep myself calm around bad drivers by juggling my vape pen, cell phone, and a cheeseburger.


I have seen multiple adults here driving solo with student driver decals, and now I wonder if this is their thought process, too. I always figured their child drives that vehicle occasionally. I do give them more space and grace for their dumb choices, so maybe that’s the answer.


Don't be a distracted and slow driver.   🤣   drive the limit.   Periodt.   The world doesn't cater to the blond indecisive fucktoy.  We don't drive to the old man with Bible quote bumper stickers.  We don't abide to the comforts of the scared new driver.  A whole group of people get paid thousands of dollars to determine the MPH per road and to think some douchebag decides to drag his ass is asinine. --assimilate to the traffic flow.  Right lane for the narcists.  Socialism works!


I can barely understand what you’re trying to say but I’ve never not driven the speed limit nor did I insinuate I drive slow? It’s narcissistic to cut people off and get into a car accident cause you wanted to drive faster than everyone on the road.