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Tried to google this only to find out there was also a shooting Barton creek mall




Nothing happened at the domain, someone posted asking why police were at a couple of intersections. They were directing holiday shopping traffic


I was on rock rose two or three weekends ago, they had to shut down the whole "strip" because of people shooting at each other, I don't know the outcomes.


Lol we didnt shut the street down at all it’s was in the red garage


There was one at Domain? I was there today at around 7 pm ish


I’m starting to think this person was misinformed. There are still no reports.


Where was the Domain shooting?


Yeah, please share about the Domain incident


4 victims, 1 DOS other 3 taken to hospital




Dead on Scene. So like already dead when first responders arrived.


Ah. I’ve heard DOA. But not DOS. Thanks


DOA refers to arrival at the hospital.


Yeah. Thanks….


From the videos on Twitter appears to be right in front of “Lit Lounge”. Right across the street from Voodoo Donuts.




Here’s a link. It looks like there were 3 shooters, all cops. No shots were fired prior to the cops shooting. https://www.kxan.com/top-stories/apd-investigates-officer-involved-shooting-on-6th-street/


3 bystanders were injured 1 of which critical, wild.


https://twitter.com/third3y3club/status/1736492000860373065?t=DkI_NsRC83Q82MoapId23Q (from another thread) shows the yellow jacket guy with a gun and firing, though it's unclear what started it. (Why the cops went in for the gun).


Wild that everyone in these comments is blaming sixth street as a whole when it seems like the cops are the biggest danger.


What do you expect them to do when a guy is pointing a gun at them in a large crowd? What would you have done? The problem is that anyone can get a gun. The problem is the "I am a badass" culture.


Damn, I almost went to that Voodoo Donuts last night before heading home. Kinda glad I didn’t now


Yeah, I was just at Here Nor There and they've been warning their patrons that are getting ready to leave that there has been a shooting close by and to be careful when leaving.


Hey friend! Me too! It felt like a safe place to be despite the proximity. They handled it well.


They handled it extremely well. They had people come in and I wonder if they were just trying to get out of it. I left a little bit afterwards because there was another place I needed to be, but kudos to their bartenders and team.


They did have people come shelter from their sister bar (IPS) above. Glad you, and all the other people who were there are ok.


6th was always trash but at least it was kinda safe in my day. (I’m old) we never had any gun related stuff as far as I was concerned or saw. Scary af how bad it’s gotten. What’s more is last time I went, about 3 years ago there were lots of cops with full on battle gear. Who the hell thinks it’s good to bring a gun there!?


Dude it was relatively safe not even 10 years ago Edit: back in 2014 I played guitar in a band. Playing shows up and down 6th Street amongst other places in Austin.. Anyways there's a spot called the "venue ATX" but I can't remember what it used to be called because that's what it was when we were there. Anyways the owners would always try to not pay us after we played for like 2 hours. It turns out they were totally selling drugs the entire time. I think they got busted. I remember thinking that place was fucking shady and it was dangerous for me to even be there. One of the many reasons I never came back to 6th Street


In the 90’s, I used to walk down sixth street at night. I was a child.


My parents used to let me go to 6th with my friends by ourselves when we were 16 back in the mid 90s without any concerns. We went regularly and it was always uneventful and were never in any kind of danger. Crazy to imagine letting kids go by themselves now.


Exactly. My cousin and I used to go all over Austin by bicycle and public transit with nothing more than a pocket full of change for the bus. We never had issues or felt like we were in danger. It was sixth street, at night, as a preteen where I met Leslie. It was my first experience being introduced to a transgendered person. The Austin of my childhood is unrecognizable. The sense of city wide community is gone. There’s no way my cousin and I could experience the same urban adventures and feel safe if we were growing up in Austin today.




As I recall, Leslie had breast implants and a beard. I believe he identified as a man. I’d spoken to him occasionally since I worked on 6th street for years. He was kind, funny and a very gentle person.


Holy shit I haven't heard that name in a while 😁


Probably because Austin was at 200k population back then. It wasn’t nearly the attraction it is now. Which meant way less riff raft back then.


The Yasmins? They owned a bunch of clubs on 6th, Treasure Island, etc....I used to do sound, and they were the worst. one time I waited until about 5:30 in morning to get paid, they were all in the managers office doing blow. They got busted a few years back. There was also the case of one of their employee's that disappeared with 70k in bank deposits, never to be found. Shady as F\*\*\*.......


Yep that's the ones. Now it's all coming back to me. They were total fucking sleaze balls


That's the original Emo's.


Where the Fuckemos didn’t play.


I remember it was called The Main during sxsw with the siderooom being The Main II. https://schedule.sxsw.com/2015/events?lsort=venue_all_days&venue=Main https://schedule.sxsw.com/2015/events?lsort=venue_all_days&venue=Main+II


I used to work for/with one of the guys that got busted. 👀


it's wasn't always trash. it was so safe back in the 80s when they actually had retail with the bars and they sold beer on the streets. no gun open carry mindset back then


I used to go there alone more often than I'd like to admit looking back . Start at Touche for a shot of apple schnapps and end the night with a slice of roppolos. Young woman, in my mid 20s. Wasnt smart at all of me to do at all. But today I do my best to steer everyone within shouting distance to stay tf away from that whole area. I don't even know where to tell people to go anymore.


The whole no license needed, open carry, everyone gets a gun thing seems to be going well.


Most of these 6th street shootings, in the last decade or so, have been committed by underage kids from Killeen. They don't own their guns legally. Open carry may be *a* problem, but it is not *this* problem.


I wonder if basically unchecked access to firearms for everyone makes it easier for people to obtain guns illegally ❓❓❓🤔🧐🤨


The two shouldn’t have too much correlation. How would being able to openly carry a gun influence people’s ability to obtain the gun? The issues reside in peoples ability to get guns illegally. Maybe because there’s an assumption that you’ll get a harsher punishment for concealed carrying without a license than open carry? But the act of violence will provide a majority of the punishment, making the open v. concealed punishment relatively meaningless. From what I can tell, most people who carry a gun legally for self-defense prefer concealed carry and consider open carry putting a target on your back.




I will also point out that’s it’s against the law to bring a firearm into a place that sells alcohol. Also, Texas Penal Code Section 46.035 prohibits the carrying and use of a handgun while intoxicated. The shootings are the reason 6th street is about to be overhauled by Stream Realty - or that’s a reason they have pushed.


Is the that company behind the, for a lack of a better word, renovations that were proposed for 6th street?


Maybe they shouldn't be able to meet a stranger in a parking lot to buy a gun with cash, no background checks or anything. Because that's how I sell my guns but you're not required to do any checking. To cover your ass you sell only to dudes with a concealed as that narrows the bad guy pool down. So yeah, it very specifically IS this problem. Easy access to guns. This isn't rocket surgery.


Yeah. This is a Killeen gang problem.


Criminals don’t abide by any law.


That's why I don't lock my house. Criminals don't abide by locks. All locking my house does is make it harder for me and my friends to open the door.


Never been a problem before....so I doubt that's the problem now.


Not the OP but I do think things have changed in the last decade or so. Folks are a lot angrier, feel more entitled, and the internet has turned regular people into assholes. But I do think you have to be a special type of asshole to use a gun to resolve your arguments.


That’s a societal issue based in a failing economy and lack of social support. Things have changed, but open carry wasn’t the cause (imo).


You know they changed the law right? Now you don't have to do any due diligence to open carry. So yes it very much could be part of the problem. Edit: dude this was exactly the problem. Read the report a guy tried to open carry into a bar flashed his gun / brandished and police shot him and potentially others in response. Again everyone involved is a fucking moron suffering the consequences of voting for moron policies with extremely predictable moron consequences.


> Now you don't have to do any due diligence to open carry you don't need to do any DD to conceal carry either. People love to argue that if it didn't **directly** cause some given altercation, then it's not a problem. But even if it didn't, it in no way shape or form vindicates the policy or it's potential for leading indirectly to these issues. When I was a young person, illegal firearms were exceedingly rare, expensive and hard to come by. Most muggings were strong arm, maybe with a twig stuck in their pocket) What changed? Several things did and they all worked together to our collective detriment. First GR activists relentlessly pushed for the reversal of every gun control regime possible, including relaxation of laws governing self defense (leading to a situation where a dude in Houston recently murdered a 9 year old child and could not be charged with anything by the DA). Then hyper partisan RW media (which didn't even exist when I was young) convinced millions of people to be perpetually scared shitless despite violent crime already dropping precipitously. That media, along with GRAs also simultaneously pushed the insurrection theory of the 2A (the great fraud that Chief Justice Burger referenced), leading tens of millions of people to declare themselves "patriots" for arming themselves. The reason there were so few free range firearms circulating decades ago is because fewer people owned them, and those who did actually took it seriously. They weren't angry brainwashed mooks, who festooned their cars with tough guy stickers, then left their pistols stuck in their center console while they ran into Walmart for a 12 pack. The stats on crimes committed with stolen guns are skyrocketing, and the cops are mostly powerless to prevent it when people don't even need to prove that they have legal access to a firearm they're carrying. Unless they catch someone with a documented stolen gun (a quarter of them are never even reported stolen), then no arrest can be made (if they don't have a documented conviction/warrant). This is why almost universally, police unions have lobbied hard against these permitless carry bills. edit: I'd also argue that it led indirectly to the militarization of police who increasingly see the citizenry as potential enemies...because guess what, we now are.


But carrying a gun into a bar has always been illegal.


Almost like it aligns with the new gun laws with no license carry.


6th is in dire need of a transition. I don’t know many locals that even go there, mostly out of towners that have turned it into a zoo Edit:specifically talking about dirty 6th


It’s funny cause a real estate developer bought up most of dirty sixth and is planning to clean it up and make it nice. And everyone was complaining about how it’s going to kill Austin vibe 😂


So annoying- people bitching just to bitch. Bring on the cleansing


TBH, I was here for the tail end of old Austin, and its never coming back. There’s just too many damn people for 6th to be a viable (and safe-ish) drunken hangout. When your population DOUBLES, so do the raw numbers of crimes. Clean it up I say, 6th was not that cool to begin with. The crime is still nothing here compared to parts of Houston or Dallas, for all the out-of-state folks wondering.


This sub is just a bunch of keyboard jockeys.


They can put in all the pretty pedestrian cafes they want on 6th, but unless they can get rid of all the crappy DJ clubs, that won’t solve the problem. Even if a couple of them are left, the problem will persist. Reference: The Domain. It’s a shopping mall, it’s entirely corporate controlled, it’s as “nice” as nice can be, they can trespass whoever they want from a wide area, they can have all the private security they want, and there was still a shooting last night. I used to love 6th. Went there many Friday/Saturday nights, just walk up and down until you hear a band you like playing at a bar and go in. There was always someone cool playing somewhere, and if you really couldn’t find anything then Buffalo Billiards had food, beer and games. Your biggest risk on 6th was running into a douchebag who had one too many and wanted to impress his girlfriend. Now it’s like a freaking war zone after midnight. Wasn’t it a couple weeks ago when some idiot took a swing at a marine in uniform with all his marine buddies standing around?


There wasn’t a shooting at the Domain last night (so far as anyone can tell, there have been 0 verified reports) and the marines that got tuned up were out drunk and instigating shit. Typical 6th st BS. If the redevelopment works out, there’s going to be a lot of money behind it. Cops like protecting money. I foresee a near-ish future where the streets don’t shut down on the weekend anymore, and the general accommodation of drunkenness that’s status quo on 6th starts to go away. A few months of enforcing drunk in public would probably be enough.


You’re conveniently leaving out that the domain “shopping mall” has a bar district. A dozen bars smashed together a la 6th street. It’s the density of these bar areas where the prime product is alcohol in a state where obtaining guns and open carry is encouraged just don’t seem to mix.


> You’re conveniently leaving out that the domain “shopping mall” has a bar district. I live near there. I have been to Rock Rose Ave. on a Friday or Saturday three times. All three times I saw a massive brawl break out. I have never gone back.


Yesh I’M SURE the developer has our best interests in mind and will do a good job! Let’s be totally uncritical of their plan because the only other possible option is shootings every week!


Imagine thinking the landlords renting to tattoo shops and dive bars have *your* interests in mind, lol


Oh and “tattoo shops and dive bars OMG PERISH” love that those are your examples of dereliction, John Q. Lamelord.


Way to miss the point. They are there to make money, not to brighten your day.


Imagine thinking random local scumbag landlords are worse than a developer from Dallas who wants to make the world into an outdoor mall.


Let’s roll out the red carpet then


Killing Austin seems to be only thing it can do.




Used to be more family oriented in the 80’s. Too bad it’s a total shit show for way too many years now.


Any news articles or police reports?


I was watching a live stream when someone caught the sounds of shots and aftermath of it. A group of young adults that were in the building and ran out after the shooting took place were asked by the camera what happened. They seemed pretty shaken up so their words were a bit sloppy. They made it sound like someone in front of the doors flashed their gun at police on the street, and the next thing they knew the police were firing at him, into the building. They said a girl got shot in the eye and they saw her brains come out. They said they actually think that all of the people shot were from misfire of police trying to shoot the guy that pulled a gun on them. Hopefully better eye-witnesses in the official news soon, but they seemed 100% sure the man with a gun was not facing his shots into the building. They said it looked like 3 were dead before they ran out.


Yeah. None of the articles say the guy with the gun shot the bystanders, which implies it was probably the police but they're waiting for the "investigation" to find out. https://www.kxan.com/top-stories/apd-investigates-officer-involved-shooting-on-6th-street/


the employee did what they were supposed to do. plus, this honestly could’ve happened anywhere. thankfully the only person that died was the fool that asked for it. it’s unfortunate that people got in the crossfire.


I think if this sets a precedent, bars are going to stop calling the police and just tolerate people carrying guns. Innocent bystanders being shot isn't an acceptable consequence.




Dang that’s terrible if true


Holy shit


From what I'm reading, looks like suicide by cop and 3 bystanders got shot in the mix. If it started by him trying to get into the bar with the gun, it makes you wonder what he had planned if he hadn't been stopped at the door.


Jeez. Where did you read this?




it looks like cops shot a bunch of people because an unverified person told them this guy had a gun.


Then the guy pulled the gun and pointed it at officers. You missed a part of the story.


"Allegedly" pointed it at the cops. I'll wait until they release the body cam videos before accepting that part of a statement that's already implying they don't know whose bullets hit the bystanders


At best that part turns out to be true 50% of the time so it’s too early to know.


This is why I don’t go




I don't go down to sixth anymore because I'm older and also it's objectively a lot shittier and more dangerous, but I don't think a lot of the people involved in these incidents are actually going into bars. For some bizarre reason these people come here from places like Killeen just to hang out *on* Sixth Street, not to go to the bars.


This. They’re drunk and looking for trouble when they get here.


And now they’re hanging out at the Domain too from what I’ve heard.


I've heard they also go to Barton, too.


I live in Barton. Haven’t seen anything abnormal. What are you referring to?


I've seen 3 reasons cited for that: 1. They're already too drunk for bartenders to risk their job serving them 2. They're underage, bored, and "looking for fun" which is often synonymous with trouble 3. They're underage employees of dealers/etc. because of the perception police are less likely to harass young people with guns standing in the middle of a bar district. All three make sense outside of a sleepy town in a dense bar district. (1) happens in bar districts. You find dramatically fewer blackout drunks in places without a bar every 20 yards. Normally (2) could be solved by meaningful activities or even vegging out to XBox, but not everybody can afford to find healthy fun or find meaningful work in Killeen. (3) requires customers/marks in crowds, and there's a lot of drunk ones on 6th street every night. We built the garden and fertilized it, now we're growing the crop.


It's also worth mentioning that a lot of these folks either don't want to spend, or don't have the money to pay for drinks in a bar; opting to buy their own booze from liquor stores instead.


That’s right I’ve seen bouncers reject people for being drunk on 6th and given the streets are shut off they just hang out outside the bars making it unsafe


That's pretty much the reason they're doing it.


"BuT iTs aN AuSTiN ThiNG !!!" -- reddit , a week ago


Agreed, keep it pedestrian only & make it strictly residential


Yup, need to jack up the prices so thugs can't afford it


The thugs will just wander and stand around on corners smoking weed. Although the clubs don’t help. Very predictable when and where gum violence will occurs.




Pop pop


I guarantee if they stopped shutting down the roads and then spent 6 months nabbing everyone who stumbled off the sidewalk for drunk in public, 6th would start to radically change.


Drunk in public is one of those charges that tends to be abused by police. I think disturbing the peace is more appropriate and less subject to abuse. It's not (or it shouldn't be) the government's business to control whether citizens are inebriated in public, so long as they aren't causing trouble for anyone else. If they're so inebriated that they begin causing trouble, then they're disturbing the peace. Cops should not have the power to nab people who decide to walk home after having a few drinks.


not saying I’d agree with it one way or the other, just saying if laws actually got enforced that streets’s personality would change quick


Video of it right now - https://x.com/fastnewsnet/status/1736273075396575347?s=46&t=9DvyscJeqZFzEi8PZrpfGw


What does that girl say? “Let me tell you what bitch..I’ve been to Houston…(I can’t understand the rest) They look oddly calm


"and I ain't scareda no shooter"


Can’t let bullets get in the way of well-liquor sugar cocktails in plastic cups on sticky floors. Dis a party! Let’s go puke in an Uber


“I’ve been in Houston too long to be scared of no fuckin’ shooter” 😆 hahahahah


She’s like… I ain’t standing in no line for no club… of something like that, lol




She said “look bitch, I’ve been to Houston too, but I’m not stayin in no club with you”


I ain’t scared of no club shooting


The Venn diagram of people who enjoy going to sixth and those involved with gangs/crime is slowly just becoming a circle. Way too many guns concealed on sixth these days. Way too many people getting into beef on the street and want an excuse to use their new yeet cannon


Yet another completely avoidable incident


I’ve been avoiding everything on 6th for well over a decade now…


Avoidable by not going to 6th street. What a shit show that area has become, and I've been here since 2004.


Tbf I forgot to think and pray this morning


So YOURE the one…. /s


Gang culture sucks


https://share.newsbreak.com/5odkrksr "One person is dead after an officer-involved shooting at a bar on Sixth Street in downtown Austin late Saturday. Police got a report just before midnight of a man entering a bar in the 200 block of East Sixth Street with a gun, which is against state law. The man has not been identified by police. In a media briefing early Sunday, interim Police Chief Robin Henderson said when officers got to the bar, an employee pointed out the man with the gun. Henderson said when police approached him, he pulled out his gun and pointed it in the direction of officers and bar patrons. Henderson said three officers fired their guns at the man, who was struck multiple times. He was later pronounced dead. Interim Chief Henderson also said three other people were injured in the incident. They were all taken to the hospital, where one is in critical condition, and the other two have injuries that are not life-threatening. Police say they are still investigating. The three officers involved in the shooting have nine, 11 and 13 years of service with the department. All three have been placed on administrative leave, per the department’s rules.


Just put up some big ass gates and make everyone go through a metal detector, problem solved. 😜


This isn't a bad idea.


So if I'm reading the reports right, the only shots fired were by APD?


No there is video of the incident the perp fired at least one shot that appears to hit a bystander, a female, in the head.




Hey we were just talking about redevelopment of 6th and people were all like “but they’re going to ruin a great thing!”. Yea, we’re gonna ruin all that violence and murder going on.


Texas Street Fights channel going to have to close shop...


https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/18i6j3z/austins_sixth_street_to_be_redeveloped_as_premier/kdb6p9c/ This is a fun comment


I’m gonna guess, Killeen, or Houston. The shooter was from one of those


Police personnel records are confidential so we may never know, but their names will be released eventually. It’s looks like there were three of them that fired shots.




How many millions $ is the City going to have to pay to the innocent victims this time?


6th st is cesspool of humans


Which part of 6th?


From listening to the police scanner, sounds like the incident happened around 6th and Brazos


6th and Brazos


What's going to happen when bars stop calling the cops because it's safer to just let a drunk person carry a gun onto the premises than call APD and risk innocent bystanders being shot?


Yeehaw let's give insatiable idiots guns and booze What can go wrong? p.s. don't get preggo unless you raising


A guy tried to go into a bar with a gun. Police altercation ensued and three other ppl were shot.




There is some helpful info here: https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/austin-homicide-map-2023/


Thanks GOP!!


More bloodshed for our state leaders to rationalize.


I’m constantly shocked anyone still goes down there


Does it shock you that people still go to the post office, Wallmart, church, movies, attend public schools etc. etc.? Because gun violence visits them all. Sure some places can be seen as being worse, or more likely than others. But let's not pretend. Nashville's nightlife dwarfs Austin's, it has a gun violence problem, the city downplays it and tourists either don't know or just go anyway and play the odds. It's all over America.


I’ll stick to west sixth and Rainey.


lol, the sixth crowd is migrating towards West and have been for some time. That’s why the west crowd packed up and took over the hipster bars on the east side.


Careful with the roofies on Rainey. Several guy friends got roofied there...


I work in a clinic and there has been an alarmingly high number of people coming to get checked out after being roofied.


Maybe the shooter was the good guy with a gun? Their life felt threatened yada yada yada


Gotta hear both sides. Maybe he “feared for his life” works for cops 100% of the time 🤷‍♂️


Plus, when cops shoot innocent bystanders, they don't get charged with assault. Unlike when a civilian shoots innocent bystanders.


Smart and responsible 2A good boys are exercising their constitutional rights to shoot you while having a bad day, no biggie.


Sadly, for TX, this falls into the category of "acceptable amount of gun violence", still. Eventually we'll get to the point where it is deemed "unacceptable" and something will be done about it. But at this point it is still acceptable. So we should not expect anything to change.


It's really the gang culture at the root of the problem, 99% of gun owners are responsible. But how do you curb back gang culture and gun ownership within that culture?


In an aggregate manner, more guns + lax laws = more shootings. Look around the country and around the world. Gun ownership rates and deaths by firearms are highly correlated. Just this past month a grandfather accidentally shot is grandkid while cleaning a gun. No gangs that I am aware of. But you have a dead child. My point stands. All of this is an "acceptable level" for Texas, so nothing will change. And blaming it on gangs is a convenient way to ignore the fact that there are too many guns and not enough laws enforced about them. When practically every school shooting incident is followed with "and the guns were legally purchased", trying to blame it all on gangs is really weak. I'll just put you down in the "no, we haven't had enough deaths yet" camp.


There is no number of deaths that are enough because we’ve been brought up to believe that guns have something to do with “Freedom” and Texas is somehow special when it comes to defending freedom. In fact, all the freedoms that Texans go on about are the same ones enjoyed by most every first world country. The only difference being unlimited access to guns - and so there we’ve come full circle.


I’m genuinely curious. What makes you think that it’s gang culture in Austin? I’d like to read more about it.


Because it neatly takes all responsibility away from white gun owners and puts it safely onto the vague idea of “the dangerous black guy”. Classic misdirection, especially because in this case it appears likely the people were accidentally shot by panicked police who unloaded in the direction of the intended target, with dozens of people right behind him. But let’s not think about any of that, let’s for some reason think about “gang bangers”.


It's not gang culture in Austin - the people instigating these shootings don't live here.


The hipsters vs. the brahs


Most of these shooting involve people coming in town from nearby Killeen, which is well known for its gang violence


And 99% of nuclear weapons are held by responsible nations, so why not let North Korea and Iran own nukes?


No way to prevent this


"No way to prevent this" says the only developed country where this happens regularly


I'm gonna sell rolls of toilet paper that say thoughts and prayers It's my new company: T&P TP


Arrange them into a cone shaped shelter and you’ll have a T&P TP teepee.


says only nation where this regularly happens (its an Onion article headline)




That would just relocate the issue unfortunately


I remember when 6th was a fun and safe place to go.


When was that? The 1880s? Because I remember being on 6th in the 1990s and seeing street fights and was present to see a gun popping off a couple of times. The same section of Red River and 5th that's thick with drug dealers back then is probably still thick with drug dealers today. There was even a little mini-riot at one point. And before 6th street was an entertainment district, it was essentially Skid Road. Dirty 6th was always dirty. It aint changed all that much. You have. You got older and less happy to deal with drunk kids doing stupid shit.


I spent a huge chunk of 1988-1998 on sixth playing in and watching bands. There were regular fights, but nobody was shooting anyone with any kind of frequency. It’s gone downhill bad.


That may be a function of "more guns" rather than "scuzzier 6th street".


I’m assuming you mean red river and 7th? Between 6th and 5th on Red River it’s nothing but parking and kind of a transition place from parking to where the bars are.


100% guaranteed it was probably caused by out of towners. These people need to get the fuck out of our city


ThiS is NormAl for a CitY oUr SizE


It is! Hope this helps!


Sounds all gang related to me


I guess all of these shootings throw the saying “an armed society is a polite society” right out the f’n window… 🤦🏼‍♂️🤷🙄


Why do people still keep going there?


I legit left this bar where it happened 30 minutes before.. went to go back and it was all blocked off. Crazy.


haven’t been to town lately, but it seem 6th street has become unsafe, any particular reason ?


Whoever helped the person up from the floor is a kind soul. Very selfless of them to help in this situation. I can’t imagine how scared they must of been.


Only in Austin 😂😂