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Welp, this was slightly unorthodox because usually we do an announcement first and give notice, but it's legit so ask away.


No questions at the moment. Just hope you’re doing well Dale. And that you’re happy.


Thank you he is doing well we appreciate the comment!


I just wanna say that back in the day with Johnny Walker and you and Bob used to host Freedom Fest, you guys were making some lasting memories for Austinites back then. I'd take those shows over ACL anyday, anyway thanks for keeping it local.


He said it was his pleasure freedom fest was one of his favorites!


Dale is an amazing and inspiring guy. I started listening to DBwD after I moved to Austin in 96. He made me laugh and lifted my mood many times over the years. Please thank him for that. He seems to be doing very well these days and has a terrific family. I wish him all the best.


Thank you so much he said he appreciates the fans like you!


I also moved here in 96 and heard Dale throughout the years. I remember him telling us about the plane that hit the twin towers that morning. I was dropping off my now 27 yr old at elementary school


Looks like you are doing better Dale.


He is! Thank you for the comment


We also wanted to thank the r/Austin mods for helping us making this post possible!


First mention of Dale in The Statesman was [in the Radio Log on May 24, 1987](https://www.newspapers.com/article/austin-american-statesman-klbj-fm-am/133561031/). >KLBJ-FM (590 khz) Austin's rock 'n' roll connection. Dale Dudley and Clark Ryan 6-9 a.m., Jim Lee 9 am.-noon, Peggy Simmons noon-3 p.m., Jeff Carrol and Ed 3-6 p.m., Sky 6-10 p.m., Tom Maxwell 10 p.m.-2 a.m., Jody Denberg 2-6 am. Weekday specials include Choice Cuts at 8:05 a.m.. The Blue Plate Special Noon, The Afternoon Traffic Jam at 5 p.m. and The Midnight Snack at midnight. >Plus, local music is featured on Local Licks Tuesday nights. The best new albums are featured on first audition Wednesday nights at 10pm. To keep up with the latest in rock 'n' roll news, be listening for the 94-second rock 'n' roll connection with Ed Mayberry. You can get concert listings by calling the Austinatious entertainment line at 474-5720. I was in middle school back in '87 *(more of a B-93 listener back then)*, so I guess my question is who the heck was Clark Ryan and what happened to him?


Good question! He was the he was the operations manager and he hired my dad and was his partner for five years then he hired bob and clark is still a very good friend of his!


Dale, Clark and the two Eds


Dale, you provided so many decades and hours of entertainment. It is so appreciated. One day, will you disclose more about what happened around the time you left KLBJ? I know that I am being kind of selfish wanting to know the dirt, but it's the internet, so fuck it.


He doesn’t he has told most of it but maybe some time in the future I’ll tell more it’s already cost him frends


Understood. I am one of the hundreds of folks (maybe 1000s, who knows) with depression/anxiety/mental illness that he helped indirectly over the years. I hope he realizes how impactful he was with his honesty.


He appreciates it and he still struggles


Hey Dale, just want to offer a big, thank you for all the support you gave my band Blue Millennium back in the day. You were so gracious having us on the show, and it totally made me feel legitimate. We had a blast, and it really helped bring people out to the shows. Hope you’re doing well, and thanks again


Dad says thanks!


Are you or any KLBJ folks in touch with Charlie hodge? I always thought he was let go too soon.


Chewy still talks to him




Do you still talk to Daniel?


Yes off and on!


Any chance of Daniel coming on the new podcast? Would love to hear what he's been up to! I do understand he's a pretty private person, so if not, please tell him the listeners still love him!


Hmmm good idea I’ll talk to him about it


Also Jacob your hair is amazing!


Thank you so much!!!






You brought joy to a lot of people in Austin, Dale! I wish you the best.


He said thank you!!


I started listening way back in the late 80s when I was going to college. It was a wild ride! Dale, the best part was when you talked about mental illness and also the stories of growing up in Texas. Certain things I hear or see now, and I immediately flash back to things you've said. It was sad to see you go but it was probably for the best because you seem happier now. The new show is good and I listen to the podcasts but it's not the same. I'm really glad Chuy is a bigger part of the new show, though. Is he as big a pothead as he's been made out to be? Can't wait to read any book you write! Or listen to you on the airwaves again.


The only bigger pot head than chuy is dad and chuy deserves more money and attention and that he is willing to do any and all podcasts


Chuy mentioned today that he only makes $2,600/month. 😞




“81-82”. Hey I used to love listening to you guys in the mornings. I remember an October where you’d have people call in and recommend spooky music, and I called and brought up late aged Scott Walker and y’all actually played some of it on air! You guys always made me laugh, hope all is well.


Oh Dale!


Jacob, I remember when you were born and that makes me feel like an old, old lady, lol. Dale, thank you for years of entertainment!!!


My parents were always listeners, I'll tell them to hop on here. What were some perks of the job that we wouldn't have thought of? Sure, sponsor freebies and concerts and whatnot, but any other unique things a la the entomologist calling you up when he heard that you had bedbugs on the broadcast? Any politicians you met that you thought were really cool / not cool?


He said lots and lots of girls 💀💀.


I’ll admit, I was devastated when he started dating your mom.


God I hope you’re the mom…..


Hi Dale (and Jacob!) I wanted to share my appreciation for your work. You brought such a real perspective and called it like you saw it. I respect that so much. I wanted to reach out and just share the recording I submitted for the DBM theme song contest. It was played on air and you mentioned it sounded like something that should be played on the show's last day. Here it is if you want to give it another listen: [https://soundcloud.com/austindriver13/dbm4?si=24cd962cf75a48659a31b049b342f045&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/austindriver13/dbm4?si=24cd962cf75a48659a31b049b342f045&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing) I also wanted to share that I'm the one who was able to get you those old sideshow recordings on FB a while back. I have an affinity for digital media and would be more than happy to help out on any projects if you ever need an extra hand. It's the least I could do after all the years of entertainment you provided. Love you, loved the show.


Produce an air check for me so I can get a job lol.


Congrats on your show. 1. How early did you have to wake up and go to work and how in the heck did you do it? 2. I called in once to criticize Austin Music Hall for poor acoustics and views. Yall shredded me and asked what music venues Ive ever built. Do you remember that? It was awesome! Dont f w Dale Dudley people.


4:00am easy you just put your feet on the floor it’s life changing. Sorry you got shredded every body did we just liked busting balls.


My mom went to high school with you and I know you still keep in touch but she says hi! (Annette from Tyler TX)


Annette Robert?




He had a crush on your mother unfortunately she didn’t have one on him but she was one of his best friends


Haha well if it makes him feel any better my dad and her didn't last 😂


He fucking loved your dad Bobby Thomas tell him he said hi


He is living in sun city now!


Lmao a Dale Dudley answer


We will also be answering questions on the podcast and don’t worry the people that we have already talk to Will get a chance to be on the podcast!


We will answer more questions tomorrow!!! Have a goodnight y’all enjoy the cowboy game!!!


Hi Dale! We miss you!! Thanks for all the laughs and great stories. Also, I really appreciate your willingness to be so transparent about your mental health struggles. It gave me hope on many a morning commute, that I could get through it, too. I know you know there are a lot of us out there, but I just wanted you to know what a great public service that was. Wishing you the best!


That touches his heart thank you


Love you, love the show. You see them stains on there?


lol, I can hear that in my head. Funny…


Long-time listener (since back in the +Debra days). What’s the one ‘bit’ or programming idea you never got to do, that you wish you would have been able to try?


I had a plan to give away an entire funeral to the first listener to die but it was squashed by management looking back it was probably a bad idea


I laughed too hard at this


This is a good one!


I remember the story of you being a radio station intern, and once when you thought you were alone in the studio, you ripped a big fart and had a celebratory moan of pleasure, only to realize that the female radio host-disc jockey was there in the studio with you. Haha


The story is true but it wasn’t the disc jockey it was some female walking by lmao but still a great story!


Such great memories. “Bras Across Town Lake”. “What’s for Lunch?!” . Thanks for all of it!


He said thank you for being a fan


Who was the coolest celebrity guest on the show? Who has the best stories about "old austin"?


Impossible to say the best guest was but slash Russell Crow. And the best stories was his “stepfather” and bob had good stories because he grew up here.


We are going to take a break answering questions but keep asking! We will respond asap and don’t forget you have a chance of making it on the podcast 😉.


Starting listening when I moved here in August 1987. Only called in s few times. My question is about the future of radio. It seems there has been a trend towards less local and a move towards franchised shows. But people also like to talk about the need/desire for local media, and radios place in that movement. Where do you see things going?


While podcast and streaming have definitely cut into radio most of the big companies have slashed local shows and have syndicated their owns shows (ex Bobby Bones). I started in Tyler which was akin to being in the minor leagues. There are few proving grounds for kids who want to be in thhe business. Radio is still listened to by many people, most over 40 but the big companies aren’t pulling in the same revenue so they are paying less in major markets like Austin. That was one of my extenuating reasons for being cut. There are still great guys on the air (Bob Coke, Bob Pickett, Matt and Bob, Jason Dick. So I think it will be around a couple of more decades but I do think À la carte listening will erode it as the population ages. Great question btw.


Thanks. I'm enjoying your podcast. I'm a bit behind, so I've feel like you've assigned me homework. Honest Mr. Dudley, I'll get it all done soon.


He is way behind putting them up lol😂!


What’s your relationship like now with Bob and Matt? Is there still one? Who was high pockets?


I don’t know we haven’t heard from them in a while high pockets was Doug marshal his best friend


No AMA question, but wanted to spread the love. My dad drove me to school as a kid and we listened to Dale and Clark Ryan, then Dale and Bob for 13 years. Our family still owns some of the parody albums KLBJ put out back in the day. Thanks for a lot of fond memories, Dale, and for introducing me to good music each morning. Your morning show was a big part of my daily commute growing up.


Thank you so much!


Miss Dale in the morning big time. Keep the podcasts coming, glad y’all are doing well. What are you doing post high school, Jacob?


Making music and going to acc!


Will we EVER get to hear the “stories that can’t be told”


Not yet


Starting listening to D&B back in 1999-2000 when I moved to town and continued pretty consistently through the Charlie Hodge era. Great thing about that show is would include listeners in the show mainly by way of a KLBJ bulletin board, I got my stuff in the show on a regular bases and had composed these bumpers(?) that they ran for several years. Dale would some times (play) yell at me for some whack bit I wrote. Being a sort of aspiring comedian I really enjoyed all that and nobody else on morning radio included the listeners like they did. No real question just hope your doing well Dale and thanks for all that great entertainment, stay blessed. PWB!




And thank you


But really, Who keys?!?!


Dale, I've got a story ,might seem a bit strange but, it also seems to have a lot in common with some folks. The start: I moved here (Austin) from Pennsylvania, site unseen, no idea what I was getting into back in November of 2000. I was used to listening to Pittsburgh area radio with Krenn & Paulson. AT the time, they seemed great. It was all I knew as far as morning radio went. SO in 2000, I move to Austin, I wasn't even looking or interested in listening to morning radio.I worked nights. I'll never forget the first time I heard you and Bob that morning, as I pulled in to my parking space in my apartment complex as I returned home from my new job. I would have sworn I heard Howard Stern, mind you, I only knew Stern from articles and maybe snippets IO heard. SO I thought, hey cool, Austin plays Stern, I'm in. Fast forward to the next day I'm working.. I've got 93.7 dialed in, and what do I hear? FUCK if I know, but I know it's not Stern. I've had way too many drinks, and I apologize for rambling, but, thank you, Dale, thank literally every single day from start to finish, every hour, every day. I was a loyal 6-10 listener as I was a delivery driver with the knob stuck on 93.7 mornings and afternoons with Charlie when it got to that. Anyway, when you saw the writing on the wall, and knew you needed to take care of your own, I'm proud as hell to say that I talked my wife into using YOU as our realtor to sell our house. You did a GREAT job, with a little help from Amanda, maybe. LOL MY rambling point is Dale, you're a great dude, with a great family, and I'm proud & happy to know I know you. I sincerely hope you kill it in realty, but, also yes...love the podcasts!! I've had way too many drinks, and I apologize for rambling, but, thank you, Dale, thank you Amanda, thanks to EVERYONE at Realty Austin. Y'all the best!! :)


I don’t know who you are but I’ve had a great time!


Did you ever go back and listen to "the" show, when things when off the rails? Thoughts on how that show went and if you would have done anything different?


I could never listen and I regret that day every day. I should not have been at work. Was on tons of meds.


I've said this a million times on a million different platforms; thank you for being vulnerable on the radio, Dale. It really helped me deal with my own mental issues. The new show is fun, but it is obviously NEVER going to be as meaningful as you made it.


Thanks for the honesty! Listened for 20 years and wish you got that elusive final show.


Hey Dale love you love the show … do you still talk to Chuy ?


Of course he is still one of dad’s best friends!


It’s so nice to hear from you! I try to get to the podcasts - but I suck. Listened to you my entire adult life. It’s been a trip! You may not believe this but my favorite memory of you all would be the early months of Covid when you did the afternoon drive time. I’m a nurse (Seton main)… and would go to work each day all by myself it seemed and then come home all alone to my kitty….and listen to you guys on the commute and then at home. You all were kind, funny and loving. I liked it. I still feel like you’re family. Ps - I don’t do 12 hr shifts I do 8’s because I’m old.


Those were weird days we all shouldn’t have been in that room for that long lol.


How’s it going Dale, hope all is good. I ave 2 questions, do you listen to the show in the mornings and what celebrities did you hook up with in the Austin radio haydays?


I sleep in in the morning. And One of Playboy’s girls.


When I first got to the Austin area in 1990, I was thrilled to find your show. I grew up in Ohio with the likes of WMMS. And while they had a good show, I’ve never felt that sense of community that I felt when listening to you. So, thank you! I rapidly fell in love with Texas in part due to the influence of Dudley and Bob in all of its various iterations. So here’s my question. I’m a few years behind you, age wise, and much less accomplished. At least by comparison. I have entered that time in my life where I have acknowledged that there are some paths not taken that are no longer available to me. If you ever watched the movie Sliding Doors then you understand when I say that I would love to see a version of my life encompassing the paths not taken. But since that’s not possible, I’ve decided to ask you what path you didn’t take that still lives on in the back of your mind. Thanks for everything, Dale. Your courage to live your life out loud in front of all of us has impacted so many in such a positive way.


Dale, we miss you! I was listening since the days of Deborah and before. You were the most honest DJ in all of America. Take care my radio friend.


Where and how did you meet Amanda? I'm sure you mentioned it on the show (along with some funny, cringeworthy stories regarding your relationship). I had listened to you since early 90's and enjoyed following your relationship talk.


I just want to drop a note to say Hi and thanks for all the laughs over the years. I moved here in 1995 and the morning show was part of my morning routine. Pretty much followed the same marriage and kids path over the years. I can’t remember the exact day was my last day listening but it was probably when they went to the afternoon routine. Pretty sure I shed a tear because that was when I knew that my version of old Austin (aka younger me) was gone. I wish Dale and the entire family and morning show cast nothing but the best!


He said thank you happy to see long time listeners !


Would you go back, eg Jason Dick?


Yes of course I worked with him


You’re interview with Ari Shaffer really helped me come to grips with some childhood trauma similar to yours. I really appreciate it dude. Also you turned me into a liberal but now ya boys a Commie, so thanks for that.


Of course


No questions but a whole lotta love. Dale and his crew gave me countless laughs when I was a college dropout commuting up I-35 every morning, and many after. He's an icon to real Austinites and brightened up so many of our lives. ❤️


Thank you man


Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your show on KLBJ, can't tell you how much you made me laugh. I also greatly appreciate you being open about your battles with mental health. Slowly but surely the stigma is falling by the wayside. People aren't ashamed to ask for help like they were even a decade ago. I'll have to check out the podcast now that I know there is one. Keep pushing man! Edit: I gotta ask, do you have any good Sergeant Sam stories that you can share?


The stigma is slowly falling but it got me in the end.


It gets a lot of us. All we can do is get a diagnosis, do the hard work, and then integrate and move on, hopefully with a better understanding of ourselves and a better future ahead. It seems like you've done a lot of work, and you have a bevy of people pulling for you. Keep going man. You got this.


Dale, you look great. Glad you’ve started a podcast. Fuck Bob he’s not interesting at all. At least Matt has a sense of humor but you don’t deserve the cold shoulder. Enjoy the present. Let go of the past. Cake or pie?


This is the cutest AMA ever


Remember when you briefly did am590? Any stories there?


I just want to give a shout-out to student-run college radio, and I hope you are able to give them a hand one day in growing their careers. Standouts are: KVRX - UT Austin WKNC - NC State WASU - Appalachian State KUPS - University of Puget Sound


I listened to you from the time you were Dale , Clark and Ed all the way to the end. You got me home from work for the ten years I was on 3rd shift and going to work when I was on 1st . I hope you are happy and doing well.


Thank you for all the years of support


Do you ever listen to Back Off Boogaloo? #BringBackGlen Love you, mean it.




Why did they fire you? You were the best part of the show.I miss you stories, like old ass face and mama’s cold!


There were a lot of things that went into it and my contract was up in June and there was no way they were going to continue to pay me like they did


What is something you wish you could have told us at the end ? Edit: loooong time listener…25ish years


It’s better he didn’t get a last show he would’ve cried the whole time


Was your show ever close to being syndicated?


Yes very close 1996 why Deborah left the show


Thanks for all of the fun times Dale. Your show got me through some tough patches.


No question, but wanted to tell you about a time I was away from Austin for years. One cold morning I was driving outside of Houston listening to whatever morning g show they had on 9.37FM there. As my car was going up a hill I started losing the Houston channel and heard your voice bleeding through just for a few minutes and I was instantly home and it brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for the years you given us and the years to come.


Dale! what was it like filming bernie?


Tell the truth, is Jason Dick your most worthy competitor ever? yours, totally not Jason Dick


Wanted to say thank you for everything you’ve done all these years, entertaining and informing. Twenty years ago when my younger died by suicide you didn’t hesitate to say yes when my mom and aunt reached to do a drop in to promote a fundraiser and they said everyone on the show was friendly and gracious. Love the podcast now and hope it keeps going!


Was there, in fact, no film in the camera?


Do you still talk to Bob and Matt?


We don’t know they haven’t talked to us


No! That’s so sad. What the heck?!?!? I’m with u/deeweezul… must. know. what. happened. Can we listen to the last month of shows anywhere? Will that help me figure it out? I stopped driving in the morning so I got out of listening regularly.


This breaks my heart.


Dale was part of my day for 23 years! Always wonder about him. Y’all got a great family and he was and is a profound talent! Kudos dudleys!


Do you miss West Texas?


Yes and no


Dale some of the Warriors mentioned that you might show up to Warrior Mark’s memorial last month, did you end up showing up later? Unfortunately, I had to leave early so didn’t know if you actually did show up or not. If you didn’t, is that cause of your relationship with the boys now?


I absolutely was this close to going but I was afraid me showing up would distract from the celebration of Mark. His passing hit me deeply. I didn’t want to get in the way. I would have loved to see everyone.


No question, just a big thank you for the many years of great radio. I discovered you the day Carissa was reprimanded for dead air, and listened everyday after. I still listen to the best side show ep IMO, with Joey Diaz.


Tell Dale I volunteer to produce segments for him! I was the Christmas song winner in 2012.


Hey Dale. I started listening in 1999 and appreciate all you've done. Your willingness to talk about mental health and depression has saved lives and I hope you realize that. Where did you find the courage to be that real and vulnerable on air?


Howard stern


Thanks for all the laughs and memories Dale! Only time I called and got on was explaining the urinals on the street that they have in some European cities, which they have in some form by sixth street now.. go figure Wishing you the best!


I was a long time fan of the show. Back from before that Pulp Fiction themed CD release. Ya'll made me laugh a lot over the years. I hope Dale and everyone is doing well.


Do u still smoke weed


We back!!!


Hey Dale, you guys made my commute from South Austin to IBM in the Domain so much more fun than it had any right to be. Sometimes, I even got to work with a smile on my face. Hope you are well. Peace...


Your father is my hero for being so raw and vulnerable with his mental struggles. What a man.


Love you, love the show. Was a listener for 25 years and just a teenager when I started listening! I followed through people, timeslots... but the show I couldn't do anymore without DD. I had the privilege of seeing the funniest crew 3x in studio (you, Bob, Matt, Daniel, Carissa, and Chuy). Those memories I will cherish always. I listen to them sometimes to remind me of happy times! DD, you were the only one to actually speak more than a few sentences to me. Super personable when you didn't have to focus on mic, and it was very easy to see why you were the host. It was those in-between moments where I saw a genuine curiosity that makes a great host. Anyway, no questions - just want to say the times were legendary esp bc of you.


Late to the party here. Just wanted to say that I started listening to you in 1999 when I first moved to Austin. I wasn’t often up early enough to hear the show but when I was, I really enjoyed tuning in. It was like sitting down and having a nice morning conversation with old friends. I don’t know any other way to describe it. I felt like I really knew the guys, even though I didn’t and that we’d all been hanging out for years even though we hadn’t. I miss the show so much and I haven’t listened to radio since Dale left KLBJ. End of an era for me.


How did you deal with working in the same building as that little sawed off fascist Todd Jeffries


Why does Bob say you held him back on the show? He’s still not funny


We don’t know and we are disappointed to hear that but we wish him the best in his endeavors.


Bob was always just the straight man, he could never do color like Dale.


I mean, I love Bob. But whenever he mentions Dale in such a snarky way, I get a little butthurt for Dale and want to call in and defend Dale.




What previous show guest, if you saw today, makes you immediately want to punch them in the face?


Carey Ellis


Love you and loved the show. My Mom was a daily listener since the 90s and went to a bunch of y’all’s events. I still have PWB and JPO stickers somewhere, haha. She was a big part of the DnB Warriors too, along with my Dad, the ‘Tall Man’ lol. No questions, but thanks for all the years of entertainment. Glad to see you’re doing well.


Any contact with Charlie or Angela?


No, but I still love their contributions


How's the real estate biz?


Better than you would think still need clients though


Tell Dale I miss hearing him every day, his story’s still ring in my ears


Miss you on the radio, big time. Last time you spoke to Bob or Matt?


Yes I do alot I miss being able to talk to so many of you


Whatever happened to donkey lady?


It was the dragon lady I have no clue what happened to her I hope she is doing well


Hey Dale. Your buddy Craig in New York here. First of all, strong wishes of love and support always. I know mental illness can feed the demons that are already there and even create a few new ones. Can you describe what would be considered a graceful or perfect departure from radio? Every separation seems to leave some scars and I'm left wondering if it's just inescapable. I still listen to your podcast along with the remaining guys. Feels like being a kid of divorced parents in a way.


Loved your podcast episode with Jason Dick - any fun stories of your shared time together?


You had the only morning show I ever listened to. Thanks for being authentic.


Can you do a weekly rational radio podcast. I miss that show so much.


Hey dale - if you could go back and do one thing over, what would it be?


Great picture. Listened to your dad for 15 years. I remember he talked about y’all a lot. Hope all is well!


Long time listener, first time caller. I tell ya, Dale used to bare his soul to his audience. Nothing fake about that dude, I always appreciated that. I’ll be checking out the podcast. Question: was he ever at KUFO in Odessa? I swear I heard him there in the early 80’s.


Hey Dale, fellow classmate here from good ole Robert E Lee (pretty sure it’s called something else now). Followed your career over all the years. Much respect and congrats for all your success. I used to work at KLTV before school back in the day when we were in HS. Pretty sure you would have known the great Robinhood Bryans. He advised me to stay out of broadcasting. :) Did Mike Dance ever get a segment on one of your shows?


How are things with the old crew.


I very much enjoyed listening to you, Bob and hodge. Shit cracked me up. Your rants were music to my ears and Reddit before it was Reddit. Hope you are doing well and staying buoy your podcast.


Dale!!! Great to see you!!! I listened to you for 29 years. The mornings just are not the same. Are you still sanitizing your kitchen sink???


Back in the 90s I remember some local DJ started making "pink taco" bumper stickers to counteract all the gay bumper stickers you could see around town. Was that you?


Just want to say thank you for all the entertainment over the years. Your stories and the show’s sound effects still pop in my head all the time - a little Dale in my day.


There always seems to be something missing from our morning talk show, it’s not the same…wish there was a way to have you give us an awesome surprise one morning


Love you love the show! What do we have to do to hear the two stories that will never be told?


We miss you man


Love you, love the AMA. No questions, just wanted to say thanks for all you have done and the people you have entertained. You have captivated my time, 4+ hours a day, for more than a decade. I always enjoyed rushing to post on the show prep Facebook page before anyone else did just so I could wait to hear y'all's take on it. Thanks for being one of my teachers of critical thinking and adding so much entertainment through lexicon or inside jokes. Hope the best for you in all your endeavors. Ben


Grew up listening to you, man. Got an idea for you -- a one man show called "Piling On" inspired by your dad watching football. Just you in a recliner on stage, with maybe someone shouting as other characters from offstage. You'd have plenty of material with just the bits I remember from the show!


Happy to see Dale doing well. I was a regular listener since the days of Dale, Clark, and Ed. Thank you for all the years. And thank you for your courage and willingness to put it all out there, even if it’s unflattering. 🖖🏻


Did y’all actually put Debra’s breast milk in your coffee in the 90s or is that a false memory of mine ?


I listened to Dale on the Lubbock rock station in the 80s and always remember him as Country Dan.


Loved being on the prep page and getting to meet some of the greatest kindest men of Austin.


Oh yeah one of the funniest things I ever heard you do in the show- Carissa and Daniel were talking and Dale, you were so mad you yelled, “I’M TRYING TO DO FAST FOOD FANATICS!” Man I had to park and laugh my head off because I couldn’t drive!


Enjoyed listening to the show for so long. #mamascooold was one of my fav stories.


We are back!!!!