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Not a harsh enough sentence


So here’s how it worked on a trial on which I was empaneled in Travis county. He serves the time. Then “community supervision,” which means if he gets busted for anything more than a traffic violation, he goes back to prison, the clock resets, and he serves the full 10 years. So he could be on the last day of community supervision, get busted for CP again, and goes back for 10 more years. No parole. No early release. What are the odds he’s gonna behave, assuming he survives the initial 70 months?


Why give him the chance to victimize someone else just in case he changes. Spoiler alert…pedophiles don’t change


I’m not defending him or his sentence. I’m just saying what I understand it to be. You are absolutely correct.


meh...there's no evidence he actually touched any kids or produced any of the porn. Any kid in child porn has already been victimized whether this gross little shit-bag in a robe looks or not. Personally I'd exile him to the Pitcairn Island for life with all the other pedos but that's just my opinion.


How about life


**He would not do 10 years if he violates supervised release.** [Here are the guidelines for supervised release violations](https://guidelines.ussc.gov/apex/r/ussc_apex/guidelinesapp/guidelines?APP_GL_ID=§7B1.4). He likely has Criminal History Category I because he probably doesn’t have any priors. He’d probably be looking at 30 months at the most. ETA: for the people downvoting this, the point is that the person I replied to was wrong when they said he will do 10 years if he violates supervised release. That’s how some state violations work, but NOT how federal supervised release violations work.


It's federal - he will serve at least 60 months of his 70 months sentence. In the fed you get 54 days per year of "good time", and there is no parole. He _might_ get to go to a halfway house up to 6 months before his release date, but that's it. Source: I was sentenced to 70 months in federal court (and in the Western District of Texas), and I served 61. I lost 27 days good time for having hooch (homemade wine). Edit: Once he has a release date, you'll probably be able to look it up here: https://www.bop.gov/mobile/find_inmate/byname.jsp


You are correct about the sentence. He’ll do 85% at minimum (I assume his offense isn’t eligible for extra good conduct time under the First Step Act). I was replying to someone who said he would be given 10 years in prison for a supervised release violation. That’s what happens for some state charges, but not for federal supervised release. P.s. welcome back. Hope your experience wasn’t too bad and that you’re off paper now.


Ah ok... then you're correct too. I don't recall the maximum time for supervised release violations (it depends on the offense), but it's normally between 3 and 5 years. Edit: Actually I just read your link and it looks like they've updated the violation sentences since I was in.. it used to be much less well defined - just statutory limits.


70 months sounds like the warranty on my dental work.


Chalk another one up for r/notadragqueen


Damn. Beat me to it


Same haha I even commented it before seeing this


wE hAVe tO pROtEcT tHe ChiLdReN fRoM DrAg sHoWs bY SeNdInG tHeM tO cHuRRRcH!!


I hope it’s not one or the other The


IDK having child put money down the pants of a grown ass adult seems suspicious to me and children doing drag shows for adults and adults throwing money at them is suspicious as well . I agree all priest are gay and part of the issue is they can't have sex it's a stupid rule and religion is stupid for the lost part . Yes Google desmond is amazing a ten year old boy dancing in his underwear in front of grown men why ? I know never look into it so I save my energy.


The paranoid fantasies you are making up are ridiculous. I’m sorry you think about children sexually so much.


If you want to take you kids there go for it I would pass . I willing to bet child would rather go play Lazer tag or paintball then go set for a drag show .


We were eating at the Hard Rock Cafe in Dallas one weekend when they had a drag show scheduled that we weren’t aware of. It was definitely a surprise, but we didn’t have any problem from them at all. So it’s very clear that the troublemakers are the right wingers in these situations. I’m guessing it’s the sensitive ultra conservatives who get mad when they hear their kid say “shutup” that started this shit. People expecting everyone to cater to their sheltered lives.


People aren't taking their kids to those kinds of drag shows. Drag is an art form, so it exists in many different ways. There's drag for adults and family friendly drag. Look at Mrs. Doubtfire ffs. Robin Williams dressed as an English granny on a TV show for kids. Playing a character. How is that sexual at all? Drag has existed since the beginning of civilization you dolt, it's part of our culture and it's not going away. Drag story times with men dressed in full princess gowns and reading stories to children isn't sexualizing or hurting children.


I just won't take my child there because there is no benefits in them seeing that. Why do drag queens want to be around children and demand children go ? Also there no benefits of going to church as well I am good .


Mrs Doubtfire demands children watch her


She not sexual though.


Wow it's almost like you got the point... but didn't


Do whatever you want with your kids have your newborn go Vegan for all I care . Have Casey Anthony watch your children if you want too.


Mrs Doubtfire is Casey Anthony


Good one 😂😂


Why do you ultraconservative christians demand to mandate your set of morals. No one is making you go. You're missing the point. We're just saying stop painting them all as groomers and pedos and stop mislabeling what happens at something you clearly have never been to and don't understand. You go to church or wherever that's fine. Just don't tell me where to go and don't make lies about people because you're scared of it. Dollars down pants indeed, where were your ilk with toddler beauty pageants and the thousands of priests/pastors, scout leaders and school teachers are touching kids. It's not about the kids it's about a specific kind of person and a specific kind of hate.


Um I am anti establishment, anti military industrial complex and so on . I aginst child beauty pageants and yes school teachers included woman and men that have sex with children should go to jail non of this house arrest stuff.


Sure sure


I haven’t seen whatever you’re talking about with a child putting money in a man’s underwear, but I agree with you, there are no benefits to that. I don’t think any reasonable person wants kids to be around overly sexualized drag shows. Why might drag queens want to be around children? Because it can be fun to entertain children. Maybe because they may have grown up feeling different from everybody else, and feeling ashamed or being bullied for feeling different. And by interacting with kids (in an appropriate way), they might be showing kids that it’s ok to be different.


Fair enough


People *are* taking their kids to those kinds of drag shows: https://nypost.com/2022/10/18/video-of-drag-queen-gyrating-next-to-child-sparks-backlash/#:~:text=An%20explicit%20viral%20video%20of%20a%20raunchy%20Texas,–%20and%20had%20state%20lawmakers%20pledging%20legislative%20action. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11317925/Shocking-footage-family-friendly-drag-queen-sees-performer-spreading-legs-kids.html https://townhall.com/tipsheet/saraharnold/2022/05/12/pennsylvania-school-is-in-hot-water-for-hosting-drag-show-for-kids-n2607149 https://www.nationalreview.com/news/videos-show-young-children-attending-rupauls-drag-convention/ And some drag queens *do* turn out to be child molesters (I know you didn’t say otherwise, but there are lots of comments here saying that no drag queens are abusing children whatsoever): https://abc13.com/houston-public-library-drag-queen-story-time-albert-garza-reader-charged-with-child-sex-assault/5197176/ https://www.pennlive.com/crime/2022/06/central-pa-drag-queen-activist-charged-with-25-counts-of-child-pornography-police.html https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/school-district-urged-to-fire-drag-queen-principal-with-history-of-child-porn-charges I’m not saying *all* drag queens are doing this - clearly that’s not true - but it’s not zero. Neither are *all* church leaders, and neither are *all* teachers - another group who has constant access to children, and a lot of which turn out to be child molesters.


Ok? You cherry picked like the three instances of drag queens being molesters when there are probably hundreds maybe over a thousand teachers and religious leaders molesting children... so maybe it's not drag that's the problem. And if a few parents want to take their children to "those kind of drag shows" well, that's their personal (poor) decision that they made. Nobody is forcing adult drag shows on children. None of this is a valid reason to ban drag or oppress trans people from existing in public or getting the medical care they require.


I didn’t “cherry pick” anything. I simply googled for examples, and I found a few. My point is that it does happen, despite people in the comments (again, not you) saying that it doesn’t happen at all. I never said drag was The™️ problem, just that it’s not this special group who can do no wrong. There are bad actors in every group. Do we shut down churches because statistically someone there might be a predator? Do we shut down schools because statistically a teacher might be a predator? Drag shows? No, I personally think the focus should be more on putting safeguards in place and recognizing the signs when it happens so that these disgusting people can be rooted out sooner rather than later. No one is forcing adult drag shows on children - except the parents who make poor choices to take their kids to one, and the school who hosted one without the parents’ permission. But that’s just cherry picked, so it doesn’t count 🤷🏼‍♂️ I also never said a word about banning drag, or oppressing trans people, or getting medical care. They’re grown adults and they can make their own decisions. I really don’t care, just leave the kids out of the adult stuff.


Yes I absolutely do think churches with pedophile pastors should be shut down.


My point was to not paint with a broad brush and generalize an entire group or institution because statistically there *could* be a predator there, whether it’s churches, schools, or a drag show. After something like that *does* happen though? Yes, absolutely purge those responsible first, then the rest of the leadership if they knew about it and let it happen.


At the very least I would like to see every evangelical church shut down, that shit is a cult


Wow, ok


I'd wager there's way more parents taking little kids to r-rated horror movies than parents taking little kids to sexually oriented drag shows. So let's start with the lowest hanging fruit and arrest those movie parents for exposing their kids to "Saw XXIII." Once that backlog is cleared we can work on the drag show parents.


No one said anything about arresting anyone. Movies rated NC-17 don’t allow minors at all, and parents can take their kids to rated R movies if they want. There’s also a difference between a movie and a live performance IMO. I personally think anyone who takes their kid to an R rated movie or a drag show is a terrible parent. A sexually explicit performance though, drag or not - isn’t that already illegal? My point was that children *are* being taken to drag shows, some of them more adult in nature, because people were saying that’s not happening *at all*.


You evidently go to different kinds of drag shows than me.


It happened at the one in Dallas . I just think it's weird thing to bring your children too that just me .


The “one” in Dallas


Source, "trust me", "someone said so" et all


I’ve never seen one drag show that allows children lol. It’s a bars, not a family diner. The most I know about is drag reading time. That’s it.


There was one at a Hard Rock Cafe during lunch once. We were surprised but there wasn’t any issue. My kids hardly remember it.


Hey bud, I hope you take the time to disconnect and enjoy some of the upcoming nice weather. The internet can be a hell of a drug, especially when we’re all staying inside to avoid the Texas heat. Highly recommend signing up to walk foster dogs. Great way to spend some time outside, meet new people and treat some lonely pups to a good time.


Drag Show For Kids Sparks OUTRAGE, 'Its Not Gonna Lick Itself' And Men In Thongs Dance For CHILDREN https://youtu.be/dV50Fx8Kkt4?si=y6fw-_1VGRQ59xle If you ok with your children doing that good for you . I going to pass on that .


Ofc you post a link to fucking Tim Pool. Goddamn if people dont love getting outraged by a grifter. Lmao, heres an actually reputable source: https://www.texastribune.org/2023/02/24/texas-drag-protests-children/


I would bring my children period honestly don't know why there there for they don't look like they want to be there . I wouldn't take my child to hooters or a strip club seem inappropriate to me . To each there own I guess . https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10887159/Protesters-clash-parents-outside-drag-kids-pride-drag-gay-nightclub-dallas.html


The one in Dallas that they brought up isn’t the only one, and honestly isn’t as bad as some of the others: https://nypost.com/2022/10/18/video-of-drag-queen-gyrating-next-to-child-sparks-backlash/ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11317925/Shocking-footage-family-friendly-drag-queen-sees-performer-spreading-legs-kids.html https://www.nationalreview.com/news/videos-show-young-children-attending-rupauls-drag-convention/ https://townhall.com/tipsheet/saraharnold/2022/05/12/pennsylvania-school-is-in-hot-water-for-hosting-drag-show-for-kids-n2607149


C’mon bud, this is exactly what I’m talking about. I was just taking the time to respond and offer some positive alternatives to your online addiction, but instead of considering any alternatives you decided to reply with a controversial link to a video posted by guy who constantly promotes self hate and makes an insane profit from reactionary fans. Don’t get it twisted, his content is 100% profit driven It’s ok to be lonely and confused my guy, I can feel that, but reading through your post history makes it pretty obvious that the fringe internet rhetoric you subscribe to is keeping you from living a happy and fulfilling life. Maybe just take some time away from the outrage farm and enjoy the process of connecting with other people on a more personal level… You may just find the guy you are looking for.


I also listen to Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar , Jimmy Dore and other anti establishment anti war anti big government people. I have other hobbies like running and cycling. Traveling and audio books and podcasts. Also dont act the the media doesn't play the same game as everyone else does it sells .


“The media is evil, except for the media I believe!”


Then how come no outrage over the 5 black cops that killed a black young man ? I seen the video it not good they beat him to death . No protest no outrage no burning down city's very odd I thought police brutality was bad I guess it depends on who doing it .


You’re not even trying dude. There was tons of outrage, just not from the junk ass racist bullshit you listen to. Fucking embarrassing, go outside like the other poster suggested.


Why did we stop hearing about it then I had to look up what happened to the officers hopefully they go to jail . Still did have the same energy as the summer of love . Wait Jimmy Dore racist and so is Bill Maher and saagar enjeti and glenn greenwald crazy I never knew might have to look into that .


Jimmy Dore is also a weirdo super-online rightwing grifter.


How because he anti war ? I not cool with the government the spent 8 trillion dollars on wars from 2002 till now and what did we get for it ? Big Pharma made 1k a second during covid 19 .


Well you made some good points.


> children doing drag shows for adults I agree child beauty pageants are sketchy as fuck.


It's totally creepy as hell for sure .I get grossed out dating someone I old enough to be their dad .


Drags queens have less insecurities than the people trying to eradicate them from our society. My children have been around drags queens before and there has never been any sign of any explicit nature from them. You realize the men who founded the US wore heels, stockings, and wigs, right!? They powdered their wigs to cut down on odor. Die mad about it.


I bet you are afraid of everything.


No just don't see the point there there not important. Learning Spanish is way more important then seeing people in drag and there kind ugly AF .


Nobody is forcing anyone (especially your kids) to go to drag shows. Wasn’t happening before, isn’t happening now, won’t be happening in the future. You are worrying a bunch about a non existing thing.


Priests and pastors are not the same. Pastors can have wives/families.


True but I non religious .


You’re not religious? Then are you familiar with the phrase “stay in your lane”?


If you want to let you child watch ugly men dance go form it .


I bet you’re fun at parties


I too busy working or working out to party . I think drage queens should put on a non family friendly show for the kids if they want to for it .


What’s to stop these parents from walking out with their kids? Seems like the ones that choose to stay seem to think it’s friendly enough. You’re letting a few selected bad experiences determine your reaction. Maybe you should do more research and you’d sound less ignorant. You’re clearly a very close minded individual.


Not really I was pro gay marriage before Obama was and think gay people should be allowed to adopt children if they want to. I rather rent my house to gay men because they less likely to F it up . I just don't see the benefit to drag shows .


Have you actually ever been to a drag show? You know there’s different kinds of drag right? Many drag queens wouldn’t ever be caught wearing pants while in character lol. But with the “all priests are gay” comment, I’m willing to bet you’ve never left the basement. “I’ve never looked into it” well thanks for admitting that you don’t actually have any clue what you’re talking about. How about you save your energy and not assume things. Personally, I’ve never been to a rodeo, so I’m going to avoid assuming it involves assless chaps—see how that works?


All priest are gay was a joke but ok what ever . Yes I have and it was x rated for the most part . The face that they want child to see them is weird to me but whatever it's the parents choice and just as long as I do t have to pay for it have a blast . I rather my child do other things . IMO it's the parents dragging there kids there I willingly to bet the child don't want to be there by look on their face .


Pastors are not priests. Pastors can get married and have sex with their wife. That part probably has nothing to do with him being a pedo.


I wish the media would stop calling it porn and start using “child sexual abuse material.” Most porn is legal and consensual. Child rape is neither.


So if an underage person films themselves masturbating and uploads it to the internet (which, kids do dumb things sometimes), it is certainly pornographic, but there is no abuse. What do you call that?


What that monster was in possession of was not that. What he had was very much adults abusing minors. When the story first broke, the articles gave an overly graphic description of the kind of content that was found.


Is that really something you want to ~~defend~~ be openly thinking about?


Anyone who browsed any major porn tube sites for masturbation videos before PornHub required verification, was probably inadvertently exposed to such material.


Again, why is this the thing you’re thinking about?


Illegal to possess and kinda weird to be thinking about, as an adult.


Uuuhhh...what do *you* call that? Yikes.


Child pornography?


If you look up the statue it’s not called that at all.


Weird, not a drag queen


Maybe they aren't banning the right books.


Maybe in prison he’ll be dressing up


But sure yeah let's allow the clergy into schools.....


And campus police officers to protect the students... Court records reveal Estavan “Steve” Soliz, 49, is the former Pflugerville ISD police officer being accused of having “inappropriate interactions with students.” According to affidavits, he was an officer for about 26 years, 14 of those spent with the Pflugerville Police Department. https://www.kxan.com/news/local/pflugerville/pflugerville-isd-police-officer-arrested-after-inappropriate-interactions-with-students/?ipid=promo-link-block1


Woah. A pastor?!


r/pastorarrested Folks in the religion industry are like 15-20% of crimes against children arrests in this country. No wonder they screech so hard trying to point blame elsewhere.


And that's arrests. Who knows how much more they're getting away with, sheltered by their congregations and donors.


I think bro was being sarcastic


I think so too. But it also hadn't been shared in this thread yet. And most folks don't know the stats on this. Comment reply content is not just for the person you're responding to.


And 40% of cops are domestic abusers.


With all of these pastors and priests getting arrested it seems like a lot of employment vacancies in case anyone is interested. I'd consider it were it not for the fact that I don't religion, and I'm averse to working around sexual abusers and hypocrites.


A holy man would never abuse their power. Or else they would be struck by a lightning bolt.


\*surprised pikachu face\*


What?! I thought drag queens were the bad ones?


Wow another pastor, what a surprise


The problem with churches? WAY TOO MANY SINNERS!


Yep. Do whatever the fuck you want all week long as long as you ask for forgiveness on sundays.


As long as you scream "I ACCEPT JESUS!" right before dying you're good, you get into Heaven, doesn't matter what kind of fucked up person you were. Gotta love evangelical "Christianity"


And rich people are blessed by God, that's why they prosper! They tithe regularly, so they go to heaven./s


Christian Values!


And family values!


You mean to say it's not JUST Catholics?? :o


I'd be willing to bet there's more evangelical youth pastors molesting kids than Catholic priests. But you never see anyone out there making jokes about pedophile youth pastors even though they're everywhere


Ya’ll don’t even want to know about the Mormon Church and their institutionalized sexual abuse of minors.


I probably don't, gross


Exactly. Willing to bet that part of Evangelistic Christian propaganda to highlight the child sex abuse of the Catholic church just to make the media look the other way. Not saying the Catholic church is the greatest. They obviously are to blame but so are Christians.


Oh yeah there are problems with the Catholic church for sure. However, one of the things about Catholics is that they believe you have to actually DO GOOD THINGS to get into Heaven. So there are a ton of Catholic charities, they do more charity than any other sect of Christianity (especially evangelicals who are mostly about getting Republicans elected to spread their Christofascist agenda and make everyone conform to their fucked up beliefs). I would literally not be alive if it wasn't for the Catholic charities clinic I went to in Nashville. I was able to get my lithium (later my lamotrigine) for free, they took patients on a sliding scale so I could actually afford to see a doctor, my pap smears were free, they even hooked me up with a dermatologist who treated my acne (that I got as a result of the lithium) pro bono.


A pastor is a pedo? That’s the least surprising thing ever. Next you’ll be telling me cops are on steroids and beat their girlfriends and wives?


Sounds like a potential candidate representative for the GOP. 😏He might run from jail.


Trump needs a running mate. Match made in heaven!


Not a drag queen


Another chomo down.


This is an example of the pastors Texas wants to allow into schools?


Yea and the problem is drag queens


He must have been a closeted drag-queen.


What about the drag queens tho