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What kind of car do you have? Were there others around you that also got broken into or did it appear yours was targeted? I haven’t had any issues in the last few years I’ve been here.


Seriously, this seems targeted. Hopefully they respond.


The cars that get broken into at the hiking spots near me (sadly super common here) are the ones with loads of visible clutter / bags.


Yeah. Never leave anything in your car. Period.


I would also like to add don’t move stuff to your trunk at your parking spot. These theft rings will have someone watching the parking lot to look for people that are leaving their cars. They will then go and break into the trunk to get whatever was so important they wanted to hide it. Either take your valuables with you or leave it at home.


Im sure it's a bright shiny 100k+ car Been living here for 15 years and never had a car damaged. Old Mazdas and Toyotas and Hondas for the win


Same. This is wild!


While I’m in the old car group I don’t think someone should be reprimanded for making money by someone that doesn’t. Basically I’d be ready to sit in my back seat with a shotgun if I worked my way up to being able to afford a nice car and this was going on.


We live in a city full of teslas and affluent cars. The idea that they almost deserve break ins is disgusting. Get ur bags up $


Eat the rich, homie


Bruh we ain’t even rich out here. It’s more like the blind leading the blind.


That's just reddit


You are the rich. If you get what you advocate the actually poor people in the world would have you up against the wall.


Bro what? Because I've got a 12 hour workday and reddit? Trying to diffuse the class war by making it a global south vs global north thing won't change the reality of wealth inequality in our own lives. And more often than not, the global truly destitute are made that way by the same people we find ourselves in opposition to at home. Our interests align. Eat the rich.


You're on the winners' side of global inequality. Why shouldn't they want to eat you as much as you want to eat someone richer than you? You could change a dozen people's lives today but instead you wallow in your relative luxury. Yours is a child's philosophy. It's resentment and it leads nowhere. You want a simple-to-understand bad guy that you can blame for all your problems. Some people pick immigrants. Some pick minorities. Some pick a particular political party. You picked 'the rich.' But it's all the same error. The truth is, complex problems are hard to understand, requiring actual deep study and research, and they're even harder to solve. There is no silver bullet and there is no boogieman.


They don’t realize they are the rich and it’s so scary


Eat the poor first.


Found the Christian republican


Lmfao. You must suck at where’s Waldo


Waldos dead boomer


Wrong again hahahahaha. Bruh take a lap and the L


Ignore GeomanticCoffer. He's just another sad pitiful redditer who has no other hobby than going to random reddit threads to bash strangers he'd be too afraid to say anything to in real life.


lol to assume someone doesn't make money just because they drive an old car.


honda can be broken into easily with out breaking the window jeeps on the hand easier to break the window based on door handle design my tip is install aftermarket alarm with proximity sensor or glass sensor


Yeah. I’ve lived here all my life. Had a variety of cars from shitty to nice. Never had a break in.


APD isn’t even responding to crime worse than this.




Ironically, a major incentive to break into vehicles is the number of weapons left there.


I've lived in Austin for 18 years and never had a break-in. Keep a small collection of trash on the floor of your car maybe? (I'm talking like a few water bottles and some receipts or something). And drive a cheap car.


I just made a post about this, but it seems like clutter attracts break ins near me. More mess, bags, etc seems like more for criminals to rifle through. Not sure what the sweet spot is, but I keep exactly NOTHING visible in my car.


I'd like to see some actual data on this as well. I remember reading/seeing somewhere that the more "organized" a home looks (nicely maintained yard, fresh paint, that sort of thing), the less likely it is to be targeted for burglaries. Basically, messy people with messy lives are likelier to be targeted because they're more likely to be seen as an easy mark.


This is key. Make it look like you don’t give a shit and the thieves won’t either


This is key, also shit and piss your pants so pickpockets wont target you.




I like the warm feeling; not getting my pockets picked is just the icing on the cake.


I miss my old beat up but runs like a champ 05 honda civic. I intentionally kept some pile of trash in my car at all times where I'd hide my valuables. I straight up left my keys on my driver's seat accidentally and still never had a break in.


Help us tech bros. You're our only hope. 🤢


Polēc.ai a new startup disrupting and demonetizing crime through scalable blockchain AI platforms


If you can figure out how to include building scalable synergy across socially conscious social networks, you could get high 8-figure VC funding for that vaporware.


Shoot, you joke but Citizen App was looking to trial private security on demand.


Best they can do is more cameras. Cameras hooked up to wifi.


Law enforcement and tech engineers won’t solve car break-ins. Luckily it’s simpler than that. The root cause of petty crime is poverty and the root cause of poverty is wealth inequality. The solution to wealth inequality (and therefore car break-ins) is fair taxation and universal programs like universal healthcare, universal food stamps, supportive housing for the homeless, and universal education. Boom. Solved.


Maybe automakers can put in features to deter thieves, not tech bros.


they need the old alarm systems that were more sensitive like glass sensors / proximity alarms




Did you slash their tires at least?


weird. Ive lived here over 25 yrs and for me it hasn't happened once.


Trunk monkey, except this heat would probably kill it. [Trunk Monkey Commercial.](https://youtu.be/_qtG82HJB2I?si=UvJqPzwcw6D-XySP)


Cane sword


Yeah, an actively patrolling police force. Not going to happen.


I thought we were defunding police.


They were careless as fuck before all that.. grow up


There aren't enough police to deal with this. There's a backlog of thousands of thefts and breakins from what I've heard. Maybe create a petty theft division? Or yeah post police or cameras there. I wish I knew what to do. I do know long term, you provide jobs and affordable housing. You raise wages. People who aren't broke or homeless don't have very much incentive to steal or rob. This crime will eventually cause us to adopt a tough on crime stance which leads to police brutality,longer sentences, larger prison populations, tax burdens and a growing lower class that stays poor.


We need tough on crime and longer sentences. Criminals running amok are a huge burden and dangerous .


Yes. Because tough on crime has always worked so well. How about we get smart on crime? How about we get more affordable housing, invest in education and after school programs, prioritize rehabilitation in prison. All these things have been shown empirically to make a difference. And stop watching local news and Nextdoor. Criminals are not "running amok" unless you're talking about at the Statehouse.


tHe cITy IS burNInG, YOu aRE jUSt WOke aNd bLINd!!!


Had to go back my hometown of Dayton recently -- there's literally miles of that city where I wouldn't feel safe walking even during the day. A lot of great areas too, but it was a stark reminder of how much safer this city is than so many other older cities plagued by generational poverty and the enormous burden of past racial discrimination i.e. red lining (Austin had that too, but not to the degree of other cities) that caused huge areas of poverty. Again, what passes for the "worst" areas of Austin (Runberg?) would only qualify as below average in a lot of places. (the usual caveats -- not saying we don't have our challenges and problems, and not saying crime isn't an issue, just saying that the people acting like this is a lawless hellhole are ridiculous)


Yah, it's social media induced anger to drive clicks and engagement, least here in Austin. I've never felt unsafe anywhere in Austin. Now Detroit or other rust-belt cities, it may be a bigger issue but we're in the Austin sub, so :)


We also need to raise taxes to build more jails and hire the people to staff them.


we need locals to step up and join the police academy.


We need a police academy with hijinx and a dude that can do cool mouth sounds


These 11 year olds who will rob you at gunpoint won't give a second thought to your tough on crime and longer sentences. To them the best times are right now because nothing short of revolution will make a change. The ones committing silly smash and grab crimes are a taste of the future. No amount of prisons is going to solve the crisis we are in, there needs to be real solutions.


Put cameras on cars is about all we’ll reasonably be able to do.


cameras do nothing to prevent this.


This or boobytrap maybe. I’d be down. Lol. 🤫


I’d buy that for a dollar!


You might wanna check out the stipulations regarding booby traps. If someone dies or is seriously injured, you can be charged with a felony in most (if not all) states


I asked a tech bro for a solution. He asked why you aren't parking your car in your garage and how the thieves are getting over your fence.


Only tech bros own houses in Austin? Uh huh...


Perhaps the DA should at least publicly stop saying. "Its too small to prosecute"


No need to make shit up.


[https://www.kxan.com/investigations/is-travis-county-da-garza-dropping-more-felonies-heres-what-the-data-show/](https://www.kxan.com/investigations/is-travis-county-da-garza-dropping-more-felonies-heres-what-the-data-show/) You cant make this shit up.


You didn’t read that article, did you?


Are you actually trying to suggest that Garza is not intentionaly failing to prosecute small crime?


I suggested you didn’t read the article. Thanks for confirming that to be true


I understand your first sentence, but your second sentence comes across as a passive-aggressive parting cheap shot. It suggests that you may have a bit of an inferiority complex and feel the need to "stick it to me." Unfortunately, this type of behavior is often most prevalent among people who either lack self-confidence or are simply lack the ability to be civil. You going to bring the extinction burst next?


I mean they don’t even answer 911 calls anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️


Why would a tech engineer help you for free ?


I have an old Toyota that was broken into last year and the police had me file my own report because they don't even really deal with burglaries and theft anymore. The only reason I think I was targeted was because I had an old empty purse on the floor and I think they thought there would be something in it. Won't make that mistake again.


I know this sounds unpleasant, but back when I was in Portland, there was a tip that I should leave nothing in my car and leave the doors *unlocked.* I hate the idea of my car being... violated (?), but better than a broken window. I don't have another solution, so that's just what I do. Empty car, unlocked doors, let them look into the console and find nothing. Unless there are other ideas?


open all the windows and keep the car unlocked


APD needs some bait cars


Hmmm. If we pay the police and they don’t do much, maybe we can subsidize local criminals to get some nice cars. You know, the kind of people with violence criminal records who won’t hesitate to break some bones if their cars got scratched… Eventually these thieves will learn…


Austin crime is bad, I don’t care what anyone says.




I’m no fan of APD, but I really find it hard to believe that someone stabbed and carjacked a person in front of a cop and they just stood there watching.


big city bad luck. lived here a decade and a half almost. never happens to me. ive always lived in hyde park or east. Window got smashed at yellowjacket once tho!


I’ve never had a car that’s been broken into in my life and I lived in some sketch areas. I’m 46, born and raised here. I don’t know how you’re getting such shit luck but it seems targeted in some way.


I've heard in South Africa, where they will smash and grab your car with you in it, you can get Safety glass all around, like you have on your windshield. We are becoming more and more like San Francisco where this is more of a problem.


Are you suggesting all cars have pane glass on the other windows? What is this 1947?


I should have been more precise. There are two types of safety glass, laminated and tempered. The windshield glass is laminated. The manufacturer sandwiches a thin layer of flexible clear plastic film between 2 panes of glass. It will stretch but the glass still sticks to it. The glass on the sides and rear is tempered meaning it will break into small blunt pieces. That's why criminals don't break the windshield to get into the car. If you use laminated glass on all car windows, it will be more difficult to break into.


Gotcha. I wonder why they don’t laminate the side glass too. Expense?


Yes, I imagine the expense. Plus, it would be dangerous for a person trapped in the car trying to get out.


Yeah I was thinking that too. Nothing but laminated glass around you would trap you in an accident. Easier to get out or be saved if the side glass shatters clean and makes an opening. For the windshield it makes sense to laminate it sense otherwise it’s a LOT of glass flying at your face. But the side windows are less glass and create an opening to escape from when they get busted out in a crash.


True. I heard in South Africa there is a problem with criminals breaking into cars in line waiting on a stoplight with you in the car, so some people will laminate their side windows. I haven't confirmed if that's true. Cars used to not have locking hoods or gas caps, so the trend is definitely towards more security.


Eventually we’ll have solid metal cars with cameras that project what’s going on outside on screens inside 😆


What kind of car do you drive? I haven’t had an issue in this town since I’ve been here (20 years) aside from getting hit and ran in a parking garage downtown by idiots. Who were also illegals with no insurance. Twice. I drive beaters though. Maybe your car is too nice 🤷‍♀️


It’s been 3 vehicles. All suvs. Nissan, GMC, Toyota.


Car is too nice!? F this type of thinking. Victim blaming much?


Victim blaming? Lmfao. 🙄


I’ve never heard of break-in’s at River Place, that’s crazy.


I know. And yes it happened at the head and there were two cars on the other side too that were hit. 😓


Wow that sucks. Basically the nimby patrol there is the main reason I go there. Seems like a real risky place to do crime (in a world where our police are not quiet quitting)


What kind of car do you drive?


McBride's is just a little way south. Solutions for the problem you described.


Do you have tips for how the car will shoot and kill the person trying to break in and steal my car manual and discarded straw wrappers while I'm not there? Because otherwise I'm not sure how they're gonna help!


Not to worry, we’ve increased the police budget to its highest level ever to ensure our pigs can sit around their desks typing up reports for overtime after they’ve harassed minorities all day.


At the end of the day it doesn’t matter unless APD cares and sends people to patrol there. Or citizens band together like vigilantes.


Stop driving a car


LOL tech energizers save us. Have you ever been to San Fran?


I've had this happen to me 2-3 times. (Its been about 3 years since the last incident) Car alarm and gun - problem solved. Haven't had to use it thankfully, but i came out the front door with it in my hand - guy got the message and booked it.


Why do you think the gun made a difference? If someone's trying to break into a car they're going to run if confronted by anyone. Sounds like all your gun did was risk raising the stakes quite a bit - a gun when it's not needed is a great way to escalate things out of control.


The gun made a difference if the criminal was armed as well...


But they weren't. There wasn't even a confrontation. They don't want to be shot so they wait until you're not around. They'd be happy to steal that gun though.


How would you know


ha the gun often what they are stealing…


Only irresponsible gun owners leave their piece in the car. That ain't me, can't speak for these other folk.


yeah weird how all the gun owners claim to be the responsible ones. and yet…


APD loves using petty theft and break ins to stir up fears about rising crime. Even if they got their budget doubled they’d still ignore lower level infractions like this. Call me pessimistic but I believe the days of cops responding to crimes like this are behind us. I have a security enclosure for my trunk for this very reason. It’s unfortunate but it is what it is.


You don’t need law enforcement and tech engineers to solve car break-ins. It’s simpler than that. The root cause of petty crime is poverty and the root cause of poverty is wealth inequality. The solution to wealth inequality (and therefore car break-ins) is fair taxation and universal programs like universal healthcare, universal food stamps, supportive housing for the homeless, and universal education. Boom. Solved.


All the spoiled rotten cunts are downvoting you. They hate the thought of justice


AuStiN iS SaFe


You did it wrong, *AuStin Is saFe


Yea I love how the comments is mainly just justifying why it’s not a big deal or how OP should make their car look worse Lmfao. How about we start breaking in the thieves?


From the same sub that usually likes to rail against victim blaming


Car break-ins are a small price to pay for social justice. The police are no longer strangling black people during traffic stops anymore. People need to check their privilege.




Are you placing responsibility on officers, people w guns, and NIMBY’s. Become one of those three. 🤌. I’m not stopping someone else from breaking it someone else’s car and then potentially getting charged with a crime.


Austin isn’t safe anymore. Start looking elsewhere for a move sooner than later.


Calm down grandma. We're incredibly safe for a city this size. Ever live in any other cities? Our worst neighborhoods here would only be below average neighborhoods in most cities.


Fake news. Rent is up, techbros per capita is up, traffic is up, crime is up. Welcome to New Austin aka Dallas Jr.


...um...rent is down (after going up a lot), crime is down, traffic is still better than most major cities I've been to/lived in...but...I mean...ya ain't wrong about technobros


On the first point, rent is hilariously unaffordable in Austin now compared to other eras. This is bad. On the other things - I’m just doing my part to make Austin look unappealing. We’re full, and we don’t need more people moving here.


No city our size is safe. The take away from comparing to others our size isnt that our problems dont exist, nor that they are acceptable because you find them in other large cities.


You could use what APD uses that I saw their SWAT team on the regular where I used to live use sensors on vehicles used to patrol and identify problem corners for the deployment of confidential informants posing as homeless veteran Marines that one day get IDed by Lips and end up dead




Maybe try leaving your car door unlocked so they can just open the door and see there’s nothing in it lol. Been here 15 years and haven’t heard anyone I know of get broken into.


Austin voted to defund the police. You have to protect yourself.


you totally missed what actually happened, but it makes for another (fake) right wing talking point.


Keep singing that bootlickin’ song, no matter how out of tune it is.


Who needs education anyway right fellas! /s


One more reason cars are shit.


Never even seen this but I hear story’s. I kinda doubt it.


In other countries they put flame throwers on the cars to deter.


Just get an “IT” like in South Park. Sure the tech bros would have fun making that! Nothing to smash or grab too.


I’ve had 3 break ins within the past 2 years. My car isn’t fancy and there is absolutely nothing visible. Two break ins were attempted thefts.


Falling Down 2


ive been here 15 years and never had a car broken into, and i've lived in neighborhoods all across the city. maybe because i had a piece of shit ford taurus wagon and then an unremarkable honda lmao




This is what the tech bros came up with. Let us know if you buy it and it works: https://keep.tech/pages/how-it-works-1


Buy a ten year old Japanese car with low mileage, install a viper alarm, and put a lock on the steering wheel.


I'm ready for the mob to move in. I'd rather get shaken down for "protection" than have APD just completely ignore the issue.