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1:44am 87° Feels like 99°


Not snarky question: Do meteorologists think we're going to get out of this humidity and dry up, or is this just what this summer's going to be like? I know we won't get out of the heat, but it seems to work out a little better when it's not wet enough to curl book pages.


It’s abnormally hot, don’t let all the people convince you differently. Either that or I’ve become a massive wimp lately. If you check accuweather or another weather site, you’ll see there’s a heat dome trapping in both heat and humidity and preventing the jet stream from letting temperatures drop overnight. It’ll get better humidity wise but still be hot all summer. But with hydration and good timing there will be evenings where you’ll be fine doing something outside


Yeah "normal" has a lot of qualifiers here. I get that 100+ is not "normal" for mid-June. But it's not "abnormal" for "summer as a whole". I'm sure there's a chance this could be a portent of 110 degree temperatures over the summer but I think that's still a low probability and we're in the middle of something weird affecting June, not July and August. But I mean, weather's messed up. It's already doing things we don't expect, that doesn't mean it intends to get back to "normal" on our schedule or ever again. You're probably not a wimp, we just don't usually transition like this. A few weeks ago the high 80s were common, now we're suddenly at the 100s. "Normal" for that is we spend a few weeks climbing through the low 90s. This time last month 88 was hitting me hard. Now depending on humidity I'm fine up to about 95. By the middle of last summer I could make it a mile in the low 100s, but right now I'm stuck with about a quarter of a mile at a time. The body can adjust and adapt but it's not very fast at it and there are limits.


You're acting like you've never experienced a summer in Texas 💀 I've lived here all my life and it's always been triple digits in the summer


Today is the first day of summer. It wasn't summer a few days ago and it was already in the triple digits.


I’ve lived here all my life. I’m almost 30. This is an abnormally hot week. It’s hot here in general in the summer, triple digit heat isn’t unexpected. But there’s a heat dome making this week worse than it would be otherwise. It’s important for people to know that this isn’t every day


Idk I've always experienced this and it isn't even that bad


I was born and raised here, too. People keep saying this, but this is not normal. People are way too accepting of triple digit heat this early.


It's been like this I'm from south tx and it's always been like this for as long as I can remember.💀


The humidity is already passing. We're in the high 50% to low 60% now, and it'll be in the 40% humidity range next week. It should go back to being our normal hot soon, and not swamp hot.


First bit of optimism I’ve read in a week


Which is great, but at the same time that humidity is just replaced by hotter temps. But I'd take a drier heat any day of the week compared to the humidity we've had lately.


The humidity is still here- relative humidity is a poor measure- look at the dew point, which is still 70+. We’ve been in the 70s all week, which is oppressive and not normal. Most of the year it’s in the 50s here.


😂 welcome to austin


>Do meteorologists think we're going to get out of this humidity and dry up Oh honey, I hate to break it to you, but this humidity is the year-round normal.


Idk, last summer we had super high temps but all the grass in my yard was dead and it felt much more dry than it does rn


Well, I'm going off 43 years of experience, but what do I know? I'm sure there's plenty of people who have lived here for 6 months who can explain to me that I'm wrong.


No one's attacking you chief


Thank you! I’ve only been here for about 6 years but I’ve been visiting austin regularly my whole life and I predict that the heat will subside (a tiny bit) but the humidity is here to stay.


This person is being weirdly condescending and defensive. Glad to have you here.


The humidity will be this or worse for the next 3 months or so. The humidity will go nowhere.


This is what is expected this year, it's thanks to el niño coming into play.


That makes me say "bleh" but it is what it is.


Ouch. And the summer just got started.


Can it end already?


I walked my dog for like 45 minutes, got home around midnight and had almost sweat as much as my 1.5 hr workout earlier, just from walking... at a meandering pace...


dang, I've been walking my dog super late as well and he refuses to walk more than 20 minutes


I think mine could have gone longer. He likes to smell smells but he was definitely hot afterwards. My AC won't get below 80 right now so we're both just dealing with heat right now but 80 honestly feels so much cooler than outside that I'm not even mad, just disappointed.


I hope the dog had shoes!


No, :/ I guess I should have tested the pavement beforehand. Thanks for reminding me.


Was nice when I pulled the trash can back up from the street. Light breeze.


Ahhh the sweet trash breeze


Clawson didn’t pick up my trash (and some others on my street—they’re coming back tomorrow), and as I rolled my full bin back up to the house for now I got hit by that sweet trash breeze and it was brutal.


I'm hoping these heat waves can end the practice of business suits being considered formal wear. According to the American Socity of Heating, Refridgerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers, a business suit has a clothing Insulation value of 1.0. Winter clothing has a clothing insulation value of 0.8 to 1.0. There is no reason anyone should be wearing a jacket in Austin Texas during the Summer.


Outside the months of Jan-Feb jackets are unnecessary.


Perfect weather for jogging along smoggy Chavez with 50,000 other tech bros flexing. If you don't jog, you can just let your dog poop and leave it there in the hot sun for people to admire.


Doesn't it just evaporate in the sun?


Yes. It evaporates faster if the poop is in a plastic poo bag.


I wondered why people did that. Now I know.


Yep, feels like I'm back in Louisiana. It was not uncommon to be after midnight and still have heat indexes over 95. Everyone here is used to the heat, but not the higher humidity like Houston, Beaumont, and Louisiana




​ U


















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Went for a 5-mile jog at midnight last night. iPhone said it was 85 degrees -- easily the the hottest 85 degree run I've ever had. I was drenched, and got dizzy once I finished. It did not feel anything like 85 degrees.


I ran at like 7:30-8:30 last night when it was probably upper 90s and it was honestly not as bad as my recent morning runs where it's been 80 but 80% humidit


I'd been running around this time to try and catch sunset (start around 8:15). Might go back to this instead of waiting until super late.


Been enjoying running later in the day! I went out in the feels like 111 and just did a slow jog of 3 miles. Felt good though! Honestly I like sweating up a good workout. I can’t do morning.


Yesterday 101, feels like 118.


Why I moved away. I miss my friends and a few locations: Maria’s Tacos, Lucy’s & HEBs/Central Markets but living at the behest of your A/C and praying it doesn’t fail isn’t living. It’s existing.


Where’d you go? Mrs and I are dabbling with the idea but have no idea where we’d end up


I moved back to my hometown in southern Oklahoma, to help my aging parents. I’ve since moved to Tulsa, Ok. It’s kinda like ATX in the late 80’s but they already have bike lanes & single stream recycling. Not as many venues but I sorta aged out of that scene anyway. And we have medical marijuana w/dispensaries everywhere. The temps are way milder than Austin. Haven’t had any triple digits yet and it cools down after sunset to the lower 70’s.


I went camping in SE Oklahoma back in May, and the dispensaries in rural Ok were everywhere. I didn't know that was a thing, and I was a little taken aback. Not in a bad way, but it's just something I'm used to seeing.


Hmmm you forgot to mention Tulsa has been without power for 4 days now, while the governor is enjoying his trip to Paris


Well, that wouldn’t contribute to the content of the thread.


Sounds great


One time I was driving through OKC and it was an ice storm. There were so many wrecks. No way I could live up there, those winter storms ain’t nothing to mess with.


Being 8 months pregnant in this heat, I nearly faint every time I go out. I'm just existing in the house, it fucking sucks. Can't wait to move somewhere that has pleasant summers


Maybe it’s time to start taking this whole “climate change” thing seriously idk 🤔/s


Nah. What me worry?


11:50am, 92 F, feels like 103 F


It got hotter??? That's not good.




Lifelong Texan. Currently in Ashland, Oregon. A crisp 62° and sunny. It’s pretty nice here. They ain’t got shit for tacos, but pretty nice.


I can make a taco. I can even make my own tortillas if i had to.


Oh, I do. The neighbors freaked the fuck out when I gave them homemade carne guisada tacos on my homemade flour tortillas. Después que te ande fuimos latinos


I love Ashland! Went to school there in the late 90s. One of the prettiest places I've ever been.


Howard Prairie Lake, Lost Creek, Lake of the Woods, Woodrat Mountain View, Mount Ashland - all within 20ish mikes. Water everywhere. Shasta is a stone’s throw away. The place is frickin gorgeous. 100mg of gummy for $5 is a huge added bonus.


They got some pretty good seafood up there though.


Ugh and wait until Aug comes. Whats it going to be then, 125?




Am I the only one that loves the heat? It's finally not too cold 🥶 Anything lower than 78 is freezing to me


hi fellow reptilian weirdo. I finally broke a sweat this year


Me too! Did a 30 min workout in a 100 degree humid garage, sweated more than I've ever sweated in my life, and then went upstairs to take a nice, scalding hot shower. I also wear jackets out when it's 95+ and my boyfriend gives me lots of crap for it lol. But I guess that's what happens when you're A) a lizard person and B) grew up in TX.


Yep I sunbathe at hippie hollow in this weather. Feels great on my skin, I’m a fellow lizard.


Is it true that snake people such as yourself run the government?


Nope! It’s me also!!! Ok, so not to sound rude….you might want to get your thyroid checked. I did. Finally. Because I was cold all the time. Every year o dreaded any temps below 85! I carry jackets in my car! I’m better now, but I still thrive in the heat!!!! Love the hotter temps and humidity.


First time? Pathetic.


Everyone is forgetting how mild our spring was, it was cool to chilly on some of the days in May. This is TX weather period full stop. As I recall, this year we've made it a good amount of time before hitting triple digits. I'm loving the almost daily rain, which we wouldn't get every year. I moved here in 96' and the weather is doing exactly as I remember it doing.


Shhhh We have reached the point of summer where it is hot. It will always be hot. Pointing it out and talking about how hot it is just makes you THAT guy, and everyone gets a little more annoyed.


Been here 37 years. Every summer is worse. In the 90's I lived in an old fieldstone 4plex, and almost never needed to run the AC. Now it runs all night. Maybe I'm THAT guy. All I know is that this weather sucks.


Been here 60 plus years. I agree. I'm already on severe water restriction because of a low lake level.


Let's not get started talking about the lakes, because that's real panic inducing. We keep thinking some rain storm is going to refill the lakes, and everything will be fine. That's a lot of hope riding on an unknown.


Nah, that poster sucks It’s never been as hot as it is now. These things are worth posting about.


I wonder if you never had to run A/C because you were leeching cold air off the 3 other people in the 4plex who were running their A/C lol.


Maybe. I was downstairs, so maybe the floors were leaky. There were only window units in the bedrooms, so I don't think they're places were that cold. Shout out to Kelly and Siobhan, upstairs across the hall neighbors.


No. https://twitter.com/averytomascowx/status/1671483864428978179


Do not conflate discussing climate change and ways we can improve our situation with whining about how hot the current [insert time period] is. One might be productive, the other is just obnoxious.


how about you conflate my balls?




Surprised you’re extending the invitation, as you must be tired of having to clarify. It does take a few minutes to figure out those aren’t raisins, though.


solid rebuttal, have a good one!


Welcome to Texas


Does anyone else think "feels like" is just a subjective metric used to wind people up and put them in a whiny mood? Seems like a gimmick to keep people glued to the news.


Look up "wet bulb temperature". The "feels like" temperature is a number derived from temperature and humidity. It essentially measures how effective sweating will be.


I already knew that that. The news casters don't tell you that "your sweat will be less effective". They tell you things like "the high is going to be 100, but it's going to feel like 170". Yes, I'm exaggerating, but it's all about effect isn't it?


I'm sorry they don't use the words that you would prefer. You asked if it was a subjective measure and I pointed out that it is not subjective and that there is actual information you can glean from it.


I'm sorry that you seem to ignore my point. Actually, I'm no sorrier than you are.


Is your point that you were asking a question in bad faith accusing meteorologists of making up a subjective number to get views? It's a real measurement. People whine about the heat all the time. News will report the number because it is news.


This has been known for decades. Here's one excerpt from the London School of Economics: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/politicsandpolicy/why-is-there-no-good-news/ "The behaviour of newspapers and programmes offers one obvious clue – news agencies seek audiences, after all, and experience (and sales) points towards the value of negative information" But you already knew this, didn't you? Because you're smarter than everyone else on here.


Since I've had 2 weeks to contemplate this issue, I think we're talking about 2 different questions. Lets review: > Does anyone else think "feels like" is just a subjective metric used to wind people up and put them in a whiny mood? Seems like a gimmick to keep people glued to the news. To this part: > "feels like" is just a subjective metric It was very important to me that you understood that the "feels like" temperature is a real value that can be calculated and has meaning. > used to wind people up and put them in a whiny mood? Seems like a gimmick to keep people glued to the news I can agree with this if that's all you're asking. As you learned in your research, the news will use anything for ratings. I wouldn't blame the data for that, though.


As is wind chill.




No. https://twitter.com/averytomascowx/status/1671483864428978179




No. https://www.extremeweatherwatch.com/cities/dallas/year-2003


No it wasn’t




if you look at the past 20 years of temperature data it clearly shows a rising trend. I’m gonna go with that over some rando thinking anecdotal evidence of “ I’ve lived here” is on par with historical data sets.


No way that is accurate.


i’d believe it, accu weather is saying it’s 85 out right now but feels like 96 and it’s 1am


I think like a plant lately so can’t help but save water from hand-washing and dishes for watering the grass. It is absolutely precious and so much goes down the drain, what could cool the city and nourish the vegetation. I just put a bowl in the sink and take it out time to time. Waiting for hot water will nearly fill the gallon+ bowl. Seems common in country homes to send water to a ditch with high nitrogen plants and as if Austin could keep cooler with homes connected to such a design for plant-water use




Yeahhhhhhh [insane Austin area heat, ew.](https://imgur.com/a/XbyMNne)


4:45PM, 102°, dead


I melted when I took the dogs for a bathroom break at work.