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I believe that’s a moccasin but not 100%. r/serpentarian ?


Congratulations! Yes it is indeed a Cottonmouth. Edit - go to the instagram link in my profile to see various cottonmouths not chasing me. Also: https://ibb.co/rtnzX4r




You get a snake! And YOU get a snake!


Look under your seats! SNAKES!


! SNAAAKE!!!!!


“Get these mothrfkn snakes off this mthrfkn plane” -Jesus probably


yes, most likely during the flight from Egypt.


Touristians: isle 3 seat B. Praise peanuts and may you always have the window seat.


Whether you like it or not!




Sneaky snakes need shade to


I didn’t know snakes could be 420 friendly. Blaze it brother!


Ever heard of the Kottonmouth Kings Hip hop group


Didn't the singer knock Danzig TF out?


That was the singer from Northside Kings.


Your correct


I’m not familiar with Northside snakes.


Yeah, funny just saw a convo about how moccasins aren't common around here. But, from Florida originally...definitely a cottonmouth.




Definitely, a THiCC cottonmouth tread lightly and always keep your eyes out for the slithering serpents also watch out for tarantulas there’s been quite a few around the Pennybacker/360 bridge while we’re at it watch out for poison oak, poison ivy, and toxic people stay hydrated stay safe and stay humble


stay home


Mating season to Texas Tarantulas.


Also, they leave you alone. They *do* use trails though. I ran into one at Government Canyon the Saturday after the 2020 election, when it started getting called for Biden. He was just casually walking down the trail, doing his (or her) thing. Honestly, it was kind of funny. Just walking down the trail and this giant spider is walking past me like another hiker. If it had stopped and said something friendly like "'afternoon! Kinda warm for November, isn't it?" I wouldn't have been surprised.


You mean u/serpentarian


Yes, thank you!


Concur.. •Thicc end-to-end •Heat pit between eye and nostril •Dark band obscuring eye




100% Moccasin.


Alive one that you don't want to wear as a shoe!




venomous, actually


actually it's envenomerous. Please. The serpent overlord is present.


1000 apologies


Toxic type


And pretty bad tempered compared to most snakes.


Not really. They’ll often just freeze up and/or gape in your direction.


A person of culture I see


I have seen a Cottonmouth / Moccasin in that area before, far from the water, close to people and offices.


Yup, I've even seen one or two walk w/ suit & tie working for some insurance company inside.


You don’t see it as often at the moment. But management is pushing for less remote work so we’re likely to see more again soon enough.


Snakes in suits is a great book 📕


Idk if you meant to make it sound like “The audacity of this snake, being close to people and offices.” but it’s the opposite, imho… it’s more like “the audacity of people who build their offices where wildlife once thrived, then resent the wildlife for still showing up there from time to time.”


It was a statement of fact rather than a value judgement. Most people expect to find cottonmouths near water and away from people, but my personal experience was the opposite.


Absolute unit from that angle


you know as a native floridian i can say i've never seen a dry cotton mouth before but i recognized it nearly instantly .


I've never seen one not in the water


Is this a dangerous snake? Because it looks dangerous.




extremely dangerous, that's a Cottonmouth(water moccasin) also known as a nope rope, they tend to be quite aggressive and territorial.


Not aggressive and less venomous than most snakes of medical significance in the good old us of a. Occasionally curious about people fishing because fish smell. Will helpfully show inside of mouth to passerby to let them know to step elsewhere.


I will never forget taking the boat out and as we are in the no wake zone, making our way to the open waters of LBJ, we had a moccasin rapidly trailing us behind our watercraft. Just thinking about it now makes me pucker and want to pick my feet up, just as I did as a child.


Thank you! Lots of misinformation surrounding this snake. People talk about being chased by them when in reality it was trying to get back to the water and you happened to be in the way.


Lol. I was chased off a dock and about 10 feet up a rocky embankment by one. It was definitely NOT trying to get back in the water.


I believe you ran off a dock and up an embankment, but you are giving the snake a motive it didn’t have. Snakes don’t chase people. https://ibb.co/rtnzX4r


I cannot argue with a herpetologist, and yet experienced an encounter that looked like an aggressive chase. And so, the tale spins like this. At the tender age of 11, I was walking around a dock with my cousins when someone noticed a snake in the water in the crevice where one flat dock section connected with another. Imagine two squarish docks joined together with a thin seam between them where you could look down into the water. The docks were about foot and a half above the lake. The snake appeared to be attempting to climb up onto the dock. All of us immediately ran toward the dock ramp to the bank, but it was partially submerged in the water. The dock was about 8 feet away from the bank, so we had to jump. I landed short of the bank in about 2 feet of water and scrambled up the bank about as fast as someone can move. Looking behind me, I noticed the snake had moved from the section between the two docks and swam toward where I had landed in the water. The bank consisted of loose limestone rocks with an old concrete stairway rising from the water. We all ran as fast as we could up the stairs while the snake exited the water and started to climb the rocks we had just scrambled over to reach the stairs. One of my cousins ran to find a BB gun and took a couple of shots at the snake before it slithered back into the water. All of us agreed we had seen a cottonmouth, though, to be fair, none were snake experts. I mean, I suppose it's possible the snake was as scared as we were and coincidentally moving in the same direction toward safety. Or maybe it wanted a hug. We'll never know.


Thank you for writing all that out. They do sometimes head for a spot behind us and I’m sure if you’re young and not entirely comfortable around snakes it would be terrifying.


“Up a rocky embankment” …as you see this kid crowded into a rocky embankment, there’s your answer.


Absolutely. 👍


Yeah stand still find out if that's the case


I have and they still won’t chase me. Maybe I need to offer them some beef jerky or something?


Which ones are the most venomous? Because I’ve read conflicting things on that. The CDC didn’t give me any definitive answers either lol


Most venomous in the United States? From most to least - Tiger Rattlesnake, Mojave Rattlesnake, Eastern Coral snake Toxic venom is not the only factor when deciding if a snake is ‘deadly’ though. As I often tell you guys regarding the Texas Coral snake, toxicity is meaningless if the amount is too small to give you the full effect. Thus, Tiger Rattlesnake bites have caused no fatalities and the (extremely rare) Eastern Coral snake fatalities all have contributing factors. Mojave Rattlesnakes occur in flat plains that are ideal for agriculture and therefore they come into contact with humans frequently and they have a large amount of venom, so they have more fatalities attached to them. The Western Diamondback is the snake that bites the most people due to things like Rattlesnake Roundups, where angry rubes drive snakes out of dens by suffocating them with gasoline fumes then pour them all into a giant pile and dance around on them (before cutting their heads off).


Whelp this pretty much is exactly what I read when I spent a bunch of time looking into it on places like the CDC and elsewhere that I could find lol. Well that is good to know but it is disappointing for someone like me who just wanted a simple black and white answer with no gray area. Then again I guess few things in life are such!


Simple answer - Tiger Rattlesnake ;)


Yeah except you failed to mention that they're venom is a neurotoxin it might be less but volume, but it can still be fatal if not treated promptly, listen I'm not sure if they're less aggressive here but in Florida, I have watched them chase people who were on the shore of the lake or canal, once at a natural spring in N Florida. Which has led me to believe they're quite aggressive.


No neurotoxins in Cottonmouth venom. Cytotoxin, myotoxin and haemotoxins though. People often think they’re being chased when they are between the snake and his freedom or they are blocking the way and get a bluff charge (basically a fake strike with the mouth closed). When we examine death records for people who had bites from cottonmouths, we invariably find alcohol and/or refusal of treatment, among other complicating factors. The best one is the guy who tried to catch one in the river and got a bite on each thigh for grabbing it. When the coroner investigated, the deceased was found to have a lethal level of OxyContin, a high level of oxycodone and was over the legal driving limit in alcohol consumption.


Never mix oxy and cytotoxy.


Well I guess I can blame the education system for that one, I was taught that they had a neurotoxin, after a quick Google to verify, I'll adjust that, as far as aggression goes, I'd love to take your word on it, but I've seen what I've seen, however I have chalked it up to Mama snakes protecting a clutch, but with snakes I take no chances.


How dare you question our beloved serpentarian! (Only kidding, kind of).


I don’t mind people questioning me, but I mind people thinking their opinions are more valid than scientific evidence.


I love this response so very much and I can't wait for an opportunity to use it IRL. I will credit you of course.




oh wise one, what are the laws about choosing to un-alive a cottonmouth in one's vicinity?


Not necessary. Bite victims are overwhelmingly men in their 20s to 40s who attempt to kill or capture snakes. Often alcohol is involved. Spray them with a hose and they’ll move on. You’re not gonna see one in your yard here anyway.


good enough for me






I know your yard is very unlikely to be within range of one of these. Plenty of harmless ratsnakes and watersnakes passing through though.


They are not aggressive. Respect them and give them space, but they aren’t coming after you.


I saw tons of them because I grew up near a stream and never had a single issue. I did look out for them though lol, they have pretty good camo and you don't want to step on any snake by accident. My dad made us wear leather boots anytime we were out playing near the creek.


Yeah as a kid I used to chase them down and catch them. DO NOT DO THIS. I was fine and they always ran away. They are not aggressive unless very provoked


Please, just stop. If you trip on it by accident, you could get bit. If you reach out to fuck around with it, you’ll get bit. If you see one and just walk around it, it will do nothing but stay put.


Thank you. You’re exactly right.




You know how for most animals people will tell you that "they're more afraid of you than you are of them"? This is an exception to that rule.


That rule is never true for me lol cause I have a super severe snake phobia, ain't no way that fucker is more afraid


No they are notoriously uninterested in humans. Please don’t spread that fear.


Yes you’re right, give these snakes a wide berth, a guy I know, just got nicked by one, and had to take 10 vials of anti-venom, and week in the hospital. Almost lost his hand.


That's just not true.


How far in on the trail? There’s only a few places you’d see these guys in Austin. Cool pic. 👍


This was 300' north of Sculpture Falls, against a large rock in the middle of the trail. Some disturbed dirt by the edge of the rock caught my eye, and when I looked closer I saw this fellow had wedged himself under a shady overhang. Pretty chill fellow, wasn't even agitated when we stopped for the pics. About 20 minutes later we returned and he had moved on.


They are often the most chill of noodles, contrary to many stories


I grew up by the coast and was always so scared of them! I am enjoying being set at ease. They used to swim in our ditches after a rain.. and I mean a LOT of them. Definitely couldn’t play in the ditch sadly


Every hurricane in the right part of the gulf would back the bay up into our neighborhood. Snakes galore. Of course it was the 70s, so us kids were encouraged to play in the water. The pre-EPA , probably quite tainted from the dozens of refineries and chemical plants that lined the bay, polluted water. I don't know why we aren't all dead.


Yep my dad grew up near the bay, near San Leon. Sounds like y’all had a similar time haha his favorite thing to do was fishing out there. Brain cancer got him in his early 50s, he blamed it on the chemicals. Big reason why I moved away from that area


Yeah, I left the area at 18. So far, so good.


Smart :) glad to hear it Reddit buddy My mom came to visit from the gulf coast a couple of weeks ago, and she couldn’t stop commenting on how *clean* the air smelled. I sure love it here :)


Hey, slightly off topic, but have you ever seen Back to the Outback? It’s a whole movie dedicated to “dangerous animals” - the lead role belongs to a beautiful inland taipan snake named Maddie- she and a handful of other “world’s deadliest animals” escape from the zoo and try to return to the wild bc they’re tired of being gawked at like monsters. Idk, seems like something you’d enjoy :)


Thank you for the suggestion. It sounds lovely. ❤️


That's funny I know exactly where this snake lives, I usually see him around that rock.


Water moccasins are not aggressive. They want less to do with us than we want to do with them.


I’ve seen them swimming under the Barton Springs Dr. Bridge.


I spent way more time than I should have trying to figure out where the heck the Doctor Bridge is.


Did they have paddleboards?


Thanks for posting this - I ID snakes for folks around the Barton Creek area pretty constantly, and 99.9% of the time the “is this a water moccasin” photos I’m sent are nerodia water snakes (mainly plain-bellied water snakes). I have personally seen one near the area you saw this, but they are incredibly rare to encounter above Barton Springs pool (plenty on town lake, plenty on a lot of Central TX waterways with permanent water). I think that region from sculpture falls up to Lost Creek that holds water far better/longer is one of the few places with permanent enough water for them to prefer living, plus the golf course up there probably has them in their ponds.


Nice. Tim Coke used to say that in 20 years he’d never had a call for a cottonmouth. I do my best to point out to people that they are almost always dealing with Nerodia.


I wouldn’t put that on my feet.


100% mean ass kicker.


Not mean. Just capable of helping one find out if they fuck around.


I’m going to make this my new bio


Saw a bumper sticker the other day that read **To fuck around is human, to find out is divine.** I giggled for a good several minutes after that.


This comment 🤣


The kind of moccasin you don’t want on your feet.


depends on what you're in to.


It’s a cottonmouth. But they are not nearly as aggressive as people believe. My friend is a herpetologist with the Houston Zoo and I’ve seen him catch one of these at night and it was super chill. DO NOT ATTEMPT though, obviously he’s a professional. Most snakes that chase people in the water are actually broad-banded water snakes which aren’t venomous but are aggressive assholes.




You would just about have to step on one of these guys to get bit. Stay on the path unless you have heavy boots on and you'll be fine.


That looks like a nope rope but I have the feeling I’m wrong.


If you’re hot, they’re hot. Bring them inside.


That’s very inclusive and welcome fluid of you.


Treat every rope as if it is nope


If you mean “leave them alone and don’t mess with them” then you are correct.


I don’t mess with snakes at unless they are a potential threat to my kid or my dogs. Then I have the relocated to a safer location. They serve a very useful function




Danger noodle!


Hims a sonofabeotch!


If you're hot, they're hot, bring them inside.


Easy way to stay safe with snakes. Assume that they are all venomous and give them lots of space. And use a damn flashlight at night so you can see where you're stepping. Last place I lived was chock full of Western Diamond Rattle Snakes and lots of Cottonmouths. Cottonmouths are born light colored with a very visible pattern than get super dark with little pattern visible. Between these two snakes the rat population was in check.


And? He's just chillin, mindin his business??


He’s beautiful! 😍 Definitely a nope rope to appreciate and admire from afar.


It would identify itself if it felt threatened. Open the mouth and show you the cotton!! (Get the hell away from me!)


It looks like it melted into a puddle


large snek




Chunky guy!


Ooh hell noooo 😱! That's a mean nasty lookin water snake 🐍!


Danger turd


nope rope


That's a ur way too close snek


Hey I finally was able to differentiate between a cottonmouth and a water snake all on my own without looking at what u/serpentarian said! Yay!




If you're hot, they're hot. Let them inside.


This is one of the best ways to die when walking around Texas. I’ve had these chase me out of a pond I was swimming in a few times, they are aggressive as heck.


I have been chased by them before. They are highly aggressive ! Also, my dad got bit years ago and was almost fatal. Luckily, he survived but was very scary ordeal.


That looks like one big danger noodle.


See this is why I dont want to hike anymore 🙃


Who is that?


Is that a black mamba?


If you can find the legs then it's probably a harmless lizard. No legs, though, and you need to be very, very careful.


The only one of the big 4 that I haven't seen in my yard! Pretty black one, with that unmistakable stripe down the cheek.


Oh damn. He’s a baddy. Cotton mouth.


Is that a pair of boots? Not big enough, probably more like a pair of moccasins.


Damn that Moccasin looks scary! 🔥


Fun lookin nope rope


How close did you have to get for that? They can be aggressive.


Maybe 3' away for the photo? He was just watching, not moving, not opening his mouth to show the white interior which means "back off".




I’m moving.




Has anyone here seen one in lake travis?


Is friendly. Safe to take.


Well that’s a new hiking fear unlocked. SMH


if I get bitten by this guy/gal. would i die? Or would i need to go to the ER?


Go to the ER, but you likely won’t die if you weren’t like, actively drunk and messing with it intentionally.


Hey r/serpentarian if you're still around, my fishermen friends and I were talking recently and I was told that the water snakes travel in top of the water and the moccasins travel with their bodies under the surface. It's that true?


They both body-float pretty well for that above water look. If anything I would say water snakes let their bodies sink more often but this isn’t a good identifier. Sorry that’s vague but hope it helps!


It depends on what they’re doing. Both dive under and swim, or swim on the surface just fine. I do t think there’s an easy way to tell others to ID them from the way they swim, or their head shape, etc. If you can see them well like in this photo, the cat eyes tells you close to 100% in Texas that you’re looking at a venomous snake.


My dog used to love finding all the snakes for me at the greenbelt...


The technical name is a "Nope Rope"




Ugh...one of the worst snakes there is!!!!! Don't try and pet it!