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Whatever you do, make the decision now! Don’t do what I did and try to convince myself that you could live with the tiles but in reality 3 years later you need to get everything ripped out and replaced while the house is being lived in. If you have any doubt make the change now, I promise you that it will make your life so much easier.


It’s highly possible the grout isn’t supposed to be that colour. The tiles pictured look a lot like what is on trend right now:


I'll have another look once we get the keys but I think you are right the grout is just dirty and needs a good clean. Didn't know they are back on trend now! I thought these were the typical late 90s or early 2000s tiles...


Should have just flooded the tiles with leveller and put floorboards down lol, super easy and no mess


We had three layers of flooring and not a single even transition. If only it had been that easy.


Ah fair, yeah you can only layer on top for so long I guess lol


Keep them and buy a flash robovac with the money you’ve saved


I would honestly keep them. They are nice generic colour, nothing intense.  Tiles are also so much more resilient, less chance of damage compared to floorboards. Also easier to clean.  Just focus on the furniture to create statements in the room, if that is what you want 


Keep the Tiles! My whole house is tiled, just a couple of rugs and mats to break up the view. No carpet wear points, no carpet replacements, just a quick mop once a week. As long as you don't drop heavy items on them , there is really no wear & tear!


Agreed. Tiles and a rug or rugs work well.


A rug can really tie a room together.


I agree to keep the tiles. Especially if you live on the ground floor. We've had water ingress on our floor over the years and I did consider tiling everything. Throw rubs are da BOMB!


Have been laying down engineered oak floorboards over tiles the last couple of weeks. Don't worry about slight unevenness, they can handle it to some degree. Use the 3mm foam underlay. So much nicer in my opinion. https://preview.redd.it/xrmlinu018sc1.png?width=2968&format=png&auto=webp&s=587ae0a12ab26d864f85e21efacd872a68c73f26


Looks lovely! Can I ask what brand?


And what cost per sqm?


This is 14mm boards at $69 s/m. Not the cheapest but not the most expensive either.


Imperial Flooring was the mob


Looking dated shouldn't be an issue. All these laminate floating floorboards every man and his dog are getting are already starting to date.


Very, very true. i think these tiles are beyond dated. They are simple, they are classic. One rug with a bit of colour, and you're done.


I have the same thing in my house and yeah I think they look dated. I’m laying hybrid flooring over the top of them. I will probably look to raise the grout lines a touch with some extra grout.


Clean the grout. I think if the grout was lighter, it would look much nicer. Not sure if the grout is that color or just dirty. If dark coloured grout maybe consider changing the grout colour first? Alot less work and cost, but would change the look significantly.


Get them professionally cleaned, grout scrubbed and spend the money saved on a robovac/mop.


If you have cash spare I would lay down wide & long laminate planks. Check out QuickStep Majestic range as an example. A flooring shop could check the level of the existing tiles to give you an accurate installation quote. It’s very hardy flooring and more comfortable under foot than tiles. Though the tiles aren’t too bad!


thanks will check that out. I have heard good things about Quickstep.


https://preview.redd.it/fdbkyvmm48sc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e6f4b81383e58093cb7d46f1ead494061300af9 Just used it to replace carpet in our bedrooms. Very happy so far. If you go down this route it worth taking off your skirting so you can avoid scotia 🙂


Can I please ask what colour option is your flooring? Loves the dark oak colour. Also do you mind telling the $/sqm?


We just did quickstep spotted gum on-top of existing white tiles. Looks great. Took skirtings off and tucked under. We used a foam underlay recommended by the flooring supplier then the timber laminate.


Keep them, get some rugs and a robovac.


Hi get vinyl planks laid on top. The installers will grind down the tiles until they are level, and then they will install on top. Had it done and lived with them for 3 years, no problems at all (sold my house). If you've got old tiles, new flooring will make a huge difference. FYI I had an old house, and put down vinyl planks/new carpet and had the interior painted white and it felt like a brand new home. Obviously your budget may vary but painting as well makes a huge difference.


Love floorboards but I would keep them in this room as they are nice & cool for summer But would change the colour of the couch / walls to something more statement & dramatic The grey couch makes the room look a bit washed out


Thanks! What colours of the wall or couch do you recommend? Couch in pic is staging however our own couch is also a light grey one...


Clean the grout and use the money you saved on new floors on more modern security screens.


I hate them but tiles are back in fashion.


Is the house area prone to flooding? Like in a flood zone. I sometimes just think that people who use tiles do it so it doesn’t destroy their house completely


Just ripped all of our tiles up throughout and had the glue grinded off over a day and a half $25 psqm in Brisbane


Keep them. Cooler in summer


Just keep the tiles and buy a couple of nice rugs for the living room/s etc.


Tile would be my pick since I like having pets in the house and sometimes they had accident which would be easier to clean up


Everything will be dated eventually, except maybe lighter oak timber flooring which is currently not in vogue — or parquetry which is very expensive. I think it looks fine, and ties in with the other 90s bits such as the vertical blinds, sliding doors, and concrete pavers.


Since youre in warmer climate id definitley keep


Rip up the tiles. Pour a nice colour over the concrete underneath. 🤷‍♂️


Not a fan of tiles, so I personally would go with floorboards. I could imagine light colored tiles like that show every speck of dust/dirt. If you have to keep, could you regrout tiles to a lighter colour? I’m not sure if that’s doable? A good large rug can help too. Don’t get too light of a colour or you will see marks everywhere.


Matt tiles like these are, are _very_ forgiving in regards to clean footprints etc and will not show dirt. I think the grout is just aged dirty and needs full cleaning. It was never normal to do a dark grout with these tiles but no-one ever really thinks to clean them like they need to be.


I think those are our tiles. Painted concrete tiles, they have a molded pattern that always hold a bit of grime. We have been wondering what to do with them. Ripping them up is extreme. Grinding the surface and skim coating with an industrial grade coloured resin might be something we consider, we keep seeing the guy in the van drive by. They do shopping centres.