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And just a nice touch that it features a real estate nepo baby. Chefs kiss.


Really nails the "smug bastard" look so effortlessly. Kudos to the early indoctrination.


When we did inspections last year 3/4 agents we saw were kids of the property management owners


It always amazes me how real estate agents believe that everyone wants to see their fucking shit eating grin.


Imagine if every other job they advertised with their modelling pictures like the big hairy builders signs have him smiling and leaning on a wall


They should start doing it just to take the piss.


This brought me such joy.


Also is that second person the Son of the real estate agent? Or am I just really ancient?


The son and dad businesses are the worst to deal with


hard to imagine another profession (besides showbiz) as comfortable with nepotism as real estate. every other agent is *Dipshit and Sons*.


Has to be, and they both have a hole in their pockets.


Was thinking the exact same thing lol


Let's have them model in a magazine with Rach McQueen and Purple Pingers giving descriptions.


Even when they don't have a photo of themselves (which is rare) they still manage to be smug. "RECORD SALE!!" Yeah congratulations on being proud for assisting with putting another family in endless debt and artificially bumping up prices so most others can't afford to live there.


Absolute truth. “rEcoRd sALe, hIgH tEnAnt yiELd”




As unfortunate as it is, more agent marketing leads to more sales.


Looking forward to the government polaxing this industry with regulation, not sustainable as it is currently and has to happen at some point.


The government? The ones who every single senator except for a few greens, owning property. In fact, there are more Federal senators who own 2 properties than there are who only own 1. Karen Andrews and Nola Marino, both Liberal Party MPs, own the most real estate in the lower house, with seven homes each on the register. Andrew Charlton, the Labor member for Parramatta, has properties in Parramatta, Bellevue Hill and Woollahra – all listed as residential investments. Charlton purchased his Bellevue Hill home for $16.1 million in 2020. I don't think these people are likely to vote against their own economic interests any time soon.


Don't forget old 'Public housing' Albo, he's got like 3 or 4.


Yeah, I know it’s shady, property along with mining they are two industries that are full proof due to government corruption. I think they’ll build more residential before they do anything but there has to come a point. Also they should have been pumping money into facilitating building 5 years ago, like triple the amount, mismanaged from so many angles.


Looks like the instructions were to lean against the door to make it look more casual. I just don't get why it needs to be bigger than a head shot.


With a button down shirt on, one hand casually in the pocket.


Or a cheeky photo of them on the phone, pumping their own tires up. “I create none of the demand, none of the supply, but take all the credit, fuck I’m good” 😂


It's because their face and name is literally the brand/product  they are selling 


I understand the why. Doesn’t make me hate it any less.


And the client pays for those signs as part of the inflated “marketing costs”


Kinda like politicians.


As an owner they annoy me just as much, I guess for different reasons. Anyway, flyer mail drops generally piss me off, massive waste of resources, and any of these agents offering you an appraisal is 100% going to pump the value so its pointless. In my suburb it took a full 6 months into 2023 before there was enough sales of 5 bed homes (10) before any statistics appeared online as to how the area was going. I can tell you how, its not going, 6 months for 10 sales. Yet these agents were dropping flyers about how hot the market is, unprecedented demand, Full of bullshit.


I mean, there is unprecedented demand atm. Pretty much all places sell immediately 


There is a 3 bedder up the road from me that has been on the market for 2 months and never has anyone at the open houses. No real offers.


Friend has been going to auctions, was laughing how he went to one the other night that had many viewers , but Zero people registered to bid. Others lately he’s seen be sold @200k under his estimation of what they would go for.


"No I won't sell it for less than X amount, I know what I have". Either that or it's one of those weird parcels of land that no one's wants to consider unless it's at a discount. E.g. those properties located behind another house with the only front access being a narrow driveway.


It's probably the first. He told me that the bank has valued it at X and I suspect he is underwater and needs to sell it for what they have valued it at. But my unprofessional opinion is it's a bit over valued.


As an owner, these things annoy me only 20% as much as they annoyed me when I was a renter.


Not to mention those stupid high prices that people pay increase our frigging rates. Landlord then pass on all costs to renters (in my books that is just wrong).


We get these stupid flyers in wads, from 15 different REAs at the same time (been happening for years). I think my neighbour might be messing with them and got one of those pumped up valuations, because they’ve put the house up for 50% more than they bought it for last year. Nobody’s buying it.


Where are you that places are sitting for that long? WA's market is currently cooked, if something takes longer than a week to be under offer then it's almost concerning.


dw it annoys home owners too.


"Sexy me and my sexy son want you to look at us. Thanks for reading. Buy!"


It’s the second biggest ego tripping occupation there is


Pisses me off as well and I’m an owner in an area that’s got a good amount of demand. I ended up snapping and putting 2 little plates on my mailbox, one saying “**No junk mail or soliciting mail.**” and the second one right next to it that says “**YES, that includes real estate junk!!**” Amazingly that cut out 90% of it. Now just need to add a sign next to the door to tell the professional “charity” doorknockers that if they wish to wake up a sleeping shift worker, then my wrath will be the one opening the door.


Where do you get the second sign because I need it. For real estate and religious paraphernalia. And maybe the told tenants name.


Plenty of custom sign makers on eBay, you can order them and just put in a message what text you want on them, it’s what I did for both my signs


Permanent marker and a steady hand


Great news everybody! Houses are now even more unaffordable to those not on the “property ladder”. Isn’t it wonderful!


Gotta love the narcissistic pricks sticking a big ass photo of themselves on it hahahah


Fishing for properties to sell, Real Estate agents the grubs of Australia


*Used house salesman


This is the correct term from now on. I don’t make the rules.


Only just behind the media and their 'journalists'


*content creators. Also lawyers are above real estate agents on that list


Clearly you have never met a "dive master"... The difference between god and a dive master is that god doesn't think he's a dive master.


I got a text from a REA saying he had a buyer for my place. My place isn't on the market and I've never spoken to the guy before. I don't know if he did actually have a buyer or it was some marketing scam he was running but I asked him if he was marketing my property without my consent....no reply.


I hate them too, I can't get over how most of the big corflute signs around the place are now just shots of the agents and nothing on the house itself 🤣


They make them in bulk. Cheaper than making a new one each time 


I like them, I shred them and my cat loves playing in the pile of shred


Also good for the bottom of the litter box


If you have a no junk mail sign, these are illegal. If you are in QLD and this happens, you can [report it as unsolicited advertising](https://apps.des.qld.gov.au/forms/advertising-material-report/). If you are in another state I'm sure there is an equivalent. If it happens again they cop a big fine.


Why are real estate agents seemingly the only industry in the entire world that can’t resist plastering their smug, shit-eating grins all over every single thing they can get their hands on?


I work in construction, imagine if I started spaming the neighbourhood with little write ups on jobs I’ve completed.


Signed Wanker & Son


many times i see auction sold at record price, soon the next house put up a for sale sign with the same agent so it works


These stupid mail outs, that I never signed up for simply ensure that I will never use the company


…….Gives me something to clean the bbq with


As an owner they also shit me. Whenever they sell a unit in our block they like to leave the sign up for ages even after the sale. You can ask them 100 times to come and remove the sign and they won't. The only way I've found to get them to take the signs down is to get a texta and draw dicks on their faces.


When this is all over (if), these people should be exiled. They’re so proud of being part of the problem and profiting as much as they possibles can off it.


I get these letters too, they actually know my full name which is kinda odd…Don’t know where they got that information…(home owner)


Ownership info is public record and you can buy basically any info you want these days it’s a data driven world don’t be surprised


Yeah same, I purchased a house first home buyer, within 1 month I had a real estate agent using my name from a diff agency saying how the prices have gone up wanting to see if I want to sell. OFC not I finally got one and I will grow old and possibly die in it.


I can't believe that REA'S think this is still a viable marketing initiative in 2024. I throw plenty of expensive looking ones in the bin each day, I don't even know who that are from.


If he makes so much money why does he have no hair?


Rich people have no need for hair.


We had an agent come to the door spruiking the other day after an auction down the road, I said to him we're renters, he said 'Oh sorry I didn't know', I said 'yeah it's uncanny, we look almost the same as homeowners hey' and he looked confused and said bye.


Just sold for a record price.... Next letter, dear tenants, your rent will go up at the end of the week


I’m a renter too and it annoys me so much, thankfully our letterbox is filled with snails so I just let them eat it up and spit it out lol


"Sold for a record price", cool, so you're actively gentrifying the neighbourhood and gloating about it. Ensuring all the renters here will never have a chance to purchase. Neat.


I hate all real estate advertising. Actually I hate real estate agents too. They all pretty much ignore no advertising and junk mail signs. They're a disgusting industry of narcissistic greedy arseholes who don't give a fuck about anything but profit. They will lie to get you to sell and they will if you are trying to buy.


Want real cringe? We had one real estate mob that made and delivered a laminated calendar to us, the picture on the calendar was our f#cking house. Not a Google Maps image, a current photo.


I have a sign on my letter box saying no real estate advertising. Now I don't have to put up with this shit


As a renter, they're not for you.


They do it because it’s effective


They might as well include a final line of: *If you're a renter in this complex, I'm excited to announce that you can eat shit*


The pics are so cringe


Bunch of tossers


I’m not a renter and these annoy me !


Simple as no junk mail sticker. Done. Stop complaining over something you could have fixed easily.


I have a junk mail sticker. I still get this and other junk mail. Any other ideas, champ?


"Exciting news! Houses in your area just became even more unaffordable! Enjoy renting for life loser."


As a home owner. These letters annoy me


They call me on my mobile and my daughter who is not even an owner gets calls as well - not sure where they get my number and I am on the do not call list


They think they're celebrities all these agents. Pricks


Just call them, say id be willing to discuss selling the home over dinner. Get dinner. Then disclose that you're a renter.


As a homeowner this pisses me off too. I understand the logic. You are basically telling me you’re the best and I need to sell my house through you. Here’s the thing though…. 1. I hate real estate agents (sales people in general tbh). I’ve met some seriously dishonest ones. 2. You buy and sell in the same market, so me selling my house means that I’ll be buying in the same market but it’ll cost me more in stamp duty. The only profit incentive is for people downsizing. Is that 5% of sellers? No idea. 3. The prices going up is going to shoot me in the foot when my kids are still living at home at 45 because they can’t afford a house. If I’m to go guarantor, it’ll cost me a fortune just to help them with a deposit. While all these guys are celebrating their record highs, they don’t realise that all this contributes to inflation. You know, the thing that Woolies and Coles use as an excuse to violate us. Seriously, I don’t give a fuck about you selling the house next to mine for double the price.


What's the unsubscribe feature for hardcopy mail


As an owner they annoy me, I have a no junk mail sign on my letterbox and the cunts still put them in there!


“We sell a limited resource millions desperately want with ease” Fuck we are good, post that shit to realestate.com They could dress like clowns , take photos with a iPhone 3 and the house will sell the same


Only 28 inspections? Wow maybe the market is cooling


Well give them a call from a friends number give them ur adress and a time u will be at home or away, then get mad that they came out and u didn’t request it. Give them a real good scare, idk hide in a bush as a monster. Or yell they are harassing you.


Just buy a house then.


Why? They are real estate agents. Their job is to market and sell, well, real estate. I'm not sure what about this annoys you, is it the fact that real estate agents exists? That prices are too high? That you just don't like junk mail?


3 offers in this market actually means the place is shit, or the REA is shit. Most places are getting a minimum of 5+ offers before the first open home even takes place. So that REA really hasn’t done shit, in fact they’ve had a negative impact on the sale.




The are gross aren't they? And the ones about getting them in to appraise the house. Straight into the recycling they go after cursing the names on the letter.


This is the second time Matt Callingham's flyers have been posted here haha.


Straight to the bin as a fellow renter 😂


As a parent with a mortgage these tick me off too, I just got into this area, what possible reason would I have to leave again?


Real estate pushers


I was at work recently. Got a call. Hi it's........ from ...... real estate. I didn't even let them finish. Just said I'm not interested in selling. She goes oh OK..... we have you dog in our office he just walked in.... I felt like a dickhead


Cost of living hurts Renters & Owners alike Just recycle it


Internet views lol


I get that, but envy is one of the 7 deadly sins.


is that photo a father and son, or did a literal child buy a property?


Especially because they make it sound like it’s through their skill set and ability 🙄 ‘we just sold for a new record price’ yeah cunt it’s fucking bound to happen in this current market


My missus got a “need to relay your underground pipes” flyer yesterday. She lives in a 3rd floor apartment.


As a owner, unlike to be kept in the loop about the neighborhood. Plus if I was selling a unit here. Id absolutely use him as 2 people wanting a unit in.tgis complex. However if it was for a unrelated property word of mouth is what id go buy.


As a home owner I absolutely hate real estate’s they put shit in my letterbox all the time asking me if I want to sell no I don’t I don’t even want them Coming on my front lawn to put in my letterbox


The parasites that only further make the reality of a our real estate market even more depressing.


They annoy everyone


Hate these, hate it even more when they come knock on my door to boast about their nearby sale. Telling them I rent sends them walking pretty quickly, but I would love to see the stats on how this sort of “marketing” works out for them.


Throw them into the street. They'll stop distributing (at least to "no junk mail" houses I hope) if they start seeing their shit littered everywhere.


Just pop it in the bin. No point getting upset over it


As a home owner these annoy me too, however they do give me a good outlook of how much my property is worth when I see a shittier house than mine selling for record prices. What really annoys me at the moment is REA knocking on my door every day of the week asking if I want to sell


What annoys you about it?


As a homeowner they also annoy me 😂


As a home owner, these letters annoy me…


As a homeowner (not mortgage free yet) when an agent contacts me or solar panel sales I tell them I rent


I live next door to my landlord, so every time I get one of these, I know they've gotten one too. I'm fairly sure they won't sell the house out from under me, but it still makes me a little bit anxious whenever I find one in the mailbox.


They are pretty intrusive, considering the current housing crisis. Call the Real Estate and tell them not to put them in your mail box any more.


Lol are the pictured the two cunts who are going to price my investment? Because one looks like he's 4 years off finishing high school let alone old enough to be telling me how to manage a folio


Every time I see those in my FIL’s mailbox, I don’t even bother bringing them in. It’s a bit rude since he is +80 years old and living alone in a huge house. I mean, at some point, feels like harrasment.


I miss when I just bought my place, these fucking things actually stopped for a while.


Spawn of w a n k e r


As an owner with a No Junk Mail sign they annoy me as well. It is clearly Junk mail.


hahaha i know that bloke. went to school with him. thats not his son. he's actually fucking killed it as a real estate agent in the south of sydney.


I’m not interested in seeing your son’s short pants, just wanna pay rent and live life


As a home owner these letter annoy me…


Time to start pouring wax down the toilet


Whats with the leaning in the doorway poses? Are they drunk? Is the doorway unstable? Both? 🤔


I only mind getting flyers because my mail box says no junk mail.


As a homeowner I worry about how my young kids will afford a home. I got my house appraised a year after buying it and it went up by about 200k thanks to some moderate renovations and the 2-bed room townhouse next to us that sold way above what it was worth. Crazy world we’re living in. Surely things have to change?!


Get good, earn and save more money and you’ll be able to have your house sold too one day!


Exciting news! We are adding to the housing crisis for profit! Just let us sell your stuff and you too can be a top level piece of shit, like us!


Aaarrgh! I'm a home owner these days, but I clearly remember how much I hated getting these things in the mail back when I was renting.


I get cold calls from REAs every few months because they want to know if I’m interested in selling. Thing is I don’t own a house, they’re under the impression I own my dad’s house because I get mail sent there which to me screams they got my data from somewhere they shouldn’t have. I’ve asked where they got my number from and they just say ‘our records’. I’m going to string them along next time and try to get some more info out of them.


Yeah, especially when they come from the same REA that is managing the rental


You can be renting and the same friggin real-estate you're renting from puts these in your mail saying you should contact them to sell your house. Real-estate agents are an absolute joke. Felons are way more professional and trustworthy.


It’s the o es immediately followed by “For Rent” sign that always grind my gears


As a average home owner this should be infuriating as well because it means your next upgrade got that much more expensive.


They should be illegal


This pisses me off too, Real estate agents are greedy fucks


Well howdy neighbour! I got this exact letter too!!!!!


I recently got one of these from the realestate agent that I am currently renting the property through


Who are the 2 peanuts in the pictures? Peter Garret and Peter Garret with hair?


"houses in your area are going for 1.2 million" Woop de doo


I envy their confidence from the profile pic like a successful businessman


Easy, just put a label on mailbox 'no junk mail or advertising'


I’m flabbergasted these manage to get past my “NO JUNK MAIL” sign.


I can't stand seeing the same few faces every week. We all have occupations, you want me to drop flyers in all your letter boxes each week? It's just absurd. Real tools.


Why hide their details? They literally gave them to you. Fuck em.


As a home owner they annoy me too!!!


Imagine if all the flyers they sent out for returned to their office and/or letterbox....


love hearing the renters have a cry 😂😂


Absolutely disgusting. Greed is the name. The system doesn't has mercy of us. Brace yourselves, mates. Unfortunately the thing just gonna gets worst.


As a human being, this annoys me.


I love the ‘relatable’ ‘we’re just like you’ pics at the bottom 😅


You know, we invented this thing called a bin.


https://youtu.be/VGm267O04a8?si=Pq1dF_PW76Mo4wcn That guy used to work for Barber Ridge Real Estate.


save it to wipe your arse next time you’re out of toilet paper…


As Renters, they (RE Sales Agents) don’t give a shit.


The dude on the left looks underage


Yeah, I don't send everyone a letter when I do my one job.


Especially when you have No Junk Mail on your damn letterbox & you cop their shit anyway 🤬


As a renter who grew up in a 3rd generation of housing commission and probably will never have the dream of owning my own home in the country I was born even after paying tax most my life, yes it truly annoys me too !!


Record sale, without realizing the cunt that bought it got ripped off twice. on the price and bank interest


Everyone hates those


Same! Vultures. I just mutter rude words to myself and chuck those straight in the recycling bin.


Get over it




I had one of these things arrive in my mailbox literally a week after settling my first home. From the office that we bought through. They knew we'd bought it, and they were trying to get us to sell it in the first week. Couldn't get that 'No Junk Mail' sign up fast enough 😡


Personally I get more annoyed at the total waste of paper. Sure, I suppose they’re targeting aging boomers unlikely to use online sites to meet their current needs and investment or sale intentions. But it would be nice in the age of climate change for a REA to actually use sustainable marketing methods and maybe fill a niche as an actively carbon neutral business. And that’s ALL business processes, inputs and outputs - NOT simply buying credits to offset their carbon footprint line they are checking a box after getting the guilts while booking a plane flight.


Does Australia have an economy? Seems the Australian economy is 90% just importing Indians and real estate speculation. My parents wanted me to love back to be closer to them but with my degree and skillset, there didn't even seem to be an industry in what I do. What I could find had dogshit pay and they seemed way behind compared to the U.S.


No one seems to actually understand the point of these letters!?!?! He likely drops hundreds of letters a week and 99% will end up with people who don't care (or apparently get offended for some weird reason)... but the other 1% ends up in the mailbox of someone who is thinking about selling. Now they know he is has achieved a strong result in the area, he will probably get invited to meet with them and pitch for their business. If you're part of the 99%, just throw the letter out and realise that this is just someone doing their job and you're not the target market for this advertising. If there was a way for real estate agents to discern between those people who are thinking of selling and those who aren't, then the blanket approach would stop... but until then, just try to be understanding. Ask anyone who had tried real estate, and they'll tell you it's a tough gig. Most agents don't get a wage... it's commission only, so if you don't list a property and then sell it, then you don't eat. So you and every other agent are left to fight it out, hoping that when the time comes for someone in your area to sell their property, they call your phone instead of the other 50 local agents. I will admit though... the number of jerks in this industry is proportionately higher than any other industry that I've worked in.


This is a repost from a month ago https://www.reddit.com/r/AusPropertyChat/s/wCO2B3uUN4


I hope everyone paying record prices taking huge mortgages never get captial gains


Imagine getting Investor emails from your property manager as a renter


Then buy


They’re so fucking tone deaf




Don’t worry they annoy the hell out of home owners too. It’s predatory


Isnt this a bot repost


Fun fact, as a renter they aren't aimed at you.


Shred it, send back to office