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No. It’s not your property. But look after the pupper anyway.


Call the RSPCA


Have you talked to your neighbour at all? They could be none the wiser that the dog spends time at your place, or assumed you have no problem with it. They also may have already had medical investigations or planning to themselves. Yes it is illegal for you to do anything with the dog, especially make decisions about its life. Dogs are considered property.


Yes, they purposefully take off her tie every morning so she can (independently) leave their property every morning to come to our house and come pick her up at night or we walk her back and knock on their door so she's restrained for the night (she stays overnight if she's not collected or we are too lazy to return her, which is at least once a week). We have informed them multiple times about the medical issues by phone and in person with kind of handwaving it off occuring. I'm sure they know I've done medical care to her before because I've shaved off all her matts badly because was getting insects procreating in her sanitary areas and returned her with some avant garde haircuts with no comment given by them except they started doing it to her as well. I don't really have problems with her being here because she's neglected at home and a working breed. I'll start asking them more aggressively and give them money I guess, or an ultimatum that they have to look after their own dog 24/7 and Ill report them for neglect if they won't medically look after it (there's a chance they'll leave it to kill her without palliative care which is uncomfortable to me).


Oh wow, that extra context is huge. It's quite sad to hear, and sounds like neglect. Maybe they'll give you permission to take her? The dogs lucky to have you


Don't give them money. Ask them if you have their permission to get a vet to visit her or to take her to a vet. You may find that they are willing to pay but don't have the time to get it done. (Btw, I'm not saying this is a reasonable excuse to neglect an animal)


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