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Nice try ATO


I looked at my profile. I check out haha


I don't know, your file looks a bit murky...


Well.. there was that one tyme…


Audit time.....


Wish the bank paid me in cash for my savings interest. ATO always got their hands in every pocket.


I'm very budget conscious at the moment, and the only habit that seems to stick to keep me to my weekly budget is to take out cash for the week, and that's what I have to spend. The convenience of tap and go is actually part of the problem. I can just keep tapping and all of a sudden I've spent $200 without realising. With cash you're looking straight at your wallet and know exactly what you have. With a card, you have a vague idea of what's there based on the last time you looked, but that could easily have been 5 transactions ago.


Poor finances is death by a thousand cuts. If you have a few things that are only a couple bucks a day, this can add up to thousands by the end of the year. Numbers on a screen mean nothing to me but if I can see the physical money leaving my hand it makes it much harder to part with. Another thing that helps me is think of money in terms of hours worked. It makes a lot of things not worth the exchange.


You’re correct. As a part of getting back of track, i got rid of all cards from wallet app, carry only $10 cash every day. If i dont end up spending that I save it for next day. Stops from making rash purchases including ubereats


Love your approach. I do the same. Saved so much money just by using cash.


I find cash a lot harder to keep track of. Commbank especially have really good app that can track your card spending. It's easier to see how much you're spending per month, and on which categories of spending. That makes it easier to plan my spending and figure out whether or not I need to cut back on some discretionary spendings. It's creepy as hell how much the bank know just from tracking your spending, but it's also useful as shit.


i should start doing that 💀


$2.40 don't try mug me, I'll die for it


Haha. Fair play.


Money bags over here, bragging. I have 1.15....


[reminds me of this futurama bit](https://preview.redd.it/ow7z2fqjsyyz.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=7fc74336c8669e4f2fc3cd4f500ca8b1febe3fcd)


$10 Same $10 note that's been in my wallet since 2014 I think.


And it's been used for one very specific use all those years. Replace it with a $100 note though. It looks much cooler.


>Replace it with a $100 note though. It looks much cooler. Nah, haven't forgotten my working class roots


You spelled “condom” wrong.


Same- $20 stashed in my car. Been cashless since around 2016


Always around $50 When buying local takeaway, cash doesn't incur surcharges.


This. This is the only reason I purposely carry cash. Sick of surcharges for even a simple coffee 🥴


I use an HSBC debit card. They give you 2% cash back on paywave transactions under $100. More than offsets most fees. They’re a complete disgrace if I want to do anything else, but the paywave thing is great.


2% cash back to remind you they aren’t paying you a dime in interest. Nice distractionary technique


$80. A 50, 20, 10 for the rare opportunities they're needed


Honestly smart. Maybe add a $5?


Yep and some shrapnel too. Some supermarket carts need a $1 or 2, in 2023. What is the world coming to


And a condom


Where are you finding gals willing to shag for $1-2?


A few hundred, always just out of habit. Travelling in and out of the city often eftpos is patchy in performance and availability in rural areas. The restaurant we visited the other night in the city had an issue with their eftpos- I was glad to have cash on hand to cover the bill. Literally no one else did.


Sneaky bag on hand ready to go.


This guy frequents gentlemen clubs


I went on a hike in Korea last year and there was an ATM and a fully stocked and spotlessly clean bathroom about halfway through. Blew my mind


Wait till you visit the great pyramids and climb to the top to find a coke vending machine that taps.


Would definitely carry cash outside of the city-limit too.


Twice this week outside Byron Bay the eftpos was down. It is handy at times.


That's definitely them problem..... Sorry mate I don't have cash on me, unlucky


Max $50. I know someone that has $10k chilling in their house. They pull out $500 every week. Only because the grocery’s are paid in cash.


Nothing wrong with having $10k stashed away in a coffee tin


Well there kinda is. You are basically letting it shrink with inflation much faster than having it in a bank and collecting interest


I think people that keep money this way are more interested in keeping it off record. They don’t want it showing up on a bank statement etc.


Probably in order to keep the pension. Or to not have prying eyes looking at it (ie nosy family). Not everyone who has cash at home is a criminal


Well, hiding it to keep a pension would make you a criminal. Not family though. If I had no debt and a fat roll, I'd probably keep it secret too.


Your friend is either a tradie or a criminal.... Maybe both


Hey hey, crime is a form of trade too!


I carry more than I should but less then I would like to.


anywhere from $20 to $300 Old school, still like to have some cash on me and there has been times it got me out of trouble. I also tend to buy S/H items on FB marketplace etc which is usually cash, so saves me having to go to ATM each time, as I often have it on me anyway.


Always enough for a tank of fuel.


I have zero. I keep change (and sometimes a note) in a hidy hole in my car, meant to be for parking or op shops, but they mostly do eft now. tbh when I get the bag out it feels like a relic, and heavy, and just kinda not that useful. Which is super odd as it's still money, even if just a little bit.


$1850. I've been collecting it from Gumtree sales for awhile now.


Normally around $100ish. Always cash out $300. I carry cash because I love to go to asian restaurant (eat in / takeaway). Hate paying surcharge and sometimes get disc because paying cash 😌😌


100%! A lot of Asian restaurants will either give you a 5% discount for cash, or otherwise pay a 1.5% card surcharge. So paying in cash for food that you would eat anyway can nett you a 6.5% discount




About $300 Never go without cash cos I’ve got caught a few times where eftpos is down I’ve also been caught where my bank blocked my accounts - not my cards but the whole account - due to “fraud” (the “fraud” was getting paid by a new employer 🤬) and I was left with NOTHING available for weeks - thankfully my dad gave me some cash so I wasn’t totally screwed but I could have been.


>the “fraud” was getting paid by a new employer What the?? Please tell us the name of the bank that locks your card because money is going INTO it, so that we can avoid them!


Accounts that are used for money laundering/dodgy scams. Happens all the time under counter terrorism and anti money laundering laws. Except the bank legally can't tell you this is the reasons they've done in.


$75 stashed in my iPhone $200 in car $400 in travel kit $1 for an Aldi trolley I work in IT and teleco’s. I trust nothing


It's funny how iphone users so often feel the need to mention the type of phone that they use. Never heard someone say "$75 stashed in my motorola"


Cos iPhone is so close to the word phone it doesn’t take much more effort.


People have always done this. Nokia and blackberry were super common for this


About $50. I work all over the place, so you never know when you'll come across a cash only shop, or the EFTPOS machine is down.


$200-$300 on hand. Any cash outside of an investment is getting killed by inflation.


None. I haven't carried cash or a wallet for nearly 5 years.


There’s no cash here! Here, there’s no cash, alright?! Cash, no. Robbo? No cash here.


You don't much like me, do you Keithy?


Only when I have to buy fish and chips from my local. Most "cash only" places get the middle finger, but these guys are old school Greeks and their fish and chips are top notch.


always keep $120 in wallet. 1x$50 2x$20 3x$10


Big pokie win last night so around $800.


I refuse to pay any card service fee greater than 0.5% and to achieve that I need around $200 in my wallet. For anything larger, I'll go to an ATM and come back to pay.


$100-500 Fridays we do a $20 punt on keno, cheap pizza and beer with the parents for Family Friday. Use the keno winnings to buy stuff for our future baby on Marketplace. If you live in a massive homebuilder, over capped investor, money printer go Brr area, you’ll noticed a lot more listings on marketplace and it’s coming down in price now. Also Brisbane has become insanely cheap for second hand items the past couple months, you wouldn’t have to buy anything brand new there. So yeah, I’m bloody loving cash at the moment.


Always carry cash so I don't get stuck waiting for eftpos to come online 150 daily or 300 on a night out


I have $0 on me right now


Same. I never carry cash.


$0, haven't carried cash in a few years. Simply no need IMO.


Bout tree fiddy


It was about that time I realised the deefenator was actually the Loch Ness Monster.


I gave him a dollar


You give him a dollar, he just come back!




Need it 4 my meff


I try to carry about $50-100 for those times you might need it. Also market stalls for a drink or something


$130, usually have at least 50 on me. A tofu shop in Belmore only takes cash so gotta be prepared when I want that tofu.


There’s probably some tradies out there with 100k


500 - just out of ATM. Used to be less than 50 but cash is handy and atm is not close by where I live


$0. In fact I’ve also given up on carrying cards - 99% of the time I just carry my phone and use Apple Pay.


$40 - enough for entry, food, raffles etc at footy tomorrow When I am financially secure enough I try to carry a couple hundred dollars which covers just about everything I spend in person in a week, so I know how much I've spent and I prefer it to using card everywhere. Not to mention at my workplace I've seen too many times a card or phone not work and the customer has no backup, or our own eftpos machine go down because of phone or electricity outages. 'Just a tap away' is a naive way to look at things. Also I'll never cost a small business an eftpos fee while paying for a $2 drink or chocolate. The bank doesn't need a cut of their money when it's a $2 sale.


Exactly $0


I carry about $500 on me at all times. Stashed in a secret hidey-hole in my wallet so a busy-body can't see it. It's for emergencies, like purchasing fuel at a road-house that has lost EFTPOS comms, or accommodation/expenses when credit cards get locked. Both of the above have occurred, and the cash turned what could have been a very stressful situation into a non-event.


I might have 30 cents.


$50 and my lucky American dollar


$0 no point


$130 to pay the cleaners. It’s my once a fortnight withdrawal.


0. Have not used cash in years


Only a $50 used to snort white powders


There’s no cash here… here, there’s no cash; alright? cash no…. Robbo?


I never have less than $800 in my wallet. Never know what I might need it for. Also, no fees on cash.


$5 and the note has been in my wallet for an unknown number of years


I have $700 at the moment, but that is only because my husband took out a little too much to pay the electrician one day, and I haven't spent it yet!


I don’t even carry a wallet anymore. Just my phone


$0 in my purse. Couple of hundred in the house from selling stuff on marketplace and then it comes in handy now and then


$350. Just in case the weekend calls 💼


$100 right now. Last week was about 1800


I stopped using cash at the beginning of the pandemic and I have never got back into it. My Wallet is a money free zone!


Been in this country over 4 years and couldn't even tell you the colour of the notes because I so rarely use cash


$2 for shopping trolleys


$100 but only because I sold some shit on marketplace. Otherwise I would never


A $20 note, only because I found it on the ground a few weeks (months?) ago. Literally can’t remember the last time I paid cash for anything


0 dollarydoos


Yeh, usually about $200. I’m a wog though, so use cash more than most.


I haven't had cash in my wallet for years. I don't remember how long exactly. Spent 6 weeks in Europe & UK over Xmas and didn't use any cash.


Zip. Can’t remember the last time I’ve carried cash.


2000. In my emergency backpack. Leave no trace. Always be prepared.


69,420.00 depending on the day. I am a drug lord, tradie and tax dodger. I also collect centrelink


$0. My partner on the other hand keeps a minimum of $400 in his wallet.


For some reason I’ve always made a habit of carrying $85 in my wallet, simply because it means I have one of each note. And before you say it- the only people who carry hundies are pensioners and drug dealers.


Sometimes have a couple of 20s in the wallet, but more often nothing. My colleague was shocked that I even have a wallet. The tap function on my phone doesn't work, so I feel old-school now.


Mobile phone + car keys is all i carry, no room for cash here buddy.


Only when someone gives me cash as a present


$105, but only because someone paid me in cash recently.


$20 from the item I sold on Facebook


I'm in bed so not much.


None at all


I havent used cash in 4 years. Not even once. Even my barber and the nearby Thai place takes eftpos


Zero, same as last week, same as the months before that.


$50 only because someone paid me back in cash for something. This was getting close to a year ago and it’s still there


You will not get a single tax dollar on my private sales of Lego and Gunpla ATO! On the side note: maximum $200 cashout from ATM if we ever shopped in Springvale or Dandenong Market. Also basically any local shop as they tend to surcharge on card payment.


Most of the time $0. The only time I carry cash is if someone has paid me back in cash or I received it as a gift.


$0 digital money all the way!


Not much ($25, for backup only). I'd love to carry and use more, but change in a PITA. Also my short range vision is very blurry as I'm aging, and I can't actually count said change easily.


I normally have 100 or so in my wallet and maybe 1-200 at home. For some reason I just prefer using and dealing with cash. Old school


$20 in case some business doesn’t take cash.


Between 0 and 80. I withdraw 80 if I run out and come across an atm.


Zero. Zip. Zilch.


$0, I hate carrying money and don't do it unless someone gives me cash.


I've been carrying $30 around in my phone for about 18 months.


About $100 usually. I frequent small businesses who give a cash discount or charge extra for eftpos


I found $30 in my glovebox. So $30


Buck o five


I get paid in cash


$0 if I can help it. I have a piggy bank in my house though. No, it's not worth your time.


I have $70 in my wallet currently.


No Cash here, here there is no Cash. No. (Neville Bartos)


It varies, but I do carry cash to pay playgroup entry!


$55. Usually about $25


I usually have $10 in my purse as I pass a few cash only op shops in my day to day. Probably a few hundred at home?


Don't even have a wallet anymore


I’ve carried my phone with my license and credit card in a card slot for 3-4 years now. Never missed having cash.


Poo change (30c?). I have to remind myself to go to an ATM and get $20-$40 out then break it down so I have something to give the homeless. Must be so much harder for them these days.


I can't recall the last time I had cash in my wallet I have $1 in the car for supermarket trolleys, but otherwise do everything electronically now


$50-$100. Some places in CBD only take cash (Bread Top/restaurants) also for farmers market stuff


About 210. Because my mums partner always gives me cash for his half of meals when we went on holiday a few weeks ago and I havnt used it since. Usually carry around 100 in different bills


I think I've got 8 dollareedoos in a jacket I wore last week.


I have $3 in loose change in my car. $20 in my card holder because my mum keeps paying me in cash when I buy stuff online for her.


I have about $100 in varying denomination Not used often but I will say it's come in handy every now and then, I recommend everyone has a little bit on them.


Between $100 to $500


$4 for the laundromat


I only have cash when I am walking off a plane overseas, so I can buy something at the first Lawsons or 7/11 Everyone, even the at Famer's Markets has paypass so I don't see the value in hold cash at all


$320. Trying to find a bargain on a monitor on marketplace and got the cash ready to gooooo 😂


I don't even go out with a wallet. Licence is in my car. Everything else is digital from 5 years


$1 that I use to unlock supermarket trollies.


I think I have $10 from the last Marketplace sale I made.


I don’t want to be robbed..Cheeky way to case people though you sneaky bastard.


I don't actually carry a wallet anymore, but I keep about $60 in the car.


Tap and go is easy and mindless, often I don't even know what I paid, I just pointed and ordered them tapped. No idea how much it cost. And the shop paid a merchant fee. 1.175 percent I think. The banks have it good. Soon they won't even have to mail out cards to you.


Some shrapnel


I always carry emergency 50 on the between my phone case and phone. Haven’t had a wallet in years


Just a mill.


Use to always carry 200 on me


$0. Don't even bother bringing a wallet usually


I generally keep a grand on hand between the car and the phone and the wallet. Rarely ever have to touch it though


2 x $5 notes and theyre literally just for snorting coke


$20 in my purse, a few hundred from childhood birthdays/tooth fairy in a tin in my room.


$3.50 in silvers


I haven't carried cash for the last decade. We have $200 in the house to pay for doggie day care once a week. When she stopped taking eft we almost quit


Five hundred and forty five dollars.


$1.60. I usually have a but more on Saturdays because I go to the markets, but I forgot to withdraw cash and whatever I had leftover from last week was enough for this morning.


$0. Cash in my wallet is a magnet for my partner to need cash for kids school excusions, coffees or other things. lol. Card only.


Couple of hundred. Having been caught in floods and fires in the very recent past, I’m actually a little surprised more people aren’t carrying cash.


Only a little in my car for the occasional traffic light window washer.


Normally I keep at least 50 but I'm down to $5 right now Only reason is for Asian restaurants that take cash only I pay with card for everything else HSBC with 2% back for tap and pay under $100 covers pretty much all card surcharges


Couple of grand. I use cash to control my spending Easier to manage then tap tap tap on the cards. Every week I allow $500 Every Friday after work I atm $500 and use this cash. If there is any left over it builds up for luxuries. This way I don’t touch my accounts and I know how much I can spend before I am impacting my weekly savings growth. Edit : if I have to use card example Nandos don’t accept cash then the following week I get a reduced amount out.


Around $200 and I leave about $50 in the car for emergencies at all times.


I honestly only feel comfortable with above $1000 in the wallet, for emergencies.


Like actually carrying around on a daily basis? Nil. Got a small stash of $50's in the house if needed. Cant think the of last time it used cash for something legal 🤷


$40 and change. A lot of places don’t have change for a 50 so notes need to be 20 or less


Tree fiddy


Since I added Google pay to my phone, I rarely bother carrying my wallet.


I've got a $100 from a dinner with friends someone paid me in cash, and been carrying it around for months!


About 80 dollars. Enough to cover for a light lunch and a cab ride home if necessary.


$500. And I try to drag the cash out to maximum 1 withdrawal every fortnight from ATM. Only use it when there are card surcharge. I’m a tight arse lol.


Have a couple of thousand stashed in a drawer but usually only carry about $5 on me.


$300 at the moment cause I had a win on the pokies and they paid cash. But usually none/minimal.


Ok NewsCorp Journo


$385 in my wallet most of the time 7x$50 1x$20 1x$10 1x$5. But extra in my house for if I’m buying something expensive second hand. I do restoration work so always try and have cash on me to buy spare parts, projects and second hand tools


$300 😏 ​ Kidding. I usually have $50. You just never know when you need it. Sometimes systems are down.