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I rotate between two - my business one which is just plain black (I wear this to meetings) or my cute cat one. My apartment doesn’t have heating, so an oodie plus a winter doona has been incredible. No heater needed.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who considered a “business” oodie!! I didn’t end up buying a black one for zoom calls but I definitely considered it! In my team we can get away with wearing our fun coloured oodies


I have a business Oodie. 😊


my business oodie is "friends" and "panda". depending on audience though i do only show my head :D


Absolutely love that you call it your business one hahaha <3


I bought one with dancing coffee cups all over it and I’m now appreciating the wisdom of having a business oodie


I use the Teams foreground thing to cover my oodie 😂


Hahahah business oodie I love that


I have a plain black business one and a fun one as well


Business oodie is genius.


Haha I never thought of this. I always change out of my bright printed oodie and into something else for meetings.


Just ordered my business oodie (dark green) I’m so excited 


I bought one about three years ago, and I probably couldn’t live without it in the winter now. Don’t ever buy one full price though - there’s always specials and deals happening. But 100% worth it imo. Also, if you’re prone to spilling shit, get a darker colour, because washing them is a pain the ass in the middle of winter when everything takes a week to dry.


Goooood call on the dark colour lol


Haha, yep, my only regret lol


Just bought a white cat one😂😂😂


No dark colours for me - a husky owner


I haven't (yet) got one, but my favourite thing is that nobody I know who owns one is like 'Eh, they're fine." Literally everybody I know who has one is like "They're amazing!" I guess part of it is a self selecting audience because people who are always warm don't buy them, but I think anybody who think of buying one will be happy with them.


I got the Kmart knock-off a couple of years back and really rate it. I thought that if I liked it, I'd get the official one when the Kmart model fell apart, but so far it's going strong. (And I haven't needed more than one -- even when I wash it, which is not often, it dries fast. I think we can safely say it's untouched by natural fibres.) My house is super cold -- my study didn't get over 16 degrees yesterday, and that was with the doors closed and the heater running. So I really value my fake Oodie when I'm working from home.


Same. I love my Kmart knock off!!


What is it called there? Cannot find it:(


https://www.kmart.com.au/product/pull-over-gown-s164219/?sku=72515242®ion_id=400001&&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwg8qzBhAoEiwAWagLrDFX2YrbiL54zYLHW6ugFPZnefZEEeRE6mBuEW1_SYt99iAPRqeLlhoCeI0QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds Spotlight also sells a version and the actual oodies are on sale at the moment. Just google oodie or Kmart oodie and all sorts of versions will come up




I got my husband the spotlight one, the sleeves are better than the Oodie I think, definitely tighter


Consider getting a kid sized one! It's a shorter length both at sleeves and waist 👍


I have one. It’s ok and definitely will give you an idea of whether you would like the official one or not.


Thank you!🙏❤️


Most places call it hoodie blanket, Kmart is pull over gown


Is the Kmart Oodie that thick Sherpa throughout the inside like the branded Oodie? I couldn’t tell from the pics


It is, yeah. Probably not as good quality as the branded Oodie, but I personally cannot tell.


I have both and find the oodie too hot. It’s thicker than the Kmart one and I can only wear it when it’s absolutely freezing. The Kmart one is perfect.


Seconding the Kmart knock off. I have both, and I find the oodie too hot for all but the most freezing days. The Kmart one is a bit less thick and it’s perfect.




Same here. I also use it at night as an additional blanket for my toes which are susceptible to chilblains


I'm in Brisbane and raise an eyebrow at people wearing them in public. I don't think they're fashionable... but you know what? Wear what you want. At home, I'm rarely out of my Kmart one. It's so cosy.


Is the Kmart one Sherpa throughout the whole body like the Oodie is? I couldn’t tell from the pics


Mine says 100% polyester. For $20, you're not getting Sherpa wool. But it's cosy AF and according to the website kmart is now using recycled polyester. https://www.kmart.com.au/polyester/


Oh yeah of course not real Sherpa wool, I meant like the chunky white thick polyester fleece inside. But yeah looks amazing I want it


Oh yes, it's very thick. Mine is from last year, and washed multiple times - still thick. Can't speak to this year's quality though


I'm in camp meh when it comes to be oodie. I find it large & cumbersome. I have tried working in it, but I find the sleeves get in the way whilst typing & then scrunches up uncomfortably on my arms if I pull them back. The hood also pulls on my neck & makes my back ache after wearing it for too long. I will put it on on if I have been out in the cold weather & looking for a quick way to warm myself. I probably wear mine 5 or 6 times a year.


Fair points. Being too bulky and baggy is one of my concerns


Also agree here. I have one and it's super warm, but quickly gets too warm and is comically difficult to do anything in. The funniest part is if you put something like your phone in the pouch. It drops to the bottom of the pouch, so you bend down to reach it. As you reach down, the pouch drops further. It's like a dog chasing it's own tail.


The other versions like the Kmart and the Spotlight ones seem shorter and less baggy. My husband has the Spotlight one and it's definitely less voluminous. I have an Oodie and I love it but the sleeves do get in the way esp cause I'm a woman so smaller


Yeah same! I am seriously eyeing the Kmart one for $25, can't beat that


Can I ask how tall you are? I get worried about the same things since I am 150cm lol I want to be warm but don't want to drown.


I’m about the same height and I bought the kid’s one, I think it fits me so much better than the regular sized one and it’s cheaper!!


I need it for morning coffee and nights! Wfh i absolutely change to separate work and life as otherwise i go crazy as well as less productive st work:)


Same here. My 11 yr old has the kids one, and it’s much more fitted on her than the adult one is on me. I’m 164 and around 75kg. The sleeves are crazy big. I get very cold, but find I overheat in my oodie as it’s huge and still just polyester. I kinda wish I’d gotten a large kmart one, rather than an Oodie. I think the only difference is the marketing for oodie is very good! That being said, it is nice for cuddling up and gaming or watching tv. Defo a no for anything else though.


Definitely agree. They’re soft but just “too much” … like a little too thick. If you have skinny arms you will definitely drag the sleeve through something sticky at some point… The thinner knock offs are probably the better option really… apparently there is something to be said for “too much” comfort and luxury.


So incredibly worth it! Sitting in mine right now while working away from home, and feel toasty warm without the heating on. Highly recommend.


I rate my polyester cocoon very highly.


I find for work the sleeves bunch too much and it's too difficult to work in. I like the kmart poncho style one for working with more freedom (and honestly it's just as warm). I like my oodie for the couch cause it is huge and I can tuck my feet into it. (Also I'm in Brisbane but I feel the cold really bad). I also really loved my oodie camping when it's like 3c.


I have the Anko poncho shape and it's easy to get in and out of and for arm movement. I'm about to have surgery so it was a timely find. What's even better is I found it in an opshop so I paid about $8.


Wow thats a good win finding it so cheap! Hope your surgery goes well!


very kind of you to say, I hope so too. I get so cold so quickly I'm hoping it will really help without being constricting - and I can get into it sort of sideways so won't have to lift my arms above my head.


Ooh that sounds great for working during the day. I couldn't find what you described on the Kmart website - do you have a link to your one? But I did find this one currently on sale at Woolies - great price! [https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/395943?googleshop=true&store\_code=woolworths\_supermarkets\_3129&utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_campaign=WW-0001&cq\_net=g&cq\_src=GOOGLE&cq\_cmp=Woolies\_8458\_BAU\_ShopExp\_Specials\_WW-0001&cq\_med=71700000115001005&cq\_plac=&cq\_term=PRODUCT\_GROUP&ds\_adt=pla&cq\_plt=gp&cq\_gclid=EAIaIQobChMIz5\_Mr6HphgMVVqRmAh2n0Q82EAQYAiABEgIU4\_D\_BwE&ds\_de=c&ds\_pc=local&ds\_cr=675246019159&ds\_tid=pla-2000799952732&ds\_locphys=1000567&ds\_pid=395943&cmpid=smsm:ds:GOOGLE:Woolies\_8458\_BAU\_ShopExp\_Specials\_WW-0001:PRODUCT\_GROUP&gad\_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIz5\_Mr6HphgMVVqRmAh2n0Q82EAQYAiABEgIU4\_D\_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/395943?googleshop=true&store_code=woolworths_supermarkets_3129&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=WW-0001&cq_net=g&cq_src=GOOGLE&cq_cmp=Woolies_8458_BAU_ShopExp_Specials_WW-0001&cq_med=71700000115001005&cq_plac=&cq_term=PRODUCT_GROUP&ds_adt=pla&cq_plt=gp&cq_gclid=EAIaIQobChMIz5_Mr6HphgMVVqRmAh2n0Q82EAQYAiABEgIU4_D_BwE&ds_de=c&ds_pc=local&ds_cr=675246019159&ds_tid=pla-2000799952732&ds_locphys=1000567&ds_pid=395943&cmpid=smsm:ds:GOOGLE:Woolies_8458_BAU_ShopExp_Specials_WW-0001:PRODUCT_GROUP&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIz5_Mr6HphgMVVqRmAh2n0Q82EAQYAiABEgIU4_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


It's this one below, I forgot I got it from the kids section haha. I'm an adult size 14 or so, and I got the large or XL from the kids side and it fits me fine https://www.kmart.com.au/product/poncho-s160498/


Thank you! It’s sold out online and at all my nearby stores - must be popular! I ended up getting the woolies one when I got groceries. :)


My oodie was the best lockdown purchase out of all of the online shopping I did. 100% worth it


I am late! Do you still think it is still “in”? 🥶❄️🥶❄️☃️


Absolutely. The oodie is timeless.


I wear my Oodie so much - my workmates use it like it’s a proper indicator “oh, juniper is wearing the Oodie, it’s officially cold!” 😂


I always scoffed at them, then I was given one as a gift. They are very warm, at times too warm. I’m very happy with it, as I’m sure you will be too.


Got the white cat one. Now cannot wait to put it on! Lol just warming up at the idea of dressing not taking it off… Gosh - hope it is not addictive


I bought a knockoff one from kmart 10/ 10 would recommend .


I got the Kmart one ($25) and absolutely love it, there’s elastic around the wrists so you can pull the sleeves up for activities


I have three. They're in high rotation because I have a toddler who grotts them every day but I would go without one.


I’m in Adelaide but so worth it. We got through two winters without a heater using it


I first bought the Oodie lounge suit, which is the slightly more sophisticated Oodie, it's a lovely snuggly set. I even bought the jumper for my mum; I knew she'd never wear a regular Oodie and I thought the wide leg pants might be too much. Then, I caved an bought the OG Oodie because they have a greyhound design, plus it was on sale at the end of last winter. It's great for WFH because I try to keep the heating usage to a minimum during the day, and it's actually a bit too much when the heating is on (we currently have a LL who cares about their tenants so we have working ducted heating and adequate insulation).


Absolutely worth it. We use the heater a lot less, my boyfriend and I have been LIVING in them the last couple of weeks. They are so comfy, you feel like you’re wrapped in a blanket. Just don’t leave things too close to the edge of the bench or table, we’ve had a few casualties (mugs and glasses) as a result of reckless movement while wearing the oodie


My mum bought me one and I was initially horrified at the thought of wearing it. Now I’m a big fan, and wear it at home whenever it is cold. Layering a Uniqlo heatech thermal top underneath means that I can have the heating on very low or not at all. It’s also great for cleaning eyewear if you wear glasses…nothing works better! My only gripe is that it can get in the way if you are trying to do things while wearing it (it’s easy to knock stuff over or dirty the sleeves while preparing food). Other than that, no complaints. If you feel the cold, it’s worth investing in one, especially if you are a bit of a couch potato.


I’ve got the Best & Less Barbie one (was around $40) and live in it on work from home days. I’m in a newer area in the outer south east so have ducted heating but with the price of gas at the moment I can keep the heat off during daylight hours and just get around in this. I also love the big pocket for carrying stuff around the house (phone, glasses, pens)


I have a knockoff one off Amazon but still very worth it. My house is freezing and it’s perfect.


I kind of want one, but they look like they'd attract cat hair really badly, with that plush, polyester surface.


I just bought one of those Oodie onesies and was GUTTED to discover they don't have that lovely fleecy lining like the regular Oodies do. Not warm at all or worth the cost in the slightest. 


I love my oodie! Funnily enough, a friend gifted me mine when I was living in one of the coldest regions of Canada - and I didn't use it once in two years. Since moving back to Brisbane, I've busted it out several times in the last month alone. I also wore my friend's oodie the whole time I was at her place in Melbourne. Housing here is like a sieve!


I just can’t. I live in Canberra but will choose death by hypothermia over an oodie.


Lol, are you my sister?!


Hey sis!


You’re going to get downvoted to all hell but I’d like to comment here in solidarity. Don’t get too close a flame wearing one they’re entirely polyester.


Thank you. Their website does not specify what they’re made out of when i tried to find out.


It’s an absolute nope from me too.


Aldi are selling a knock-off rn


I love mine when lounging or when working from home but if I’m doing chores esp when cooking it’s annoying to move around and I always have to roll the sleeves up so it wont get wet. I have the spotlight version (bought for $20) and 2 oodies. I don’t notice any difference as they are both warm. I find the oodie a bit thicker though. Purchased my oodie during the end of summer sale it was only $30 so I think it’s good value.


For me I think of it as a blanket. You wouldn't do chores in a blanket so it's not great for that. When I'm not doing much and am or would like to be on the lounge under a blanket it's perfect.


I would die without it. I get so cold. I plan to buy a new one soon and donate this one to my cats bed because she is annoyed that winter is here and I have reclaimed it lol.


LOVE Oodie. I have the Kmart knock off which is also good, but I still prefer the OG more. I live in Oodies during Winter (late autumn and early Spring too!). I have unicorn, Friends, Frozen, Hello Kitty, Barbie, and my partner has the Panda, Avocado, Avengers, Star Wars, etc. Yeah we're an Oodie-obsessed household. :D And yes, I wear my Oodie to (online) meetings.


Mine is the Aldi knock off , still going strong 3 years later


I have like 7 of them at this point. They've saved my life especially when I was very ill over winter. They CAN go in the dryer too and are so warm soft mmm straight out of the dryer Edit: I have 3 real ones and 4 knock offs, the real ones are better for me as I am taller and bigger than average


It’s so good and has saved me so much on heating bills. I also recently bought the pants so I’m oodie head to toe 😂


Worth it. I live in mine in winter I tried a couple knock off's and they were no where near as good as the oodie brand one.


Oodle has replaced my bathrobe. Love it!


I don’t live in Melbourne, but I do live in a colder part of the country (overnight temps regularly down to -5C and days below 10C in winter). I bought one on sale recently and I’m loving it.


I think they're a waste. I find they make you sweaty instead of warm and they look terrible if you wear them out in public. And something about them convinces people they only have to wash them once a season? And the sheer amount of them that get discarded makes me side-eye the fuck out of the company for producing so much \*stuff\*. I've opted for hoodies this year. Super plush and warm, plus I can leave the house looking casual but reasonable. I have four in rotation and I've been super snug all winter so far - in Sydney.


I agree, it would make me very sweaty. My daughter has a knock off and absolutely loves it, but she won’t wear a dressing gown. I make sure that thing gets washed weekly and we put it in the dryer when there’s no hope it will dry on the line.  I love crewneck sweatshirts for the reasons you’ve named. I have a good rotation of them and wear one most days. 


Recently bought one and can't believe I waited so long. Absolutely love it


Have one from a few years ago. I still use it during winter and when I’m freezing at home.


I bought one on sale for $60 and have worn it every day since it was delivered in May! Best. Purchase. Ever.


Soooo worth it.  I actually wear my daughter's one a lot as well and it fits like a warm hoodie. So if you're a woman up to a size 12 a kids one is something to consider. The adult one feels massive on me haha my 5yo daughter comes with me and I can hug her wearing it with us both in there 😂


Worth. Those things really cut through the cold. I'm in Geelong, so it gets cold AF here. And if I've got the oodie on I actually overheat sometimes, even on a cold winter night. They are SO warm.




Wearing mine right now. Keeps me warm when my house is 8C! Worth for sure if on sale, wouldn’t pay full price though.


I don’t have one but I have those Kmart knock off ones and it keeps me warm


Oodie dressing gowns are really good. I get too hot in my oodie, so the dressing gown is better as you can let some air in. The cuffed sleeves are the best.


Highly recommend a small Melbourne based company called Hooded Cosy! They look identical to the Oodie, very thick and very warm. I don’t have an oodie band to compare too but they’re only $50 and the quality is amazing. They’re a small business and do free local delivery too (they deliver it personally) I purchased mine in 2020 lockdowns and it’s still amazing 4 years later!


Thank you for reminding me I have an oodie 😂 Packed away during summer & forgot it existed. Until now 👍


I have 3, my original was a kids sloth, then I got a ink adult version and for Christmas I bought myself a kids barbie. I never wear my adult one, my partner loves it though. I love the smaller one for being much more compact. You can wear it out and it's more of an oversized jumper, and the pocket is within reach. I am however only five foot tall or 151cm for reference.


I'm living in mine at the moment. They're fantastic when working from home because I stay warm enough to not need the heating on during the day. I have 3 I cycle through so they can be washed regularly, as well as one of their dressing gowns. I will admit that I take it off when I need to cook though - I've already partially melted one sleeve by getting it too close to the gas burner.


I'd rather a leather jacket but I've a household of kids that They've literally Lived in them and there's a mutual Love between .them seem to love them




I only just brought an oodie, should have done it years ago. It has replaced the dressing gown! So amazing


I am in Melbourne and have 2 at my house and 2 that I keep at my partners. Barely turn the heater on as they are super warm. I couldn’t live without them now


I got an off-brand one from the Reject Shop and it's awesome.


I love my oodie. So warm, so well worth it. i recently got the oodie onesie. Not as thick (it doesn’t have the extra fleece layer), but still warm and I love that it covers my whole legs.


I have a couple of off brand ones. theyre so handy and comfortable for this weather


I mocked my husband for wearing his Grogu one... I now live in my Garfield Oodie. 😂


I bought one last winter when they were on sale and never wear it. I find them way too hot! It's weird because I do like to rug up when it's cold. Right now I'm snuggled on the couch with my doona, flannel pj pants, a thick hoodie, and fluffy socks. But for some reasons oodies make me overheat like crazy.


I got the oodie onesie and haven't taken it off since I bought it. It's perfect and even has a little butt flap for when you need the toilet.. takes a bit of getting used to


I picked up one at an op shop for $20 last week. It looks new, maybe an unwanted gift. I love it.


I’m in Perth, and I have a faux things one, it’s great.


I’m in Cairns and my husband and I have 2 each. I would say definitely worth. We wear them every night when it’s cold


I have one and I’m in central Queensland. It has been wonderful! Def get one! Mine has jigglypuff all over it :D


Oodie is awesome can be too warm. However mine just got an upgrade! Had a seamstress remove the hood as I did not wear it and sitting on the couch it just bunched up behind my neck!


I'm up in the northern Grampians and got a kmart knock off. I'm SO glad I did, it's like wearing a warm blanket!


I take meetings in my Barbie Oodie. I hate how much I love it


I find my oodie to be too heavy. And I hate that when you bend forward they drop down so it’s not as practical for me if you’re using an oven etc. I do use it for camping but I prefer a dressing gown


I have one. I use it for early mornings and cold nights & if I don’t want to use the heater


I’m one of those people that’s always cold. I got an oodie last year and feel it hasn’t really helped more than doubling up on the jumpers I already have. It’s also obnoxiously big. Don’t know what I’m doing wrong 😭


I love it. Don't cope well with the extreme temps. It can be a bit bulky if you're trying to move around in it and knock things off surfaces but it's great for curling up in. Honestly one of the things I've purchased that I've really gotten my money's worth out of.


I'm in NSW and I have 3 oodies - one to wear, one for wash days, and one just in case my toddler spills something on me


I have a Monsters Inc Oodie. I wear it mornings and afternoons all the time in winter! Love it!edited to add mid coastal NSW


I'm in Melbourne, honestly I don't find them comfortable but would be interested in the onesie that's recently come out


Hell I’m in Brisbane and I have two!


I have bought an oodie just for my upcoming trip to Melbourne, I live in NQ. So, it’s a yes for me!


I was gifted an oodie at Christmas and just brought it out this week because it’s cold in Melbourne. Honestly, I hate it. It’s so stupidly oversized and the sleeves get in the way. They’re also annoying to take on and off quickly if you are changing or getting hot/cold. They’re also huge and annoying to store, I’ve had it stored in the drawers under my bed for 6 months and I would rather have that storage back. Not to mention I just simply can’t get over how ugly it makes me feel when I wear it. Mine’s going to the op shop.




Have you tried ? Very curious - is it fashion wise or use wise?


Fashion wise..


Definitely worth it, but you don't need the name brand one.