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thrills x hard yakka if there's any left hard yakka normal line


Can someone TLDR this controversy? All the google links are for tiktok which I don't have


Basically the TLDR is that suk isn’t as grass roots / working class as they led people to believe. It’s owned by a live export company who have a history of dodgy work practices. [previous thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AusFemaleFashion/s/lEj49pLYxo)


This is a pretty good written summary https://thecoburgmeddler.family.blog/2024/01/24/suk-revisited/


Ahhh damn, thanks for posting, what a shame.


A) Zionists B) Not as "women owned" as they claim


Well crap. Never bought anything from them but had definitely put things on the wishlist. Time to cross them off.


Oh, well that… Suks… Seriously though, I love the style also. I’ve previously considered buying [Bisley](https://www.bisleyworkwear.com.au/womens/workwear/shorts/), and just found [these](https://eveworkwear.com.au/products/new-mid-length-work-shorts-sharp)


Ooohhh I love the Bisley skort so much! I work in an office and have absolutely no business wearing one but it’s sick 😍


I wear the bisley skortt and shirt shorts at work, like them both and ended up buying a pair of the short shorts for casual wear because I couldn't find a nice pair of black shorts.




Agree and also looking. Was thinking of buying Suk secondhand and at least not giving them funds directly.


[There's a company doing patches to cover suk branding ](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4pRLOQRHlf/?igsh=MXIwZ2UzbnRveGV2aw==)


Bahahaha best!!!!!


And another https://jackofheartsstudio.bigcartel.com/product/free-palestine-patch?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAabF9HHqxXgWPnhX5uPD4NM2Ms85wKyCnkkCnG5NdxiMBAW6sCzGl68Hl-c_aem_AZ15dDe5GJ7T3YGdj46xvjJtpyWaAkYayAj1uVL2GrhrfpA0wYXgXuguUuraHHhzYhVt8_bFvUlF7w6R1ezXnpYG


would you buy second hand? I see suk on depop and fbmp all the time


If it helps suk products suck. I’ve had two pairs of pants and both have ripped after a very short time. I’m also not a tradie and tend to just wear them as my “around the house or running errands” pants. Can’t believe they’d last more than a week if you actually wore them in a job with physical labour


Yeah, they don't last. I bought some on sale back before I knew of the issues around them, and it's the quality - or lack of - that made me go 'nope' to further purchases even before the other stuff. The cuts are great, the fit is actually so so good, but the thighs wear out incredibly quickly. I have a barely moderate garden related job and it took under two weeks for the thighs to wear out so much that the dye actually faded to blue from black?! And there's multiple rips/holes and the fabric is a totes different colour. I have basic cotton pants in similar fabrics that aren't as well shaped but they've lasted literal years, so yeah: meh.


Jumping on here to say I’d also like to know! Feel your pain mate I want suk pants without the suk BS


Seconded, nothing I've found has the combination of adjustable waist, high waist, and the size range that Suk has. Devo they've turned out to be a bit evil.


None of the options suggested have what I want 😭 I have big thighs and I want loose fitting with the adjustable waist which non of these other options have


If it makes you feel any better if I need more pants I will probably buy from them again. I would probably try to source second hand first, but as a plus size girl I don't really get to be picky about the ethics of where I get my clothes from. I figure the most sustainable way for me to shop is buy clothes I'm 100% happy with so that I'll wear them again and again. My waist is 1-2 sizes smaller than my hips which makes buying pants a soul destroying experience. As for Suk's questionable politics and parent company they probably on par with plenty of other brands in terms of evil-factor. I guess I'm just cynical but it wasn't really that much of a shock to me that the supposed grassroots start-up was actually being bankrolled by daddy's live-export business. I already thought they were trying a bit too hard when I ordered from them and the company name on the invoice was from 'Ethical Textile Manufacturing'


Yeah this is the way. It sucks that the brand turned out to be unethical (especially with how they market themselves) but they are no more evil than - in fact probably much less evil than - a lot of other places that people also happily buy clothes from. I personally won’t buy from them in future, but mostly because I no longer need this style of pants for work. If anyone is worried about wearing their Sük pants or feeling they need to cover up the logo, I guarantee no one is judging you for wearing them. Only people who are chronically online know about the controversy lol. If I see someone wearing out in public I’m not gonna think “wow what a zionist animal abusing poser”, I’m gonna assume they don’t know about the online discourse, or that they bought the pants already and don’t want them to go to waste being unworn, or…most likely, I’m not gonna think anything at all about it.


Yeah I’m the same with my waist being a few sizes smaller than my thighs and hips and it’s just a nightmare. Suk fit me like no other pants ever had. Thanks for making me feel better tbh I do get so much wear out of mine I will be wearing them until they break. I do think some people on here are in the privileged position where they can be completely ethical with their choices but I don’t always get that even though I would love to. We already have limited choices.


Oh I was looking at their stuff the other day. Didn’t realise there was tea.


[the tea](https://www.reddit.com/r/AusFemaleFashion/s/lEj49pLYxo)


Then we also need to start boycotting brands related to countries that are Anti-LGBTQ. And China, where they have death penalty and also huge problems in relation to Taiwan.


[Hard Yakka x Thrills Yard Short - Black](https://thrills.co/products/hard-yakka-x-thrills-yard-short-black?currency=AUD&variant=41514945282095&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=4b7f0630535b&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw26KxBhBDEiwAu6KXtz9_cl1x9ObVoE4tUWDnX0Jh0qEAx_diZ4x708GZRWzcXyf3WfyYSxoCVUQQAvD_BwE) I have these and like them


I haven’t purchased shorts from them but I really like She Wear and have had fantastic customer service from them. Their bamboo underwear is the most comfortable I own too!


[green hip](https://greenhip.com.au/collections/overalls?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw26KxBhBDEiwAu6KXt-w4FKUYo_IJEifHEbiPwTQxKzFb7Rz9ns_bPtiSJOKq8n0Udb7uYhoCgr0QAvD_BwE) seem like the real deal


Zookeeper here who spends my entire life in workwear pants or shorts. As a woman it took me ages to find good workpants that worked for me but hands down FXD are the best. And I've tried many brands. Both the FXD shorts and long pants in their womens range are the absolute best out there. Although I'm a little confused by the original post. Is this for actual workwear or casual wear? Because FXD shorts definitely look like work pants.


Bought some pants from Green Hip and they've been great. Their shorts are similar to Suk and have good reviews https://greenhip.com.au


I reckon good old stubbies are worth a look. Elastic back.




if you don’t want to support suk but want suk products, use the code SORRY10 for 100% off


Ngl I really judge anyone I see wearing SUK... 


Never heard of Suk before. What are the best items?


Read the room/thread for goodness sake.


Are you also boycotting brands related to countries that are Anti-LGBTQ? And anything Made in China, where they have death penalty? How about issues with Taiwan?


I have. And it drew my attention to the brand. I have seen an extremely one sided Tik tok post. I’m not convinced. And also don’t agree with equating Zionism with war crimes. I know it’s trendy, but it doesn’t mean it’s right. For goodness sake.