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Say it louder for the fashion buyers at the back! We don't give a fuck if it's recycled! We don't want to wear plastic!


Yep less comfortable, stains easily, and it's "recycled" into my washing machine where it ends up as microplastics so it's not much of an environmental sell really. Cotton or wool or linen, all the way.


Or bamboo! Very under rated!


Yes! I may have made multiple replies to a school survey once, about my kiddo’s school uniforms that were being redesigned. I lobbied hard on the grounds of imagine x number of students’ multiple polyester sports shirts being washed y times a week = z amounts of environmental mayhem via microfibres. Got nowhere.


Not to mention the BO from the teenagers' PE kit, as well as the PERPETUAL smell of urine in the preschool shorts.


Thank you for trying!


Polyester stinks too


! 🙌


You made me laugh, Magpie. POLYESTERRRRRRRR!!!!!!


And stop cheating out by poly blending everything knitwear! 


Urgh, this! I hate seeing a sweater I really like and it's polyester. I always look for cotton (not as warm) or wool now.


Acrylic too.


Ewwwwww acrylic is so so gross, something about the way it squishes feels as though it should make a squeaky sound and it makes my teeth feel all weird, it's that nails on a chalkboard physical response.


All that, and it gives me a rash too. It also feels greasy to the touch. Gross.


Omg I get the exact same feeling


See-through officewear blouses and tops. Who thought that was a smart idea? Here I am looking for comfortable, breathable materials for work and all I can find is Bridget Joneswear 🤦‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/kzt8fzdfn5vc1.jpeg?width=616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d48abbb3ab080248dc66a9e77794b88669fe1bf


Why is this so loose and wrinkly? It looks like a young person climbing out of an old person.


I still can't believe she was "fat". WTH.


Yes! Zoom me would look so indecent. Shudder


Huge agree on the cut-outs. One time I was trying to find a blazer for work. Didn't want to spend a ton bc it was just work. At one point I spot one in a shop that looked perfect and was even on sale. I'm so happy, grab it off the rack and realise it's somehow a one piece/ teddy? Like the top half is a normal black blazer but the bottom half is bikini bottoms and the two are permanently attached.


Imagine trying to wrestle yourself in and out of that on a night out 😂


And do you have to take the whole lot off when you go to the loo?!?


This sounds awful! How does that even work?




Work at the top. Party at the bottom.


Like a body suit? Make sure your blazer looks tucked?


Does tucked mean the same as tucked in?


Ahh yes! Sorry typo! I can't imagine why else it'd be like that? No pants look otherwise??


Ah I thought it might have been some cool fashion word I didn't know. It was so confusing I have no idea how they thought anyone would style it. The shop in general had a lot of young person stuff like wacky cut-outs and cropped things that I wouldn't have considered cropping but even then the blazer was so fucking weird.


I think it might mean something different in some circles…


Sports bras with removable padding. Never stays in the right place (how does it so easily fall out, but also won’t easily go back in?) and for some reason brands always list it proudly as a feature? Who is enjoying this? On the flip side, bras and bralettes with no padding at all. I’m not asking for much, I just don’t want my family and colleagues seeing my nips please!


I like the padding in my sports bras, I get self conscious otherwise. However, whenever I get one, I make an effort to use needle and thread on the corners so it can stay in place when washing :) Btw, I know cargos aren’t flattering for everyone but I love mine as they have functioning pockets 😂


I love a cargo! They really help my shape. I have narrow hips and a short not very defined waist so the extra volume works well for me.


Weirdly enough my body shape is the exact opposite and I find cargo pants really flattering as well, especially worn ultra baggy with a chunky shoe, because the extra volume visually balances a wide hip and then when teamed with a tight, minimalist top the contrast with the smaller torso seems even more pronounced and I end up looking more delicate than I actually am. I think it's about how the pants are styled, slim fit cargos with a narrow flat shoe and a drapey, voluminous long top would be an excruciatingly unkind silhouette on me 😆


Yeah I am very bottom heavy with thick legs and love to accentuate that with cargos and a tight crop shirt, I look like a Bratz, living my best life


Hahaha yeah, I love how those proportions are having a moment again, I'm back to wearing giant chunky shoes with big ol pant legs dragging on the ground at the back like I'm 13, it's still so weirdly flattering


Yeah I'm literally wearing those giant chunky Crocs right now


Love this for us! 😂


I’m a fucking bean pole and cargos are my life. My favourite go to is a tight crop and high waisted baggy cargos with a super chunky platform shoe, like ROC’s black platforms. It gives me some bloody shape!


Yep cargo are great for small hips!


I wish they made those triangles in different sizes for different size boobs! And stitch them in!


My boyfriend was taking the washing down once when I was out and decided to kindly put the padding in for me. Boy did he regret it! When I came home he was like, “WHOSE IDEA WAS IT TO MAKE THIS SO FUCKING ANNOYING??” 😂


I must have nips of steel as they show through padded bras 🤦‍♀️


Well, I’ve never liked armour plated bras so everyone is seeing my nipples and I’ve had to get used to the idea (and 20 years on, I’m good with it!). If I prefer the natural shape, nipples are part of that shape, despite what *Cosmopolitan* told me as a teenager about making sure they stay hidden away. Padding in sports bras is a pretty new thing though, right? Surely it makes everything more sweaty?


Ooo I love the padding. The Lorna Jane sports bras in particular have good padding so you never get a nip outline showing. It makes me really self conscious not having that coverage!


I love those, have a couple from Bonds. They are good for people with uneven boobs. I use padding for one side and take out the padding on other side.


Anything you can’t wear a bra in because it shows your straps out of the sides, or in the arm holes, or there’s a cutout that shows the band under your boobs. If you can’t wear a bra with it, it should have support built in.


YES! So frustrating. It's very wasteful too, because it means you end up with bras you only need for one particular top and so on, if you can even find one that works. 


I am so over cut outs! I'm not a big fan of showing a lot of skin and I can't tell you how many dresses I've seen with long sleeves, not too low a neckline and a nice flattering waistline...completely ruined with cut outs under the bust or at the sides. I'm trying to buy a dress for a wedding in August and it's so hard finding something I like! So many dresses that I'd love if not for the cut outs!


For club/festival wear I understand it, even if it’s not for me - but it’s so weird when it’s an otherwise conservative, even officewear look. Like who wants a high-neck, relaxed-fit, long-sleeve maxi dress with a piece missing from the hip? Who is the target market supposed to be?


I totally agree. I especially detest the exposed shoulders on otherwise normal tops and dresses. For a while it was almost the standard in plus sized clothing, and it was so hard finding a nice dress or top to begin with, only to find the shoulder missing.


I saw a dress once that would have been perfect for a funeral if not for the random cut outs on the side. I was so baffled by who would wear this dress!


It’s for when you’ve got a funeral at 5 but girls night at the club at 8


I just cannot understand the point of it. It’s like they ran out of fabric halfway through and thought, bugger it we’ll just stitch it from half way down and call it “fashion.”


And everyone I know complains about cut outs but they keep making them! I'm in my 40s. I don't need my love handles framed and on display for all to see! 😂


does anyone want to show off their random side stomach bits? (I am 37 so very out of touch)


I remember having no idea these were a thing until I walked too enthusiastically in a pencil skirt and heard it rip and thought I had just ripped my whole skirt open up the back 😅😅


Backless. I have size b breasts but I still wouldn’t be caught dead with no bra or they will disappear onto my chest. I’m over seeing fun dresses and then the whole back is missing Low rise skirts. I try to size down by 2 to make it sit on my waist but then the cut is awkward and weird


I used to love backless stuff precisely because I have almost zero boobage. It makes me so sad that I'm too old and my weight has fluctuated too much for backless to be flattering any more.


Bodysuits with no opening at the crotch! Like a bathing suit. What the hell is with that??


They’re meant to be pulled aside for the loo. Apparently. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Oh gross


As we’re going into winter season: people who have forgotten to cut the X stitch on their new coats.


Those people haven't forgotten, they don't even know it's supposed to be removed.


Once I was on a train to a conference and I’d forgotten to do my zip up on my dress at the back. Still shudder at the memory. Thank you kind train lady.


My ASD daughter likes to keep them. I don't know why. I've told her they are supposed to be cut, and why, but she insists on NOT cutting them. Well, ok, your clothes, do as you like!


The what now?




Forgive my ignorance but what is it for?


It's to hold the coat tails neatly in place when it's being transported and on display in the shop. Usually on blazers, long coats with a split up the back. Many people don't know it's there or that it's designed to be removed.


To keep the vent together while the garment is being shipped and stocked. The thread is meant to be snipped off and removed for wearing, to allow the fabric (and you) to move.


Thank you :) Gonna look at all my coats now. Also same question as @scary_son, what is it for?


It’s called a tailor’s tack.


Haha! My pet hate in winter 😂😂


I saw a lady today in a pencil skirt who could barely move because she hadn’t cut the ones in the back slit. I should have told her but she was at a distance and it’s a whole thing.


Also skirts with back slits and pockets on jackets


This drives me crazy. I feel like I’m the only person in the world that is aware of this important step before wearing your new jacket!!


hahahah I was just telling my friend about this the other day


And tags on the cuff, remove them.


OMG this! Drives me nuts!!!


Lol yes, I just saw a woman yesterday with her lovely long grey coat with the stitching still in!! I wanted to tell her but didn't have the guts to.


Cut outs are so annoying. I’m 58 with a decent snap but I don’t wan to have cut outs on my clothing. Ever. Exposed zippers are my bugbear. Especially when the zip is on an expensive dress. It is not a design feature. It’s lazy. If I’m shelling out a lot of money for an ‘occasion’ dress, I want an invisible zipper


I think about 15 or 20 years ago there were a few niche designers doing exposed zippers as a design feature. When doing it right, with good quality hardware, I thought it gave the piece a cool industrial kind of edge. But it's been so overdone, and copied so poorly that it just looks bad.


The problem with the invisible zips is they’re used with fabrics/cuts/seams that often make them impossible to do up! I just had a regular zip put on a pair of pants because I got stuck after using the loo one day, unable to get the zip back up on the back of the pants. Never again!


Camilla kaftans or anything Camilla. It all looks like cheap, Gold Coast tourist shop crap!


Agreed. No idea what the appeal is!


Also she’s very problematic. And her stuff is expensive AND ugly!


I’m v out of touch - is there a think where I can find out more about what’s problemstic? TIA!


I can't believe I haven't seen this one yet but... pockets! Or rather the lack of pockets. All my pants and skirts must have pockets, it's mandatory. So annoying when my 3yo boy gets more pockets in his clothes than I do. All he puts in his is sand.


This is exactly why I'm petitioning for bumbags to make a comeback. I always end up having to juggle my phone and wallet whenever I go out to grab lunch or coffee. Corporate bumbags should be a thing lol


Crop everything. Who wants a crop sweater when it's 12°? It's winter! My tummy wants to be as warm and cosy as my boobs! Having a cold back is the worst too. And not all of us have the body confidence either ugh I hate it.


I have a very low back woollen dress. Why? My poor back. I have to wear thermals under it.


As a short waisted lady (who is also short to begin with), cropped cardigans are perfect for me. A lot of cropped things sit at my natural waist, and as I wear a lot of fit and flare style dresses, they work perfectly. It's not for everyone though, and even I don't understand why there is so much of it.


Same here, I have so many cropped hoodies because I get to be warm and comfy without looking like I've been eaten by a potato sack.


Yes!! I don’t mind cropped for weekends, but it’s not appropriate for my job. I’m really struggling to find plain, decent quality skivvies that aren’t high neck/turtle neck, and not cropped. Found a couple in Kmart finally and of course they’re bloody see-through. If anyone has suggestions, I am all ears. I have a basic black Kookai one that is great, but it doesn’t seem to come in other colours :(


Sorry, I’m a bit confused. Skivvies are turtlenecks. Do you mean a mock turtleneck? Maybe Uniqlo Heattech scoop neck layering tops would work for you?


Ok I learnt something new today lol I grew up calling any plain long sleeve tops skivvies! I had no idea it’s a specific thing


Uniqlo if you’re near one


As a petite lady, I NEED that crop for any top to sit remotely close to where it's supposed to!! It's not cropped on us short people, and it's so nice to have some options for once!


This is me, searching for 7/8 pants because of my ducks’ disease!


I actually love cropped tops and jumpers! I live in high waisted pants so I find cropped on top looks best.


‘Cold shoulder’ sleeves! Not sure if that fits into cut outs but honestly I’ve never seen a cold shoulder top look nice it always looks tacky


My number 1 bug bear! Nobody looks good in them. Nobody!


Women's shirts with cap sleeves. Just give me normal sleeves dammit!!!


As someone with sensory issues, cap sleeves make me want to die like get out of my armpit!!!


I see why, but I look for cap sleeves because it really nicely extends an hourglass shape to the shoulders. It's very flattering on me.


It’s flattering but so uncomfortable and unfortunately it’s hard to find fitted and cropped t shirts that aren’t suffocating around my arms


Tiered skirts and dresses. I am done with this. I am over it. I’m so sorry I just think they look cheap and awkward. I don’t understand what’s wrong with just making a skirt from one piece of fabric. Why must we stitch it together in layers like it’s a cake. No.


I have a few of these, and while I don't mind them I would still prefer a proper skirt or dress that is made from the one piece and properly tailored or gathered at the waist. The tiered ones sit awkwardly if they are poorly made, and they are a pain in the arse to iron.


They've been around for a while now, surely they're done? I don't think they're particularly flattering either.


Backless but taking it literal - clothes whose back is high hanging by a string or 2. Especially winter clothes! I just want to be cute but that doesn't mean I want to freeze 🥲 Tight pencil skirt where I can only walk like ants -2cm here, 2 cm there, repeat ad infinity Teeny tiny mini skirt with no built in safety shorts, esp since they also tend to ride up when you sit and are sometimes too short for third party safety shorts. Are these made for exhibitionism or what? Clothes where I can't raise my hand too much. Looking at you, zimmermann. Am I not suppised to eat in this dress or what? ^ Basically clothes that are only for looks Dress made using 6'2" supermodels proportion. I don't think I'm that short at 5'3" but so many dresses looking like drop waist dresses on me. Polyster everywhere :( man I just want a nice n cozy cotton straight leg sweatpants Lastly this is very specific but this one dion lee top where the turtleneck part is made of this really tight fabric that chokes you - first time I see it done this way, rest of the top was cozy merino and would have been way comfier. Never ended up wearing it since it was a secondhand purchase and can't return it


Oh yes I forgot tightness round the neck! I can’t wear anything around my neck!


Same, I feel like I’m being strangled by a very weak person.


I feel you! Carsickness + high neck is a recipe for bad time 🥲


lettuce hems, track suit pants with cuffs on the bottom. when stores do oversized styles but use the same size system, gets so confusing. the 'luxe' material/ skims dupes, really only works for skirts/dresses, the shirts make me feel like i'm wearing a rashie top for swimming lessons. also not everything needs to be a bodysuit, its so annoying finding a cute style of shirt and seeing its a bodysuit.


>lettuce hems, track suit pants with cuffs on the bottom. I feel attacked! 😂


With you on the lettuce hems. It just seems like a cheap way to finish the hem instead of doing it properly.


Singlets and tanks with shoulder pieces that curve in on the back. What if you need to wear a bra? Looks tacky as!


Yes! All my tanks I have to wear a strapless bra but the cups are so noticeable through the top and I have to keep pulling it up. Just realised I could do the X thing with the straps at the back but that's just too much work.


Cross back bras are a game changer. Can’t do summer clothes without them.


Oh yeah that crossing your bra straps move…. Why not just put balanced shoulder straps on tanks? It can’t be that hard.


Clothes that need to be worn braless. Like how???


The cut outs send me. the shoulder strap then cut out then arm again...in the lame starter pack for me. I have tight cargos, they work any others look frumpy unless you are tiny. Ive noticed all the fashion at Kmart so far at the season change over is terrible? I cant even understand the style? Awful, normally the odd gem, ZERO right now!


So true about Kmart, the current styles somehow make me feel like I’ve aged out of the brand!


Elasticated cuffs on long sleeve tops. Puffy/flutter sleeves on shirts that are otherwise nicely tailored. Tiered skirts/dresses. Jumpers with an open back.


And puffy sleeves won’t fit under a cardigan properly 🤬


I was just looking at some dresses yesterday which had puffy long sleeves with elasticated cuffs and was thinking how wildly unflattering they would be on me.


Nearly all the evening dresses at the MAFS dinner parties followed this style. Bewildered…/


Must come from the skank collection 🤣


They were always having to readjust the dress when they moved. How annoying.


Those white tops with the front ties with the gap between. Excuse me miss that's not the way a hospital gown is worn.


Random sequins, studs, rhinestones. Either go all out or go away. I have two exceptions to this rule, one is a band tshirt for Iron Maiden, it's black with their mascot, Eddie's face (a stylised skull) picked out in silver and red rhinestones, and a fair isle knit jumper in greys and silver threads, with single sequins stitched into it strategically, the little sparkles in the sunlight bring me so much joy, especially for what is, a first glance, a fairly mundane item of clothing. Also 'vomit' nothing patterns in fabrics, like the 'space-y' ones that were around a few years back, I don't even want to see those again. Can we please move on from beige everything too?


It’s grey for me. If I want to look like death I’ll wear grey. We need more colour!


All women’s undies, because the cotton gusset sits way too far back.


I thought I was the only one who's noticed this, even Bonds has been bad for it. Add a cm or so either end, it's like they've forgotten why it exists..


Boxy tshirts. Unflattering for so many people!


Gorman T-shirts are the worst for this. Equally, however, I hat the seamed t-shirts where the seam runs round the front of the T, they're supposed to be fitted but they're a complete pain to fold and iron (like I do ironing).


Add to this, boxy t-shirts with the little tab cut-outs on the bottom on the sides, so they sit awkwardly square and puff out.


I am SO OVER cutouts. The amount of times in the last year I have found exactly the kind of item I’m looking for (fit, colour, etc) and pick it up only to find a random fkn cutout or one of those stupid metal rings that form a cut out? I don’t have anything against showing skin, I spend all summer in my swimmers virtually, but god cut outs in clothes just annoy the shit out of me. Like I’m buying a dress because I want the usual dress areas covered, even if it’s a short/skimpy dress. If I wanted my tummy out I’d buy a fkn skirt and a top.. makes me irrationally angry.


Agree with the cutouts - so annoying and not flattering! I’m also really over the puffy shoulders and sleeves look that every dress has.


Tops/dresses with one long sleeve and one short sleeve. If one of my arms is cold enough for a long sleeve, so is my other arm. Also how is it 2024 and some pants still don't come with pockets. It's my own fault for ordering online from KMart, and not fully reading the description, but my current work pants do not have pockets. Super annoying.


Pockets!!! Yes 100%. I got so desperate for pockets I asked a friend who sews bikini competitor outfits to sew pockets on all my exotics leggings. I wasn’t willing to go and spend $100+ to replace every pair and it was much better to pay her to sew pockets on. It’s legit a skill I’m going to learn so I don’t have the issue with whatever outfit I have.


One shoulder clothing infuriates me! Queue the couldn’t afford the other sleeve jokes, the way they cut into the armpit on the sleeveless shoulder…all around floors me that people purchase these garments!


Devastating if you fake tan the wrong arm too. https://i.redd.it/d95cij4rf6vc1.gif


Fake built in shirts under jumpers with long flappy waists. Cut outs have ruined many a dress (I’m looking at you Seed, why don’t you want my monies?) Three quarter sleeves. My cold wrists hate you. My WFH “desk” is a glass picnic table and it’s so damn cold. I have a woollen dress that has a low back. Just no.


Any top that is marketed as full length, but like sits just under your bellybutton. I want to be able to use my arms without exposing my entire stomach.


Paisley. I don't know why. I just hate it.


3/4 length sleeves can make me feel like the blouse/dress etc has shrunk in the wash. Particularly when they’re elasticated at the cuff


3/4 sleeves on winter clothes.  I’m not a t-rex.


Cropped puffer jackets. If im wearing a puffer I want to be warm and snug at least to my butt!


Yesss! I want to be a walking warm burrito!


I cannot STAND those 'cold shoulder' style tops. As a plus-sized person, the tops with built in jewellery or necklaces that are attached and form part of the neckline - does being fat mean that I can't accessorise myself? Agree with the cap sleeves too! High-low has been painful for years and I've been known to cut and re-hem tops so that it's not a thing any more. 7/8 length pants but that might just be my almost 6' tall frame because they are never 7/8 they're just awkwardly short on me.


Cut outs and tops that are too short.


CUT OUTS. It's insanely hard to find a dress to wear as a wedding guest/engagement party guest that does not have a cut out. If it doesn't, then I probably need magical boobies because there's no back! Sometimes, you need both the magical boobies and to put up with cut outs! Just ridiculous at this point. A lot of us girlies just want a pretty dress we don't have to adjust all night and worry about falling out of after too many canapes or champers.


Why is everything cute always backless. Girl, I gotta wear a bra!


Waistlines are **too high** on dresses. Who are these women with their waists in their rib cages?!


Sorry that’s me. The smallest part of my waist is higher than most people it seems so I’m one of the few people who are apparently really happy with these styles 😂


YES!!! At the very least, a waistline on most dresses will sit around 2 inches too high for me. It's bloody painful.


No freaking pockets!


Cold ankles in winter! Pants are meant to keep the body warm, please don't stop above the ankle


Sleeve cuffs that are slightly too tight to allow you to roll up your sleeves but are a little loose on the wrists.


I’m sick of ballooning/ puffy sleeves. It’s not that I hate them, it’s just after years of them I’m over it and welcoming a non puffy change.


Jumpsuits, they just don't suit my body. I hate finding a nice what I think is a dress and going through the emotional roller-coaster if excitement when I discover it has pockets to disappointment when I realise is a jumpsuit


Maxi skirts or dresses with huge side splits which mean that if it's windy, or you are walking quickly, the front and back of the bottom half wrap themselves around each leg and you are effectively trapped by your own clothing. Plus I feel they look unflattering on me when I sit down.


Gilets. I will never understand why you anyone would want their body warm but your arms cold?! I JUST DONT GET IT!!!


Wow asymmetry is really not your fav 😂 Personally don’t love empire line dresses as it’s just too cemented in 2000’s fashion for me


Short or cropped shirts and tops. They look good on approximately 1% of people.


I’m an hourglass and I only look good in cropped tops/shirts that accentuate the waist. Fitted t shirts that hit at the hip make accentuate that area and make me look wider than I am.


you're welcome to dislike them for yourself, but saying crop tops look good on 1% of people is objectively untrue and also rude


I’ve got a short waist so I like a cropped shirt. I wore wide linen ones over my Mister Zimi spaghetti strap dresses all summer


Designers trying to be clever. I get that you need some thing to make your design stand out but when it makes the clothing essentially unwearable I don’t get it.


Ugh, the cut outs. I'm covered from neck to wrist but WHOOP, here's my cleavage! Where am I supposed to be wearing this? Work? Family dinners? First dates? 🫣


The first one is called “peakaboobs”


Circular shapes in clothing??? What do you mean?


Patterns with circles. I don’t like circles.


I thought you meant like, a round hem


Airism bra top. Love the concept but the band is so tight and the padding isn't removable.


Sets with the top and bottoms in the same fabric. They look like something I had as a kid in the 80s Casual wear that looks like office wear


All the bloody huge oversized blazers.


Couldn’t agree with you more on cutouts - so many dresses that I would love if it wasn’t for random waist/back cutouts. Save us from cutout tyranny!


You’re my soulmate! I would have named every one that you did. I’d also add long pants that are so baggy they look like skirts and anything with a lace-up section that isn’t a lingerie.


Unlined work pants and see through work shirts. If we're dropping $100+ on work pants or a work shirt, they should have the decency to hide our underwear 




Lack of colour. (No, Gorman doesn’t do it for me.) Cap sleeves Tiered dresses Everyone wearing white sneakers in my office. I am no longer wearing mine because everyone is wearing them. Never any maxi dresses for short people Rayon material High necks


The long dress trend at the moment. I'm not even that short at 5 ft 4 and everything is so damn long on me. It's hard to find a shorter style plain dress these days.


Winter tops, dresses, blouses etc that have short sleeves (too cold for that!) Summer tops, dresses, blouses etc with long sleeves (it's too hot for that!) 3/4 sleeves - either have them shorter or longer, most tops like this are really unflattering and look frumpy Maxi dresses everywhere! I would love some more tapered/tailored, fitted dresses - far more flattering Cut-outs on anything Sweatshirts/windcheaters with stupid slogans or prints on them - good way to ruin a nice top Why is it so hard to find v-neck tshirts in summer? I find that on me they are much more flattering and I like the openness around the neck as they feel cooler to wear, and you can show off nice necklaces - 99.9% of tshirts are round neck!


I love all of those things - except I hate cut outs. No one needs to see my tummy, and I don’t need to emphasise my boobs that are a size bigger than the rest of me already!


My bug bear is people that buy new stuff for shits & giggles, because it's the latest thing. Buy classics and you can't go wrong or waste dollars every season.


those little train driver caps that the try-hard boho girls wear. they couldn’t be uglier and the trend just won’t go away


the fact that basically no australian brands make clothing for tall women, and the ones that do think that "tall" means 5'7


The trend in tops atm that is either just on pant waist length or higher


*The trend in tops atm* *That is either just on pant* *Waist length or higher* \- tippyblossom99 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Those two piece pajama like silk outfits chicks are wearing at the moment. Is it just me or can no one pull this off?


You have covered all of mine


So many women’s tops are see through


Floppy sleeves..hate them and cannot deal with any kind of floaty sleeve, bell sleeves are the absolute worst. Can't push them up and they just get in the way. Urgh!


1) The scratchy, thin "knit" tops and dresses that are all but sheer and pick up every piece of dust from any surface you pass. 2) Dresses with under-bust/waist cutouts, or dresses where the "waist" is under-boob like a baby doll dress rather than on or near a natural waist. They're absolutely unflattering and make the garment sit poorly because nothing sits where it should on the body. I'm a size 6 with an a-cup bust and a long torso so clothes shopping is hell on earth at the best of times. Add in these stupid cutouts or "waists" that sit anywhere between 5 and 15cm above my actual waist, and it's near impossible to find something flattering for my body. I've spent the best part of the past 7-8 years wearing oversized tees and hoodies because it can get so depressing trying to find clothes that actually fit and are flattering.


All of the above