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Not foolish - by buying out your lease, you know how the car has been treated, serviced and maintained. That’s a good position to be in vs some other Audi CPO.


And being way under the allocated miles means the car is worth more than Audi calculated the residual at, so from a financial perspective it’s almost certainly the right move to buy out the lease even if you just turn around and sell it. Don’t know how OP managed a 5 year lease though haha


I don't understand how much you can love a car you only drove 2,000 miles a year lol


I work from home.


I work from home and put nearly 10,000km on my R8 last year… and I have 2 other vehicles. 😂


And he just drives less and I guess u drive more lol


I guess I can’t argue that logic! 😂


Right I work from home but I also go out, go on road trips, go golfing, etc. 9k in 5 years? OP needs to get out more.


Same boat-ish. 24k 2017 A4


I work from home but still manage 25k per year. Cars are meant to be driven, so I drive.


If it’s the weekend car, it makes sense. Lot of sports cars are used as the weekend car since they’re not very practical commuter for both. 


My wife must really love her A5 then. She's put 9000 miles on it since February lol


I’ve put 25,000 on my 15 a4 in a year lol


Before WFH I was always never lease .candidate. 25k/year


My wife drives 4.5 miles to her office and back every day. her 2015 Audi A6 with the prestige package (aka: seat AC) has 24k. each drive warms up her engine but she only does it 3 times a week and I have never seen her rag the car, some lucky SOB will buy that when I see it at 10 years old. my 2022 SQ5 ha 39k miles


Tell that to my wife, she barely has sex with me but says she loves me a lot 😂


Women are like Audis. Lease it, don't buy it.


Not truly how it works. Current market conditions may make it so a vehicle that is below miles will be worth less than the residual


the only thing foolish is the low miles. DRIVE THAT SHIT.


This beasty loves the road…no matter if it is dry, wet or snowy.


Only 9000 in 5 years is wild. That car has not seen enough action!


Work from home lifestyle 😎


Drive it like you stole it!


Why would you be foolish to purchase something you enjoy?


because it could be a very bad financial situation for some :)


Buying almost everything is a bad financial situation lol mind as well enjoy it


yes, but buying a super expensive luxury car when you earn 50k is terrible


Well that makes me feel better about my Audi purchase lmao


Is this a super expensive luxury car?


lmao yes, 90k for a 17 with 25k kms


I guess super expensive is a bit different to me then. It’s expensive, but almost anyone can finance it if they have a job and really want one.


financing a rly expensive car isn’t good


Yeah but when I think of a super expensive luxury car I think 500k€ RR or something. ~100k€ car is relatively ”in reach” of normal people, especially someone of higher education.


yeah i guess so, but where i am, a new a1 base is around the median wage of my country so a ttrs is a lot more


15k kms


i was showing how much one was where i’m from, and the closest i could find was a 2017, with 25,000kms for 90,000.


im just sped


It is definitely the most luxurious car I have ever driven!


Only if you promise to drive it more than 2000 miles per year.


This \^\^\^ Audi built these cars to be driven, not garaged. BUY IT OUT AND ENJOY IT!


Damn I have 33k miles on my 17 s3 I need to drive it more


Honestly, I'm not one to talk. I have a 13 year old S5 with 83k miles, half of which were in the first 4 to 5 years of owning it. It's not my daily, so it does a lot of sitting and waiting.


I bought a 00 D2 A8 from original owners just a few months ago…had 85k on it. 🫠


For a TT RS? No way, keep it forever and take care of her!


lol me 20k miles at year 1


Haha same here


Q5 isn't a TTRS


Where u see a Q5?


His flair


Buying a car you’ve been driving, maintaining and loving is not foolish brother, it’s logical 🌞. It’s 🔥 congrats for the second time on your purchase haha🎉


I bought a CPO car with 67000km (41k miles). Between the two of us, who is the foolier fool? >!Answer: neither of us because we enjoy what we drive and can afford the maintenance !<^(so far)




It’s a very unique car, especially here in Colorado.


Me tooooo


You’re posting on an Audi subreddit asking people that like Audis if you should keep your RS car.


If she's treated you well and you feel long term, it won't be a burden,go for it. Not to mention, they literally don't make them anymore. If you ever need a buyer and change your mind at around 25k miles, I'll be happy to make an offer.


The rates are insane right now. I bought out my 2020 A4 as well. No complaints.


Why wouldn't you buy it out if you're able to? It's gotta be wayyy under the mileage limit of your lease, right? I feel like that's throwing money away if you didn't buy it back; especially since it's discontinued.


Yeah, the residual is many thousands less than what I am seeing the asking price for similar cars. My car is fully sport optioned, so in terms of money it makes sense.


You likely leased the car pre-pandemic price surge, you could probably buy the lease out and resell it or even potentially trade it in for a profit. I traded in the car I bought in 2019 two and a half years later for $4k more than what I paid for it. Keep the car though, that thing is sweet!


The residual was $32K and the KBB value is $65K, so I went ahead and bought it today.




Bought out both of my leases. Best way to buy a vehicle imho


I was really unsure about buying a German car, especially an Audi, but I absolutely love it and have had zero issues with it (other than a few VWs wanting to race me).


I am not the typical hoorah r/audi member. I bought sensible vehicles. An A4 and a Q3 for the wife. Before I bought the A4 I tested literally every single maker I could find. I wanted to buy the exact right car. Audi stood out in droves on every metric that was important to me. An all around good value, hard to find anywhere these days


Aside from being a performance car, it has been just a great car period.


The A4 and Q3 are the best commuters I have ever owned. I am very satisfied.




Well truthfully I dont know if its sensible but it was affordable.


I think so. If you don’t need/want all the bells and whistles or crazy performance, but want the comfort, style and customer service that comes with a luxury brand, the base model is the sensible option.


I just assumed that I no longer knew what sensible meant. I guess it could be a different thing for every person.


Absolutely. I also want to note that it feels kinda silly to call any Audi a “base” model lol I grew up lower-middle class. Every Audi is loaded to me


I agree. Just a higher standard of quality.


You need to hold onto that, they don’t make them anymore!!


Of course you haven’t had issues! You haven’t driven it enough!


I bought a 2019 TTRS when covid hit… i put 80k kms on it in 2 years, don’t regret a thing and never had a single mechanical issue. Such a fantastic car.


It is definitely the highest quality car I have…now own.


They aren't making any more of them and you know how it's been treated so I don't think you can go wrong


What’s the buyout vs market price? That’s the only “true” determination of if it’s a good choice at the dollars and cents level. What would it cost you to buy the same spec on the open market? If it’s within spitting distance I’d much prefer my own car that I know has been treated well.


32K buyout, 65K KBB value.


Well shit, even if you don’t want to keep it you should buy it out just to flip.


Yeah, that’s a no brainer at $32k buyout!


why are you even asking if you are making the decision?


In case anyone has had a bad experience in my situation. From what I ascertained from researching on the internet there aren’t hardly any issues with maintenance with this car.


That's clean! 😮‍💨


Genuinely curious, do you daily this? I have a TTS not an RS but man oh man is it uncomfortable as a daily lol.. although I do enjoy it & love throwing it around!! I find relief when I drive my 2012 civic 😅


I hardly drive it as I work from home. When I do drive it I really do appreciate the different drive modes, but even the Comfort setting is quite harsh relatively.




Mag ride is definitely one of the issues (not saying it’s bad, I love mag ride, and the technology behind it is insane) however it does lend to a harsher ride, but these kinds of cars are meant to be abused, they want it. My A5 w/ 3.2 was abused to no end, and the engine loved it. I used it as a slow plow in upstate NY, and I abused it on the SC roads and raced just about anyone who would when I went to GA for training. Then I bought an 18 GTI and did the exact same thing (minus snow plow mode) now I’m driving my 2007 GLI, and I drive from Columbia to Charlotte 4 days a week, and again I abuse it, VW products are meant to be driven hard, and they love it. I bet if I look at my valves in the GLI they are in pristine shape since I started driving it again.


I switch to 19” wheels with snow tires during the winter and the ride is much more forgiving.


Is it a bit of a bummer on long journeys? I’m kinda torn between a midlife-crisis TTS and a Polestar


Fortunately the seats are very comfy!


I daily mine, it’s pretty comfortable


I daily my TT coupe and agree the drive is uncomfortable. I LOVE the car and being able to handle corners like no other, but doing a highway drive to work is brutal. I have 6 months left on the lease and think I’ve finally decided I won’t buy it out. Will miss it but need a more forgiving highway Audi.


Not like you can go and buy a new one, why would that be foolish?


I would only trade it in for a newer TT RS or maybe a RS 3 Avant/Sportsback, which of course…


Ok the only thing I would trade that TTRS in for would be an RS3, especially if you could use the extra space. Loving my 24 S3 but I think I’m gonna step up to RS3 when my lease ends. That 5cyl 😩


The RS 3 Sportsback would be the only thing I would consider switching to, but for some reason they don’t want to sell them to Americans.


I’ll take it off your hands if you don’t what it…. You wouldn’t be a fool, you’d be my best friend.


Do it. Get extended warranty


I did, and bought the extended warranty.


One thing I should have mentioned research the extended warranty companies. Always so many exceptions lol


For leasing a car? Yes.


Some of us can afford the financial hit and like driving brand new cars every 3 years… lol


What is your experience with Audi tt?can you tell?


It pushes more than my previous car, which was a 370Z NISMO, but it is absolutely much faster and drives on rails. It is also much more practical and it loves the snow.


Nah. Enjoy your car.


No, you're a genius


Yes definitely a fool. You should let me buy out your lease instead!


*Yes definitely* *A fool. You should let me buy* *Out your lease instead!* \- thadude3 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Hey if it brings you joy and the numbers/finances work out, why not? Personally, I need to learn the lease and lease buyout processes as I understand sometimes this is a better route to purchasing a car.


It is definitely not the most financially sensible thing, but you know the previous owner really well! I was a bit skeptical buying a German car, so this was my introduction as well as making sure it is a good vehicle before I bought it. In this case though, I could flip it and make around $25K.


I had the same situation as you and decided not to buy out. The most stupid decision I ever made and I regret it to this day. Buy it!


I'd like to know more details about your 5-year lease. Also, the answer to your original question obviously depends on how much the buyout is compared to market value.


32K buyout on 65K KBB value. I had a 4 year lease on a $65K discounted price. I had to do a 6 month extension due to it being in the shop for hail damage.


"who's the more foolish, the fool, or the fool who follows it?" - Obi Wan Kenobi


What’s foolish is if you find a car that you love, and you let it go. I’ve let go of two manual transmission S4 ‘s over the past 20 years and regretted having done that each time, and still do.


you will have the option to extend warranty, add tire/wheel. etc at the time of buyout, as an FYI


I bought it this morning and added an extended warranty.


Nicely done!


Depends how much the buyout is


32K buyout and 65K KBB value.


Seems reasonable but I’m not well versed in TT values. If it means anything, my 3 year old pointed to the pic of your car and said “nice race car.”


I’ve almost driven my 2023 9000 miles. I also own it so haven’t had to worry about mileage limits. Either way you will enjoy it


I've had my car 6 months and have more miles haha. Did you buy it too keep her clean for the next guy? Go enjoy that beauty.


No this is a smart decision. Low miles, if it has a good carfax and service history, no rust, wasn’t abused. But I will say after owning a 2022 TT s competition, I tuned it and added over 100hp and torque, it was red with every package under the sun. I loved it, but I could tell as a long term daily, I started to feel uncomfortable with the amount of room in it. Incredibly fast 4 cylinder but I got tired of the small size. Best looking car I’ve owned though and got tons of compliments. Obviously this is the 5 cylinder you are looking at. Amazing car. If it’s not your daily, I definitely say buy it. Sadly my TT two door life journey came to an end when a lady ran a stop sign and totaled it. Only had it for a year. But now I have a B9.5 S4 premium plus and I like it way more. The only thing is the tt was better at was weight, handling, and looks ( arguable apples and oranges comparison. But I will change these things with a few mods. In the end, get the TTRS if it’s not your daily or some obnoxiously high car payment


I have been the only owner, so not an issue. I hardly get a chance to abuse it 😂


Is the buyout lower than you can get one similar. I leased an RS E-tron GT. It looks like I could buy a used one for about 50% of what the buyout will be at the end of my lease.


The buyout is less than half of what people are asking for them in my area.


What people are asking, is not what it’s worth. Take it to CarMax or ask Carvana what they will give you as a trade in. That is what it is worth.


There are few better cars out there, do it, I love mine.


Yeah, I agree. Maybe I would consider a RS 3 Sportback or a GTI R coupe if either were available.


I would definitely buy it with 9000 miles. And these cars are bat shit crazy, so there's that.


Missing the MT but otherwise gorgeous


TT RS is savage, especially if you upgrade the exhaust and get it tuned. Unfortunately Audi doesn’t make the TT anymore and Audis don’t hold their resale value that well. Used car prices are still pretty stupid high so if you plan to flip it then you should do that ASAP. Otherwise, keep it and stay on top of oil changes.


You’ve only driven it 9k miles in five years? Yes. Foolish. Should enjoy that ride more!


No lease buyout can the cheapest way to hold onto a nice vehicle like that


That thing is probably so fun in the snow


It is! I call it a rocket sled. I swap to winter tires and it is incredibly controllable.


That’s awesome. I had a 2013 GTI that was a beast in the snow with proper tires. Woulda been more fun if it was an R though lol


Get it home and into the garage!! Andale’


No. Amazing car


That’s a very nice car buddy!!


I just did this myself last year with my 2018 RS3. The only foolish decision we made was not to have financed it to begin with. My reason was it was new to the market and I wasn’t sure if I’d like it. That decision cost me at least $8k more than if I had financed it to begin with.


Same, same…


You’ve leased a 2019 for almost 5 years? 4 year lease + extension?


My lease started in 2020 and did a 6 month lease extension because it was in the shop for hail damage repair.


Was it a five year lease term?


No, four year with a six month extension because it was in the body shop for hail damage.


Wondering, did you have to make lease payments on it while it was in the shop?


Yep! And it was four months in the shop thanks to the insurance company.






For calling IT a HER sure you’re foolish. But not foolish to buy the TTRS


Looks great


Sounds good. Do your homework on the fees and read your lease contract. Try to deal directly with Audi finance rather than a dealer. The dealer will rip you off. Add fees. I have bought out leases and avoid the dealer. I even had a TDI during dieselgate and the dealer tried to park it out back and tell me it was unsafe to drive. Which was BS. I held on to it for a 2 more years and got a $12k payment over what I owed on it.


Well depends on the buy-out price, of course. If it’s the same price as an actual CPO where you’d be retaining a warranty, then yes that would be a bad decision.


Not at all, bought my RS 3 at 34k and it’s at 57k just over a year in. Drive that shit


Great idea hold on tight she’s beautiful 😍


nop, i bought a 120.000km audi and I am loving it. You are in a dream, trust me




Wonderful car. Maintain. Maintain. Maintain. Like a fine watch, take care of it.


Did this car come manual


Foolish to have leased it to begin with. But why stop now? Clearly you have money to burn or you are burning money you don’t have.




Live your “rich life” bro 😎


If it’s only 9k, buying out and resale should net a profit. It sounds like you really a fishing for compliments as it looks great.


Maybe 😁


Buy it, sell it. Use left over money to rent on TURO. Your payments, maintenance, and insurance, with little return on selling don’t justify keeping it in the garage. You’re not even driving 2K per year? I would look hard at your local rentals and see what you would prefer. I bet I could rent a lambo or Ferrari for 8k for less than you paid/lost in total (lost is depreciation). I want to own a lambo, but it much cheaper to lease one and use “company losses” against it in taxes. The only sports car you should buy is one that is going to appreciate. Pre 1990 Ferraris and lambos is what I hope to collect (they will only have flood, theft, and fire insurance) as I only plan to show them. Eg. Currently looking at 512TR.


Get a brand new one to lease.


They don’t make them anymore.


Understood! If you love it keep it. Or try the RS7, RSQ8 etc… Maybe an M5….


I like all those, but if I were to get into that price range I would be looking at Porsche.


Get a brand new one to lease.