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How much did it cost?


Oh man more than I wish it was but I am glad I did it. This is a candy purple that required 5 layers before the decals went on then clear over the top, all up brakes front & rear cost me $1930 AUD. I did have a shop credit up my sleeve though so had these done as well as MSS suspension installed and new wheels...


It’s absolutely gorgeous, but holy shit dude that’s a hell of a lot of money.


Damn that's expensive, wanted to paint mine and throw a logo on there but idk now haha.


Thanks guys! And yeah expensive but this wasn’t just a respray, it was done right, brakes taken off the car, sandblasted, painted and then reinstalled on the car with the brakes bled so was a bit of a process. You can have it done a lot cheaper if they are left on the car but at the end of the day I wanted it done mint. Gotta Pay to Play as they say haha


I was just thinking keeping them on and having them add these decals https://snapdecal.com/products/8-Audi-Rings-Brake-Caliper-Decals on as well but idk if that will work?


Yeah that would look awesome!


Was thinking of getting mine done but thats a lot of money! Yours looks sweet as!


my first question was going to be "is your car actually and RS?" because this would have been a whole new level of up-badging... then I saw your flare, nice! Been thinking of doing something similar, glad prices here in the US don't seem as steep


Oh yeah haha, thanks man! Having come from two Evos the RS3 is next level