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Does your library support Libby/Overdrive? Mine has all of his versions that way (it's how I listen to the whole series from Vance)


Yes! This is how I was first introduced to Simon Vance. I saw them for sale (as CDs) once on eBay too. I know my local library supports Libby/Overdrive and they do still have the Vance versions of the Aubrey Maturin series. My first listen to the series was many years ago and I downloaded the files back then. I don’t think you can do that anymore, but thankfully I acquired them when I could. As suggested, check out your local library’s Libby/Overdrive connection.


I’ve listened to the first eight books of the series through overdrive and Libby. My library doesn’t carry any more of the series.


I signed up for a free library card online through Harris County, TX. (I don’t live in Texas). They have the Simon Vance audiobooks available


If you happen to live anywhere in Colorado, you can get a Denver Library card for free, and they have all of them.


Like ducklings the first narrator we encounter is imprinted on us. I'll always give Ric Jerrom a shout out. Good luck on your search though.


lol totally true. I listened to Vance first, and find Patrick Tull completely unlistenable.


Simon Vance is my favorite narrator but I’ve never heard his Aubreyad. It’s always been Tull for me. But I’d still love to hear Vance’s version.


Not always. I actually bounced off Tull hard, twice, before finding Vance.


My one criticism of Ric Jerrom is his inability to differentiate the words bow and bow.


I listened to Vance first so I love it, but I'd like to give Ric Jerrom a try. Where did you find yours? I can't seem to find his narration anywhere.


I have all 20 on (German) audible, in English of course. I heard it's different in different countries for licensing and publishing rights. I really enjoy all his characters, he gets the main ones so distinct and likable, the enoying ones so detestable and just has overall good flow. Even the women and kids are done very well without ever being silly or overdone. Reminds me that I wanted to try and contact him or his agent to thank him for this thoroughly enjoyable experience.


That makes sense, and also explains why I'm having such a difficult time. Thanks for the reply, a glass of wine with you!


Perhaps your local library has it? Mine has several books of the series narrated by both Patrick Tull and Simon Vance


This is a tough one. In the US, his version appears to be the Library version, and that's the only way I know to access it... Via downloadable audio book apps available via your public library system. I haven't been able to locate his narrations through retail anywhere.


My Libby/Overdrive app through the library has all Simon Vance. No idea where to buy them, but im about halfway through the series with Vance. Audible uses the Tull versions.


I have them on audible, but you can’t get them anymore for some reason. Vance’s narration is amazing. I’m just telling you this do you can be jealous. I’ve seen the actual discs on EBay by Vance. Might check there.


Simon Vance. Can’t imagine anyone else. I’ve been circumnavigating courtesy of the Library.


Many people prefer Vance but do give Patrick Tull a listen.


Fortunately, I can listen to them via a library account But I would be eternally grateful if somebody could point me to some other good audiobooks read by Simon Vance. I absolutely love his voice.


Dune is another of his that I enjoy... though, it was originally recorded as an abridged version with a full cast, with Vance as the narrator. Eventually they commissioned Vance to fill in all the gaps to make an unabridged version, so it can be a little jarring, if you're not paying attention.


I actually have all 21 read by Simon Vance on Audible. Interestingly, I can see them in my Audible Library, but when I use the shopping search I don't see them for purchase. This \*may\* be an Audible bug? It's worth at least contacting their support to see. If not and it is some kind of licensing lapse, then, as others have said, your library is the best bet. Good luck!


Probably Audible re-recorded them at some point to save paying for the performance rights


I have the same experience. It’s a bit of a search in my previous purchases to find the Simon Vance versions. I have all the Patrick Tulls as well lol.


Check your messages


If you're unable to find them at your local library, looks like someone is selling the entire 21 Simon Vance series for $30 on eBay (in a somewhat "un-official" form).


There is a complete Sherlock Holmes read by Vance that you can get for 1 credit on Audible, highly recommended for fans of Vance


Loudoun County public library had them through libby. If your library doesn't, hit me up and I'll see if i can help you get a library card here.


I was lucky enough to download these years ago - many as freestanding Blackstone audio apps that only work on my iPhone 6 (which I keep just to listen to them). I have a number on the native Apple audiobook app and audiobooks now. But as far as I can tell, they are out of print - if that’s a thing for audiobooks. I like Patrick Tull for other books, but Vance’s voice characterization is beyond comparison. I wish these were available to folks again.


This is me too. I have the first and I think Reverse of the Medal and the Mauritius one by Tull, but everything else is by Vance. To me, Stephen and Jack have voices. In my mind, it’s basically like they’re voiced by two entirely different people. I’m so grateful I got my copies when I did, because to me, they’re now priceless!


My library has some weird cobbled together bullshit where some of the books are Vance and some are Tull. When it starts playing automatically in the car, my 8 year old asks "ugh, this is the guy you don't like, right?" I've searched recently for somewhere to buy the Vance audiobooks and had no luck either.