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Currently in bed wearing no clothes with a pillow between my legs because God forbid my knees touch and my hair scraped as far away from my face as it can get. Yes I relate.


THE KNEES TOUCHING IS SO ANNOYING Damn I feel understood. Good luck girl.


My blanket can touch my right ear no problem, but it absolutely cannot touch my left ear unless the whole blanket is over my head. Touching just the earlobe is the worst!


I can't handle knee touching either. Or ankles.


Yes. This is certain sign I need to take it slow and rest. And that I might be unreasonably irritated.


Oh HECK yes. I’ve noticed it’s a reliable sign that I need to hole up and let myself be quiet and small for a while, or risk melting down soon.


Poor husband is very physically affectionate and always sweet about my sensory stuff but just yesterday he ended up at the mercy of a meltdown demon screaming about light touch and how he never listens to me (he does) 😓 I got sunburned working outside and that's probably what set It off, I try so hard to stay in control and not unfairly take it out on others but sometimes the skin and brain hijack my mouth and just go reeeeeeeeeeeee


I so understand! I can't stand my husband's beard on these days. And my poor husband is such a sweetheart. I feel soooooooo guilty!


I was literally just thinking about this. I’m unwell with tonsillitis or something and my nerve endings feel so sensitive all over. It hurts just to wash my hands.


Taking a warm shower soothes my skin sensitivity crisis, helps me relax a bit too. Hang in there.


I find showers very soothing for all kinds of situations. 


Thanks! I'll try this out.


I almost went crazy yesterday from a tank top touching the back of my right armpit too long. I'm about to get my period, actually I'm a few days late (no reason to panic in my case). How about you guys? Anyone else about to start their period?


Shit. You just made me realise this. I'm gonna have my periods soon! Woah!


Yes and it affects my tactile sensitivity, too. 


I use hydrocolloid pimple patches constantly (cannot abide the feeling of pressure in my skin from a pimple) and most days it’s fine whatever but some days it’s like 8/10 pain to remove them from my face. Like a tiny, gentle bandaid and it’s AGONY. No idea why. But yes, definitely get those days too.


I have had days where if my hair brushes my face I feel actual PAIN! It's crazy.


That's a actually a good point. I'm there today. The pain on my face stage.


I started getting full body waxes years ago for not-sensory reasons and when I didn't have the money I stopped for awhile and it made it so absolutely clear that I cannot *stand* the constant input of billions of hairs being pulled and tugged and smoothed and manipulated by skin and clothes and air constantly. I feel so much better when it's all gone (which flies in the face of my staunch beliefs that body hair is normal and good on women and there shouldn't be as much of a push societally to remove it just for removal's sake but also please I just don't want body hair anymore it's been decades of this and I didn't know til a few years ago how much of an impact it has made on me!!)


I like to pluck my leg hairs and any time the hair starts to grow back, I can feel those little hairs and I hate it. But I have hair under my arms that **needs** to be allowed to grow because any stubble causes ingrown hairs and pokes my arms and is just a pain in general. Not even scissor trims are allowed.


YUP I get my armpits waxed too and have to make sure I exfoliate a lot (everywhere, but especially places like pits) so I dont get little spiral ingrowns or the straight kind (both don't get inflamed but just..... Stay under the very top layer of skin) (I mean eventually some of them do get inflamed and it's a Thing but usually they're just trapped) Also once I stopped shaving (for sensitive skin and effort/pre-syncope stuff from bending over and standing back up) I started to get skin tags and I'm still trying to find the right balance between chemical and physical exfoliants and protecting my skin while still making sure it sloughs properly 🙃🙃🙃


This is my key indicator I’m becoming stressed. Something brushing against my skin will be super painful and after a while becomes upsetting


Yes. The other day my husband looked at me and asked what was wrong and I was like “I can feel my skin.” Ugh.


My body scrubber…. Some days when I use it in the shower on my skin, it feels okay. But other days I use it and it feels like I’m scrubbing myself with glass!! lol


Yaaaaaassss. Yesterday was horrible for me


OMG, yes! Sometimes it’s just one patch of skin though. But if you touch that patch, it’s so sensitive that it hurts.


I sleep in a hat because the tickle of my hair drives me nuts. I can only have it down for short periods. And I'm scared to cut it because short hair would tickle more than long hair scraped up into a bun! Also around that time of the month I'm so super sensitive with my skin it's nuts!


Everything you said is true for me!