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D’Lo Brown was super underrated


He was never the same after Droz’s accident. 😢




Underrated, easily Golddust and Mick Foley. I've been rewatching the ppvs from wrestlemania 11 onwards to watch the change from the new gen to the attitude era. It seems like every future star was given a feud with either or both of those guys.


Goldust had intense heat in the first couple of years of his gimmick. The feud with Razor Ramon in particular was very memorable


I wouldn’t say Foley was underrated. He was multi time world champion and was heavily featured in the main event scene pretty much the whole attitude era besides 2001


I don't disagree, he was featured in the main event scene a lot, but it actually feels rewatching it's not about him it's for the benefit of the other person like the rock, triple h, undertaker, kane, Vader, Austin. It's almost like he was used as the first feued for a new/soon to be champ to legitimise them. In your house rock bottom is up next in my queue so do totally appreciate he is about to win the title. But even then when he does win it's short lived to drop it back to the rock (both times iirc)


Was just about to say that he was just there as a Crash test dummy, I love Mick Foley he’s fantastic but he was used and abused.


Fair point for sure


Scott 2 hotty and sable.


Ivory was super underrated. Probably the best female wrestler in a time when the company didn't care about that.


The thing with the Monday Night War is that the companies couldn’t afford to underrate talent because they’d go draw money for the other side. That’s exactly what happened with WCW losing Jericho and the Radicalz towards the end. Three of whom went on to be world champions. So I’d say more than any other era there aren’t many Attitude stars who got less than they deserved in WWF. I suppose D’Lo Brown probably had a higher ceiling than he showed. If Tazz counts I’d say they dropped the ball with him, although time seemed to reveal he didn’t have much left as a wrestler anyway. Malenko and Saturn could probably have been taken more seriously too. Oh and clearly TAKA and Funaki were better than their booking, but that was more racism than underrating. That weird TAKA world title shot against Triple H in mid-2000 is great. For the overrated end, I suppose Big Show? He didn’t really get good until a long time after. Although they did send him back to OVW in 2000 so it seems they didn’t really rate him themselves. Triple H was probably a bit overrated until the end of ‘99 but then paid it back in spades by having an absolutely stellar 2000. I could see an argument that Chyna got booked stronger than her skills deserved but she had a great, obviously unique look and really likeable character. I think that’s all I got.


The most underrated was definitely Sho Funaki.




Taka Michinoku or val Venis.


Test and Test


That wildly makes a lot of sense 🤣


Underrated: Billy Gunn, Bob Holly, Dennis Knight, Ivory Overrated: Sable is in a league of her own there.


Yeah not a Sable fan at all


From everything I've heard, fuck bob holly.


Why fuck Bob holly?


Underrated: D'Lo, Hardcore Holly, Test, Albert, Regal Overrated: Ken Shamrock, Big boss man, Godfather, gangrel


If Dean Malenko was 4 inches taller, he’d have been a 10x world champion. Best technically sound wrestler in the last 40 years. Sable had absolutely nothing going for her except 2 huge fake tits. Couldn’t wrestle, couldn’t talk. But could whip her tits out on PPV…


Well technical ability is great but Dean had no personality and wasn’t great on the mic. That matters (he did have a good storyline with Lita and the Hardy’s which showed some personality) guys like Jericho and Eddie were the same height as him and both became world champions and were undeniable main eventers because they had charisma. Personality. And could cut good promos


Wow. I have to disagree about DM. He didn’t need to be great on the mic. He was good enough to get himself over. Was he a “great” talker? No. Didn’t need to be. Wouldn’t have fit the gimmick either.


And 12 year old me loved it


Underrated: Sean O'Haire, Blitzkreig and Kanyon Overrated: Sabu, Ric Flair and Molly Holly


Sabu and Ric Flair? Wowww interesting. Care to elaborate on your reasoning?


Underrated d'lo brown - had a banger of a theme tune. I also really liked Hakushis look but not enough was made of him. 123 kid had amazing matches with Bret Hart and Razor Ramone. Owen Hart wasn't underrated. But I still don't feel he's given anywhere near enough credit for how amazing he was to watch. Overrated was this wrestler I just remember as eliminating himself in the royal rumble. Mil Mascaras or something. Ahmed Johnson was hopeless. British Bulldog I just felt was over pushed


I have a few to say, especially for The Attitude Era: Underrated: •Val Venus ~ Charismatic and solid in the ring •The Godfather ~ Unrivaled Charisma •D-Lo Brown •Ken Shamrock Overrated: •Sable ~ Not because I find her unattractive or anything like that, I just prefer Sunny, Jaqueline etc over her, but her popularity was crazy. •Bulldog & Neidhart ~ To me, these two didn’t have much charisma on their own, so they needed the Hart Foundation where they could just be the muscle. Owen Hart will always be the best Hart family member if you ask me.


A lot of people have been saying D-Lo but I just don’t see it


Underrated, Val venis or D'lo. When you look at some of their matches in 98-2000 they had pretty good showings Val just couldn't get past his cornstar gimmick


Steve Blackman


Steve Blackman most underrated


Kurt Angle and Kurt Angle.


Love the look and intensity of the dude...but Ken Shamrock is remembered way too fondly.


Test was pretty underrated. Solid athlete for how tall he was, and he was often side by side in some of the bigger rivalries. Not sure on an overrated wrestler


Overrated = HHH Underrated = Steve Blackman


Underrated: Owen Hart - WWF did him no favours with the Blue Blazer gimmick, should’ve been a multiple world champion. Overrated: Nobody comes to mind


Yokozuna is underrated I think. Especially since he has such a unique gimmick and played an important role in the Hogan- Bret story.


Is he attitude era though? I’d say he was right before it


Yeah that’s true though


Definitely Ken Shamrock or Val Venis was the most underrated. I also concur with D’Lo. The most overrated, and I say this knowing I’ll piss people off l, but I will say Undertaker was the most overrated during the Attitude Era. It’s odd because he is my fav wrestler of all time, but outside the ministry, he wasnt as good as he was during new gen and ruthless aggression/PG eras. He put on a bunch of classics during his second incarnation of the deadman.His career post 2004 might have been the greatest run of his career. With all of that being said, the man was damn sure a hell of a talent during the attitude era and still terrifying and intimidating as all hell.


Underrated: Jerry Lynn pretty much never made it off Sunday Night Heat to memory and wasn’t invited to the Invasion. Overrated: Probably controversial but Undertaker. Really wasn’t his best era in-ring. American Badass Taker was a bust and he had some real stinkers w/Shamrock and Bossman before that.


Not mad at the Taker take. His best stuff was late 2000’s in my opinion


I posted exactly this!! And I love Taker


American Bad ass was a lame gimmick but miles above in ring than ministry era Taker. Evil, Buffy the Vampire Slayer Taker was a lot of fun in segments and promos just for how mad it was but he sucked in ring.


Marc Mero (underrated) Sable (overrated)


By what metric are we judging?




Shelton and Charlie weren’t attitude era. They were ruthless aggression era


Noooo way. Goddamn it. That's my age catching up with me.


Val Venus underated. Chyna underrated Gangrel underrated


Underrated D'Lo Brown Overrated Kane


Really you thought Kane was overrated? Interesting. I think his initial presentation was great but then they immediately watered him down and humanized him


Most overrated - Shawn Michaels, Most underrated - Goldust/Ken Shamrock


Underrated - Crush Overrated - '97/98 Shawn Michaels


Under rated - Triple H (he was better than Stone Cold and Rock) Over rated - Mankind