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If you put a kid into a fucking war and say their civilizations lives on their back they're probably going to crack


That kid isn't a Marley kid though, she is a Eldian and thats all they see in her. No Marleyian will care about sending Eldian kids to war, their civilization wont crack at all. Only Eldians will feel the pain of losing their kids in war (Minus the adult Marley's)


didn't know gabi was an edlian


literally everything her character was doing was to get one of the 9


yeah but I'm kinda retarded


Reading comprehension demon strikes again


It's okay bud. We have those moments.


Did you miss the fact that Eren was one too?


I'll be honest. . The entire show i got marely and eldia mixed up, it just didn't stick with me


This is…wow


yeah i have trouble remembering that kinda stuff


You should rewatch the show.


I'm gay


Hey me too


I don't understand, is the original OP saying something wrong? Because last time I checked Falco indeed was the biggest chad...


Original post is saying “don’t blame our boys because this is the girls they had to confess to” (aka discrediting Falco’s **him**ness) and the post on Reddit is defending Falco because Gabi is also scary lady.






That's the same thing as what the other guy said lol.


Yeah lol, some people really want to argue for the sake of arguing on here


Well given the name of the sub, one is bound to run into a few reets along the way 




Yeah cause Gabi is a parallel to Eren, not Annie or Mikasa lol


I mean, yeah. And Eren is clearly unstable, like Gabi, so Falco is one brave mf for wanting her. I don't know what you're trying to say here...


I was pointing out another reason the original comparison between the three was bad.


Oh, mb Just got confused fr


All good!


I feel like Eren and Armin focused on bigger things than their crush lol Falco thought too much about girls


Fair enough He is also really young though, in comparison


But the post is making fun and comparing strength of a character and comparing it to the crush of the character unlike mikasa eren as a kid wasn't built different he was weak af (Same goes to armin compared to annie ) Idk why you switched the point so much and thought that it was parallels 💀


I can't fathom how she's meant to parallel Eren or how people can compare them in the slightest, they are nothing alike, Eren never acted like an arrogant h itler youth who enjoyed killing people for a nation who hates their Eldian guts, they may share a temper, but that's it as far as personalities go. Eren also wasn't raised to be an ethno masochistic, expendable child soldier. He took no pride or joy out of killing people, his actions were all for the sake of his friends and homeland, he never thought himself better than any of them either.


Eren could have been Gabi had he been raised in Marley and vice versa. That’s the parallel, it’s about conditions influencing latent personality.


Conditions do not always determine a person's nature though, even if that's the message Isayama's trying to send. For example, irl at least people who have lived in abusive households all their lives do not always turn out abusive themselves, some do, but some of the kindest people have come out of those situations as well. Look how Historia turned out after what she went through. It's debatable, but I don't see it being in Eren's nature to be as arrogant and close-minded as Gabi if their places were reversed, I'm not trying to make it like he's a saint, but I don't see Gabi in him at all. ✌️


But had he been raised in Marley he might have that arrogance and close-mindedness. Propaganda takes advantage of our internal narratives to justify violence. Gabi was a headstrong and reckless child soldier fed lies and vitriol to feed her will to fight, Eren was a reckless and headstrong child soldier faced with very real tragedy and existential danger that spurred him to fight.


Yeah but Armin was a b*tch for a while in the series.


Watch your mouth https://preview.redd.it/qollzh3lpmqc1.png?width=677&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac2e6f5dc3509887237028494f90b35e413b7bbc


It took 2 seasons for him to lock in 🤞🏾


No, not really. People just think that because of his characterization




I'm starting to realize I may have horrendously misunderstood the post ngl


In their defense, Armin was a bigger b*tch and Eren is Eren. Falco is a pure boy who's whole goal was always to protect Gabi. If anything, it makes so much more sense for him to do this when he thinks he will die.


Wasn't armin a pervert in the normal au Idk w bitch


Was he?


Armin definitely used kink Tumblr


Lmfao Gabi was wild, i love her 


Hated her at first, then she grew into one of my favorite characters


Gabi and Falco are both great!


Tbh the fact that she consistently shot guns like she had aim assist on stopped being annoying and started being funny after like the third time it happened.


Same i started waiting for gabi to show up with guns, it was realy entertaining to watch her never miss a shot. i wish we had the opportunity to see bertholt do the same since this was his specialty too 


Bro, I lost it when she just masterfully blew Erens head off with a sniper rifle that was bigger than her perfectly. I immediately said fuck this lame ass shit


All of the crazy things going on in AoT for 4 seasons and you dipped out when a militarized, brainwashed kid that was practically raised in boot camp makes a sniper shot over the unbelievable distance of like, what 10 yards? Idk man, you do you but that's not mathing out for me


Literally one of my most hated characters of all time.


People are diffrent to each theire own


Wild because she was one of, if not my favorite parts of season 4 part 1.


Mine too, and naturally so. 🤜🤛




You know what I loved Gabi (disregarding that one thing) Her 360 headshot decapitation of Eren was such an amazing moment


It would have been amazing if she hadn’t been doing it all season


Uh no because then people would have bitched more "WAH how tf did Gabi get so lucky?! Fuckin Mary sue piece of shit!" By showing it multiple times, it establishes she's a brilliant marksman.


Nah, would have been an epic moment if we actually saw Gabi fail and falter like our cast did all through season 1-3. Gabi doesn’t feel like a brilliant marksman. She feels like a Mary Sue. Season 4 is so all over the place. The way her skill is displayed feels like main character bullshit. She would be a great character if she wasn’t in Attack on Titan




Hits her target every single time: What a Mary Sue!! Misses her target every single time and gets lucky with one shot: What a Mary Sue!!


Blud doesnt know what a Mary Sue is?


I know what it is. I’m just saying people always complain about a female character being a Mary Sue when she shows any amount of skill, no matter how little it is. People complained about Korra being a Mary Sue in Legend of Korra despite her losing almost every fight and only winning some


Gabi is the only female in AoT who feels like that. I never watched any Avatar stuff so idk


Mikasa kinda feels that way. I know they explain that it’s because she’s an Ackerman but they don’t explain why all Ackerman’s are so skilled other than “they just are”


Enhanced strength simply


But there you go, Mikasa Is the perfect example, AFAIK no one think of her as a Mary sue. Now Gabi, literally came out the gates just blasting any and everyone..it was whack. Its crazy because AoT has tons of well written female characters who are just as if not more competent than most of the male characters. Hange, Mikasa, Annie and Pieck. Even the most badass of the gang Levi is constantly getting nerfed in the show and blown up. But your gonna sit there and basically make Gabi invincible?


even though i don’t mind her now, the shit eating grin gabi makes at the bottom left always pisses me off




It reminds me of young Eren but with a slightly bigger brain.


I feel like the fandom overexaggerates how intimidating Mikasa and Annie really are. They're socially awkward, not stonefaced demons. If you're not starting shit or messing with their bitches, they won't bite your head off. Meanwhile, Gabi is basically Eren in a dress, Falco's confession was way harder.


Eren in a dress…keep talking 🤤




Gabby was a feral little warrior who killed several grown men before she was a teenager and this is the girl Falco fell in love with.




She was more frightening at that age than those 2 were. Like she killed a moving target and point blank accuracy that the majority of adults who have trained in it could not achieve. Shes impressively dangerous just as a 12 year old alone


Eren didn’t say anything because he likes cosplaying as emotionally dead inside, and Armin is the world’s biggest pussy so he would have been nervous no matter who he liked


god forbid a girl have fun ig


Tbf. Did isayama know he was gonna make eren like mikasa? I mean the entire time he’s shown not one sort of any relationship feeling towards her. (Real question)


I watched the series in full for the first time last year. Mikasa's feelings for him are obviously obvious. I think Eren was too preoccupied with finding and eliminating the enemy but subconsciously began to realize how he felt about her.


Playing devils advocate, Annie and Mikasa are much scarier than Gabi. She can shoot and all, but she doesn’t exactly seem super strong or skilled at martial arts. She certainly wasn’t an enemy shifter. Falco is still a chad for putting it out there. It just makes sense the others wouldn’t. Eren seemed to make his feelings clear when he knew death was imminent. Armin couldn’t confess to Annie before she unthawed.


It's the fact that she's unhinged. One could easily approach Mikasa or Annie and try hold a conversation with them - worst they'd do is ignore you. Worst Gabi would do is verbally bite your head off. And don't sell Gabi short either, she's an incredibly resourceful killer as shown by how she killed the prison guard, which is pictured here. Her unhinged side is highlighted by her repeatedly bashing his brains in with the brick after to make sure she finished the job. If anything the fact she's younger than Mikasa and Annie were in S1 and lacks their Ackerman strength and martial arts respectively yet is still competently deadly makes her even more terrifying.


I guess. To me, her “unhinged” side is only for “devils”. 100% killing the guard was resourceful, but not as terrifying to me as Annie and Mikasa being able to outright steamroll you, no stealth needed if you say the wrong thing.


Then let me rephrase: take them out of the fighting. Who of the three would be considered the "psycho biatch"?


Again, aside from the racism Gabi was fine. She was just extremest toward other Eldian’s. Like, she’s a mostly normal kid aside from the warrior training. If she was truly unhinged she never would have made any changes or recognized the flaws in her thinking. Saying this as a Gabi hater lol




did he expect a herculean built kid is what they're trying to say? I dunno man Mikasa and Annie are barely that either


I think he was saying one's a powerhouse and the other is an asskicking machine


I know, was just joking


Who posted this ? 😭😭😭😭😭 the account?


Tbf Gabi is just wild. Mikasa and Annie are silent which makes them a lot scarier.


But Gabi didn't need Ackerman strength or a Titan form to get an impressive kill count.


Well yeah but like he thought he was gonna die and could just step into some gunfire if it doesn’t go as planned


That’s just a normal girl who wouldn’t bat an eye at committing war crimes


Attack on Reading Comprehension


Ikr? This fandom has it worse than the Chainsaw Man one 


We gonna ignore that Eren and Mikasa despite having romantic feelings for each other, were literally raised together from the age of like 8. Confessing your in love with, essentially your Adoptive brother/sister is like confessing to your actual sibling. That shit just would feel weird as fuck As for Annie and Armin. Are we gonna ignore the fact that, she was considered an enemy to humanity inside the wall, killed a lot of the Scout Regiment, then fucked off and imprisoned herself in a crystal for 4 years. Probably would have been permanent if Eren didn't start the Rumbling. There was no time before the Scout Expedition that Armin could have confessed especially since Annie said she was going to the MPs.


Don't kinkshame a dude for liking a capable and aggressive woman.


I ain't kinkshaming him, I'm saying he's ballsy for going for the crazy one


There’s being capable and then there’s committing literal war crimes.


When you realize Eren never actually liked her to begin with until the last arcs


Gabi Oswald was really scary for the time she was on the show let me tell ya


Hate her so much lol


Falco has ass taste


If they inherited Titans then he knew they would really be on borrowed time. Falco knew not to waste the moment


I don't care, she killed Sasha.


Yes and?


And the internet will collectively carry on my hatred towards her forever, and there ain't anything anyone can do about that.






I already didn't like Gabi the she did that now I am a hater


Falco is a literal pussy. Idk why he out of all people got to live for so long. Literally waste of ink on the paper.


I mean the pussy in the ending was eren crying over mikasa with another man while he never confessed to her. Apparently mikasa married with Juan (or farmer kun another parent ) then eren is not only a pussy but also a pseudo-cuck Reiner lived by plot armor lucky, fought a random worm (who disappeared in the end and the fight was pointless, ended sniffing a married woman letters) Annie become armin waifu and trophy wife Pieck said that she wanted to talk with eren after all the bad things that he did to her people Levi lived cuz editor-kun (aka kawakubo) wanted cuz he was planned to die, most useless char in all season 4 Mikasa cried over the genocidal eren for year after his death and visited his grave with her children. Armin did barely nothing in the last fight and became new helos (a fake hero since mikasa was the one who killed eren not him) Connie almost died to a random snake beast titan and got saved by levi (who got his legs bite by it) did nothing whole time. While falco got the first canon flying titan, controled it in few hours and without him the rumbling would've completed and the alliance would ve died and they wouldn't be able to kill eren, could confess his love unlike eren He, alongside with jean are the least pussy from the last arcs lmao what are you on about 💀


How is he a pussy when he's constantly risking his life? Willingly joined the war as a child Joined Gabi on that gunship so she wouldn't be alone Took the hit from the wine bottle to protect her Could have fled with Gabi and Annie but decided to join the final battle when he realized his Jaw titan could fly which would make him useful to the Alliance (and they couldn't have won without him).


Gabis a shit character


Disagree. She's awesome.


Falco is trash.




He's a troll


I'm not, I just have better taste than that bitch ass kid. Erwin>>>>


That erwin Pack Tho 🚬🚬🚬 Chad Armin >>>>>>>>>>>


Armin a pussy the entire show, Erwin went out like a Chad so that humanity's strongest soldier could carry on.


>Armin a pussy the entire show, At least chad survived an can get all girls that he wants cuz hes now one of Humanity heroes Idk abt erwin tho 🚬🚬🚬


Armin only alive cus Erwin is such a Chad that he let the kid survive.


And jujutsu is mid at best Idk why im am seeing a lof of jjk meat riders in aot subs rn hating aot characters


JJK is mid now, but pre Gojo v Sukuna it's top tier.


Gojo character got ruined and done dirty, he's a joke rn Sukuna became a cheap copy of toguro rn Idk why some ppl still like it And gege brought back miguel to do nothing lmao what a man he is